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China Enterprise

China Enterprise
Management Software
Management Software
Industry Report, 2012
Industry Report, 2012
Published by : Sino Market Insight
Date : Nov-2012
Page : 67
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According to China Enterprise Management Software Industry Report, 2012
released y SinoMar!etInsight, till 201", the mar!et si#e of Chinese enterprise
management software industry will surpass RM$ 2% illion, with an annual growth
rate of o&er 10'(
Management software is a field with the second largest output &alue in gloal
software industry( In 2010, the mar!et si#e of ER) software in management
software reached as high as *S+", illion, only second to the mar!et si#e *S+-0
illion of electronic games and more than the mar!et si#e *S+,0(" illion of
.perating Systems( In 2011, the world/s ER) software mar!et si#e appro0imated
*S+"- illion, and the figure is e0pected to hit *S+%0(, illion in 201%(

In China, the &alue of software has long een underestimated, which causes slow
growth for the re&enue of software companies( Among top 100 Chinese software
companies, the strong ones are mostly the emedded software enterprises such
as 1uawei, 23E and +igital China, whose ma4ority of proceeds still come from
hardware de&ices( 5ith regard to I3 in&estment, the software in&estment only
account for 11' of I3 in&estment currently in China, far lower than the gloal
a&erage 21' and the le&el 26' in the *nited States, letting alone the ser&ices(
1owe&er, this also shows the room for growth of Chinese management software(
Chinese enterprise management software mar!et can di&ide into high7end large
enterprise management software mar!et and small7 and medium7si#ed enterprise
management software mar!et(

3he high7end mar!et is dominated y foreign software companies li!e SA) and
.racle, ut large Chinese enterprise management software enterprises ha&e
made significant progress in such mar!et, the gap of which with foreign peers
eing narrowed( Small7 and medium7si#ed enterprise management software
mar!et is the field for Chinese enterprise fiercely compete, and the ma4or
consumer &arieties of small7 and medium7si#ed enterprises 8SMEs9 range from
general ER), .A system to independent financial management, usiness flow
management and customer relationship management software(
$et Full Details On :

1# O%er%ie& o' (nter)rise *ana+ement ,o't&are -n.ustry
1(1 Mar!et Segments
1(2 $asic Industrial <eatures
1(, +e&elopment 3rend
/# ,tatus 0uo o' 1!inese (nter)rise *ana+ement ,o't&are -n.ustry
2(1 SME Management Software Mar!et
2(2 ER)
2(, ER) Implementation
2(" Collaorati&e Software

3# 2ele%ant 3olicies
4# 4ey 1!inese 1om)anies
"(1 =onyou Software
"(1(1 )rofile
"(1(2 .peration
"(1(, Re&enue Structure
"(1(" Clients > Suppliers
"(1(% )rospects and )erformance )rediction in 20127201"
"(1(- Shareholding Companies

"(2 ?ingdee International
"(2(1 )rofile
"(2(2 .peration
"(2(, Re&enue Structure
"(2(" Clients > Suppliers
"(2(% )rospects and )erformance )rediction in 20127201"
"(, +igital China
"(,(1 )rofile
"(,(2 .peration
"(,(, Re&enue Structure

"(,(" )rospects and )erformance )rediction in 20127201"
"(" @lodon Software
"("(1 )rofile
"("(2 .peration
"("(, Re&enue Structure
"("(" Clients > Suppliers
"("(% )rospects and )erformance )rediction in 20127201"
"("(- Shareholding Companies
3urc!ase 5o& :

$usiness Structure of Chinese Software Industry, 2010
Chinese Enterprise Management Software Mar!et Si#e and @rowth Rate, 20017
Chinese Enterprise Management Software Mar!et Structure y )roduct, 2010
)roportion of Chinese Enterprises Applying Management Information y
Chinese Enterprise Management Software Mar!et Shares, 2011
+emand of Small7 and Medium7si#ed Enterprises in Chinese Manufacturing for
Management Software
+emand for Bew and 1i7tech Small7 and Medium7si#ed Enterprise Management
Software in China

)roportion of Management Software .utput Calue in @+) in China and the *S,
ER) Mar!et Share in China, 2011
ER) Implementation Ser&ice Mar!et Si#e and @rowth Rate in China, 20107201"E
Si#es of ER) Implementation Ser&ice Mar!et Segments in China, 20107201"
Collaorati&e Management Software Mar!et and @rowth Rate in China, 200-7
Bumer of Enterprises +emanding Electronic +eclaration Software in China,
Daws and Regulations on Chinese Software Industry and Enterprise Management
Software Industry, 200072011
Employees of =onyou Software, 200672011

)rofit > @ross Margin of =onyou Software y )roduct, 200672012
Re&enue Contriution of =onyou Software/s 3op % Clients, 200E72011
)rocurement Amount of =onyou Software/s 3op % Suppliers,200672011
)erformance )rediction of =onyou Software, 20127201"
Bet )rofit of =onyou Software/s Shareholding Companies, 200672011
R>+ In&estment of ?ingdee, 200672012
<inancial +ata of ?ingdee, 200672012
Re&enue Structure of ?ingdee y )roduct, 200672012
Re&enue Share of ?ingdee/s 3op % Clients, 200672011
)rocurement Amount of ?ingdee/s 3op % Suppliers, 200672011

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