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The Green Post


Volume 1, Issue 1 1st May 2009

Koh Samui Going Green with THA

Its been over one year now, since THA, Thai THA have more objectives in the months
Hotel association ( Southern chapter East ahead and into 2010 seasons, creating a lot 

coast) on Koh Samui, began in earnest to more awareness that koh Samui is going
push for a cleaner and greener koh Samui, green, is green and an Environmental haven
with over 62 hotels, resorts registered with for our guests who visit Samui.
There Is no future today unless we help
During this period many hotels have become mother nature re create herself to her former
green, with Recycling at their own back glory, if we abuse her more than we have
doors, some have even added garden plots now, we wont have an Island or planet to
for fresh produce, worm farming, catfish and live on.
frog cultivation.
Its not a game, its about protecting our
The main objective has been to educate our planet and our future for our children's fu-
staff to take care of their hotels first and ture.
their own homes, from here we are able to
We need all your support for a Green
create a larger awareness program to koh
Samui and a Greener Planet.
Samui and Thailand by leading by example.
Most THA hotels have seen the benefit from
this worth while endeavor, to use the R,s
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
Most establishments now can use the money Inside this issue:
from recycling to give back to the staff, in
terms of parties, shirts or items for their staff ADOPTING A SCHOOL 2


GIDOA, The Green Island Diving Association PROJECTS

Joining forces for the greater good of koh monthly beach clean ups, with support from JOHN ENS AND THE DUTCH 3
Samui and our surrounding beaches and the local Government with their trucks, local
reefs, this is the concept behind the GIDOA, rescue services. FOC , REDUCE, RECYCLE 4
working along side THA 12 main diver op- REUSE
Two seminar have been set up with the
erators and snorkeling establishments have
Green Fins Organization, a NGO from OBSERVATIONS ON THE 5
come together with THA to combine our
phuket, who help dive operators to watch ILSAND CLEAN UP
forces, of professional divers and the man-
their reefs and beaches, to ensure they are
power of the Hotels and resorts, to Create THOSE THAT MATTER! 6
kept healthy.
GIDOA, Beach and reef adoption, with bi
The Green Post
Adopting schools
Why adopt a school, you cling what can be used. children to take care of their
may say? its simple, in com- Island and their country.
Two hotels will work on one
bining forces of THA hotels
school, for this project, Once these projects are set
and resorts with local schools,
brother one and brother 2, up in the next few months, a
the Tessban have chosen 10
brother two will take a new continuation would then hap-
schools for the initial 2009
school next year, and brother pen and the children will
project with 15 more to be
one will help them along. reap the benefits by the
looked at for the 2010 cal-
three R,s and assistance from
endar year. Certain areas of the schools
the Tessaban to help them
would be handed over to
Combining our efforts to edu- sell their garbage.
garbage separation areas,
cate the children of koh samui
Get them while they are young Em production, small gardens More on this in the next issue
Marion, from Diving In Paradise in the three R,s as well as
for herbs spices and flowers. of the Green post:
teaches her two daughters the educating their parents on
importance of keeping the beaches the importance of not throw- Helping the schools to be self
clean ing garbage away, but recy- sufficient and educating the

21ST MAY IS THE Major beach clean up - 7th February 2009

Fantastic!! kind of gatherings create an voice one vision.
DAY WORLD awareness and get people
The first beach clean was at Under the Banner of Green
in the community working
WIDE, LETS GET Bangrak beach with over Island koh samui.
alongside each other for the
OUR STAFF AND 130 members from all
better goal of a cleaner koh More to follow on our next
establishments clearing over
HOTELS TO DO samui, we would love to see beach clean !
250 bags of garbage, and
the entire community in a few
SO! numerous floating garbage Be there or be square, take
years walking the beaches at
carried in by the storms. some time away from your
least twice in one year, this
desks ladies and gents show
Plastic and bottles and cans would be the greatest
some feeling and effort.
were separated, and carted achivment on koh Samui as a
away by the Tessban, these destination, one island one

Grand opening of the Low Carbon school projects

A historic day for the Tessban A lot of work to be done to rescue, Samui dogs home,
and THA on Koh Samui, the set up this project, due to local dignitaries along with
grandest day yet will arrive having 10 schools under one the police, locals and tourist,
on the 15th June at the Koh banner it was decided to fire brigade, various hospi-
Samui school in Nathorn. show all ten schools under tals on the Islands.
one roof, a grand opening
This school has been be- A speech from the Mayor
from 8:00am until 12 noon.
friended by Six senses resort and governor of koh samui.
and spa as its “pi Liang” All schools will be there to
Games for the children, we
school, along with Regent show what they are doing,
expect to have over 2,000
Chaweng and Melati. we expect GIDOA, samui
people for this event.

