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nodar Tofuria


tragifrivoluri menuetebi
- , ,
m. baxtini
ucnauri ramaa es tani...
tani anu Corpus...
aseT korpusebs etaneba nodar Tofuria;
TiTqosda, am tanis raRac protoreligiur gamocdilebas ixsenebs...
kirkegori rwmenis sxeulad marionetis tans saxavda.
nicSesTan ki, sasurveli sxeuli obieqtivirdeba, rogorc taninawarmoebi;
anu tani aforistuli naweri;
Tundac, tani-teqsti...
esaa dionisuri, mrokavi eqstatikuri tani.
Nnodar Tofurias amgvari tani izidavs.
adamianuri sxeulis sazRvrebsmiRma macxovrebeli tani;
qandakebis enaze inkorporirebuli tani.
tani cocxalicaa da artefaqtulic...

rogorc cocxali tani, Tofuriaseuli sxeuli Tavisi arsebobis

sibrtyezea amaRlebuli mudam TvalSisacem plintusze dgas.
da es plintusia misi adgil-samyofeli.
moqandake imasac ganicdis, rom Cemi tanis eqsistencialuri
teritoria sxvis tansac SeesakuTreba.
esaa sarkiseburi Seqcevadobis principi; D
da am principis ontoTematizacia...
optikuri barteris ideas nodar Tofuria sxeulebrivi Sualedurobis ideis konstituirebamde mihyavs.
es ukve sakuTriv xorcis, somas cneba da xatia.

gnebavT, essema... anda, erotema...

qandakeba Taviseburi azriT, im fenomenologiur toposSi
ibadeba, sadac Cemi tani sxvis tans gadaeyreba.
es sxva metaforulad SeiZleba warmovidginoT, rogorc yivCaRi;
anu ucxo...
sxvisi ar vici da aseTi yivCaRebi nodar Tofurias plastikurimaginaciur samyaroSic SeiZleba Semogveyaros.
sarke (da asarkebis motivi) mis qandakebebSi raRac universaluri
magiis instrumentia, sagnebs xilul warmodgenebad rom aqcevs,
warmodgenebs ki, sagnebad;

me-s sxva-Si da sxva-s CemSi...

Tofuriaseuli tanebi mudam zRurblTan dganan.
zogjer, am zRurbls gadalaxaven da...
zRurblismiRma tani es Taviseburi tani organoTa gareSe ki,
sizmriseuli, intensiuri da eqstatikuri tania.
ai, gadalaxaven sakuTar zRurbls da sakuTari TavisTvisac(sic) ki
sxvebi xdebian. D
zRurbli fsiqomimeturi gansxvavebis anu gaorebis intensifikatoricaa.
da amgvari gansxvavebis ontoteqstsac, lamisaa sado-mazoxisturad

ganicdis moqandake.
misTvis gamo-qandakebis procesSi Ca-rTuloba, fsiqomimetur
kontinuumSi Sesvlas moaswavebs.
esaa principi imyofebode mudam zRurblTan...
zRurblze yofna ukve cvlilebaa; iseTi cvlileba, JorJ batai
alternation-s rom eZaxis;
radikaluri cvlileba, genezisisa da gadajiSebis mTeli patafizikuri semantikiT...
sxvaTa Soris, bataiseuli alternation gvamur xrwnasac SeiZleba aRniSnavdes da sul sxva materiaSi gadasvlasac;

transformacias tout autre-s mdgomareobaSi; sulis SemTxvevaSi

rom xdeba, ise...
amgvari alternation TviTreprezentaciasTan adamianis pirveladi
rogorc Altus, iseve Sacer...
ase mgonia, am postmodernul alteraciebs es iSviaTi mgrZnobelobis esTeti musikaluri aleatorikiTac gamoxatavs da poeturi aliteraciebiTac.
raRacnairi fundamenturi gaorebaa mis plastikur msoflxedvaSi;
Tundac, qandakebis elementTan seqsualuri rolebis ambivalentoba...
TiToeuli forma vaginaluradacaa CaRrmavebuli da faliurad
Tofuris yoveli kompozicia erTi gabmuli erotikuli TamaSia;
Tundac, TamaSi erotizmTan; am erotizmis TanatografiasTan...
yvela plastikuri elementi partnior-elementTan koitusSi
es agresia ki ara, transgresiaa; transgresia qandakebis semantikaSi romaa gatrunuli.
moqandake am transgresias Tavisi kompoziciebis ucxo dasaxelebebiTac aRniSnavs xolme.

vladimir veidles aqvs wigni poeziis embriologia.

