Title: Library Book Search System Using Zigbee Technology Author: Arnold C. Paglinawan, Marloun Sejera, Christopher Fernan, Michael Latiza, Yuri

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The innovation in technology especially in the internet has proved that data communications is
on the way of royalty necessity for fast transmission of data. From manual to automation, almost every
aspect ha converted its system to this. One of the main benefit that researcher see in the development
of internet is the immediate gathering of information. From encyclopedia to internet, series of volume
of encyclopedia are bought before but as the introduction of internet books are somehow disregarded
and user prefer to do research on internet. The main difference between books and internet is the
speed of getting to the preferred topic. In books series of volumes, sequels are needed to be scan in
order to see the topic looking for, in the internet just a click away and youll find articles and references
related to the once you are looking for. Benefits of speed but the reliability of its content is at stake for
anyone, even a fool, can be make its own reference article, circle of knowledge which all opinionated.
Still books are safe for references for it authored and published by professionals. The problem is that
students, people are having this impatient for looking for the materials they needed to. And the study
find a way on ease looking for reference material in a library, also to engage students, especially, on
using the library and used the books present. Main objective of the study is an effective library book
system. With its general objective of designing a circuit that implies wireless communication, displays an
indicator to locate the location of the book and developing a display panel for the books status.
Based from what I understand, the setup is like there is this display panel where you could
browse the book that you want, and each book has Portable Document File that gives a synopsis of the
book you currently searched on. Upon selection of the book a light indicator will give you signal to
determine which shelf is that book on and a 7 segment will indicate the slot number of the book. Once
the book is taken out of the shelf the status of the book from in will be out, a two minute is allotted per
transaction otherwise you need to repeat the process again, back to its original status. The authors puts
some grounds like illegal action of returning the book on the wrong shelf. Upon returning same process
goes by.
In the methodology, researcher will build a prototype that comprised three parts
core(microcontroller), database and zigbee, main performer of wireless communication (display panel to
the light indicator). The trial is done for five trials, five for each borrowing period and return period. The
trials are experimental method because they used intervention like borrowing more than one book, not
completing the transaction within the 2-minute time. And the results are expected as what they design
the system to be. Reference and related studies is on automated library systems existing in international
libraries that has different approach, which gives idea of how some of the process will work. One of the
related study is from automated library system which stores thousands of books that they need to build
machines that will transfer the books of volumes to shelves.
The system design is not that complex and existing technologies like RF id is imposed in the
study, this to communicate the display panel to that of the light indicator. And the system works just as
they design. The flaws that I sees in the study is that they gave me an idea that it would be built or
meant for big libraries where books are massive in numbers and searching will be ease. But the idea of
having all shelves with light indicator somehow make me think how visible will the indicator be, visible
enough that you would see it from the display panel you are standing to search for the material looking
for, how about the shelves behind the front row shelves. Also the number of display panels for each row
of shelves is not indicated so Im having a confusion how would the system be installed. The limitation
for the study was not indicated, of how big is the area, number of books they have initiated the study. In
my observation, it looks like a small row of shelves where light indicator is easily seen and if that is really
a small area why then use zigbee. The idea is applicable for bigger, as in big library where collection of
books is massive that searching for books is really hard. As a library user myself, I dont like the idea of
two minute time limit for a transaction and one book per transaction, for synopsis is not enough for me
to understand or to know that this is the book you need, physically looking through the pages and
scanning for the index will ensure me that this is what Im looking for. Also the fact that if you access the
book and then the light indicator will lit then you find that the book next to it is much better than the
once you search for youll need to scan again your id, get back to the display panel and make another
transaction. Objectives are achieve just by looking at the results because the system function well. The
system design is for the objective of having an ease way of looking for information material, just that it
needs to be develop since hundreds of shelves is considered especially for big libraries and the visibility
of the indicator and further discussion on how will the book status change to out once you get the book
out of the shelves, is there a sensor or some device to be use. The idea is to minimize the searching
process and to help students look for research material faster but I think there should be a simultaneous
transaction and the limit to make it longer.

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