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Problems on Analytical Reasoning

Problem 1:
The following questions are based on the information given. Choose the appropriate answer that suits the
question based on the information.
A cube is cut in two equal parts along a plane parallel to one of its faces. One piece is then colored red on
the two larger faces and green on remaining, while the other is colored green on two smaller adacent
faces and red on the remaining. !ach is then cut into "# cubes of same si$e and mi%ed up.
1. &ow man' cubes have onl' one colored face each(
A. "# ). * C. 1+ ,. #- !. .
#. /hat is the number of cubes with at least one green face on each(
A. "+ ). "# C. "* ,. -* !. -.
". &ow man' cubes have two red and one green face on each(
A. 1+ ). 1# C. * ,. - !. .
-. &ow man' cubes have no colored face at all(
A. "# ). #- C. 1+ ,. * !..
0. &ow man' cubes have each one red and another green(
A. . ). * C.1+ ,. #- !. "#
Problem #:
1ead the following information carefull' and answer the questions given.
There are si% persons A ) C , ! and 2 in a school. !ach of the teachers teaches two subects, one
compulsor' subect and the other optional subect. ,3s optional subect was &istor' while three others
have it as compulsor' subect. ! and 2 have Ph'sics as one of their subects. 23s compulsor' subect is
4athematics which is an optional subect of both C and !. &istor' and !nglish are A3s subects but in
terms of compulsor' and optional subects, the' are ust reverse of those of ,3s. Chemistr' is an optional
subect of onl' one of them. The onl' female teacher in the school has !nglish as her compulsor' subect.
1. /hat is C3s compulsor' subect(
A5 &istor' )5 Ph'sics C5 Chemistr' ,5 !nglish !5 4athematics
#. /ho is a female member in the group(
A5 A )5 ) C5 C ,5 , !5 !
". /hich of the following has the same compulsor' and optional subects as 2(
A5 , )5 ) C5 A ,5 C !5 6one of these
-. ,isregarding which is the compulsor' and which is the optional subect, who has the same two subect
combination as 2(
A5 A )5 ) C5 ! ,5 , !5 6one of these
0. /hich of the following groups has &istor' as the compulsor' subect(
A5 A,C,, )5 ),C,, C5 C,, ,5 A,),C !5 A,,
Problem ":
A, ), C, ,, !, 2 and 7 are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east. C is on the immediate right of
,. ) is at an e%treme end and has ! as his neighbour. 7 is between ! and 2. , is sitting third from the
south end.
1. /ho is sitting to the right of !(
6ame the person who should change places with C such that he gets the third place from the north end(
#. /hich of the following pairs of people are sitting at the e%treme ends(
a5 A) b5 A! c5 C) d5 2)
". 8mmediatel' between which of the following pairs of people is , sitting(
a5 AC b5 A2 c5 C! d5 C2
Problem -:
+ )o's are sitting in a circle and facing towards the centre of the circle.
1aeev is sitting to the right of mohan but he is not ust at the left of 9ia'.
:uresh is between )abu and 9ia'.
Aa' is sitting to the left of 9ia'.
/ho is sitting to the left of 4ohan (
Problem ; 0:
8n a school, there were five teachers. A and ) were teaching &indi and !nglish. C and ) were teaching
!nglish and 7eograph'. , and A were teaching 4athematics and &indi. ! and ) were teaching &istor'
and 2rench.
/ho is teaching ma%imum number of :ubects(
4ore than two teachers were teaching which subects(
/hich subect were handle b' ,, ) and A(
Problem ; +
:i% students A, ), C, ,, ! and 2 are sitting in the field. A and ) are from 6ehru house while the rest
belong to 7andhi house. , and 2 are tall while the others are short. A, C and , are wearing glasses while
the others are not.
/hich of the two student, who are not wearing glasses are short(
/hich short student of 7andhi house is not wearing glasses(
/hich tall student of 7andhi house is not wearing glasses(
Problem ; <:
=a'ant, >amal, 6amita, Asha and Tanma' are five members of a famil'. The' have their birth dates from
=anuar' to 4a', each member in one of these months.
!ach one li?es one particular item for his@her birthda' out of )engali sweets, Chocolates, Pastries, 8ce
cream and ,r' fruits.
The one who li?es Pastries is born in the month which is e%actl' middle in the months given. Asha does
not li?e 8ce cream but brings Chocolates for =a'ant in 2ebruar'. Tanma' who is fond of )engali sweets is
born the ne%t month immediatel' after 6amita. 6amita does not li?e ,r' fruits or 8ce cream.
/hat is the choice of Asha(
/hich combination of month and item is true for =a'ant(
/hat is the choice of >amal(
8n which month was >amal born(
Problem ; *:
8n a group of si% women, there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists.
7iria and 9anaa are among the violinists while =alaa and :haila do not ?now how to pla' on the violin.
:haila and Tanua are among the dancers. =alaa, 9anaa, :haila and Tanua are all vocal musicians and
two of them are also violinists. 8f pooa is an actress, who among the following is both a dancer and a
a5 =alaa b5 :haila c5 Tanua d5 Pooa
Problem ; A:
There are si% friends A, ), C, ,, ! and 2. each one is proficient in one of the games, namel' )adminton,
9olle'ball, Cric?et, &oc?e', Tennis and polo. !ach owns a different colored car, namel' 'ellow, green,
blac?, white, blue and red. , pla's polo and owns a 'ellow colored car. C does not pla' either Tennis or
&oc?e' and owns neither blue nor 'ellow colored car. ! owns a white car and pla's )adminton. ) does
not pla' Tennis, he owns a red colored car. A pla's Cric?et and owns a blac? car.