Tofuriaseuli qandakebac ratomRac plastikis embriologiad
mis opusebSi protoqandakebacaa da postqandakebac.
mesopotamiuri hieratizmic da modernistuli kinetizmic.
misi qandakeba kidec dgas da kidec qanaobs...
qanaobs da minanaobs...
misi formebi mudmivi mSobiarobis procesSi isaxebian.
Ca-isaxebian, xel-fexs moibamen, mere dnebian, isev moikreben formas...
es qandakebebi, diaxac, organizmebia, maTi plastikur-histolo giuri metaforika ki, TavisTavad warmoadgens TvalSeudgam pro cess, romelsac etyoba, moqandakec gzadagza arqmevs saxels.
mas xiblavs yovnebi da da-yovnebebi;
wyvetebi da wyvetilebi...
amgvari diskreciebiT Sehyavs adamiani cxovelSi;
da piruku: cxoveli adamianSi...
anTropologiurisa da bestialuris axal-axal konfiguraciebs
Txzavs mariniseuli hipopotamebisa Tu jakometiseuli homo
ereqtusebis safuZvlianad redaqtirebul imagoebs Zvel
iberielTa quraSi gadaadnobs.

moqandakes TabaSiriT gadavyavarT brinjaos saukuneSi da difuziur masaTa bioorganuli da biomeqanikuri ritmikiT imeorebs
uxsovar droSi Cakirul plastikur misteriebs.
diatremebiT amofuRrul transfiguraciaTa daConCxili tyeebi
antenebiviT iWeren unatifes noosferul vibraciebs.
nodar Tofuria gaazrebulad qmnis artefaqtTa unikalur
klass; da saerTod, adamianurad xelSesaxeb xelovnebas, frensis
bekoni HHomo additus naturae-s rom uwodebda.
mozomili intervalebiT irweva xelovnebasa da sentimentalobas Soris.
icis, rom sentimentaloba emociaTa flangvaa, xelovneba ki
grZnobaTa ekonomia.
mTavaria aseTi xelovneba mudam Cven Se-gvexeba.
moqandakis warmosaxviTi cnobiereba mudam sagnobrivia da amitomacaa,
Tofurias gamoZerwil yovel xats raRac sartris msgavsi analogoni
rom axlavs.
mis yovel opuss moepoveba saxe, anu obieqti-Suamavali, sagnis
substitutiviT rom funqcionirebs.
Tofurias meTodi me-sxeulsa da sivrces Soris msgavsebaTa

TviT am sxeulTan garegani mimezisiT rom ar kmayofildeba da

gamudmebiT lamobs, gaeqces am gare-gans (da gare-kans);
gaeqces, magram sad?
es mudmivi TavSesafris Ziebacaa; TavSesafrisa, sakuTari Tavis
aseTia sxeulis abstrahirebadi eqsteriorizaciis (da eqsteritorializaciis) procesi;
jer kidev, Tavmoubmeli formebis neba, gamoTavisufldes dedasxeulisagan, anu materiisagan uSoblad hpovos saarsebo sivrce.
Tofurias, rogorc eqstatikur artists, enaneba Tavis embrionalur

formebTan gamoTxoveba ukve naSob formasac ki, karga xans ar

aWris Wiplars da amiT damatebiTi sivrcobrivi intriga Semoaqvs.
orsuloba grZeldeba...
totebs qarisas gadahyva martio ityoda poeti da Cveni moqandakec ase gadaayolebs Tavisi plastikuri integralebis Txzvas
esTetizirebulad kogitalur formas;
formas, romelic TiTqosda gangeb ar imaxsovrebs Tavis tans.
moqandake gaurbis saboloo teqsts da konteqstebiT gveTamaSeba.
rasodes Tlis formas, ufro Zerwavs da es daZer-wil/daZercvil/daZer-Cvili/formebi gamudmebiT eZieben axal-axal budeebs;

semantikur budeebs, romelTac mxatvari Tavad angrevs;

angrevs da axals aSenebs...
mudam itovebs alibis, raTa forma iq ki ar gamoCekos, sadac eli,
aramed, sxva-gan.
Tofurias plastikuri meTodis miTopoeturi hermenevtika astraluri simboloebis Zer(e)wvaa, mudmivi Widilia casTan; zecasTan...
esaa erTgvari kosmiuri epifania, romelic kon-centrirebulad,
gamo-qvabulSi (Tu mRvimeSi) xdeba.
yoveli qandakeba erTgvari sa-marea. adgilia, romelic inaxavs
xsovnas; Tanac, xsovnas im stalaqtiduri tanebisa, cisa da xelis
polemikaSi rom iwrTobian.
aseTia nodar Tofurias ara fleqsiuri, aramed refleqsiuri
plastikuri paraazrovneba, Tundac paraplastikuri azrovneba;
azrovneba warmodgenili uCveulo sivrculi kulbitebiT.
esaa grafikulad da poliqromiulad provocirebuli zmanebebis
mTeli feierverki.
paleoqandakTa am simulaciebSi moqandake piktografiul nawerebsac CarTavs xolme da amiT amdidrebs Tavisi grafikuli
qandakebis diskursiul diapazons.
yofierebas malva uyvarso da, moqandakec, mudam malavs nayofier

