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All things around us are made of atoms.

The clothes we wear, the buildings we

live in, the air around us, even our own bodies. Atoms are the microscopic
building blocks of every solid, liquid or gas. If all the atoms in a substance are the
same type - it is called an element. This means it cannot be broken down into
any "ingredients". Oxygen (chemical symbol O) is a pure element. Oxygen is
oxygen - it is not made up of anything else. If a substance contains more than
one element, it is either a compound or a mixture. We will discuss these later, for
now let's stick to elements.

We said before that elements have no "ingredients" - but actually they do. Even a
tiny atom is built of smaller building blocks. All atoms are built of 3 basic things :
Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons.

The simplest atom is Hydrogen. A hydrogen atom is built of one proton and one
electron. The proton sits in the centre of the atom and forms the nucleus of
hydrogen. The electron spins around the nucleus - a bit like a moon orbiting a
planet. Hydrogen, as you can see in the diagram below, does not have any
neutrons. Larger atoms have many protons and neutrons in their nucleus, and
have many orbiting electrons.

So why doesn't the electron just spin off ? Why does it stay orbiting the

The answer is that the electron is attracted to the nucleus because of its 'charge'.
Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge (neutrons
do not have a charge). Opposite charges attract each other.

Need help to understand charge attraction? This is why clothing taken from the
drying machine 'clings'. A static charge is formed when the clothing rubs together
in the machine, and this builds up a negative charge. The negative clothing is
then attracted to more positively charged things around it.

The force caused by the spinning, which should cause the electron to spin off
away from the nucleus, is balanced by the charge force attracting the electron
towards the nucleus. So it doesn't fly off OR cling to the nucleus, it spins around
being pulled equally in both directions.
Although the proton has a positive charge, and the electron has a negative
charge, the atom itself has no charge - it is neutral. All atoms have the same
number of negative orbiting electrons as they have positive protons in their
nucleus (each '+' is cancelled out by a '-'). If you have trouble grasping this - just
do the maths. Every proton is +1, every electron is -1, and the total of all protons
and electrons has to be zero.

know that opposite charges attract each other, but the converse is also
true - the same charges repel each other. When there is just one proton
in the nucleus (like the Hydrogen we just looked at), there isn't a
problem, but if we had two protons in the nucleus, lying side by side, they
would repel each other. They need something to keep them apart. Enter
the neutron. If we draw another element, with two protons in the nucleus,
we have a different element - Helium.

It is the number of protons in an atom that determines which

element it is.

Because Helium has 2 protons, it needs 2 electrons to be charge neutral

(2 positives need 2 negatives). Also notice that Helium has 2 neutrons in
the nucleus to keep the positive protons from repelling each other and
breaking the atom apart. Because neutrons do not have a charge, they
do not affect the overall charge of the atom.

We could carry on drawing bigger atoms with increasing numbers of

protons, neutrons, and electrons. If we did this, we would draw the
elements described in the table below :
Protons Neutrons Electrons Element Name
1 0 1 Hydrogen
2 2 2 Helium
3 4 3 Lithium
4 5 4 Beryllium
5 6 5 Boron
6 6 6 Carbon
7 7 7 Nitrogen
8 8 8 Oxygen
9 10 9 Flourine

As we increase the number of protons, the number of electrons also


As we start to get more and more negative electrons around the nucleus,
they will start to repel each other (Electrons have the same charge, and
remember that same charges repel). For this reason, the electrons that
orbit the nucleus cannot be all bunched together. Like the protons in the
nucleus they need to be kept apart. So electrons orbit the nucleus at
different distances, forming layers or 'shells' of electrons. This is a little
bit like the planets orbiting the sun.

In lithium, the 3 electrons are in shells: two in the first, and one in
the second shell.

The first shell can hold 2 electrons before it is full, the bigger second
shell can hold up to 8, the third shell up to 18. Because we know the
maximum number of electrons in each shell, we can accurately draw the
atomic structure of Oxygen (lets think of the nucleus as one blob in this
diagram rather than drawing all the protons and neutrons).
Protons Neutrons Electrons Element Name
8 8 8 Oxygen

Oxygen has 8 protons, therefore it must have 8 electrons. We know that

2 of these electrons can fit into the first shell, and the remaining 6 go into
the second shell (which can hold 8).

