Guide To Cammy

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First appearance: Super Street Fighter II (1993)

Vitality 950 C
Stun Threshold 950 C
Forward Walk Distance per Frame 0.055 S
Backward Walk Distance per Frame 0.045 S
Dash Duration in Frames 18 B+
Dash Distance 1.43629 A
Backdash Duration in Frames 6 invincible, 11 airborne,
5 recovery (22 total)
Backdash Distance 1.4 A+
Pre-jump Frames 4 A
Jump Duration in Frames 36 B
Diagonal Jump Distance 1.925 B
Wakeup +1
W Ultra Damage: 60%






Cammys forward throw does slightly more damage and stun than her back throw, but she gets inferior meaty setups afterwards. If
you use MP Hooligan Combination, it will put her directly on top of the opposing character as they stand, allowing you to grab them
whether they crouch or not. The only ways out of this setup are with an invincible reversal or by whiffing any crouching attack.

Cammys back throw gives her a much better offensive setup. Since her back throw is a hard knockdown, you will have to guess
whether or not your opponent does a delayed wakeup. If you use a setup against standard wakeup time and your opponent does a
delayed wakeup, then you will lose your offensive pressure. Meanwhile, if you use a setup against a delayed wakeup and your
opponent chooses to stand at normal time, you can be hit with an anti-air attack. For an opponent getting up normally, time a
standing M immediately to kill time then hold 2 to jump as soon as you recover. To time the jump against a delayed wakeup, instead
whiff a crouching H and hold 2 to immediately jump as you recover. Once in the air, the setups are the same: use L to ambiguously
cross-up or not determined by how late you input the attack; do an empty jump then attack with a crouching L from the far side; or
beat uppercuts by waiting until just before the peak of your jump as Cammy is finishing her first flip and then using HK Cannon Strike.

Air Throw: Cammys Air throw grabs opponents that are in front of and slightly above her. There is no minimum height requirement,
making it useful both as an anti-air and for chasing down opponents attempting to jump away.
Cammys Focus Attack has mediocre range but works well enough when you know an attack is coming and are fairly close to the
opponent. Her Focus Attack is complemented by her walk speed (tied for fastest in the game), allowing her to get into the range where
she can rely on it to punish a poke. Since normal pokes can be easily canceled into Spiral Arrow to beat out many other characters
Focus Attacks, Cammy has a slight mental advantage in games of Focus chicken where opponents are less likely to initiate a gambit
with their own Focus Attacks. Level 2 Focus Attack released and dash canceled is +4 on block giving her guaranteed pressure
afterwards. Her Red Focus Attack can be canceled into from HK Spiral Arrow but only at fairly close ranges (see Combo VIII).

Cannon Spike: Cammy kicks upward while jumping off the ground, soaring up and forward. As her foot strikes her target, Cammy
bounces off landing a slight distance away. The LK version has no active invincible frames, so it has a tendency occasionally to trade
against deep jump-in attacks. Cammys MK and HK Cannon Spikes both have one active invincible frame while her EX Cannon Spike
has two. As Cammy leaves the ground, the damage increases dramatically for the normal version while her EX Cannon Spike drops in
damage output. Cammy can juggle with the grounded hits of non-EX Cannon Spike or with the aerial hit of the EX version. This means
that you should use the non-EX version for both additional damage and to conserve Super Gauge. Cannon Spike can be used in
damaging combos to finish your opponent and leads to a setup on hit: if you do a HP Hooligan Combination and your opponent quick
stands, it will be directly on top of them as they stand. This lets you hit them, whether they crouch or not, since the very first frame of
wakeup is considered standing. The only ways out of this setup are through an invincible reversal or by whiffing any crouching attack.

