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Types of Printers

There are several types of printers in use on the tenth floor.

HP LaserJet 3390
HP LaserJet M5035 MFP
HP 4250n/4350
HP olor Laser 4500
HP olor Laser 4!00
HP LaserJet "#00 $%
anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
HP olor &n+Jet #,00
HP -usiness &n+Jet 2"00
HP LaserJet 3390
.oft/are )e0uire'ent
HP 3390 onsole
Ho/ to Print on a HP 3390
Ho/ to opy on a HP3390
Ho/ to Fa1 on a HP3390
Ho/ to .2an on a HP3390
)eturn to Top
Software Requirement
-efore you 2an fully use the HP3390 printer3 you 'ust 2all the help 4es+ an4 re0uest that the HP3390 printer
soft/are 5e installe4 on your 2o'puter.
)eturn to HP3390
How to Print on a HP3390
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP3390 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP3390
How to opy on a HP3390
Please vie/ the 4isplay of the 3390 2onsole in another 5ro/ser /in4o/.
To the ri(ht of the 3390 2onsole s2reen 4isplay is the OP! 5utton.
75ove the 8P9 5utton are various options :;of opies3 Paper3 et2.<.
To use the 4efault settin(s for the OP! options to 'a+e # 2opy6
#. Pla2e the 4o2u'ent fa2e up in the fee4er.
2. Press the OP! 5utton.
&f you /ant to 'o4ify a OP! option3 the follo/in( /ill 'o4ify the ; of opies option. The sa'e pro2e4ure /oul4
5e use4 to 'o4ify any of the OP!options.
#. Press the ; of opies 5utton.
2. &n the 3390 2onsole s2reen 4isplay3 the nu'5er # /ill 5e 4isplaye4.
3. -elo/ the 3390 2onsole s2reen 4isplay are the follo/in( 5uttons6
o Left arro/ 5utton
o =nter 5utton
o )i(ht arro/ 5utton
o an2el 5utton
4. Press the )i(ht arro/ 5utton to in2rease the nu'5er of opies.
5. Press the Left arro/ 5utton to 4e2rease the nu'5er of opies.
,. &f you 4e2i4e not to 'o4ify the nu'5er of opies3 press the an2el 5utton. 8ther/ise3 press the =nter
!. 7fter 'o4ifyin( the various OP! options3 press the =nter 5utton to 2reate >usto' settin(s> /hi2h /ill
4isplay in the 3390 2onsole s2reen 4isplay.
". Finally3 press the .tart opy 5utton.
9. ?hen finishe4 /ith the OP! fun2tion3 press the an2el 5utton to reset the OP! options to their 4efault
)eturn to HP3390
How to S"an on a HP3390
7fter the HP3390 soft/are is installe4 on your 2o'puter3 sele2t the ST#RT 'enu
:ST#RT@APro$rams@AHP@AHP LaserJet 3390<
To 2reate a short2ut ri(ht 2li2+ on HP LaserJet 3390 an4 sele2t Sen% To@A&es'top
To set up .7%3 sele2t the i2on you Bust 2reate4. The follo/in( /ill 5e 4isplaye4.
.ele2t Setup an4 the follo/in( /in4o/ /ill 5e 4isplaye4.
.ele2t the option to 2reate a ne/ 4estination /ith settin(s that you /oul4 spe2ify an4 2li2+ the Ne(t 5utton.
The $estination /in4o/ /ill 5e 4isplaye46
.ele2t /hether you /ant to save the s2anne4 4o2u'ent to your 2o'puter or atta2h it to an e'ail. %o/ 2li2+ the
Ne(t 5utton. %ote that if you /ant to 4o 5oth options you /ill have to 2reate a ne/ 4estination an4 you /ill have
to 2reate t/o 4ifferent na'e or you 2an Bust 2han(e an e1istin( s2an 4estination in the first se2tion.
The 4efault s2an settin(s6

li2+ the Ne(t 5utton.
The File )nformation /in4o/ /ill 5e 4isplaye46
.ele2t the first option as this /ill save the 4o2u'ent to your 2o'puter /ithout as+in( for per'ission :note that
this /ill e1tre'ely useful so that you 4o not have to /al+ 5a2+ an4 forth to the s2anner<. 7 4efault lo2ation for
savin( your 4o2u'ents is sho/n 5ut you 2an 2han(e it. 7lso3 sele2t /hi2h file type you /ish to save your s2anne4
4o2u'ents as. li2+ the Ne(t 5utton.