When scientists write down a description of an element, they try to show

all the information needed to draw the diagrams, and there is a method
for doing this. Let's look at the standard way of writing Hydrogen,
Oxygen, and Fluorine :

The letter is the CHEMICAL SYMBOL for the element.

The top number is the MASS NUMBER: the sum of the protons and
The bottom number is the ATOMIC NUMBER: the number of protons or
the number of electrons (as there are the same number of protons and
electrons in an atom).

Using these descriptions we can work everything out for the third
example, fluorine, even though we have not talked about flourine yet.

Flourine has the chemical symbol F. The ATOMIC number tells us that It
has 9 protons and 9 electrons. The MASS number, representing protons
and neutrons, is 19. We already know that there are 9 protons, so the
other 10 are neutrons. Try to work out the same answers for Hydrogen
(H) and Oxygen (O).

Every atom wants to be stable, and stability for an atom is achieved by
having the right number of electrons in its outermost shell. As we have
seen, each shell has a maximum number of electrons that it can hold,
but shells also have an ideal number of electrons. If the outermost shell
of an atom contains this ideal number, it will be a stable atom.

If the outermost shell does not contain this ideal number, the atom will
strive to achieve stability by gaining or losing electrons in their outer
shell. If this cannot be achieved by shuffling their own electrons around,
atoms interact or react with other atoms to take or share electrons to
achieve their goal.

Atoms that already have the ideal number of electrons in their outer shell
have no desire for more electrons, and don't want to lose any either.
These atoms tend to be unreactive or inert. Atoms that that do not have
the ideal number tend to be reactive, striving to get their hands on more,
or get rid of some electrons.

The table below lists shells one to five, and shows the maximum number
of electrons each shell can hold, but also the ideal number fot the atom
to be stable if that shell is the outermost shell..

is stable with an
Shell Can hold outer shell
1 2 2
2 8 8
3 18 8
4 32 8
5 50 8

Lets think about two atoms that we are familiar with: Helium and Oxygen.

Helium has 2 electrons in its outer shell.

This is the ideal number for the first shell, so as we would expect, Helium is
unreactive and inert.
Oxygen has 2 electrons in the first shell, but only 6 in its second outer
This is not the ideal of 8 electrons in the second shell. We would expect oxygen
to do something about this, and try to get 2 more electrons from somewhere by
reacting with another atom. This is indeed the case, and oxygen gets involved in
many reactions with other atoms.

However, rather than seek out something to react with, there is an easier way for
an oxygen atom to achieve stability. If we took two Oxygen atoms, each with 6
electrons in their outer shell, there are a number of options :

1) One oxygen atom could give 2 electrons to the other oxygen atom, producing
one stable atom with 8 electrons in its outer shell (ideal), but one unstable atom
with an outer shell of 4 (not ideal) - so that is not the answer.

2) The two oxygen atoms pair up and share electrons with each other.

In the diagram above, we have coloured the electrons differently for our
explanation, but the two oxygen atoms are identical.

By pairing up and sharing, each oxygen atom effectively has the ideal 8 electrons
in its outer shell. The atom on the right has 6 orange electrons of its own, and
two blue electrons shared with the atom on the right. The atom on the left has 6
blue electrons of its own, and two orange electrons shared with the right atom. As
long as they stay together, the atoms are stable.

This is called COVALENT bonding, which means that electrons are shared
between 2 atoms. Oxygen atoms are so reactive, that the element does not exist
naturally as atoms. Oxygen atoms always pair up and exist as units of two
atoms. This is an oxygen MOLECULE (as shown above) which you will see
written as O2 (pronounced "oh two").

Many other gases also exist as molecules, not atoms. Hydrogen has only one
electron in its outer shell, and gets the ideal two electrons by existing as H2 and
sharing its electron with another hydrogen atom. Nitrogen, with 5 electrons in its
outer shell, needs to get another three, so it shares 3 electrons with another
nitrogen atom to get its ideal outer shell of 8.

When these molecular gases get involved in reactions, the bond in the molecule
must first be broken apart so that the individual atoms can react. The more
electrons that are shared in the bond, the stronger and more difficult to break the
bond is. Molecular gases with stonger bonds are less reactive than those with
weaker molecular bonds.

So we know that the bond in hydrogen gas (H2 - with one shared electron) will be
easy to break, so hydrogen will be very reactive. Oxygen gas (O2 - a stronger
bond with two shared electrons) will be quite reactive, and Nitrogen (N2 a strong
bond with three shared electrons) will be faily unreactive.

