Assessment Questions

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Assessment Questions:

Servers yes no comments

Vendors and models.

Are servers up to date with patches?

What services are open?

Are the services needed?

Is/Are the device/devices positioned correctly in

the network?
What are all secure and non-secure interfaces?

What is the history of the servers?

Is there a process for making any changes?

Who is responsible for account management?

Are the logs being checked?

Who is responsible for reviewing the logs?

What are password policies for the network?

What is the physical security of the server


Backups / UPS

What type of backups and rotations are in place?

Are the tapes stored off-site or on site?

Is the data encrypted and/or secure?

Is there an emergency data recovery plan?

Is there power failover protection?

Virus / Spam / Spyware

What brand/version of virus protection is present?

How often are the definitions updated?

Are the updates automatic?

What brand/version of spam protection?

Is there spyware protection?

Does the company have an internet / acceptable

use policy?


Vendor and model.

Is system up to date with patches?

Is the position in the network correct?

Is there IDS present?

Is logging enabled and checked?

What ports are open/forwarded and to what



What type of logs can we get from the ISP?

What type of monitoring is done on the

May we perform vulnerability scans on these
Can we obtain routing information?

What are the standards of cables used?

What is the network topology? i.e. Bus, Linear,

Star, Hybrid, Mesh, Ring
What is the layout of cabling and devices?

What types of routers, hubs and switches are

Do they have user name and password to
Is change management used when changing
routers or switch configurations?
Who approves these changes?

What is the policy regarding connecting to LAN?

What is the policy regarding activating ports?

Who has access to physical space?

Is there a policy for connecting external vendors

to the LAN?
Is physical security practiced properly for
accessing premises and process for activating
and deactivating badges, LAN ports and LAN
connection drops?
If there is Wireless access, is encryption used? If
so, what type?
Are workstation applications and OS patched?

Is there change management at the workstation

level for hardware/software?
Is there Virus/Spyware protection at the
workstation? Is it managed by IT, or user level?

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