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A Communicative Framework for a Transformational

Interaction Space
Nathaniel Savery Michele H. Jackson
University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder
ABSTRACT represented, defined a priori, or considered stable and
We approach synchronous collaboration via an object- unchanging. Given this, we are called to refocus our design
oriented multi-user programming environment where practice to acknowledge a fundamental dynamism and
objects are open, relational, and require attention in order to indeterminacy when we consider theorizing interaction and
persist. We propose an immersive interaction environment its relation to context.
that accommodates both natural language and object
scripting to enable end-user co-development of object and We assume that participants in interaction are inescapably
relationship representations across time and space into interdependent in some way, each with a unique and
‘situations’ that are both the structure for, and outcome of, irreducible conscious and unconscious sense of reality. That
an ongoing open-ended collaborative process. is, we are inextricably bound to one another when we are
co-present, meaning that we are embedded in responsive
Author Keywords relationships and we cannot ‘not communicate’. Because
attention, co-creation, communication studies, we possess incomplete knowledge about other participants
communication theory, coorientation, indeterminacy, and about environmental factors, any aspect of our
participation, transformational interaction. relationship to the situation is subject to transformation
through the act of communicating. Furthermore, we cannot
ACM Classification Keywords fully predict whether and how our own actions might
H.5.3 Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): change the interaction, although we often attempt to do so.
Group and Organization Interfaces – Collaborative Finally, as interactions occur in time, change is an
computing, Computer-supported cooperative work. inescapable element of the environment, preventing any
complete stabilization of a relationship and giving all
General Terms meaning a certain ‘provisionality’ and open-endedness.
Design, Human Factors, Theory
How might we design a communication environment that
INTRODUCTION reflects these particular transformational characteristics of
Communication studies and CSCW share a common communication? CSCW scholars have been pursuing some
interest in human interaction. Both hold interaction as of these questions, and provide us some starting points [3,
diverse and complex, and both develop resources for 6]. As one example, the participatory, design-in-use
responding to the fundamental uncertainty intrinsic of all perspective offers a rich overlap with the domain of
interaction. In order to do this, recent communication communication studies.
theory moves beyond models of communication as
reciprocal transmission of messages to consider the We use the concept of coorientation to emphasize the
entanglement between context, language, action, and the coordination of participants’ attention and their
design of our material world [7]. In CSCW, similar interdependence, (though not necessarily agreement)
discussion has focused on issues such as supporting concerning the salient aspects of the interaction. Precisely
dynamic interaction types [1, 2] and ephemerality and by simulating and enforcing an environment characterized
prototypicality in collaboration systems [4]. by interdependence, incompleteness, and ongoing change
can the possibility be created for supporting dynamic, yet
Communicative action does not just occur ‘in’ a context; still effective and goal-directed, collaborative interaction.
rather, it acts to define that context as well. Context in this
sense includes the perceived relationships, roles, history, DESIGN PRINCIPLES
and goals enacted among participants, We accept, with Deriving from the above, the following are general design
Dourish [5], that salient aspects of the context for any principles for a transformational interaction space:
situated action cannot be systematically and completely 1. Objects are not predefined as content or as context. An
object’s type is defined by users during interaction.
2. Objects are created and modified as a function of users
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
CSCW 2010, February 6–10, 2010, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
‘paying attention to them’.
ACM 978-1-60558-795-0/10/02.
3. Objects exist always ‘in relation to’ at least one other DISCUSSION
object. Such relations are created by users, who must In an important sense, interactions do not occur in isolation.