Although you can split O2, H2, and N2 molecules into two atoms, they are still a
elements. N2 is pure nitrogen. However when two different atoms react together
and form a bond, the result is called a compound. The most common
compound, using atoms that we are already familiar with, is water (H2O).
In a water molecule, the two hydrogen atoms each share one electron with the
oxygen. This gives each hydrogen atom two electrons in their outer shell (the
ideal number for shell 1), and the oxygen atom eight in its outer shell (the ideal
number for shell 2). Each atom has an ideal outer shell, so we would expect
water to be a stable and unreactive compound (and indeed it is).
Lets take a different example. The reaction between Sodium (Chemical
Symbol: Na) and Chlorine (Chemical Symbol: Cl).

Sodium (Na) has 11 protons, thus 11 electrons (we know from the Atomic
Number). The electrons will be arranged in shells: 2 in the first shell, 8 in
the second shell, and 1 in the outer shell. We write this electron
arrangement in this format: 2,8,1.

Chlorine (Cl) has 17 electrons: arranged 2,8,7.

Chlorine (2,8,7) needs one electron to fill its outer third shell to the ideal
of 8, Sodium (2,8,1) would be better to lose the electron in its outer third
shell, and allow the full second shell of 8 underneath to become its outer

Sodium needs to lose an electron, and chlorine needs to gain one -

these two atoms are a very compatible pair. When a reaction takes place
between them, there is no sharing of electrons, sodium gives away one
electron to chlorine.

However, this introduces something new. Sodium now has 11 protons,

but only 10 electrons (because it has given one away). Chlorine has 17
protons, but now has 18 electrons (as it has taken an extra one from
Sodium). The effect of this is easy to calculate - it leaves the atoms with
a charge - they are no longer neutral.

The Na (Sodium) with one more positive proton than negative

electrons is positively charged, and the Cl (Chlorine) with one extra
negative electron is negatively charged. However as a pair, they are
still neutral (the sodium is "+1" and the chlorine is "-1").
With our new knowledge, we could now go through the range of atoms
one by one and draw their atomic structure, and try to determine how
reactive each one might be by looking at the number of electrons in its
outer shell.

Remember: the first shell wants 2 electrons, the second, third and fourth
want 8 electrons.

Element Electrons
Protons Electrons Symbol Reactive ?
Name in shells
1 1 Hydrogen H 1 Very
Not at all
2 2 Helium He 2
(ideal !)
3 3 Lithium Li 2,1 Very
4 4 Beryllium Be 2,2 Fairly
5 5 Boron B 2,3 Some
6 6 Carbon C 2,4 Some
7 7 Nitrogen N 2,5 Some
8 8 Oxygen O 2,6 Fairly
9 9 Flourine F 2,7 Very
Not at all
10 10 Neon Ne 2,8
(ideal !)
11 11 Sodium Na 2,8,1 Very
12 12 Magnesium Mg 2,8,2 Fairly
13 13 Aluminium Al 2,8,3 Some
14 14 Silicon Si 2,8,4 Some
15 15 Phosphorus P 2,8,5 Some
16 16 Sulphur S 2,8,6 Fairly
17 17 Chlorine Cl 2,8,7 Very
Not at all
18 18 Argon Ar 2,8,8
(ideal !)
19 19 Potassium K 2,8,8,1 Very

Can you see a pattern? The numbers of electrons in the outer shell give
different elements similar properties. Those with ideal outer shells are
unreactive. The elements either side of this, that are nearly ideal are
very reactive. Those further away from being ideal are not so reactive.

Lets reorder the elements in the table above, grouping them by level of
reactivity. It is easy to see in the table below that elements with 8
electrons in the outer shell are all stable, those with 1 or 7 electrons in
the outer shell are very reactive :

shell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Very Fairly Some Some Some Fairly Very Not
Shell 1 H He*
Shell 2 Li Be Bo C N O Fl Ne
Shell 3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Shell 4 K ?? ??
*although Helium has only 2 outer shell electrons, it is a full
(ideal) number for shell 1, so we put it in with the other
unreactive elements with ideal shells in column 8, not in
column 2.

Once we have the elements in this format, we can actually go one step
further and start guessing elements.

For example, we can predict that an element exists in the yellow cell in
column 2 (next to Potassium [K]). It will have 20 protons and electrons
(one more than the 19 protons and electrons that K has). This mystery
element's electrons will be arranged 2,8,8,2 - thus with 2 in its outer shell
it will be fairly reactive.

