Daemon Primarch Epic Armageddon

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Daemon Primarchs

Daemon Primarchs may be included in any chaos army at the cost of 300 points.

You may only include 0-1 of each Daemon Primarch.

To take any of the Daemon Primarchs in your army you must have at least one parent formation of
the chaos power associated with the Primarch. The Daemon Primarch operates as a separate

A Daemon Primarch may be upgraded to be your Supreme Commander at no additional cost.


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 20cm 4+ 3+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Magnus Eyebolt 60cm MW3+ Titan Killer (d3)
AND (15cm) Small Arms Extra Attacks +1, Titan Killer (d3)
Magnus Staff (base contact) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks +1, Titan Killer (1)
Notes: DC3, Daemon Primarchs are large monstrosities and can move over terrain and units no
higher than the knees of the model, Commander, Leader, Inspiring, Reinforced Armour, Thick
Rear Armour, Invulnerable Save, Daemonic Pact, Daemonic Focus, Fearless.
Critical: Magnuss protective spells are triggered and he teleports away from the battlefield and
may not return.
If a Daemon Primarch is destroyed all daemons within 10cm are sucked back into the warp on a
4+. These units may be re-summoned.


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 20cm 4+ 3+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Stream of
15cm Small Arms Ignore Cover, Extra Attacks +1
AND Flame Template AP4+/AT5+ Ignore Cover, Disrupt
Man Reaper (base contact) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks d3, Titan Killer
Notes: DC4, Daemon Primarchs are large monstrosities and can move over terrain and units no
higher than the knees of the model, Commander, Leader, Inspiring, Reinforced Armour, Thick
Rear Armour, Invulnerable Save, Daemonic Pact, Daemonic Focus, Fearless.
Nurgles Rot: At the end of any assault the Death Guard player may make one special extra
attack for every surviving unit with Nurgles Rot in the engagement (not supporting formations).
This attack can be either firefight or assault weapons and always hits on a 6+. Armour
Saves (but not Cover Saves) can be taken as normal and casualties caused do count towards
combat resolution.

Critical: The wound inflicted on Mortarion is pouring with thick putrid slime and pus. All combat
rolls are at -1 until the end phase of the turn. This effect is not cumulative.
If a Daemon Primarch is destroyed all daemons within 10cm are sucked back into the warp on a
4+. These units may be re-summoned.


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 25cm 4+ 2+ -
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Blade of Fury (base contact) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks +2, Titan Killer (1)
Blood Frenzy (base contact) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks +2, Titan Killer (1)
Notes: DC3, Daemon Primarchs are large monstrosities and can move over terrain and units no
higher than the knees of the model, Commander, Leader, Inspiring, Reinforced Armour, Thick
Rear Armour, Invulnerable Save, Daemonic Pact, Daemonic Focus, Fearless.
Critical: Angron is driven into a daemonic rage and immediately moves 2D6cm in a random
direction. If this move takes the Primarch into impassable terrain or another unit it cant move
over then it stops when it contacts the obstruction and suffers an extra point of damage. If Angron
rampages into or over any units then they will take a hit on a D6 roll of 4+ (make saving throws
for the units normally).
If a Daemon Primarch is destroyed all daemons within 10cm are sucked back into the warp on a
4+. These units may be re-summoned.
Blood Frenzy: Angron and all the daemons in the formation must always advance towards the
nearest enemy and will make a charge action if possible. He cant take the following actions:
Marshall, Overwatch, Sustained fire, single.


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 20cm 4+ 3+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Fireblade (base contact) Assault Weapon
Extra Attacks +1, Titan Killer (1), First
Gaze of
30cm 3x MW4+ Macro Weapon
AND 15cm Small Arms
Extra Attacks +1, Macro Weapon,
First Strike
Laeran Blade (base contact) Assault Weapon
Extra Attacks +1, Titan Killer (1), First
Notes: DC3, Daemon Primarchs are large monstrosities and can move over terrain and units no
higher than the knees of the model, Commander, Leader, Inspiring, Reinforced Armour, Thick
Rear Armour, Invulnerable Save, Daemonic Pact, Daemonic Focus, Fearless.
Serpentine Form: Fulgrims serpentine body gives him the infiltrate ability.
Critical: Fulgrim is overcome by the guilt he felt all those years ago after he slew his brother and
friend Ferrus Manus. His next initiative roll is at -1. This effect is not cumulative but may be
modified by other effects.
If a Daemon Primarch is destroyed all daemons within 10cm are sucked back into the warp on a
4+. These units may be re-summoned.

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