Soalan Sainsf1

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Electronic balance Compression balance Spring balance

Neraca elektronik neraca mampatan neraca spring

Answer all questions
Jawab semua soalan.

1. Diagram 1 shows some examples of measuring instruments.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan contoh alat pengukuran.

Diagram 1

(a) Which of the following instruments can be used to measure weight? Tick () the correct answer in
the box provided.
Yang manakan Antara berikut digunakan untuk mengukur berat? Tandakan () pada kotak untuk
jawapan yang betul
[1 mark]

(b) Circle the instruments that can be used to measure mass.
Bulatkan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jisism

[2 marks]

(c) State two other differences between mass and weight.
Nyatakan dua perbezaan antara jisim dan berat

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(d) If 10 science books weight 60 N on earth, what is the weight of each book on the moon? [The
gravitational force on the moon is 1/6 of the gravitational force on Earth.]
Jika berat 10 buah buku sains ialah 60 N di bumi, apakah berat setiap buku di bulan? [tarikan
gravity di bulan adalah 1/6 daripada tarikan gravity di bumi]

[1 mark]

2. Diagram 2 shows an activity is carried out to measure the thickness of a test tube by using two
measuring tools K and L.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan aktiviti mengukur ketebalan tabung uji menggunakan dua alat K dan L.

Diagram 2

(a) Name the measuring tool K and L in the diagram above.
Namakan alat pengukuran K dan L dalam rajah di atas
[2 marks]

(b) Table 1 shows the results of the activity. Find the average of the measurements taken using tool
K and L.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan keputusan satu aktiviti.Cari purata bagi ukuran menggunakan alat K dan L

Reading 1
Bacaan 1
Reading 2
Bacaan 2
Diameter using tool K (cm)
Diameter menggunakan
alat K
2.1 2.2
Diameter using tool L (cm)
Diameter menggunakan
alat L
2.3 2.4
Table 1
[2 marks]

(c) Calculate the thickness of the wall of the test tube.
Kirakan ketebalan dinding tabung uji

[2 marks]

K: L:
(d) State two other apparatus that can be measured by using the measuring tools as shown in the
diagram 2.
Nyatakan dua bahan lain yang boleh diukur menggunkan alatan pengukuran yang ditunjukkan
dalam rajah 2

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
3. Diagram 3.1 shows the structure of a plant cell.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan struktur sel tumbuhan

Diagram 3.1

(a) Name the labelled parts of Q and S in the space provided in Diagram 3.1.
Namakan bahagian berlabel Q dan S dalam ruang yang disediakan dalam rajah 3.1
[2 marks]

(b) State the function of the parts P of the cell. Complete Table 2.
Nyatakan fungsi bahagian P dalam sel.Lengkapkan jadual 2

Part of the cell
Bahagian sel
Table 2
[1 mark]

(c) Diagram 3.2 shows the structure of an animal cell.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan struktur untuk sel haiwan

Diagram 3.2

Give two differences between the plant cell and animal cell.
Berikan dua perbezaan antara sel tumbuhan dan sel haiwan

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

4. Diagram 4 shows some of the steps in the preparation of a slide of human cheek cells.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan beberapa langkah untuk menyediakan slaid sel pipi


Diagram 4

(a) Arrange the steps before step Q in sequence.
Susunkan langkah-langkah sebelum langkah Q dalam urutan

[3 mark]

(b) How is the specimen obtained from the human body.
Bagaimana specimen boleh didapati dari badan manusia

[1 mark]

(c) In steps S, a drop of methylene blue solution is put on the glass slide. Explain why this is done.
Dalam langkah S, titisan larutan metilina biru diletakkan di atas slaid kaca.Terangkan mengapa?

[1 mark]
(d) State the function of the filter paper in step Q.
Nyatakan fungsi kertas turas dalam langkah Q

[1 mark]
(e) In step P, the cover slip must be lowered gently. Why?
Dalam langkah P,penutup slaid mesti letakkan perlahan-lahan.Mengapa?

