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Currently under construction in Dubai, Hydropolis will be the world's first luxury underwater hotel.

will include three elements: the land station, where guests will be welcomed, the connecting tunnel,
which will transport people by train to the main area of the hotel, and the 220 suites within the
submarine leisure complex. It is one of the largest contemporary construction projects in the world,
covering an area of 260 hectares, about the size of London's Hyde Park.

"Hydropolis is not a project; it's a passion," enthuses Joachim Hauser, the developer and designer of
the hotel. His futuristic vision is about to take shape 20m below the surface of the Persian Gulf, just
off the Jumeirah Beach coastline in Dubai.

The 300m, 220-suite hotel was due to open by the end of 2006 but has experienced delays and is
now scheduled to open in 2009. It will incorporate a host of innovations that will take it far beyond the
original blueprint for an underwater complex worthy of Jules Verne.

There are only a few locations in the world where such a grandiose dream could be realised. A high
proportion of today's architectural marvels are materialising like fanciful mirages from the desert
sands. We have come to expect extravagant enterprises to be mounted in the Middle East, and
especially in Dubai. "This venture could only be born here in Dubai," says Hauser. "It [has] a very
open-minded, international community - and that's what makes it so special."

The land on which Hydropolis is being built belongs to His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed Bin
Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai. It was his last free beach property on this stretch of
coast. The project is a fantastic one, yet Sheikh Mohammed's success record with comparable
schemes instils confidence that science fiction can become fact. With his support, several companies
have been formed to kick-start this phenomenal project, and around 150 firms are currently involved.

"There have been many visions of colonising the sea Jules Verne, Jean Gusto and several
Japanese architects but no one has ever managed to realise this dream," says Hauser. "That was
the most challenging factor, and that's what makes it so fascinating. Despite being a dream of
mankind for centuries, nobody has ever been able to make living underwater possible."

The original idea for Hydropolis developed out of Hauser's passion for water and the sea, and goes
much deeper than just building a hotel underwater. More than just curiosity, it is a commitment to a
more far-reaching philosophy. "Once you start digging deeper and deeper into the subject, you can't
help being fascinated and you start caring about all the associated issues," he explains. "Humans
consist of 80% water, the earth consists of 80% water; without water there is no life."

Hydropolis reproduces the human organism in an architectural design. There is a direct analogy
between the physiology of man and the architecture. The geometrical element is a figure eight lying
on its side and inscribed in a circle. The spaces created in the basin will contain function areas, such
as restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and theme suites. These can be compared to the components of
the human organism: the motor functions and the nervous and cardiovascular systems, with the
central sinus knot representing the pulse of all life.

The ballroom, located at this nerve centre, will have asymmetrical pathways connecting the different
storeys along ramps. A large, petal-like retracting roof will enable the staging of open-sky events.
Staircases, lifts and ramps will provide access to the ballroom, while flanking catering areas will
supply banquets and receptions.

In order to enter this surreal space, visitors will begin at the land station. This 120m woven,
semicircular cylinder will arch over a multi-storey building. On the lowest level passengers board a
noiseless train propelled by fully automated cable along a modular, self-supporting steel guideway to
Hydropolis. A just-in-time and on-demand logistical system will facilitate efficient supply of goods to
the hotel.
"The 300m, 220-suite hotel is scheduled to open in

The upper storeys of the land station house a variety of facilities, including a cosmetic surgery clinic, a
marine biological research laboratory and conference facilities. On the lower levels are the staff
rooms, goods storage and loading areas, and hotel and parking areas.

The land station also includes a restaurant and high-tech cinema screening the evolution of life in the
ocean and the history of underwater architecture. As a finale, the screen will open to reveal the real-
life Hydropolis. A viewing platform at the front opening of the spanning roof will allow views of the
architecture as well as the light shows of Hydropolis.

This structure promises to be a conceptual as well as a physical landmark. While human beings
accept the existence of water, we have only a superficial appreciation of its significance. "We waste it,
go swimming in it and generally take it for granted," says Hauser. "Humans could actually live self-
sufficiently underwater, generating energy, nurturing food supplies and so on. This is why we are
starting a foundation to demonstrate something of the importance of water in our lives.

"My general plan was to create a living space in the sea. My initial proposal was a deep-sea project,
which looked very different. I had to adjust to the local reality of the natural surroundings and change
to a shallow-water construction.

"We want to create the first ever faculty for marine architecture because I believe that the future lies in
the sea, including the future of city planning. I am certain that one day a whole city will be built in the
sea. Our aim is to lay the first mosaic by colonising the sea."

Hauser plans to incorporate many different elements associated with the sea. The cosmetics will be
ocean-based, the cinemas will screen films that focus on aquatic themes and a children's seaworld
will educate as well as entertain.

He views his creation as a place where those who do not dive or do not even swim can
experience the tranquillity and inspiration of the underwater world. "We are expecting around 3,000
visitors a day in addition to the hotel guests. The aim is to inspire people to develop a new awareness
of the sea."

As well as emphasising the positive aspects of water, Hauser also believes we are systematically
destroying marine life, and thus wishes to draw attention to various dangers and problems, such as
the loss of algae and the destruction of the coral reefs.


Dreams, however fabulous, remain unfulfilled without the cash to support the commitment. "The
hardest part of the process was finding sponsorship to the tune of 550m," admits Hauser. "That's
what brought me to Dubai. Still, it was a battle which took two-and-a-half years and proved tougher
than developing the project itself. No bank would pay such an amount. It's a risky investment, as there
are no pilots. We had to convince investors that it is safe and will bring returns on investment."

With official blessing, the Dubai Development & Investment Authority (DDIA) established a framework
to handle grants and authorisations. Once the financial backing was guaranteed, the sonar analysis of
the seabed complete and 7,000 anchors in place, construction began in summer 2005.

"The original idea for Hydropolis developed out of
Hauser's passion for water and the sea."

"We are sure that this hotel will set a precedent," says Hauser. "Crescent-Hydropolis is now planning
a chain of underwater hotels, and nine countries have shown interest. Some will be the realisation of
my initial deep-sea design." Hauser has even chosen to make his permanent home in Dubai. "And
that won't change after the project [is finished], regardless of where our next project will be. The
infrastructure is exceptionally good here - and it seldom rains!"


Crescent Hydropolis Holdings LLC were the original intellectual property rights developer and are
acting as the project developers, with SIBC Industrial Building Consultants as the global project

Consultation has come from Q3A+D Limited as architecture and design consultants and Siemens I&S
IS Facility & Systems Engineering as the technical engineering consultants. OSTSEE-KONTOR
GmbH are providing the marine and naval surveying services.

Design, architecture and interior scenery is being provided by 3-Deluxe System Modern GmbH. The
underwater foundation, tunnel and access way will be the work of DCN Duik Combinatie Nederland

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