Page 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
John Ens and the Dutch University
On Marc h 25th and April1st development as well as to The very positive student atti-
2009, Vice chairman of the interview restaurant and bar tude and the amount of ques-
THA Green Committee and owners, shop keepers and tions showed that the interest
GM of Rocky’s, Khun John Ens, different GMs. of Green Destinations
Khun Jack, Chief Gardener of who are willing to explain
Rocky’s and khun Tiew, com- Khun John explained the co- their philosophy is absolutely
mittee members of Rocky’s operation between the THA an attractive alternative for
Green Team talked to a total Green Committee with the any international student
of 120 students of the Dutch Tessaban as well as the coop- group.
University of Breda, Holland. eration with the schools, the
diving association of Samui A small group of student were
Following a week in Cambo- (Green Fins) and the partici- invited to Rocky's weekly
dia and Bali, the students, of pation of THA resorts in other guest cocktail to interview
over 15 different nationalities, local activities such as beach some of the guests.
stayed a week on Samui and cleaning and the Samui Green
Phangan to study the effect of Island campaign.
international tourism on local

FOC - Reduce, Recycle, Reuse 22ND MAY

A Local supporter , khun Bang Taling nam, came pre- site closing down, ask them to
Jimmy Say was kind enough pared with their own six donate for our school pro- DAY, PLANT A
to donate, two truck full of wheel truck good on you jects.
Nigel, keeping in the spirit of
TREE AT 10:30
re usable wood for the school And a big thank you to the
the three R is vital for our AM SAME TIME
projects. Tessban for their support with
a six wheel truck and five AND A WAVE
Great stuff Jimmy this will go
Not just wood but second staff.
a long way. WILL BEGIN ALL
hand corrugated sheets were
Great community spirit!
This fist in with our three R also donated and some pav- OVER THE
concept. Rocky resort sent ing stones.
their staff, Tongsai bay, Im-
If anyone knows of a workers
perial samui, Kandaburi.

Observations on the Island—clean ups

I am not sure how many of not , this is not the point, they garbage on the streets, they
you have seen, more local are taking action for the mis- can reuse and sell this gar-
road cleaners in all districts takes of others who throw bage for their own future.
of koh Samui. their garbage from their
Recycling is the name of the
vans, or cars while driving
Well some of us have and game, china is one of the
much appreciated it is that worlds major importer of
the local Tessban is sending We should pat them on the garbage it cant get enough Behind, the Tessban truck, khun
people out. back—the mistakes of others of it. Darunee form Ban leam sai, her
actually turns into gold for husband and friend.
We are not sure if they are This is where we get most
them, they can Reduce the
employed by the Tessban or goods from today.

Page 3


The Green Committee has been very active and successful in their projects for their green Calendar.
The Biggest success so far is the Carbon school Project, which sees support from the Tessban with a
budget of 50,000 baht per school, this money is used only for the recycling and nothing else.
The first 10 schools will be in motion, or some are on the go as we write this article getting ready
for the schools to open.
Its all about education, teaching our children the values of our world and the future of our planet,
saving energy, reducing, re using and reducing unwanted materials can create a huge difference in
the climate world wide, what we do today on samui will help them all over the world.

Those that matter! The schools and P-Liang 1 @ 2

Schools P Liang hotel 1 P Liang Hotel 2
Wat Sawang—Arom Imperial Samui Impiana Samui Resort
Ban Plai laem The Tongsai Bay Chaweng cove Resotel
Wat Boondarikaram Kandaburi Imperial Boat House
Wat Samuttharam Four seasons resort The Passage
Koh Samui Six senses Hideaway Regent and Melati
Wat Lamai Rocky's Resort The Renaissance Samui
Wat Chaeng Paradise Beach Resort Santiburi
Wat Saket Baan Taling Ngam Chaba Samui
Theeparat Pittaya Ban Laem Sai Beach Resort Bandara Resort & Spa
Wat Klang Centara Grand Chaba Cabana

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