[1 mark]

5. Diagram 5 shows a system in the human body.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan system dalam badan manusia

Diagram 5

(a) On Diagram 5, label parts P, Q and R using the following words.
Pada rajah 5,labelkan bahagian P, Q dan R menggunakan perkataan di bawah

[3 marks]

(b) Name the system shown in Diagram 5.
Namakan system yng ditunjukkan dalam rajah 5

[1 mark]

(c) State the function of the system above.
Nyatakan fungsi system di atas

[1 mark]

(d) Name the main organ protected by structure P.
Namakan organ utama yang dilindungi oleh struktur P

[1 mark]

(e) Name a structure in the system above that helps in protecting the spinal cord.
Namakan struktur dalam system di atas yang membantu melindungi saraf tunjang

[1 mark]
6. Diagram 6 shows the different levels of organisation of cells in the human body.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan beberapa tahap organisasi sel dalam badan manusia

Diagram 6

(a) Which in Diagram 6 shows the level of
Yang manakan dalam rajah 6 menunjukkan

Pelvic girdle Skull Pectoral girdle
Tulang pelviks tengkorak tulang selangka

(i) Cell [sel]- __________________________________________________________

(ii) System [system]- _______________________________________________________

(iii) Organ [organ]-________________________________________________________

(iv) Tissue [tisu]-________________________________________________________
[4 marks]

(b) Complete the following flow chart to show cell organisation.
Lengkapkan yang berikut

Cell System

[2 marks]

(c) Name the organ in Diagram 6.
Namakan organ dalam rajah 6

[1 mark]

7. Diagram 7 shows pictures of three different states of matter

Ice water hydrogen
Diagram 7
( a ) ( i ) Match the pictures in Diagram 7 with their arrangement of particles.

Picture Arrangement of particles

[ 3 marks ]

( ii ) Which picture in Diagram 7 has a fixed shape and a fixed volume ?
_____________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ]
( b ) Diagram 7.1 shows pictures of the three states of matter.

Diagram 7.1
( i ) Label the state of matter in the spaces provided on Diagram 1.1 by using the
following words.

[3 marks ]
Solid liquid gas
( ii ) What is the difference between matter P and R ?
[ 1 mark ]

8. Diagram 8 shows pictures of three states of matter.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Diagram 8
( a ) On Diagram 8, label the states of matter for each picture using the following words.

[ 3 marks ]
( b ) Based on Pictures 1 , 2 and 3, draw diagrams to show the arrangement of the particles in each
state of matter.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

[2 marks ]
( c ) State one property to differentiate between the states of matter.

[ 1 mark ]
9. Diagram 9.1 shows the densities of three solids J , K , L and two liquids P and Q

Diagram 9.1
( a ) Arrange the solids and liquids in Diagram 4. 1 in sequence of ascending order based on their