Spiral Arrow: Cammy lunges feet-first and flies toward her opponent, spinning as she travels. Spiral Arrow is a low-hitting attack that
covers a lot of ground rapidly. Though generally unsafe on block, any version can be slightly advantageous at +1 on block when
connecting on the final active frame. Cammys 2-hit HK Spiral Arrow can be Super canceled on the first hit and has enough advantage
when Focus canceled to link afterwards. The EX version has enough projectile invincibility to punish fireballs on reaction from mid-
Off of Cammys HK Spiral Arrow, hold up forward to jump immediately. After Cammy does one flip, just before the peak of her jump,
use HK Cannon Strike to have a cross-up dive kick against some characters, such as shotos. If the Cannon Strike is done before the flip
ends, it will not cross-up. Dive kicks done at the peak of your jump will often force auto-correct Dragon Punch type reversals to whiff,
allowing you to punish on the ground with crouching M > HK Spiral Arrow or Ultra I. If you use jump-in L instead of a Cannon Strike,
you will likely be hit by an auto-correct uppercut. However, if your opponent does not use a reversal, jumpingL will cross-up. You can
also use an empty jump and follow with a crouching L upon landing, a throw, or an immediate EX Cannon Strike low to the ground.
Against most strong players, the cross-up L is not intended to hit but is instead to force them to block as you are landing, allowing you
to continue your pressure. This being the case, it is often safe to assume the L will be blocked and plan your next move accordingly,
since you will be right next to your opponent with advantage. From here, you have the usual options of tick throw, frame trap on the
ground, or try to punish a throw tech with an EX Cannon Strike. As you jump after HK Spiral Arrow, if you see that your opponent is
not using quick stand, do not attack on the way down; instead, jump again in the other direction and you get the same setup.

Quick Spin Knuckle: Cammy takes a small hop, spins backwards, and smashes her fist into her opponents midsection. All versions of
Quick Spin Knuckle can be preemptively used to go through projectiles and break armor but, due to the slow startup, they cannot be
used this way on reaction. On hit, Quick Spin Knuckle puts the opponent in a juggle state allowing her to combo into her Super or Ultra
I mid-screen, or into a Cannon Spike if shes near a corner. The EX version of Quick Spin Knuckle has a large amount of invincibility
that can be used to dodge attacks and avoid many chip-out scenarios against attacks with lots of invincibility such as Seths Ultra II, or
Rufuss EX Messiah Kick (see Combo XII).

Hooligan Combination: Cammy jumps to the air and curls into a ball as she moves toward her opponent. Hooligan Combination can
be canceled into Cammys dive kick Cannon Strike, into her throws Fatal Leg Twister/Crossed Scissors, or let alone to recover into
Razors Edge Slicer. The strength of the punch used determines the trajectory of Hooligan Combination. EX Hooligan Combination
tracks Cammys opponent and can be useful for quickly punishing projectile attacks.

Razors Edge Slicer: If you dont use her throws or her dive kick, Cammy goes into a low-hitting slide kick that knocks her opponent
down when Hooligan Combination reaches the ground.

Fatal Leg Twister/Crossed Scissors: You can attempt a throw as Hooligan Combination approaches the opposing character. Fatal
Leg Twister grabs a standing opponent while Crossed Scissors will catch an opponent in the air. Neither will grab a crouching
opponent, but if you time her throw to hit an opponent as they stand up after being knocked down, she will catch them during the
rising frame where theyre forced to stand regardless of whether or not the opposing player is holding down. When Cammy lands Fatal
Leg Twister, she gets the same setup as she does from landing a back throw.

Cannon Strike: Cammys dive kick-like Cannon Strike forms the basis of her offense. It allows her to change her jump trajectory,
makes her harder to hit with anti-airs, and gives her a mix-up between cross-up jump-in L and Cannon Strike. The EX version has no
minimum height, allowing you to punish throw attempts and crouch techs with ease, as well get back on top of the opponent, after she
moves back to continue an offense. Cannon Strike can be made to cross-up on its own, but the setups for this are generally rather
challenging and take a bit of manual timing.

Super Combo: Spin Drive Smasher: Cammy spins forward across the ground before realigning and kicking upward. Spin Drive
Smasher is very fast on startup and has good range allowing it to punish semi-safe moves such as Balrogs crouching Hfrom max
range. The HK version travels almost full screen and punishes projectiles very well.

