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Newtons Laws 1 Homework Assignment 6 Fall 2014

WVU-TECH General Physics I 1 of 4

Homework Assignment 6 Due Friday, October 3
Name ________________________________
Choose values from the Answer List 1.
Choose unit from the Units list.

The figure shows a block of mass 175kg M accelerated along a frictionless horizontal surface by the horizontal force
T that a chain
of mass 16 kg m exerts on it at P2. This force is ultimately the result of the horizontal force 350 N F exerted by your hand on the
rope at P1. Neglect sag in the chain. Determine the
Value Units
1. _____ _____ weight of the block
2. _____ _____ normal force
3. _____ _____ weight of the chain
4. _____ _____ total mass of the system
5. _____ _____ net external force on the system
6. _____ _____ acceleration of the system
7. _____ _____ tension in the chain at P1
8. _____ _____ tension in the chain at P2

Newtons Laws 1 Homework Assignment 6 Fall 2014

WVU-TECH General Physics I 2 of 4
The figure shows a glider of mass 0.65kg M m accelerated along a frictionless horizontal air track by a hanging mass 0.06 kg m
attached to it by a string over a pulley. Neglect air resistance. Determine the
Value Units
9. _____ _____ weight of the glider
10. _____ _____ normal force
11. _____ _____ weight of the hanging mas
12. _____ _____ total mass of the system
13. _____ _____ acceleration of the system
14. _____ _____ tension in the string

Newtons Laws 1 Homework Assignment 6 Fall 2014

WVU-TECH General Physics I 3 of 4
Choose expressions from Expressions List.
A particle of variable mass
m m Rt undergoes oscillatory motion
cos x A t along the x-axis. Given
6.0kg m ,
4.0kg s R , 0.8 m A , 3.0 rad s and 2.5 rad , determine expressions as functions of time t for the
Expression Units
15. __________ _____ phase t
16. __________ _____ position x
17. __________ _____ velocity v
18. __________ _____ acceleration a
19. __________ _____ mass m
20. __________ _____ momentum p
21. __________ _____ net force F

At the instant 2.0s t determine the
Value Units
22. _____ _____ phase t
23. _____ _____ position of the particle
24. _____ _____ velocity of the particle
25. _____ _____ acceleration of the particle
26. _____ _____ mass of the particle
27. _____ _____ momentum of the particle
28. _____ _____ net force on the particle

Newtons Laws 1 Homework Assignment 6 Fall 2014

WVU-TECH General Physics I 4 of 4

Answer List 1 Expressions Units
a -2.683E+01 a (14.4 + 9.6t)sin(3t + 2.5) a meters (m)
b -1.916E+00 b -(14.4 + 9.6t)sin(3t + 2.5) b seconds (s)
c -4.816E-01 c (43.2 + 28.8t)cos(3t + 2.5) - 9.6sin(3t + 2.5) c degrees
d 5.383E-01 d -(43.2 + 28.8t)cos(3t + 2.5) - 9.6sin(3t + 2.5) d radians (rad)
e 5.880E-01 e 0.8cos(3t + 2.5) e kilograms (kg)
f 7.100E-01 f -0.8cos(3t + 2.5) f newtons (N)
g 8.282E-01 g 2.4sin(3t + 2.5) g m/s
h 1.832E+00 h -2.4sin(3t + 2.5) h
i 4.334E+00 i 3t - 2.5 i Ns = kgm/s
j 6.370E+00 j 3t + 2.5 j no units
k 8.500E+00 k 6 - 4t
l 1.400E+01 l 6 + 4t
m 5.301E+01 m 7.2cos(3t + 2.5)
n 1.568E+02 n -7.2cos(3t + 2.5)
o 1.910E+02
p 3.207E+02
q 3.500E+02
r 1.715E+03

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