1T Present Perfect Simple

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Present Perfect Simple

form has/have + past participle (V3)

Ex. You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times.
USE 1 Unspecified time before Now
We use the resent erfect to say that an action happene! at an unspecified time before now. You
CANNOT use the resent erfect "ith specific time expressions such as# yesterday, one year ago, last
week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day$ etc.
We %&' use the resent erfect "ith unspecific expressions such as#
for since !ust ever never once man" times/often seldom several times before so far till now
alread" "et still latel"( +toda" this wee# this month this "ear
Ex. ) have seen that movie t"enty times.
) thin* ) have met him once +efore.
,here have +een many earth-ua*es in %alifornia.
Have you rea! the +oo* yet?
'o+o!y has ever clim+e! that mountain.
,he concept of .unspecifie! time. can +e very confusin/ to En/lish learners. )t is +est to associate resent
erfect "ith the follo"in/ topics#
1$ E%perience
You can use the resent erfect to !escri+e your life experience
) have +een to 0rance. (it means that you have ha! the experience of +ein/ in 0rance. )
) have +een to 0rance three times. (You can a!! the num+er of times at the en! of the sentence.)
) have never +een to 0rance. (you have not ha! the experience of /oin/ to 0rance.)
&$ Chan'e Over Time
We often use the resent erfect to tal* a+out chan/e that has happene! over a perio! of time.
Ex. You have /ro"n since the last time ) sa" you.
1y En/lish has really improve! since ) move! to &ustralia.
($ Accomplishments 2 to list the accomplishments of in!ivi!uals an! humanity
Ex. 1an has "al*e! on the 1oon.
3ur son has learne! ho" to rea!.
)$ An Uncompleted Action you are expectin/ to happen
Ex. 4ames has not finishe! his home"or* yet.
5usan hasn6t mastere! 4apanese$ +ut she can communicate.
7ill has still not arrive!. ,he rain hasn6t stoppe!.
*$ +ultiple Actions at ,ifferent Times
5 su//ests the process is not complete an! more actions are possi+le.
Ex. ) have ha! four meetin/s so far this month.
We have ha! many ma8or pro+lems "hile "or*in/ on this pro8ect.
5he has tal*e! to several specialists a+out her pro+lem$ +ut no+o!y *no"s "hy she is sic*.

,ime Expressions "ith resent erfect - in the last wee# in the last "ear this wee# this month so far
up to now$ etc.
Ex. Have you +een to 1exico in the last year?
) have seen that movie six times in the last month.
,hey have ha! three meetin/s in the last "ee*.
1y car has +ro*en !o"n three times this "ee*.
9)mportant::: .Last year. an! .in the last year. are very !ifferent in meanin/.
.Last year. means the year +efore no"$ an! it is consi!ere! a specific time "hich re-uires 5imple ast.
.In the last year. means from 3;< !ays a/o until no". )t is not consi!ere! a specific time$ so it re-uires
resent erfect.
Ex. ) "ent to 1exico last year. =) "ent to 1exico in the calen!ar year +efore this one.
) have +een to 1exico in the last year. =)>ve +een to 1exico at some point +t" 3;< !ays a/o an! no"
USE & ,uration from the Past until Now .Non/Continuous 0erbs1
With 'on2%ontinuous Ver+s an! non2continuous uses of 1ixe! Ver+s$ "e use the resent erfect to
sho" that somethin/ starte! in the past an! has continue! up until no". .0or five minutes$. .for t"o
"ee*s$. an! .since ,ues!ay. are all !urations "hich can +e use! "ith the resent erfect.
Ex. ) have ha! a col! for t"o "ee*s.
5he has +een in En/lan! for six months.
1ary has love! chocolate since she "as a little /irl.
9(,he ver+s .live$. ."or*$. .teach$. an! .stu!y. are sometimes use! in this "ay even thou/h they are
'3, 'on2%ontinuous Ver+s.)
&%,)VE ? &55)VE Ex. 1any tourists have visite! that castle. Active
,hat castle has +een visite! +y many tourists. Passive

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