Ron Paul Survival Report August 1994

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has said sonrc, changes wilt be dercrtable by machine'only'

o,f,U, *ggestithat
tho cunency,
porhaps only tho higher bills'
wilt inctude a merallic strii that is machine readable'
j"n tuitA'the new design would be frnished in 1995 and
thJrrew bils wo[lil begin circulating in 1996' But'since the
govemrnent ias lied to us from the beginning on the new cur'
iltw, we'd do'well to take this promise- with a cup of salt'
e now *r ne fune lo reducc
papermoncy holdings' As for the
:aoUar's value, its'fututp iJ
uncertain as the timing of the
N"t" tntonuy and the likelihood of a recall or eventual de-
' valuation. In private; Trdasury offrcials admit that oven a coun-
terfeit-proof currency would do little
in deterring
if the old currcncy were still in use' and could
: . BuYaGunrNow
In a matter of months, or perhaps sooner, the federal
ernm!nt wili begin a crackdown on the only remaining legal
. ' *"" to buy an unrtgi.stercd
gun: private sales at gun shows
*d tn uih classifred ads. Since the passage of the Brady bill'
sun show;have becoms enormously
popular, atracting people
. : f,omall walks otlife.Licens!ddealershaveto
comply with
, iall thc wrconstitutional
BATFpopenro*. If you nroet a private
person with a gun
sell, it is not only legal for him to sell it to
,,you, but for you to buy it, withOirt any paperwork whatsoever'
the Wclf stree,Jottrnaland other
:lestablishmentnews outlets, hasbegun to claimthat gun shows
ahe us!d by gang memben tp bgy weapons. In frct, gang mem-
bers do rrct need to gbfd shows..Plenty of guns are available
lhe iueets. trt is middle and qorking class people who fear
. i
,Uri su,erits and go to gqn shows to putchase.weapons for their
.' .
sel fdofena".
' ' .
' ,.i :r' : ,' .' :..
. ,'But
as with other orti.gun propaganda' the gun lobby doas
noi havethe suengthto cpunterthe disinformation with fscts'
The left
pretends as if the NRA is thd most powerfrrl lobby in
Washinelon, If thatwere tue, legislation based on pure lie's
would not stand a ohanpe of passing.
have settled down a bit since the hysteria of a few months
back. You might catch the market at the lowest it is going to
be for-the foieseeable futuro. And remember, it is never
wise to underestimate the feds' determinaiion
to disarm the
Haitians and Americans
The L,eft has found a war it can love. It is expensive' It is not
in our national intercst. It promotes the United Nations and
thereforc world government. Itdsks American lives to help
the underclass of a third-world country' And it has an unmis-
takable racial dimension' I speak, of course, of the military
operation in Haiti, which all the left-liberals seem to favor'
Where have hll the P.eaceniks
gone? Into the Republican
Party, They dqserve credit for not bating the drums for this
ouhageous war. But they should have resisted our fint act of
war alainst Haiti, the embargo which has driven standards of
living even lower.
Haiti, like all countries of a similar type, is ruled by a cruel
govemment. The system reflects the demographic makeup of
Ihe county: overwhelmingly
populated by poor, uneducated'
and superstitious blacks,.but ruled by an educated mulato elie'
It is that elite which the Congressional Black Caucus has tar-
geted (even though polls suggest that black Americans
no interest in ttre situation at all)'
The question is not whether Haiti can have a constitutional
republic. That is out of the question. The question boils down
to tetting the natr'rral elites rule or imposing "democracy"
a corffnunist ex-priest as president, risking mass bloodshed
Rwandan proportions.
It is always hard to root against your own
. foreign affairs, but the conseqtrences of displacing the Haitian
elites with Jean Bertrand Aristide would be disastrous'
It is a sign of Bill Clinton's wealme'ss that he has allowed
himself to be dragged into this conflict. He knows it is against
hislong-mn self No regrrlar Arnerican wants to take
over H-aiti, and put it on AFDC and food stamps' which is
what would haPPen.
why evt
police fi
tralizes r
Kong P,
5r08). I
this out
. Hessian
than $31
itself is
their wt
the Four
70. The
and pro:
losing c
. So gqt tqs gU[ show. They ars usually advertised in the
. :
sports section of the nswspapef,-Airother
option is to comb the
wantbds in yorr tqcal dewspaper. Ttrmugh theserneans,
purchaseall the guns you might nged, withoutpaperwork'
qanw timc'y'or should alwayshave at least one regis'
tered vieapon to tiim in when the BATF stormtoope$ come
calling, as they may if the Ameriqan
people do1'tstop this evil
' crusade..,
, .,
However you go about it--whether through the want ads
gr the gun .ito*t-y* will need to act soon' Guns prices
As the U,S. sends its soldierS to police foreign lands, $re
U.S. govemnrcnt is inviting fonigners to policeus. It happens
under every tyranny, Govemments rely on distant enforcens
.when local ones would be insuffreiently bnrtal' Thc lqqal
lice in Winil; Texas,'for examplq would neverhave torchid
Recall t
away, a
cial pia
media t
Of cr
rand bo
vealed i
made o
inl'tgn r
L: ,
i ,
: ' , 1
' . :
l . , t
i l ' .
- :
d, , , :
t t ; . "
