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Section 1: Biomolecules & chemical bonding

Reading: Chapter 2, concepts 2.3 2.5

Chapter 3, concepts 3.1 3.6
Watch and Learn:
Biological molecules
Basic (e! Concepts
)$ter completing the readings and practice e*ercises, students should "e a"le to:
+e$ine the "iologicall! rele,ant interactions -"onds. "et/een molecules.
List $unctional groups commonl! $ound in "iological molecules.
List $rom memor! the electronegati,it! o$ car"on, nitrogen, o*!gen and h!drogen.
0ummari&e ho/ pol!mers are made and "ro1en do/n and ho/ /ater participates in
these reactions.
List the di$$erent 1inds o$ "iological macromolecules and their monomers.
+escri"e the structure and $unctions o$:
o )mino acids
o 0imple sugars
o 2ucleotides
0ummari&e the di$$erent $orms and $unctions o$ comple* car"oh!drates.
+escri"e the possi"le le,els o$ protein structure.
0ummari&e the $undamental propert! o$ all lipids.
3llustrate the structure o$ trigl!cerides and phospholipids.
)d,anced (e! Concepts
)$ter the "iomolecules lectures, students should "e a"le to:
4redict /hat t!pe o$ "ond /ould "e $ormed using electronegati,it! in$ormation.
+escri"e the relationship "et/een $unctional groups and the molecules the! are part o$.
5i,en amino acid structure, predict the properties o$ amino acids using in$ormation $rom
the structure o$ the R group.
0ummari&e /h! and /here car"oh!drates are commonl! com"ined /ith other
Compare and contrast the structure and $unctions o$ +2) and R2).
+escri"e the $our t!pes o$ lipids.
o 0ummari&e and predict commonalities and di$$erences in lipid structure and
+escri"e ho/ man6made $ats are di$$erent $rom those $ound in nature and /hat their
properties are.
+escri"e nonli,ing in$ectious agents and summari&e ho/ the! operate to ma1e !ou sic1.
Be a"le to de$ine, identi$!, and -/here appropriate. name the $unction o$ the $ollo/ing:
3onic "ond
Co,alent "ond
o 4olar co,alent "ond
o 2onpolar co,alent "ond
8!drogen "ond
Cohesion o$ /ater
)dhesion o$ /ater
9unctional group
o 4ol!mer
o :onomer
0!nthesis -deh!dration reaction.
o 5l!cosidic "ond
o 0imple sugar
o 4ol!saccharide -comple* car"oh!drate .
2ucleic acid
o 4hosphodiester "ond
o 2ucleotide
o 4urine
o 4!rimidine
o 4eptide "ond
o 4ol!peptide
o )mino acid
o 0teroid
o 9ats
9att! acids
0aturated $att! acid
;nsaturated $att! acid

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