The Sa*e )nformation /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
=nter the na'e for this ne/ 4estination. =nter a 2he2+ 'ar+ in the 5o1 to sen4 the ne/ 4estination to the allCinC
one. &n the $0,* 5o1 enter the na'e you type4 in the first 5o1.
li2+ the N+,T 5utton. 9our settin(s /ill 5e 4isplaye4 an4 a pro'pt as+in( you to save your settin(s. &f you 4o
not /ant those settin(s3 sele2t an"el 5utton an4 start over.
7ll of the a5ove is 4one the first ti'e you /ant to s"an. 9ou have 4efine4 the settin(s nee4e4 to 4o a s2an.
The follo/in( steps /oul4 5e 4one ea2h ti'e that you s2an a 4o2u'ent6
#. Pla2e the 4o2u'ents on the fee4er fa2in( up/ar4.
2. 8n the ri(ht han4 si4e of the 2onsole you /ill see S#N .
3. Dn4er that you have 2 5uttons6 S"an to an4 S"an-
4. Press the S"an to 5utton.
5. ?ith the arro/s un4er the L$ s2reen 2hoose the 2o'puter na'e :i.e. this is the na'e you entere4 in the
&0./ 5o1<.
,. Press the S"an 5utton. %ote that it 'ay ta+e a fe/ se2on4s for the s2an.
!. Ta+e your 4o2u'ents on2e the s2an is 2o'plete.
". he2+ the fol4er that you spe2ifie4 for your s2anne4 4o2u'ents :i.e. the first 5o1 in the File )nformation
/in4o/ an4 2onfir' the 4o2u'ents are there.

)eturn to HP3390
How to Fa( on a HP3390
#. Pla2e the fa1 4o2u'ent on the fee4er /ith print fa2in( up/ar4
:less than 2# pa(es<.
2. 8n the HP3390 2onsole loo+ for F#, 5utton on the left si4e.
3. =nter the phone nu'5er to fa1 to6
o Lo2al nu'5er6 press 9 E fa1 nu'5er.
o Lon( 4istan2e nu'5er6 press 9 E # E fa1 nu'5er.
4. Press the F#, 5utton.
)eturn to HP3390
HP LaserJet 01031 0FP
HP 5035 &nitial .2reen $isplay
Ho/ to Print on a HP 5035
Ho/ to opy on a HP5035
Ho/ to .2an to a %et/or+ Fol4er on a HP5035
Ho/ to ='ail .2anne4 $o2u'ents on a HP5035
)eturn to Top
HP 1031 )nitial S"reen &isplay
)eturn to HP5035
How to Print on a HP1031
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP5035 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP5035
How to opy on a HP1031
#. Pla2e the 4o2u'ent printe4 si4e fa2e up in the 4o2u'ent fee4er.
2. Fro' the intial s2reen 4isplay3 press the opy option.
3. .ele2t the nu'5er of 2opies an4 any a44itional features.
4. Press the ST#RT 5utton.
)eturn to HP5035
How to S"an to a Networ' Fol%er on a HP1031
#. li2+ on the %et/or+ Fol4er option on the initial s2reen 4isplay.
2. Pla2e the 4o2u'ent printe4 si4e fa2e up on the 4o2u'ent fee4er.
3. The file /ill 5e 2reate4 in to &P 744ressF.2anGToF.7%%=$F fol4er. Type the File %a'e on the ri(ht si4e.
li2+ on .7%%=$ :on the left si4e< to see /hi2h fol4er the file /ill 5e s2anne4 to.
4. Press the ST#RT 5utton.
)eturn to HP5035
How to +mail S"anne% &o"uments on a HP1031
#. 8n the initial tou2h s2reen 4isplay3 press +0#)L option an4 the follo/in( is 4isplaye46
2. The FRO0 option /ill 5e alrea4y populate43 2li2+ the TO option an4 a +ey5oar4 /ill pop up6
3. To sen4 to yourself or people in the =P73 type the first na'e an4 the last na'e.
4. Press OK /hen finishe4 enterin( na'e.
5. .ele2t Su23e"t an4 the +ey5oar4 is 4isplaye4.
,. Type the na'e of your e'ail.
!. &f you loo+ 5elo/ on the s2reen3 it /ill have a s'all arro/ 5utton title4 0ore Options.
". Press it if you nee4 to 2hoose 'ore options :i.e. 2han(in( the 4o2u'ent for'at<.