explicitly articulate at least one relationship. All users are They take place within streams of ongoing relationships,
aware of the relationships and may respond. collaborations, and perceptions. Interacting individuals
4. Objects exist in time, requiring ongoing acknowledgment simultaneously engage in multiple, perhaps conflicting,
via attention to remain ‘present’ in an interaction. By processes that reflect diverse perspectives and styles. The
default, objects dissipate or degrade if they do not receive body of interactions taking place within this system may
sufficient ongoing attention. The level of attention required accumulate into a jumble of context-specific configurations,
may vary. Some objects may be provisionally ‘stabilized’, with an ecology of collaboration emerging as succeeding
such that they persist without user attention. interactions adapt to (and transform) changing
5. Anything created in an interaction is open and may be environmental conditions. The provisionality of functional
extended, or duplicated and repurposed by other users. specifications and requirement that users co-invest in their
6. Different versions of any object may be retained, and stabilization invites ongoing redesign toward increasingly
made accessible to any user (insofar as they comply to the robust, context-relevant design.
previous principles). Thus, although attempts to create a
shared understanding of context may at times require users We should also expect that the underlying assumptions of
to choose among incommensurable interpretations, users openness and shared responsibility will have material and
may also ignore this challenge as long as they can find observable consequences for the quality of the interaction
ways to sustain the interaction. over time. The indeterminacy of meaning is ‘generative’
here in the sense that it promotes reflection, in considering
SYSTEM MECHANISMS the nature of a situation and one’s participation in it. Users
Working from these principles, we propose an interaction engage with both the pre-existing constraints on the
design environment grounded in a set of mechanisms that interaction and the future possibilities toward which the
preserve the emergent and transformational character of current state of the interaction is oriented. Holding users
interaction. Values for parameters are set at the outset of an explicitly accountable to one another and to the inexorable
interaction, and then may be reconfigured by users during movement of time, the system keeps reflexivity grounded in
the interaction itself. the eternal present, focused on ‘moving the situation
forward’ in relevant ways, rather than ‘just talking about it’.
1. Object-creation mechanism whereby user-specified
objects are automatically populated with properties defining
their (a) placement in time, (b) relative ‘salience’ to the 1. J. Bardram, “Designing for the dynamics of cooperative
interaction (as initial level of attention), and (c) current work activities,” Proc. of the 1998 ACM Conf. on
relationships to other objects and users. CSCW, Seattle: ACM, 1998, pp. 89-98.
2. Relationship-enforcement mechanisms that calculate
interdependencies and generate response structures that 2. A. Bernstein, “How can cooperative work tools support
request input from other users as appropriate. These dynamic group process?” Proc. of the 2000 ACM Conf
mechanisms then modify the attributes of all relevant on CSCW, Philadelphia: ACM, 2000, pp. 279-288.
objects according to those responses. 3. S. Bødker, “When second wave HCI meets third wave
3. Temporal accounting whereby an algorithm challenges,” Proc. of the 4th Nordic Conf. on HCI, Oslo:
systematically modifies (updates) time-related properties of ACM, 2006, pp. 1-8.
objects at varying intervals. Thus objects become
4. S. Bødker and E. Christiansen, “Designing for
vulnerable to change processes that the system initiates,
ephemerality and prototypicality,” Proc. of the 5th Conf.
including degradation of objects.
on Designing Interactive Systems, Cambridge ACM,
4. Attention-awareness mechanisms that provide dynamic
2004, pp. 255-260.
display reconfiguration based on object attributes of
‘salience’. In addition to reading and responding to 5. P. Dourish, “What we talk about when we talk about
attention cues in real-time, an algorithm would reconfigure context,” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8,
the visual characteristics of pre-existing objects based on Feb. 2004, pp. 19-30.
their attributes of attention to enforce time based change 6. P. Sengers and B. Gaver, “Staying open to
and degradation. interpretation: engaging multiple meanings in design
and evaluation,” Proc. of the 6th Conf on Designing
Requiring users to negotiate directly with one another to Interactive Systems, University Park: ACM, 2006, pp.
configure and re-configure the parameters of their 99-108.
engagement encourages users toward thoughtful, mutually-
beneficial interpretations of situations. These 7. J.R. Taylor, D.C. Groleau, L. Heaton, and E. Van Every,
interpretations could be exported as objects to further The Computerization of Work, Thousand Oaks; Sage,
interactions, creating a history of ongoing collaboration and 2000.
shared meaning.

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