Bravo - you have just "discovered" an element. This element is Calcium

[Ca] (2,8,8,2).

Further along the row, there is a mystery red cell in column 8 (under
Argon [Ar]). We know that there will be an element with 26 electrons (six
more than the Calcium that we just discovered) in the configuration
2,8,8,8. As this element has an "ideal" outer shell, it will be unreactive.
This element is Krypton [Kr] (2,8,8,8).

This method is how early scientists began to discover the elements. They
loooked for gaps in this table, and realised that there must be an element
to fill it.
We have just covered some fairly advanced stuff - constructing the foundation of
chemistry. The table we have just produced is a basic version of the Periodic
Table of the Elements.

The columns represent the number of electrons in the outer shell (from 1 to 8)
and are called GROUPS. Elements in the same GROUP will have similar
Each row represents a new shell of electrons, (notice: each new row is the start
of a new shell once the previous shell is full). Rows are called PERIODS.

So using this convention we can say that Lithium (Li) is in Group One, Period

We can guess the characteristics that an element might have by its group and
period, and also pair elements together that are likely to produce strong

Remember Sodium (Na: Group 1) and Chlorine (Cl: Group 7) reacting violently
when Na gave one electron to Cl to form an ionic bond?

We can predict that the other members of Group 1 - Lithium (Li), Hydrogen (H),
and Potassium (K) will also react well with Chlorine (Cl) as they too want to get
rid of one electron from their outer shell. For the same reason other members of
Group 7, that want to find an extra electon for their outer shell will react well with
Sodium (Na) - so Fluorine (Fl) will react well.

Group 1 elements with one electron to spare will always react well with
group 7 elements that need an additional electron.

We can also go one step further, and predict how violent a reaction might be.

We know that it is the attraction between the negative electrons and the
positive protons in the nucleus that keep the atom held together. So it makes
sense that the further away the electrons are from the protons in the nucleus, the
weaker the attractive forces will be between them.
Electrons very close to the nucleus in shell 1 (period 1 elements) will be held
strongly, electrons far away in shell 3 or 4 (periods 3 and 4) will be held quite

Lets think about the reactions between group 1 and group 7 again. The element
in group one needs to give away one electron. The element in group 7 needs to
attract one electron.

It makes sense that Hydrogen (H) with its electron close to the nucleus in shell
1 will find it hard to give that electron away, as the attraction between the
negative electron and the positive nucleus will be strong.

Lithium (Li) holds its single electron further away in shell two - further from the
positive nucleus. The attraction will be weaker, and Lithium will find it easier to
give away this electron, and should be more reactive.

Sodium (Na) with its single electron even further away in shell 3 should find it
easier still and be more reactive again. Potassium (K) with the electron in shell 4
will have significantly weaker forces to overcome to give away its electron, and
be very reactive.

From this we can deduct that the attractive forces in shell 1 are greater than in
shell 2, those in shell 2 are greater than in shell 3, and so on.

So - it also makes sense that Fluorine will attract an electron into shell 2 more
strongly than chlorine attracting the electron into shell 3, as the attraction in shell
2 is stronger than shell 3.

Group one elements will be more reactive as we move down the periods (from
row to row, shell to shell), because the electron attraction gets weaker and it is
easier to give electrons away.
Group seven elements will be more reactive as we move up the periods, as the
electron attraction is stronger in shells closer to the nucleus, and they can pull
electrons with more force.
So to test this theory we can predict that a reaction between Potassium (K) and
Fluorine (F) would be particularly violent, as it is very easy for Potassium to lose
its electron from shell 4 where the attraction is weak, and Flourine will attract that
electron rapidly into shell 2 where the attraction is strong.

This is indeed true. Potassium (K - Group 1, Period 4) finds it easy to lose this
outer electron from shell 4, and Fluorine (F -Group 7 Period 2) attracts the
electron strongly into shell 2. This reaction is very, very violent.

Finally (at last - phew !!) - it is worth making clear that we cannot create or
change elements. We don't have the ability to add and subtract protons from the
nucleus (as you might have thought when we were drawing them here).
Elements occur naturally, and while we can react them together to form
compounds, we don't change them. If we could add protons to the nucleus we
would be able to change Lead (82 protons) into Gold (79 protons) by taking three
protons from its nucleus. If anyone finds out how to do this - please let me know.

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