9. Put the 4o2u'ent printe4 si4e fa2e up on the 4o2u'ent fee4er.
#0. Press ST#RT.
##. This /ill 2opy the 4o2u'ent an4 /ill as+ if you /oul4 li+e to save settin(s.
#2. hoose the NO option.
#3. The =n4
)eturn to HP5035
HP LaserJet 4510
Ho/ to Print on a HP 4250
)eturn to Top
How to Print on a HP4510
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP4250 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
How to Print a onfi%ential &o"ument on a HP4510
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye4.
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP4250 printer. %o/ sele2t the Properties 5utton.
The &o"ument Properties /in4o/ is 4isplaye4.
.ele2t the Jo2 Stora$e ta5 to 4isplay the Jo5 .tora(e /in4o/
8n the Jo2 Stora$e /in4o/ 4o the follo/in( as sho/n in the ne1t 4isplay6
#. .ele2t the Store% Jo2 5utton un4er Jo2 Stora$e 0o%e
2. Dn4er 0a'e Jo2 Pri*ate sele2t the P)N to print 5utton
3. &n the 5o1 type a 4 4i(it nu'5er :note6 re'e'5er the nu'5er<
4. li2+ on the OK 5utton
The Print /in4o/ is 4isplaye4 a(ain. li2+ on the OK 5utton
The Jo2 Stora$e )%entifi"ation /in4o/ is 4isplaye4 sho/in( the Bo5 na'e an4 printer
?hen you are rea4y to print the Bo5 on the 4250 printer lo2ate4 at #0.#!43 press the M=%D 5utton on the printer
to see the follo/in( 4isplay. Press the *)==% 5utton /ith a /hite 2he2+'ar+ to sele2t the option )=T)&=H= J8-.
7 4isplay of your useri4 /ith a nu'5er ne1t to it sho/s the nu'5er of Bo5s you have a/aitin( print.
Press the *)==% 5utton an4 a 4isplay sho/s the Bo5 na'es of the Bo5s a/aitin( print.
Press the *)==% 5utton to sele2t /hi2h Bo5 you /ant. The ne1t 4isplay (ives you the option to P)&%T or $=L=T=
the Bo5. Hi(hli(ht the option you /ant an4 press the *)==% 5utton.
The follo/in( 4isplay pro'pts you for the 4 4i(it P&% 2o4e you 2reate4 /hen you 4ire2te4 the Bo5 to this printer.
Press the DP an4 $8?% arro/s to enter the $&*&T. Press the L=FT an4 )&*HT arro/s to 'ove to the ne1t
position. 7fter enterin( the 4 4i(its3 press the *)==% 5utton.
The last 4isplay pro'pts you for the nu'5er of 8P&=. that you /ant printe4. Dse the DP an4 $8?% arro/s to
sele2t the nu'5er of 8P&=. an4 press the *)==% 5utton.
This is the =%$ :finally...< of ho/ to print a 2onfi4ential Bo5 on a HP4250 printer.
)eturn to HP4250
HP olor Laser Jet 4100
Ho/ to Print on a HP 4500
)eturn to Top
How to Print on a HP4100
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP4500 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP4500
HP olor Laser Jet 4600
Ho/ to Print on a HP 4!00
)eturn to Top
How to Print on a HP4600
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP4!00 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP4!00
HP LaserJet 7800
Ho/ to Print on a HP "#00
)eturn to Top
How to Print on a HP7800
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a HP"#00 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP"#00
anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
.oft/are )e0uire'ents for anon &) 45!0*T
Ho/ to .et Dp a Mail5o1 on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
Ho/ to Print on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
Ho/ to opy on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
Ho/ to Fa1 on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
Ho/ to .2an on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
Ho/ to ='ail .2anne4 $o2u'ents on a anon &'a(e )unner 45!0*
)eturn to Top
Software Requirement
-efore you 2an fully use the anon &) 45!0* printer3 you 'ust 2all the help 4es+ an4 re0uest that the anon &)
45!0* printer soft/are 5e installe4 on your 2o'puter.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
How to Set 9p a 0ail2o( on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
-rin( up &nternet =1plorer an4 type the &P a44ress of the anon printer in the a44ress /in4o/ an4 press the =nter
u5i2le 40 &P a44ress is 204.4,.##0.#!!
u5i2le ,# &P a44ress is 204.4,.##0.##!