UCI: Gyro Drive Smasher: As with her Super Combo, Cammy performs an Ultra version of her Spiral Arrow followed by a Cannon
Spike. If she landed the combo on a grounded opponent and then sent her foe skyward, she grabs them and slams them back down to
the ground. Gyro Drive Smasher has good range and combos easily off of Cannon Spike > EX Focus> backdash. Since Cammy needs to
backdash to use her Ultra after an uppercut, this makes her decision-making process quite simple, compared to other characters, as to
whether to risk a forward dash for additional damage or go with a backdash for the relative safety that the additional distance will

UCII: Cammy Quick Combination: Heres a present for you! Cammy adopts a stance and waits patiently for the opportunity to
counter her opponent. If Cammy is hit by any strike that doesnt naturally break armor she will counter her opponent with a sequence
of three attempts at dislocating their joints. A special move that gains armor breaking property when used as a reversal will still trigger
this Ultra. In order to actually land Ultra II, you must understand when your opponent is pressing buttons to attack, then activate Ultra
II during their startup. Since this is a challenging feat to accomplish, Ultra II often is better when used as a theoretical deterrent,
making your opponent second-guess their offense and pull back early, rather than as a tool to rely on. Cammy Quick Combination lasts
for a long time, though almost nobody will ever attack Cammy consciously after the Ultra freeze.

Recommended Ultra Choice: Ultra I
Ultra I allows you to capitalize on hits, scoring higher damage with combos; it makes Cammy better at what she is already good at.
Ultra II is most useful against opponents, such as Rufus and Cammy, who wish to knock their opponent down and then rely on setups
that are hard to block but dont involve projectiles or armor-breaking attacks. Selecting W Ultra causes Cammys damage from Ultra
Combos to be lowered by 60%.
Good air mobility with Canon Strike allows Cammy to change her jump trajectory and makes hitting her with anti-air
EX Cannon Spike is an incredible tool for pressuring opponents, punishing throws, throw techs, and getting Cammy in on her
opponent rapidly
Excellent walk speed and fast normals with good range allow Cammy to fight opponents on the ground
Strong offensive setups allow Cammy to continue pressuring opponents after knocking them down
Wakeup delayed by 1 frame, messing up opponents offensive setups
Cammy requires meter for EX Cannon Strike to effectively frighten her opponent into giving her a window of opportunity
Large hurtbox makes Cammy susceptible to many character-specific high-damage combos; this combined with slightly below-
average vitality and stun doesnt allow her to make many mistakes
Cammy is a rushdown specialist. She has many easily-confirmable frame traps, excellent capabilities for punishing the opponents
throws and throw techs, and has confusing post-knockdown setups. Her excellent speed, good normals, and tricky jumps enable her to
get in on her opponent. At this point, she sticks to her enemy until she can break through their defense and land a combo or a throw.
After her knockdowns, she confuses her opponent by attacking from either side with the additional potential for a high/low guessing
Your objective is to achieve close range, where you can overwhelm the opponent with Cammys close-range offense. Achieve this by:
At long range, avoiding projectiles and using her mobility to get closer
At mid-range, either using her fast speed and long pokes canceled into HK Spiral Arrow to knock her opponent down and
start offense, or by using jumps and changing the trajectory with Cannon Strikes to approach her opponent and start up her
At close range, using throws and punishing attempts at breaking throws with frame traps and EX Cannon Strikes
Following up knockdowns with deceptive setups to continue offense
Ultra II added
Diagonal jumping L hitbox extended Now works as a cross-up against entire cast
CL.m damage reduced from 70 to 60 on active frames 3
and 4

CR.h damage reduced from 110 to 90
LK Cannon Strike damage changed from 120 (80) to 100
Airborne hit deals more damage while grounded hit
deals less
MK Cannon Strike damage changed from 140 (90) to 100
Airborne hit deals more damage while grounded hit
deals less
HK Cannon Strike damage changed from 150 (95) to 100
Airborne hit deals more damage while grounded hit
deals less
EX Cannon Spike damage changed from 160 (95) to 150

