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Group No: 1 Section: TJKL Date: September 30, 2014

Flores, Andre
Idolor, Jonathan
Mendoza, Adia
Pua, Sandra
RECIPE: Siopao
Number of servings:
Serving size:

Table 1. Equipment and utensils needed

Table 2. Measurements and functionality of ingredients and underlying principles of procedures

Ingredients Measurements Procedure Principles

Functions Household

1. Disperse yeast in lukewarm water
2. Add rest of ingredients but withhold to 1
cup flour
3. Add rest of flour and stir until dough pulls
away from the side of the bowl.
Yeast dispersed in lukewarm
water is activated
Yeast Makes dough rise 1 tsp. 8 g
Lukewarm water
activates yeast; if
hot it will kill yeast
1/2 cup 120 mL Flour will form gluten when
kneading the dough and more
rise due to the trapped air
Equipment/ Utensil: Quantity Specification
Measuring cups and spoons 1 Set
Bowls 3
Steamer 1
Pan 1 For frying
Pan 2 For steaming siopao
Teakettle 1
Spoon 1 For mixing
cells. Hydrate
gluten, gelatinize
starch granules
4. Flour surface and knead the dough
5. Knead for 10mins until dough is firm and
plastic and no longer sticks to the fingers

Salt Flavoring agent,
Controls the
growth and excess
in CO2 production
from fermentation
tsp. 5 g Leaving the dough will allow
yeast to make it rise.
Sugar Source of
leavening for yeast
bread, tenderizer,
sweetening agent
cup 75 g
Flour Absorb moisture,
holds shape in
place (structure
and framework)
1 to 2 cups 400 g

6. Grease bowl with oil ( to 1 tsp.), place
dough and turn it over to grease all surfaces
of dough.
7. Transfer dough in polyethylene bag and tie
loosely and allow it to expand twice its initial
8. Leave for about 30 min to 1hr.
Cooking oil Prevents moisture
in dough from
making dough
stretchy and
easier to
2 tbsp. 30 mL
Pork (diced) Main ingredient for
1 cup 230 g Pork-filling
9. Stir-fry onions and pork and season with
sugar, soy sauce, salt, pepper and star
anise. Remember to remove star anise after
Stir-frying is frying in little
amount of hot oil while stirring
continually, is used to preserve
color, texture and emphasize
fresh flavors of the ingredients
Onion (sliced) Add flavor to pork cup 115 g
Sugar, soy
sauce, salt
and pepper,
star anise
Add flavor and
taste for pork filling

10. After fermentation, divide dough into 16 pcs
for a 3 cup flour
11. Flatten each piece, keeping center of dough
thicker than edges
12. Put heaping tbsp. of pork filling at the center
then gather edges towards the center to
enclose filling.
13. Press edges to seal filling and place on
slightly greased layer pan
Filling is placed and secured at
the center which is the thicker
area. Thicker dough at the
center will carry the filling.
14. Prepare steamer while pan-proofing siopao
to slightly more than double their original
Pan-proofing is allowing the
dough to rise once more with the
filling inside.
15. Once water is steaming, place pan-proofed
siopao on steaming rack
16. Cover steamer with a towel before putting lid
17. Steam for 12 minutes. Make sure pork is
cooked before removing from steamer.
Steaming is moist heat cooking
method employs hot steam to
conduct the heat to the food
Base for siopao
1 cup 230mL

Siopao Sauce
18. To pork stock, add soy sauce and
19. Flavor with star anise and season with salt

Siopao sauce is made to add
more flavor and taste.
Corn starch Thicken sauce 1 tbsp. 15mL
Soy sauce Add flavor to
1 tbsp. 15mL
Star anise
and salt
Add flavor to
tsp. per 1
cup pork stock

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