formas, rogorc raRa-cas da ase axdens sxeulis materialuri da

misterialuri munyofnis formulirebas.
formas faqturaSi eZebs, romelic materialuri teqsturacaa
(laTinuri textura-s semantikac xom ambivalenturia).
nodar Tofurias aqvs erTi opusi, romelSic piradad me, berninis
ganTqmuli eqstazis pleromas vxedav; wminda terezas eqstazs...
aris Tofurias poetikaSi raRac neobarokaluri.
neobarokaluri xavier robert de ventosiseuli gagebiT.
esaa metaTeatraluri moCvenebiTobisa da yofierebis araauTenturobis SegrZneba.

amgvari SegrZneba fragmentirebuli aRqmiskenaa midrekili;

panTeizmisa da polipolarulobisaken...
da yvela es niSani, morfologiur binomebadac gvevlineba.
am neobarokaluri diskursis niSnebs nakecis, rogorc sivrcis
gamrudebis motivaciac adasturebs.
materia am opusebSi warmosdgeba, rogorc teqsturaTa usasrulo
sicarieleebi kaverna kavernis SigniT da maTi plastikuri
struqturac amdenadve gvesaxeba fiWismagvar sistemad, araregularuli gasasvlelebiT, sadac formis gaxsna da akecva, Sededeba da SeTxeleba ara imdenad SekumSva-gafarToebas, ramdenadac

degradacia-gan-viTarebas moaswavebs.
amitomacaa, rom Tofuriaseuli nakecic, karmen venalisa ar iyos,
mudam sxva nakecTa Soris imyofeba.
Soris anu im adgilas, sadac sakmarisia, Sexeba moindomo, rom es
gaptikuri xazi umal mruddeba.
es nakeci araviTar koordinats ar Seefardeba:
aq ukve arc zenaa da arc qvena, arc marcxena da arc marjvena...
yvela forma amoyiravebul eqstazSi, anu mdgomareobidan gamosvlis situaciaSi gamoZerwil metamorfoza-anamorfozaTa reJimSi gveZleva.
Tofuriaseuli nakecic samyaros totaluri dezorganizaciis
hermenevtikuli principia;
samyaro, sadac sicariele gamefebula.
am vakuumis xanas (Jan lipovecki) exmianeba qarTveli maestros
araerTi plastikuri menueti, sadac tragifrivoluri rokviTaa
gamovlenili samyaro, sadac araferi ar wydeba;
samyaro, sadac martooden rizomebia;
martooden paradoqsebi...
Tofuriaseuli menuetebi implicite migvaniSneben, rom monumenturi
ereqciis epoqa dasrulda da totalur proeqtsac yavli gauvida.

yvelaferi fragmentulia; fragmentuli fa fraqtaluri...

oRond, moCvenebiTobis, simulaciebisa da paralaqsuri am Teoremebis Tofuriaseul kaleidoskopSi mainc rogori TvalismomWreli silamazea!
rogori harmonia da... siqvele!
da kidev, raodeni gaucxoeba!
Cveni virtuozis plastikur menuetebSi formaSi Sesvlacaa da
es ukve, deridaseuli kulbitia.
da adamianic, rozalinda krausisa ar iyos, negatiur sivrced
rom STenila, rogori plastikuri modulaciebiTaa datvirTuli!
da gadatvirTulic...
anda, igive adamiani, rogorc SemTxveviTi meqanizmi (miSel seresi),
rogori sulisSemZvreli vitaluri energiiTa da entelexiiT
adamiani, anda ukeT protoanTroposi, Tofuriaseuli paraplastikuri interpretaciiT, samyaroSi migdebulicaa da homo viatoric, romelic adgilze ki ar dgas, aramed uadgilod
daexeteba, irweva.
anda sxva arwevs...

