40 Days, 40 Ways Dan Patrick Is Wrong For Texas #35 What Is Dan Hiding? Release

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For Immediate Release

September 30, 2014

Contact: Emmanuel Garcia, (956) 459-8498, press@leticiavandeputte.com

40 Days, 40 Ways Dan Patrick is Wrong for Texas
#35 What is Dan Hiding?

San Antonio, TX This November, Texans will have the chance to elect Leticia Van de Putte,
a proven problem solver, who will fight for all Texans, as their next lieutenant governor.

We are 35 days away from the general election. Today, we continue to highlight our top 40
reasons why Dan Patrick is not prepared to lead Texas.

#35 What is Dan Hiding?

Texans believe that no one should be above the law and that politicians need to be open and

Every major candidate that sought the office of lieutenant governor, this election cycle, released
their federal tax returns.

Last night, Senator Van de Putte challenged Dan Patrick to do the same. Patrick dodged the

If he refuses to releases his tax returns, Texans can legitimately ask: What is Dan hiding?


Patrick Refused To Release His Tax Returns Despite Other Candidates For Lt. Governor
And Governor Releasing Tax Returns. In April of 2014, the San Antonio News-Express
wrote, Attorney General Greg Abbott, the Republican gubernatorial nominee, has released his
taxes from 2010 to 2013, while Sen. Wendy Davis, the Democratic nominee for governor, has
released three years of returns, spanning 2010 to 2012. Meanwhile, only one of Van de Putte's
potential Republican rivals, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, has released his tax returns, from 2009 to
2012. Dewhurst is locked in a May 27 runoff to determine the GOP nominee with state Sen. Dan
Patrick and has been jabbing at Patrick to make public his own filings. Patrick has declined to
release his taxes, prompting Dewhurst this week to demand that he make them public. [The
Houston Chronicle, 04/25/2014]

Patrick Has Over $2 Million Worth Of Campaign Debt. According to his July 15
Report to the Texas Ethics Commission, Patrick reported $2,055,000 Total principal amount of
all outstanding loans as of the last day of the reporting period. [Texas Ethics Commission,

Patrick Had Approximately $800,000 in Debts when He Filed for Personal Bankruptcy in
the 1980s. In September 2013, Dallas Morning News reported Dan Patrick walked away from
about $800,000 in debts, filing for personal bankruptcy during the oil bust of the 1980s...While
his opponents in the lieutenant governors race did not criticize Patrick, his former landlord did.
He was a problem. It was a hassle getting rent money from him, said Houston landlord and
developer Victor Denenburg to whom Patrick owed $384,000 in unpaid rent on one of the sports
bars. He's never offered to pay any of it, Denenburg said. It's pretty pitiful. ... Anybody would
be irritated when somebody walks off with a bankruptcy. It's just an easy way to get out of your
debts. [Dallas Morning News, 9/19/2013]

Patrick Had More than Two Dozen Tax Liens In 1980s. Patricks businesses were slapped
with more than two dozen tax liens by federal, state and local governments. Patrick said he
worked extra jobs and eventually paid off the IRS. [Dallas Morning News, 9/19/2013]


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