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why evpry dicatorship in world history has centralized the
police function. .
TheClintoircrimebill passed by the House and Senate cen-
tralizes enforcement in myriad ways. And it also takes the as-
tounding step of"recruiting.foreilners from the Royal Hong
Kong Police to sery!in federal "law enforcetnent"
, 5108). Fortunately, some statc legislaton are standing up to
this outrageous idea, which reminds me of King George's
Hessian mercenaries used against our Founding Fathen.
crime bill wilt also cost the American taxpayers more
lhan $30 billion, y!t it will not result in tess crime. The bill
itself is a'trime" in that it violales the Constitution. It also
violates the rights of tlre American citizens by having more of
their wealth confiscated thtough faxation.
Federal crime eonfiol i$ confiary to all that was intended by
, the Founders. It raises the number offederal crimes from 22 to
70. T.he one beirefit from this is that it is itining up the judges
and prosecutors inthe state law enforcement agencies who are
losing conhol. May they someday reject this and all other un-
constitutional fed.eral mandates, in obedience to the l0th
Murderous Cllntonians
' ' . :
, .
conolusion that Vincent Foster killed himself and was not there-
fore mudered; contary to reports in this nswsletter and oth-
. ers. Fiske came to this
ponclusion by noting that Foster was
,r'.'depressed.' And what about the odd positioning of the gun?
it stayed in his hand, and not ten or twenty feet
- awa
: would expert. Fiske said his thumb sttrck in the
. tigger. ,, I
r i::r1'1tu1rr
it,'thc whole rcport. It was astonishingly thin. It
ibegged questions,'dismissed others entirely, and evaded cru-
,' blal piSip's ofovidence"to the contrary. Yet the Counsel's ex'
' ,planatioii'was cnough for the stsdst media. Not one American
:inedia tiutlet dqfud raiss any points in opposition.
coursa nbbody seriously tho.ught ttrat establishment er-
'rand boy Fiske'would conclude otherwise. In some sense, it is.
enazrrrg a conimission was forced to comment on it at all. But
say.he had discovercd evidence of a Whits House
tq kill Foster atid cover it up. Would he have re-
, , Veal edi t ?'
. : ,
; ,,'
Irtls;see. In the entire Foser report not one mention was
' '
mad6:of thd decade-long adultercus affair berween Hlllary
Clinton and Vqpe
Yet this affair has been well dpcu-
. '"
mdhted by mahy sourcqs. The pre$s in Ar*ansas and Wash-'
spokebf it often. Everypne in the White House knew
about it. Yet this fact, which would seem to have some bea,r-
ing on the Foster investigation, was nevdrmentioned.
Given this obvious coverup, how much less likely is it that
Fiske would have considered exposing a murderous plot to
kill Foster? Ifhe doesn't report on well-known facts that have
bearing, we can't expectlim to report on something as earth-
shaking as a murderer in the Whito House.
Meanwhile, evenThe Economist has reported on the deaths
associated with the Whitewateraffair. The Vincent Foster"sui-
cide" was far from the only ond. Also included:
l. "On May l lth this year Kathy Ferguson, a 38-year-old
hospital worker was found dead in Sherwood, Arkansas. A
gun shot had pierced her right temple in what a local police
report labeled a suicide, A note was found next to the body
suggesting as much. Mrs. Ferguson's death came only five
days after herex-husband, Danny Ferguson, an Arkansas state
trooper, was named as codefendant in Paula Jones's sexual-
harassment suit against Bill Clinton."
2. "On July l2th BiU Shelton, an fukansas police offrcer,
was found dead-again in Sherwood, Arkansas-Jying
sprawled on the grave of Mrs. Ferguson, rtuho was his girl-
friend at the time of her death. Again a suicide note wap found
next to the body. The police report, which again describes the
death as suicide, states that the bullet entered behind the right
ear and came out behind the left ear."
3. "On August 15, 1993, Jon Walker fell to his death from
the top of the Lincoln Towers Building in Arlington, Virginia.
In March 1992, Walker, an investigator for the RTC, had con-
tacted the Kansas City RTC Regional Office for information
conceming possible ties between Whitewater Development,
Madison Guarantecd Savings and Loan, and the Clintons."
4. "On September 2,f, 1993, Jerry Parks was killed when
several bullets were pumped into him on a $teet comer in
Little Rock, Arkansas. Parla had been the chief of security for
Mr. Clinton's national campaign headquarters in Li$le Rock
during the 1992 presidential campaign. No autopqy report has
been released nor has anybody been charged for what looks
like a professional hit. Mr. Parks' son, Gary,,says his fat[rcr r.
canied out private investigations on Bill Clinton during the
t980s. He also says the material gathered was stolen ftom the
family home in July 1993."
5. "On lune 26
l992,Gary Johnson, a lawyer' wgg,beaten
up so badly that he had to have a ruptured spleen removed,
.Mr. Johnson lived in
Towers, in Little Rock' in the
flat next door to Jennifer Flowers. Miss Flowers claimed dur'
ing the campaign to have had a.npelve year affair with Bill
Clintbn, which Mr. Clinton denied."

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