esaa adamiani, romelSic raRac arqauli tomobrivi instinqti

iRviZebs; instinqti jgufuri, Tu joguri solidarobisa.
iqneb aqedanac modis Tofuriaseuli transversaloba sayo velTaosagan raRac metafizikuri gankveTa, dualizmi da
orazrovneba, moCvenebiTi TamaSi da dionisuri sociologiis
karnavaluri stiqia...
da kidev, is polifoniuri vitalizmi, mTel am neotraibalizms
rom axlavs da rogorc mafesoli ityoda, esTetikis eTika...
samyaros ganjadoebas nodar Tofuria mojadoebis personalur
miTs upirispirebs.
dasanania, rom am diapazonis artists socialuri rezistentulobis mizeruli imunitetic ki ar aRmoaCnda.
Tumca, nodar Tofurias Tavisi jadosnobac eyofa...
esaa didi moqandake, romelic yovelgvari zedmeti forsirebis
gareSe, TamaS-TamaS gvTavazobs pikantur kompoziciur koliziebs,
daujerebel kontrapostebs, plastikurobisa da realuris zRvar ze myof eqstazisebs, sivrculi mizidulobis da mimzidvelobis
amouwuravi invariantebiT aRsavse elifsebs, sadac xan kretamikeni gaielvebs, xanac etruskebi gviRimian...

esaa kosmogoniuri gamocanebis mTeli korpusi, romelTa denotatebis konkretuli vinaobac marto avtorma uwyis.
aq erTmaneTSia gadaxlarTuli adamiani da Tojina, guliTadoba
da TvalTmaqcoba, siTbo da gulgriloba...
am personaJebs raRac SemaSfoTebeli gaucxoebac dasCemebiaT da
tkbili momxibvlelobac...
rogorc inokenti anenski ityoda /
aq aris adamianis qcevis organikac da misi marionetuli avtomatizmic;
adamianze Tojinis upiratesobis iseTi aspeqti, Tavis droze
klaisti rom werda.
da kidev, nodar Tofurias plastikaSi qandakebisaTvis iSviaTi

aromatia sakraluri da erotikuli aromati;

TiTqosda, adonisis kibeebidan daSvebuli surneli...
ager, Cvens Tvalwin xelaxla isxamen xorcs apoloniis aribaliur
lekifebze gamosaxuli erotebi...
esec laitTema; Tema kibisa KIMAKION; kibe, rogorc ritualuri
nodar TofuriasTvis gzac Taviseburi kibea.
gza, romelzec adamiani-Crdili gawolila.
da am gzaze midis martoxela kaci, rogorc artistis alter ego.
da ukan ZaRli, rogorc bedi-mdevari...
erTi bijic da... alterasion-is ufskruli...
daviT andriaZe

Tragifrivolous Minuets
What a strange thing a body is...
Body as a corpus...
The very corpus that Nodar Topuria is drawn to;
As if in attempt of recalling the bodys protoreligious experience of a kind...
As a living bodys reflexion, Topurian corpus is elevated from its level of existence
ever standing on an apparent baseboard.
And this baseboard is its place of living.
The sculptor also senses that the exsitential territory of my body also belongs
to the other body. This is the principle of the mirroresque convertibility;
And the ontothematization of this principle...
The mirror (and the reflecting motif ) becomes the tool of universal magic in his
work, making objects into the vivid imaginations, the imaginations into the objects,
I into the other and the other into me...
The Topurian bodies are constantly standing on the edge of something.
Being on the edge is already a transformation itself; the kind of transformation,
which George Bataille calls an alternation;
A radical transformation, with the whole pataphysical semantics of genesis and

It feels as if this subtly sensitive aesthete expresses these postmodern alterations as with musical aleathorics, as well as with poetic alliterations.
There is some kind of fundamental duality in his plastic ideology;
Even the ambivalence of sexual roles with the sculptural element...
Each shape is vaginally indented and phallically erected at the same.
Topurias each composition is one constant erotic play; or playing with eroticism; with the thanatography of this eroticism...
Each plastic element is revealed within the coitus with the partner element.
This is not an aggression, instead this is a transgression. The transgression that
is silenced in the semantics of the sculpture.

