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Last Name First Name Middle Name Nickname
Date of Birth Civil Status AGE GENDER NATIONALITY
Home Address
Telephone Number Cell phone Number
Profession / Occupation Email Address
Office / Organization and Address

Please Indicate Available Schedule (Specific dates, times and area for volunteer work for the year)

Must be at least 15 years and above

Physically / Mentally Fit
Excellent Work Attitude
Committed and Dedicated to Work
Pleasant Disposition
1. Two (2) copies of Completed Volunteers Application
Forms with (2) pieces of latest 2x2 pictures
2. Comprehensive RESUME / Curriculum Vitae [to
include: education, experience (max 2 pages)]
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
(from School / Organization / Employer)

Please check field of volunteer work/interest
a) Financial accountability k) Disaster preparedness
b) Local legislation l) Agriculture development
c) Development planning m) Fisheries development
d) Revenue generation n) Enterprise, business and industrial promotion
e) Resource allocation and utilization o) Natural resources management
f) Human resource development & management p) Waste management and pollution control
g) Health and nutrition q) Transparency
h) Education r) Costumer service
i) Housing and basic utilities s) Community development/organizing
j) Peace and security t) others (specify):

Statement of Waiver and Attestation

I hereby attest that all information indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Furthermore, I voluntarily accept the risks and assume all responsibilities from any untoward incident that may arise in the duration
of my involvement as volunteer for the LGAs Volunteer and Citizenship Program.

Signature Over Printed Name

Date Accomplished

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