LK, MK, HK Cannon Strike damage reduced from 70 to

Super damage reduced from 400 to 350
Ultra I damage reduced from 540 to 480
CL.l recovery reduced from 8 frames to 5,
advantage on block increased from +1 to +4,
advantage on hit increased from +4 to +7
Allows for links into higher damage combo enders off of
chained light attacks
CL.m recovery reduced from 15 frames to 13,
advantage on block reduced from +2 to +1

CL.h recovery reduced from 15 frames to 11,
advantage on block increased from -1 to +1,
advantage on hit increased from +3 to +6
Now a high damage combo starter
ST.l recovery reduced from 7 frames to 5,
advantage on block increased from +1 to +3
Better tool for pressuring opponent
CR.l recovery reduced from 8 frames to 6,
advantage on block increased from +1 to +3,
advantage on hit increased from +4 to +6
Allows for links into higher damage combo enders off of
chained light attacks
CR.m recovery reduced from 10 frames to 7,
advantage on block increased from 0 to +3,
advantage on hit increased from +3 to +6
Allows for links into higher damage combo enders
LK Spiral Arrow damage reduced from 100 to 80
MK Spiral Arrow damage reduced from 120 to 100
HK Spiral Arrow damage reduced from 80, 60 to 40,
80, active frames redistributed from 7, 12 to 2, 17
First hit only occurs at point-blank range, worse setup
opportunity on hit due to opponent recovering 5 frames
faster, often crosses under opponent once cornered
LK, MK, HK Cannon Strike height restriction added Must be airborne for 8 frames to use a dive kick
Spiral Arrow active frames
return to 7, 12
Returned to how it was in SSFIV
Axel Spin Knuckle reduced
pushback on block
Still not close enough for a good tick throw setup, leaves you just outside
CR.l range inside of max range H distance
CL. h damage reduced from 85 to 80
ST. h damage on 1st active frame reduced
from 80 to 70
The first frame is special cancelable making combos
involving h > Spiral Arrow deal less damage and stun while leaving
its damage and stun consistent when used as a whiff punish tool at
further range
CR. L startup increased from 3 frames to 4 Slows down Cammys offense and makes her more prone to counter
hit setups when crouch teching
HK Spiral Arrow 1st hit gained 1 frame of
Makes opponent less likely to recovery before 2nd hit becomes
active when hit at furthest range
Cannon Spike EX Focus cancel forward dash Now always punishable on block
now -5 on block
Hooligan Combination gains LK, MK, HK
Cannon Strike follow-up attacks

LK, MK, HK Cannon Strike height restriction
slightly lowered, recovery increased from 5
frames to 7
Lowest altitude Cannon Strike gives Cammy the same advantage as
before on the first frame, Cannon Strike hitting just as Cammy
lands has reduced hitstun and blockstun
EX Cannon Strike blockstun reduced by 5
EX Cannon Strike now has maximum advantage of +10
Ultra I non cinematic final hit damage
reduced from 210 to 170