The sculptor usually designated this transgression using unfamiliar titles for
his compositions.
There are both protosculptures and postsculptures in his opuses.
Mesopotamian hieratism and modernistic cinetism.His sculpture stands still,
while swinging at the same time... His shapes are being conceived during a constant parturition: Conceived, defined, melted, then again reshaped.
Indeed, these sculptures are organisms, the plastic-histologic metaphor of
which represents a hidden process, named by its creator on the way.
At the same time, it is the constant quest for the shelter; the shelter beyond

This is the process of the abstract exteriorisation of the body;

The will of yet headless shapes to be free from the mother-body the substance
and to acquire the subsistence without being born.
Such shape, as if on purpose, does not remember its body escapes the final
text and as if plays with the contexts.
The sculptor never cuts out the shape, instead he models it and these shapes
constantly quest for new dwells; the dwells that are destroyed by the artist himself;
Destroying and rebuilding anew...
Always keeping an alibi, so that the shape is not born where you expect it but
rather somewhere else.
The mythopoetic hermeneutics of Topurias plastic method is modeling the astral
symbols, a constant struggle with heaven...
Each sculpture is a tomb of a kind. A place, which keeps the memory; the memory
of those stalactite bodies that are refined through the heaven-hand confrontation.
This is Nodar Topurias not flexive but reflexive para-thinking, even para-plastic
thinking; the thinking presented by the unusual spatial somersaults.
This is the whole firework of graphically and poly-chromatically motivated
He looks for a shape in the substance, at least in the pictographic substance,
which is a material texture as well (the Latin textura-s semantics is also ambivalent).
There is something neo-baroque in the poetics of Topuria.

This is the sensing of metatheatric delusion and ungenuine existence.

Such sensing leans towards the fragmentary perception;
Towards the pantheism and poly-polarity...
And all of these signs appear to us as morphological binomes as well.
The crease, as the motivation of spatial distortion proves the signs of neo- baroque
The substance in these opuses appears to be the endless hollows of textures
the cavern inside the cavern and their plastic structure appears as cell-like system,
with irregular exits, where the opening and folding of the shape, its coagulation
and liquefaction predicting not so much the compression-expansion but rather
the degradation-development.
This crease does not conform with any coordinate.
Here, there is neither upper, not lower, neither left, nor right...
All shapes are given in the upside-down ecstasy, or in the regime of metamorphosis-anamorphosis, modeled during the withdrawal.
Topurian crease is the hermeneutic principle of the total disorganization of
the universe;
The universe, where the emptiness reigns.
This period of vacuum (Jean Lipovetsky) is recalled by a numerous plastic minuets
of the Georgian maestro, where the universe is revealed in a tragifrivolous
dance, where nothing ceases;

The universe, where there are only rhizomes;

Only paradoxes...
The Topurian minuets indicate that the era of monumental erectionis over, as
is long overdue the total project.
Everything is fragmental; Fragmental and fractional...
However, what a glaring beauty and harmony lies in the Topurian Kaleidoscope
of delusional, simulational and parallaxical visions!
In the plastic minuets of our virtuoso, there is the entrance into the shape, as
well as distancing from it...
This one is a Derrida culbute.
A human, or rather a protoanthropos, according to the Topurian paraplastic
interpretation, is abandoned in the universe and is also a homo viator, unable
to stand still, wandering irrelevantly, rocking.
Or is rocked by the other...
A kind of archaic, tribal instinct awakens in this human; the instinct of a group, or
rather flock solidarity. Maybe thats where Topurian transversality comes from
some kind of metaphysical separation from the universal, duality and ambiguity,
delusional play and the carnival element of the Dionysian sociology...
Also, that polyphonic vitality accompanying this whole neo-tribalism and the
ethics of aesthetics...
Nodar Topuria confronts the disenchantment of the universe with his personal
myth of be-witchery. It is sad that an artist with such range does not possess
any resources for the social resistibility.

However, his sorcery is enough for him...

This is a great sculptor, who, without an excess eort, as if playfully, oers the
most complex compositional collisions, unbelievable contraposts, the ekstasis
in between the plasticity and reality, spatial attraction and the ellipses filled
with the endless invariations of enchantment and spatial attraction, at times,
reflecting Crete-Mykonos or the smile of Etruscs.
This is the whole complex of cosmogonic riddles, the denotations of which is
known only to the author.
Here, the human and the doll is intertwined, as are the sincerity and phoniness,
warmth and indierence...
These characters have some disturbing estrangement along with some sweet
Here is the organics of the human behavior as well and its puppet-like automatism;
And also, within the plastic of Nodar Topuria there is this scent, seldom for the
sculpture the sacral and erotic scent...
As if a scent descended straight from the stairs of Adonys.
This is the main theme, the theme of stairs KIMAKION; stairs as the ritual obhect.
Nodar Topurias way resembles the stairs.
The way on which the human-shadow has laid.
A lonely man is taking a walk on this way, as the artists alter ego.
And what a long way lays ahead, for him to reach the threshold of alterasion...
Dr. David Andriadze

marjaniSvilis 7 | Tbilisi 0102

7 Marjanishvili Str. | Tbilisi 0102 | Georgia
tel./Tel. +995 32 227 27 27

nodar Tofuria


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