/ho pla's volle'ball(
/hich colored car 2 owns(
/hich of the following combinations of color of car and game pla'ed is not correct(
Bellow ; Polo b5 7reen ; Tennis
c5 )lac? ; Cric?et d5 1ed ; &oc?e'
Problem ; 1.:
P, C, 1, :, T and D are si% students procuring their 4asterEs degree in si% different subects ; !nglish,
&istor', Philosoph', Ph'sics, :tatistics and 4athematics.
Two of them sta' in hostel, two sta' as pa'ing guest FP75 and remaining two sta' at their home.
1 does not sta' as P7 and studies philosoph'.
The students sta'ing :tatistics and &istor' do not sta' as P7. T studies 4athematics and :
studies Ph'sics. D and : sta' in hostel. T sta' as P7 and C sta's at home.
/ho studies !nglish(
/hich of the following combinations of subect and place of sta' is not correct(
a5 !nglish ; &ostel b5 4athematics ; P7
c5 Philosoph' ; &ome d5 Ph'sics G &ostel
/hich subect does C stud'(
/hich of the following pairs of students sta' at home(
a5 PC b5 C1 c5 1: d5 :T
Problem 11:
!leven students A, ), C, ,, !, 2, 7, &, 8, = and > are sitting in first line facing to the teacher.
, who is ust to the left of 2, is to the right of C at second place.
A is second to the right of ! who is at one end.
= is the nearest neighbour of A and ) and is to the left of 7 at third place.
& is ne%t to , to the right and is at the third place to the right of 8.
/ho is ust in the middle(
Problem 1#:
:iva, :athish, Amar and Praveen are pla'ing cards. Amar isto the right of :athish, who is to the right of
:iva. /ho is to the right of Amar (
Problem 13:
A, ) and C are three bo's while 1, : and T are three girls. The' are sitting such that the bo's are facing
the girls.
A and 1 are diagonall' opposite to each other.
C is not sitting at an' of the ends.
T is left to 1 but opposite to C.
FA5. /ho is sitting opposite to ) (
F)5. /ho is sitting diagonall' opposite to ) (
Problem ; 1-:
2ive e%ecutives of !uropean Corporation hold a Conference in 1ome
4r. A converses in :panish H 8talian
4r. ), a :paniard, ?nows !nglish also
4r. C ?nows !nglish and belongs to 8tal'
4r. , converses in 2rench and :panish
4r. !, a native of 8tal' ?nows 2rench
/ho can act as interpreter if 4r. C H 4r. , wish to converse
a5 onl' 4r. A b5 Onl' 4r. )
c5 4r. A H 4r. ) d5 An' of the other three
8f a +th e%ecutive is brought in, to be understood b' ma%imum number of original five he should be fluent
a5 !nglish H 2rench b5 8talian H :panish
c5 !nglish H 2rench d5 2rench H 8talian
Problem ; 10:
:pelun?ers 8nternational offers e%ploring tours in eight caves: Abbott, )enn', Caeser, ,angerfield, !well,
2ields, 7uinness and &ope.
F15 Class 1 spelun?ers ma' not attempt cave !well, 2ields or &ope
F#5 Class # spelun?ers ma' not attempt &ope
F"5 Class " spelun?ers ma' attempt an' cave
F-5 Cave Caesar ma' be attempted onl' b' spelun?ers who have previousl' e%plored cave )enn'
F05 Cave 2ields ma' be attempted onl' b' spelun?ers who have previousl' e%plored cave !well
F+5 Onl' two of the caves )enn', Caeser, !well, 2ields, and &ope ma' be attempted b' an' e%plorer in a
single tour.
A class # spelun?er who has previousl' e%plored cave !well ma' be restricted in choosing a tour b'
F85 1uleF-5 F885 1uleF05 F8885 1uleF+5
8 onl' Fb5 88 onl' Fc5 8 and 888 onl'
Fd5 88 and 888 onl' Fe5 8, 88 and 888
#. 8n how man' different wa's ma' a class 1 spelun?er who has never e%plored an' of the eight caves
before set up a tour of three caves, if she wishes to e%plore caves Abbott and Caesar(
Fa5 # Fb5 " Fc5 - Fd5 0 Fe5 +
Problem ; 1+:
There are si% cities A, ), C, ,, ! and 2.
A is not a hill station.
) and ! are not historical places.
, is not an industrial cit'.
A and , are not historical cities.
A and ) are not ali?e.
/hich two cities are industrial centres(
a5 A and ) b5 ! and 2 c5 C and , d5 ) and 2
/hich two cities are historical places(
A and C b5 ) and 2 c5 C and 2 d5 ) and !
/hich two cities are neither historical places nor industrial centres(
A and ) b5 , and ! c5 2 and C d5 ) and ,
/hich cit' is a hill station and an industrial centre but not a historical place(
a5 ! b5 2 c5 A d5 ) e5 C
Problem ; 1<:
2ive friends P, C, 1, : and T traveled to five different cities of Calcutta, Chennai, ,elhi, )angalore and
&'derabad b' five different modes of transport of )us, Train, Aero plane, Car and )oat from 4umbai.
The person who traveled to ,elhi did not travel b' boat.
1 went to )angalore b' car and C went to Calcutta b' aero plane.
: traveled b' boat whereas T traveled b' Train.
Calcutta is not connected b' bus to ,elhi and Chennai.
/hich of the following combinations of person and mode is not correct(
a5 P ; )us b5 1 ; car c5 T ; Aero plane d5 : G )oat
/hich of the following combinations is true for :(
a5 ,elhi ; )us b5 ChennaiG )us c5 Chennai G )oat
/ho is that person traveled to ,elhi(
The person went to ,elhi traveled b'(

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