CR. h damage reduced from 90 to 80; stun
reduced from 200 to 150; changed from +7
to +6 on hit, from +0 to +2 on block
Cammy loses several combos
From long range, Cammy has little to worry about. Against an opponent without projectiles, your options are limited to move to closer
range or run away. With a life lead, you can force your opponent to come to you and try to win by stopping their attempts at getting
in, but that doesnt play into Cammys strong suits. During long-range play, it is important for Cammy to not be in too much of a hurry
to get in; your opponent will be looking for hasty attempts to get into close range. Jumps from long range are the most likely ones to
get hit with anti-air, since there are fewer angles Cammy can successfully use to approach from the air. This holds especially true
against foes that do not have a projectile to punish with a guess jump. Against these types of opponents, youre much better off just
walking in.
Against a character with a projectile, it is generally best to take it slow and press forward to enter a mid-range game (rather than
trying to jump in all at once). Between Focus absorbing projectiles and the capability to use Cannon Strikes to safely get out of the air
quickly, Cammy can dance around projectiles while slowly working her way in. It is important to not be overly aggressive in Focusing
through fireballs and dashing your way in; if you arent careful, you will end up with a large chunk of gray damage, and your opponent
is likely to try multi-hit projectiles to break Focus. They may also get a stray hit in, making all the gray absorption damage permanent.
Your opponent may try to use a Focus-beating multi-hit attack such as Ryus Solar Plexus Strike, but Cammy has the walk speed and
pokes to get around moves like this and whiff punish if you anticipate correctly.
Characters like Guile, Gouken, and Sagat will likely try to keep you from approaching them for as long as they possibly can. In these
types of fights, its best to be patient and conserve meter at long range and walk your opponent back to the corner before going into a
mid-range game. Cammys EX Spiral Arrow will get through a projectile just fine, but at long range, you will have to use it so late that
your opponent will recover before you can hit him. Likewise you can guess when your opponent is going to throw a fireball and
preemptively use an EX Hooligan Combination (this works especially well against Akumas air fireballs), but if you guess wrong, you are
not only out the Super Gauge but also likely to be hit with an anti-air.
Though mid-range is not where the bulk of her damage will come from, it is where you will need to work the hardest. Cammy has the
tools to go toe-to-toe with anyone at this range but will have an uphill battle against characters like Balrog, Chun-Li, Fei Long, M.
Bison, and Vega. You have four main approaches from this range: use her rapid walk speed and far-reaching normals to force her
opponents to the corner; use a standing l, standing m, or crouching M canceled into Spiral Arrow to begin your offense; attempt to
dodge your opponents pokes by jumping and coming down with an EX Cannon Strike; or trying to sneak your way in past your
opponents pokes to score a throw.
As Cammy is faster than most characters, she can control the pacing of a footsies match. Both standing Mand standing H are fantastic
pokes to frustrate your opponent with. Though slightly shorter range than standing H, standing M is fast enough that it is unlikely to be
whiff punished on reaction. Standing l is a strong tool to keep players from dashing into you, as well as for keeping players honest as
you walk forward. It is very safe to throw out, and can be linked into crouching M, at which point you can hit-confirm and cancel into
HK Spiral Arrow.
She can also combo into HK Spiral Arrow from mid-range using standing m or crouching M. As HK Spiral Arrow is unsafe on block, this
it isnt a great idea to do this unless youre sure that itll hit as a whiff punish or you think you have a good read on the range at which
your opponent wishes to walk backwards or forward, which is when you can catch them standing. If you are just outside of maximum
crouching M range and attempt a crouching M > a + H, it will not cancel to Spiral Arrow unless your opponent either takes a step
forward or sticks out an attack of their own. As crouching M is slow enough that an opponent who is looking for it will be able to whiff
punish, this isnt safe to do all of the time, but it will allow you to start your offense on an opponent who has a strong enough neutral
game to stop you from approaching. If you have meter to burn, you can even add Focus or Red Focus cancel HK Spiral Arrow; use lv.1
EX Red Focus for a crumple (costing three bars), or Focus Attack dash cancel forward (costing two bars) and link close h as in Combos
VII and Combo XI. Expensive meter-draining combos are generally only advisable when youre about to win the match, as her offense
requires meter to be threatening. When spaced appropriately, Spiral Arrow on its own is safe and can even give you +1 advantage
when it hits on the final active frame. With correct spacing, Cammy can make good use of LK Spiral Arrow as a far-reaching low hit
that will knock your opponent down and allow you to start close offense.
Due to Cammys ability to fight her opponents on the ground, you can force your opposition to focus their efforts on their ground
game. Once you have your opponents attention elsewhere, it is the perfect time to use an EX Cannon Strike to get in quickly. If you
notice your opponent has a tendency to stick out low pokes to impede your forward movement, an EX Cannon Strike done low to the
ground will counter your opponents attempts and allow you to combo into a Spiral Arrow and attempt a mix-up afterwards. If you
guess wrong and your opponent is looking for the dive kick, you can be hit with a Shoryuken or other invincible anti-air attack.
As EX Cannon Strikes require Super Gauge, it is important to not be predictable and just throw away your meter as soon as you get it.
Once you have meter Cammys throws, you become much more dangerous; your opponent will sometimes look for the dive kick,
allowing you to use this time to sneak in and quickly grab your enemy.
