Price of CMI Pads

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Price of CMI Pads

Economic value to the customer

Colerik test --> 55 foot 300 piles to the depth of 50 feet

asbestos cmi
feet driven per hour 150 200
no of times pads changed 20 1
mins taken to change 20 4
total time 400 4

time saved 396

in hrs 6.6

time taken to complete task 100 75

time saved 25

total time saved in hours 31.6

equipment+rental+labor 238

total cost saved 7520.8

no of pads used 480 6

cost saved per pad 1253.467

therefore the price ranges from 1254-->1505

taking the lower of the prices as maximum li 1254

Price based on cost to contractors if they replace asbestos pads with CMI Pads

Colerik test --> 55 foot 300 piles to the depth of 50 feet

asbestos cmi
no of sets required 20 1
cost per set 50
no of pads per set 24 6

total cost 1000

cost per pad 166.6667

therefore the price ranges from 167-->400

taking the lower of the prices as maximum limit 167

Therefore a consumer is willing to pay between $167 to $1254

price to cormick 710.5

price to distributors 895.7143

market size in $
price 167 400 1254
optimistic 37612575 90090000 2.82E+08
pessimistic 33851318 81081000 2.54E+08

he customer

Fazio test --> 45 foot 300 piles to the depth of 40 feet

asbestos cmi
feet driven per hour 160 200
no of times pads changed 50 1
mins taken to change 20 4
total time 1000 4

time saved 996

in hrs 16.6

time taken to complete task 75 60

time saved 15

total time saved in hours 31.6

equipment+rental+labor 238

total cost saved 7520.8

no of pads used 600 5

cost saved per pad 1504.16

th CMI Pads

Fazio test --> 45 foot 300 piles to the depth of 40 feet

asbestos cmi
no of sets required 50 1
cost per set 40
no of pads per set 12 5

total cost 2000

cost per pad 400

Market size

pile driver no of feet dug by a set of CMI pads

owned 13000
leased 9750

total 22750

per year 25 weeks
per week 30 hrs

efficiency 20 feet/hr

no feet dug in a year 341250000 341 million feet

no of pads sold 204750

assuming market size can vary + - 10%

market size
optimistic 225225
pessimistic 202702.5

market size in $
price 167 400 1254
optimistic 37612575 90090000 282432150
pessimistic 33851318 81081000 254188935

33.8 million dollars onwards

dug by a set of CMI pads 10000

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