This e1planation /ill use &P a44ress 204.4,.##0.#!! /hi2h is printer i4 #0G040G45!0 lo2ate4 in 2u5i2le 40. The
follo/in( /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+in( on 0ail:o( /ill 5rin( up the 9ser )n2o(es /in4o/6
.ele2t an &n5o1 %u'5er that 4oes not have a %a'e ne1t to it. The follo/in( 9ser )n2o(es /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
.ele2t Settin$s in the upper ri(ht 2orner of the /in4o/. The 9ser )n2o(es Settin$s /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
-e sure to sele2t ea2h of the 2he2+ 5o1es. )e'e'5er your pass/or4II -efore sele2tin( Set 9RL Sen%; 2li2+ on
the #%%ress :oo's /in4o/. The #%%ress :oo's /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
.2roll 4o/n an4 sele2t your na'e. %o/ 2li2+ on the OK 5utton. The 9ser )n2o(es Settin$s /in4o/ /ill 5e
4isplaye4 a(ain. onfir' that there is an a44ress in the D)L /in4o/ an4 that all the 2he2+ 5o1es have 5een
The 'ail5o1 setup is 2o'plete4. The &nternet =1plorer /in4o/ 2an 5e 2lose4.
?hen you are rea4y to print a 4o2u'ent :for e1a'ple a %otepa4 4o2u'ent<3 sele2t the Print option an4 a
/in4o/ /ill 5e 4isplaye46
.ele2t the 80<040<4160<anon<Ptr an4 2li2+ on Preferen"es 5utton. The Printin$ Preferen"es /in4o/ is
4isplaye4. &n the Output 0et=o% /in4o/ :on the ri(ht si4e< sele2t Store .
7nother /in4o/ pops up. .ele2t the !es 5utton.
The Store &estination /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
&n the Name /in4o/3 enter the na'e of your 'ail5o1. &n the 9ser )n2o(es /in4o/3 s2roll 4o/n to the nu'5er
of your 'ail5o1 an4 hi(hli(ht it. %o/ 2li2+ OK.
?hen you are rea4y to print the 4o2u'ent3 open up an &nternet =1plorer /in4o/ an4 in the a44ress /in4o/ type
204.4,.##0.#!! /hi2h is the &P a44ress of printer i4 #0G040G45!0 lo2ate4 in 2u5i2le 40. The Remote 9) /in4o/
/ill 5e 4isplaye4. .ele2t the Mail5o1 option. The +nter Passwor% /in4o/ is 4isplaye4 pro'ptin( you for your
pass/or4 :you +no/3 the one that you have for(otten<.
The 'ail5o1 /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
.ele2t the 4o2u'ents that you /ant to print3 2li2+ on the Print 5utton.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
How to Print on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
.ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t a anon &) 45!0* printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of
2opies an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
How to opy on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
%o 4o2u'entation yet.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
How to Fa( on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
%o 4o2u'entation yet.
)eturn to anon45!0*
How to S"an on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
%o 4o2u'entation yet.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
How to +mail S"anne% &o"uments on a anon )ma$e Runner 4160/
%o 4o2u'entation yet.
)eturn to anon 45!0*
HP &es'Jet 8.00
Ho/ to Print on the olor HP $es+Jet #,00
)eturn to Top
How to Print on t=e olor HP &es'Jet 8.00
This printer is lo2ally 2onne2te4 to the se2on4 4es+top 2o'puter :to the left< in the *raphi2s roo'..ele2t the
Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t the HP#,00 printer. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies
an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to HP#,00
HP :usiness )n'Jet 5700
Ho/ to Print on the olor HP -usiness &n+Jet 2"00
)eturn to Top
How to Print on t=e olor HP :usiness )n'Jet 5700
This printer is only 2onne2te4 lo2ally to the first 4es+top 2o'puter you see /hen you open the 4oor to the
*raphi2s roo'. .ele2t the Print option after sele2tin( the File 'enu. The print /in4o/ is 4isplaye46
li2+ on the 4o/n/ar4 arro/ in the Name 5o1 an4 sele2t the HP2"00 printer. li2+ on the Properties 5utton if
you /ish to use lon( an4 /i4e sheets. .ele2t /hi2h tray you /ill 'anually loa4 these sheets into. %o/ 2li2+ the
OK 5utton. This shoul4 4isplay the first print /in4o/. 7fter sele2tin( the nu'5er of 2opies an4 ho/ 'any pa(es to
print3 2li2+ the OK 5utton.
)eturn to Top

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