If you can push your opponent to the corner, you will have a much easier time of getting into the close-range game. Once you no
longer have to fear any of your attacks whiffing, it is safe to use your pokes and frustrate your cornered foe. Since a cornered target
cant back away to make your standing H whiff, standing M is generally not needed anymore as a poke. Check your opponent with
standing l, standing H, and crouching M and determine what theyll do. They might mash on buttons in desperation, employ a Focus
Attack to try to beat your standing H, wait for an opening while blocking, or attempt to reverse their way out. Punish accordingly. If
your opponent is trying to use normals to work their way out, theyre leaving themselves open to frame traps and EX Cannon Spikes.
Focus Attacks will lose to crouching M > HK Spiral Arrow, which puts Cammy on top of her opponent in the corner. Pay careful
attention to your opponents Super Gauge; if they have enough meter to Focus cancel then chances are good they will eventually try
for a reversal. With the changes to Ultra Street Fighter IV which reduced the advantage a character has immediately after non-EX
reversals are Focus dash canceled, a character in a corner can always be punished on a bad reversal attempt with only 2 stocks.
From mid-range, projectiles are not nearly as safe against Cammy as from long range due to her ability to punish them for high
damage. Cammys Super, Ultra I, EX Spiral Arrow, and Quick Spin Knuckle will all go through projectiles. Quick Spin Knuckle is too slow
to use on reaction, but it can pay off handsomely when you combo into Ultra without spending any Super Gauge. EX Spiral Arrow is
fast enough to punish most projectiles on reaction and gives Cammy the same setup that she gets off of HK Spiral Arrow on hit.
From this range, it is easy to stop your enemy from jumping on you with good use of Cannon Spike. The LK version of Cannon Spike
can occasionally trade and allow you to link Ultra I for a meterless combo, but its more advisable to simply use the HK version for its
additional invincibility, damage, and stun. Cannon Spike is also very reliable at this range against opponents who try to confuse you by
changing their jump trajectory to beat your Cannon Spike (characters like Akuma, Evil Ryu, Seth, Yang, and Yun). During times when
youre just not able to use a Cannon Spike, you can still reliably stop your opponents jumps with close m, close h, and close H. If your
opponent is jumping in from a bit further away, crouching h and standing H work well.
Cammy is at her strongest when she is immediately on top of her opponent and on the offensive. Many of her normals offer substantial
advantage on both hit and block, such as close l, close m, close h, crouchingl, crouching m, and crouching h. Close m and h are easily
hit confirmable for a combo. As you use these attacks from up-close, Cammy will start to push out. As she gets farther from her
opponent, you can either dash back in, use an EX Cannon Strike, or go back to trying to work your way in from mid-range. Against
opponents like Akuma, Dhalsim, Evil Ryu, M. Bison, Seth, and Yang, if you see a teleport as you use an EX Cannon Strike, you can
chase down your opponent with an Ultra I.
When Cammy has a bar, it opens up her anti-throw game which makes opponents more likely to block or take riskier options in an
attempt to stop EX Cannon Strike. When an opponent is noticeably not teching throws, that is the optimal time to use a back throw
and punish your opponent for blocking. The mix-up off of Cammys back throw is scary enough that opponents will want to break
throws, which in turn opens them up to frame traps and EX Cannon Strikes. EX Cannon Strike is the easiest anti-throw maneuver in her
repertoire. When your opponent has a 3-frame crouching L, it is a good deal harder to punish your opponents crouch tech with a
frame trap, so it is often worthwhile to use EX Cannon Strike from close range on these opponents.
Actions designed to counter both Cammys EX Cannon Strike and throws are typically slower attacks more susceptible to frame traps.
This includes various option selects such as crouching m/h crouch techs; typically moves that have a taller hitbox that your opponent
hopes will catch Cammy as she performs an EX Cannon Strike. Their slower attacks allow Cammy to get damage by continuing her
pressure on the ground. As her close m, close h, and crouching m are all quick attacks that allow her to hit confirm, these moves can
be used to stop opponents from casually attempting to use normals hoping to stop EX Cannon Strike, and to get big damage on an
opponent that fears dive kicks more than frame traps. Once opponents are tired of finessing an option select to beat a dive kick and
instead go for a hard counter such as a standing l or standing L, they leave themselves open once again to Cammys throw, and to
setups like Combo IX, a crouching l into close m or h. An opponent may instead try to jump away from Cammy, thinking that a jump-
back h will punish a dive kick. You can beat this most easily by using a crouching L into their pre-jump frames, but you can also chase
it down with an air throw or an HK Cannon Spike.
After successfully landing a hit and converting it into a combo ending in HK Spiral Arrow, Cammy is rewarded with pressure similar to
what she gets off of her back throw. However, unlike her back throw, there is less room for error by guessing on whether your
opponent will wakeup at the regular time or not. See Spiral Arrow under the special move descriptions for details.
Defensively, Cammy has a strong anti-air that can keep opponents off of her, as well as an exceptionally quick backdash. Her backdash
has less invincibility than most, but it also recovers much more quickly. It crosses space rather quickly and only has 5 frames at the
end where you can be punished on the ground for using it. During ground-based pressure strings, backdash and Focus backdash are
excellent ways out of pressure. If you have less than 2 stocks of Super Gauge, you can even option select a throw tech with a Focus
backdash to safely escape your opponents pressure (unless they make a very specific read). To do this, press and
holdl + m + L + M then backdash, which builds a throw tech into a Focus backdash, but initiates Red Focus if you have two or more