Solid liquid gas
( b ) Solids J , K , L and liquids P and Q are placed in a measuring cylinder . In
10. Diagram 5.2 , label the positions of the solids and the liquids in the cylinder.
11. ( 3 marks )
12. J K L
13. 15
14. ( c ) Solids N has density of 23.2 g cm . State the position of solid N when it is put
15. into the cylinder in Diagram 5.2.
16. .
17. ( 1 mark )
18. ( d ) Using the concept of density, state two examples of application the density in our
19. daily life.
20. i. ..
21. ii. .
22. ( 2 marks )
23. 16
24. 6. Diagram 6.1 below shows three objects of various densities placed in the
25. liquids of various densities.
26. Diagram 6.1
27. ( a ) Arrange the objects and liquids in descending order of density.
28. . (1 mark )
29. ( b ) What possible liquids can U and T be?
30. R:
31. P:
32. ( 2 marks )
33. ( c ) What possible objects can P and R be ?
34. P: .
35. R: ..
36. ( 2 marks )
37. ( d ) State two examples of transportation that uses the principle of density of
38. matter.
39. i. ii .
40. ( 2 marks )
41. P
42. Q
43. R
44. T
45. U
46. 17
47. 7. Table 7.1 shows several substances with different densities.
48. Material Density (g/cm)
49. Cork 0.25
50. Glass 2.6
51. Gold 19
52. Teak wood 0.85
53. Lead 11.4
54. Copper 8.9
55. Polystyrene 0.02
56. Water 1.0
57. Table 7.1
58. ( a ) Classify the substances based on whether its sinks or float in the
59. water.
60. ( b ) Diagram 7.2 shows an experiment carried out to determine the density of the
61. cork and the stone.
62. Sinks in the water Floats on the water
63. 1.
64. 1.
65. 2.
66. 2.
67. 3.
68. 3.
69. 4.
70. 18
71. Diagram 7.2
72. i Name the method used
73. ( 1 mark)
74. ii State whether the shape of the stone is regular or irregular
75. ( 1 mark )
76. ( c ) Based on diagram 7.2 ,calculate the volume of the
77. i. stone :
78. Example:
79. 65cm - 45 cm = 20 cm
80. ii. cork :
81. (1 mark)
82. ( d )
83. Given : Mass of stone =30 gram
84. Mass of cork =1.20gram
85. Find the density of stone and cork.
86. Use the following formula
87. i. Stone :
88. ( 2 marks)
89. ii. Cork :
90. (2 marks)
91. Density = mass
92. volume
93. 19
94. 8. Table 8.1 shows the densities of some substances.
95. Substance Density(g cm)
96. Solid X 2.6
97. Solid Y 0.95
98. Liquid P 0.7
99. Liquid Q 1.0
100. Table 8.1
101. Substances P, Q , X and Y are placed together in a gas jar as shown in diagram
102. 8.2. Liquid P and liquid Q do not mix.
103. Diagram 8.2
104. ( a ) Draw and label the position of the substances P,Q,X and Y in the gas jar in
105. diagram 8.2 after they have arranged themselves according to their
106. densities.
107. ( 4 marks)
108. 20
109. ( b ) Diagram 8.3 shows solids P , Q and R in a gas jar containing liquid Y do
110. not mix.
111. Diagram 8.3
112. i. Compare the densities of the substances
113. Q and X :
114. P and R :
115. X and Y :
116. P and X :
117. ( 2 marks)
118. ( c ) An object of volume 100 cm has a mass of 260g.
119. Determine whether the object will sink or float in a liquid of density 13.6g cm.
122. ( 1 mark )
123. 21
124. 9. Diagram 9 shows an experiment carried out to determine the density of a stone,
125. with a mass of 21 g.
126. measuring
127. cylinder
128. water
129. 10 ml
130. stone
131. 20 ml
132. thread
133. Diagram 9
134. (a) Define the density of an object.
135. ..
136. (1 mark)
137. (b) i. Find the volume of the stone.
138. ..
139. (1 mark)
140. ii. Calculate the density of the stone.
141. ( 2 marks )
142. ( c ) Name the method used in determining the density of the stone above.
143. ..
144. (1 mark)
145. ( d ) Suggest a precaution that must be taken during the experiment.
147. (1 mark)
148. 22
149. 10. Diagram 10 shows an experiment to determine the density of sugar
150. solution.
151. Diagram 10
152. ( a ) What is meant by density?
153. ..
154. (1 mark)
155. ( b ) Based on the information in Diagram 3, calculate the mass of
156. sugar solution used.
158. (1 mark)
159. ( c ) i. Calculate the density of sugar solution.
160. (2 marks)
161. ii. Suggest one way to increase the density of sugar solution.
163. (1 mark)
164. ( d ) What happens to an eraser if it is dropped into the beaker of
165. sugar solution above?
166. (Density of eraser = 3.30 g/cm3 )
167. .
168. (1 mark)
169. Empty beaker
170. mass= 15g
171. Beaker with
172. 30 cm3 of sugar solution
173. mass= 100g
174. 23
175. 11. Diagram 11 shows five object U,V,W.X and Y
176. U V X W Y
177. Diagram 11
178. Observe the object in diagram 11.
179. (a ) Based on your observation. State the form of matter of any four of
180. objects.
181. U: .
182. V: .
183. W: .
184. X::
185. Y :
186. ( 4 marks)
187. Fizzy drink
188. hydrogen
189. 24
190. b. Classify the object U, V, W.X and Y into three groups based on form of
191. matter. Name the objects belonging to each group.
192. . ( 4 marks )
193. U, V, X, W and Y
194. Form of
195. matter
196. Examples
197. gftft
198. hddg

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