I. CR. L > CR. l, CR. m > a + H
181 damage, 306 stun
A basic hit-confirm combo. Perform the initial crouching L with CR. l + L to build in a crouch tech. Since crouching l starts up 1 frame
faster, you can substitute it instead of the L at the cost of 5 damage (and no longer starting your combo off of a low hit). This can be
necessary after the brief block/hitstun on jump-in L or a Cannon Strike hitting high on their body.
A simple variation with two crouching L kicks at the beginning allows Cammy to punish opponents attempting to jump or backdash out
of her pressure when they stop blocking down-back.
Due to the additional pushback of a third chained light move, Cammy must substitute CR. m for a 1-frame link with crouching M before
ending the combo with a Spiral Arrow. Plink it with
CR. M~L, and do it at a slightly slower rhythm than the beat of the three chained light attacks.
II. CL. m, CR. m > a + H
231 damage, 344 stun

A simple combo for reasonable damage and stun, which works well both as a punish and as a hit confirm. Leads immediately into
Cammys standard HK Spiral Arrow follow-ups.
III. CR. h, CR. M > a + H
241 damage, 394 stun

Due to the reduction in advantage on crouching h, the link to crouching M now requires 1-frame precision. On characters like Adon, the
first hit of Spiral Arrow will miss, reducing the
damage to 209.
IV. e + H > FADC backward, a a + KKK
332 damage, 100 stun

Unlike most characters, Cammy must backdash after FADC to juggle with her Ultra after a reversal.
V. CL.h > e + H > FADC forward, e + H > FADC backward, a a +KKK
434 damage, 300 stun

This high-damage combo requires full Super and Ultra Gauges. To ensure Cammy gets all 5 hits of her Ultra, make sure you walk
forward a bit before the second Cannon Spike.
VI. CL.h > a + H > a a + H
400 damage, 200 stun

Simple combo into Spin Drive Smasher for strong damage.
VII. CL. h > a + H > level 1 Red Focus Attack, a a + KKK
423 damage, 270 stun

ST. m > a + H > level 1 Red Focus Attack, a a + KKK
413 damage, 250 stun

Due to the short range of Cammys Focus Attack it is often challenging to land this same sort of combo off of Cammys crouching M.
This is particularly true against thinner characters such as Adon and Fei Long. As Cammys standing m moves her forward substantially
during its active frames, HK Spiral Arrow canceled into Red Focus Attack is much more likely to hit.
VIII. b, 1 + KK, aa + KKK
464 damage, 100 stun
If an EX Cannon Strike hits an opponent near the ground, Cammy recovers quickly enough to have time to combo into any normal
move, and even her Ultra. You even have enough time to hit confirm the dive, allowing you to go straight into a high-damage combo,
or to use it to start your pressure if the EX Cannon Strike was blocked.
EX Cannon Strike done low to the ground (using a tiger knee motion; use whichever upward direction feels most comfortable for you)
creates enough advantage that you can even link it into itself. Perform the motion quickly and its possible to link EX Cannon Strikes for
as long as you have meter to burn. You can still link Ultra or the combo of your choice after four EX Cannon Strikes in a row; four EX
Cannon Strikes in a row linked into Ultra I does 520 damage.
IX. CR. l, CL. m, CR. m > a + H
226 damage, 356 stun

CR. l, CL. m, ST.h > a + H
230 damage, 356 stun

On block, theres a 1-frame gap between crouching l and close m making it an excellent frame trap. The h variation only deals 4
additional damage while reducing a 2-frame link into a 1-frame link, so attempt it with caution.
X. CL. m, CR. m, CR. M > a + M
257 damage, 385 stun

CL.h, CR.m, CR.M > a + M
267 damage, 405 stun
On wider characters such as Abel, Hugo, and Zangief, you can go for an extended combo to deal additional damage and stun. The link
from crouching m to crouching M is a 1-frame link, and this combo requires you to be right next to your opponent; for this reason, it
works well off of an EX Cannon Spike.
On Cammy and Makoto, you can start this combo off of a close h for 10 extra damage and 20 extra stun.
XI. CR. M > a + H > FADC forward, CL.h > a + H
253 damage, 402 stun

This combo allows you to spend 2 bars to get more damage on a crouching poke. It also makes a crouching M canceled into Spiral
Arrow (canceled into FADC forward dash) generally safe at -1 on block. If they block your Spiral Arrow > FADC forward, you can block
to bait a reversal, or choose between throwing, Cannon Spike, or EX Cannon Strike if you would like to stay on the offensive. Cammys
HK Spiral Arrow > FADC leaves her with an advantage of +4 on hit, giving her exactly 1 frame to link the close h. Plink it for
consistency. If youre worried about dropping this combo, you can instead opt to link a crouching l into a crouching m, hit confirming
this post-FADC crouching link before canceling into Spiral Arrow.
XII. d + m, a a + KKK
392 damage, 200 stun

d + m, e + H
260 damage, 300 stun

Though not the easiest move to land due to its slow startup, the oddly-named Quick Spin Knuckle allows Cammy to combo into her
Ultra from mid-screen without spending any Super Gauge. (If you do want to spend Super here, Spin Drive Smasher will also juggle,
for 390 damage at the cost of your full Super Gauge.) Perform Ultra (or Super) immediately upon recovery. This move can go through
projectiles, but you will have to use it predictively as it is too slow to punish a projectile on reaction. Near a corner, she can instead
juggle with a Cannon Spike for a reasonably strong hit not requiring any Super or Ultra Gauge.
XIII. CL. h, CR. M > a + H
241 damage, 364 stun
Close h works similarly to close m in most circumstances. It has additional damage and stun, and it has the same startup, so it can be
used in frame traps, or even in combos starting with crouching l as in Combo VII. It has more pushback on hit and block, so if youre
blocked, youll lose more ground (the price you pay for going for a juicier hit). Due to the additional pushback on close h, it is best to
link a crouching Mrather than m to avoid a whiff. Plink CR.M~L, so if you miss the plink for crouching M, you still might link
crouching L, which still combos into HK Spiral Arrow.

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