Bayless David Beverly 1960 Brazil

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MR. AND MRS. DAVID M. BAYLESS. Missionaries spoBBOied ty

belem. para, brazil ROraSBra CBSIOTIAH (aOSd
J FRED BAYLESS ,,-p 41960 iltanierq.o9. Hot Kexleo
1901 ANDERSON PLACE. S. E. _3ttppOftSd ty B&By
Albuquerque, new Mexico JAHUABY-FEBRUAEI I960 HEVS LETTER Friendfl and Churchea
throout the coimtxy.
])ear Friends in Christ:
On Scnday nozning, Hoveiaber 8, ve arrived in Belen* Ve thank God for HLs direction and
help in bringing ns here, tfe are living in Icoaraci, a little toim about twelve miles from
Belem. It'e vonderfol to be' here, and ve enjoy livi^ here very much.
Getting throng customs was faster than usual one day. Now ve ctmsider ourselves
"settled", after more than twenty trips to Bel^, getting things ve need. Ve are thankful for
your prayers and support, us to be here and ready to do the lA>rd*s work.
Ve have begun Portuguese lessons, six hours a ve^, and are vozking with the Outeiro Road
near here. About a month ago Xwas given a Bible school class. The church is beginning
a nsv series of lessons, and I meet with the teachers each Week to help them with the lesson,
so they will be prepared for teaching on the Lord's Bay.
It is encouraging to see that all the churches of Christ around Bel^ have Brazilians
preaching in tiim, except one very new church. Siis is as it should be, and is good progress.
The oldest of these chnrdhes was begun just about seven ^ars ago.
The rainy season is getting off to a good start. Hearly every afternoon ve have a hard
shower, occasionally it rains all'-day. The hi|^ humidity makes the mild temperature se^
pretty hot most of the time.
Several young people have left the Children's Home and have gone out to get jobs or go to
h-tgh school. Usually they go into zionrChristian surroundings, at the very age ^len they need
Christian guidance. Thus ve missionaries voridng here have decided to begin a Christian high
school at the next term beginning in EEuroh. It will be registered and fully staffed, and held
in the Beloi Bible Seminary buildings. Baily Bible classes will be included, and ve hope that
the boys will continue studying in the Bible college after finishing. Out of the Service Link
we receive ve are assuming responsibility for part of the $200.00 per month idiich the
school vill need.
On Christmas Bay ve made ice cream for the children and workers at the home, about fifty
people altogether. Ed and Edna Bartlehaugh Eeae directors, came to our house in the evening
for watermelon. Ebv different from Chris^as at home! The weather was about as hot as usual!
iis ve should know definitely if ve vill get the import license for our pickup,
which is still in the states. If our last plan fails, then we sust sell the pickup and buy
here. So ve ask you to pray with us that we nay be able to ship the pickup or to
sffioething suitable here. In the meantime, we have bought a used bicycle. Tou should
see us riding it ^Beverly behind on the carrier) to church services in the rain!
Ve would be glad to receive letters from you friends, and certainly appreciate the ones
ve have received. Please do write, and we'll answer, letters should be sent by Air Hail at
100 each ounce to us at "Caixa Postal 926, Belem, Para, Brazil". Packages to be sent to
us must be sent to our Forwarding .dgent in Albuqueniue, Hew Hexico. Ve had hoped to prepare
and mail this letter to you from Brazil, but lack of suitable paper prevented doing so.
A Financial Statement for 1959 has been prepared and sent to those who support this work,
ly you have not received one, you want one, please write to our Fo3warding Agent and ask
for it. Ve do need your continued giving, along with your prayers for us and this work of the
Lord in Brazil. Of the $500.00 needed monthly ($300 Living Link and $200 Service Link) all but
about $100.00 has now been pledged. Thus ve need your new pledge for monthly gifts as well as
continuance of previous pledges. Help us preach the Gospel in Brazil! Send your gift now!
FEdthfuUy yours in Christ,
MR. AND MRS. DAVID M. BA YLESS, Missionaries
j FRED BAYLEss Altaqurqua, Vew Ifezioo
190t Anderson Place. S. E. SPRING I960 NEWS LETTER Supported by nany
_ . , , ^ , throout the couatiy.
Dear Friends in Chnst:
We have been in Brazil six busy months now! Eveiy day we feel that we are better
able to acccmplish for the Lord in this Kisslon Field. Oi^ language study is progressing.
Each week we help the Bible School teachers and preachers prepare lessons and sermons, so
they can present the Christ in a better manner. This is a rewarding feature of the work.
You made it possible for us to come. You make possible our staying by continued sup
port and prayers. We thank God for all of you dear friends in the Faith and pray that
God the Father will bless you into Eteimty!
In February we helped with a good Vacation Bible School - 70 to 80 children attending.
These and other children like them can be (^istian leaders of tomorrow. Ve can reach some
adults, but the real future is with the children. Pray that we may reach and hold them!
In our last News Letter we wrote that we were trying to obtain permit to ship the Mis
sion Pickup into Brazil. The Brazilian government refused our request, so we had to sell
it in the states. There was little loss, but disappointment. Last month we were able to
buy a slightly used "Rural Willys" or Jeep Station Wagon, which we picture below;
After pricing new Jeeps, the only vehicle available here, but none due for delivery
before June or July, we found this Rural Willys to be well worth the Cr$700,000, or $3787
in U S money, that the dealer asked. It should give us many years of good service. Now
we did not like to spend that much money, but we needed this better to do the Lord's work.
Thus we believe you would have wanted us to buy it, and that you would help pay for it.
We are not asking our regular supporters to help pay for the Jeep, but we are asking
you others to help if you can send a personal gift, or ask a Bible Class, the Church, or
some church group, or friends ask anyone you can to help. We borrowed $2500 from the
bank in Albuquerque, and this is due May 15. Will you help in one of these w^s? Thanks!
Host of our Living Link and Service Link have now been pledged, but we need a few more
regular pledges to guarantee all of it each month. Do you want to have a part in this? We
hope soon not to have to ask for money, but only to tell you what we are doing for the Loi^
because you are supporting us in the Work. If you have questions, please write to us. We
would like to hear from you anyway, and we promise to answer your letters.
Faithfully and prayerfully yours in Christ,
AUG 1 5 MR. AND MRS. DAVID M. BAYLESS, Missionaries
belEm, parA, brasil '
' ' " Forwaroin Aobnt
August 9, i960 BAYLESS
1901 Anderson Place. S. E.
Dear Christian Friends:
We are happy to send this nevrsletter from Brazil. Don't be alarmed at the pos-
tage-M>$6j50it's less than 4/,
During our nine months in Brazil our work has been mostly in and near Icoaraci.
First we began studying Portuguese three days a week. In spite of many interrup
tions we have made progress. Already Beverly understands nearly everything. I
am alv/ays thankful for having learned Spanish in high school. It has made Por
tuguese much easier to speak.
Thanks to you friends v/ith your gifts and praj^ers we were able to buy a Jeep
station v/agon in March, It has been very useful to us for several thousand miles.
This month we have paid $1000 on the loan for it, and ov/e only $1000 more. We are
grateful for your continuing support in this. V/ithout transportation w could do
hardly anythingj There is no reliable public transports.tion here.
Last month the churches and missionaries worked together to hold the first two
weeks of camp for the young people, with fifty-four attending. It was a great
success. Everyone v/ae well pleased with the results, and all are eagerly looking
forward to the next camp session, planned for January,
When we came hero it had been quite a long while since classes were held for the
leaders in the two churches in and near Icoaraci, v/here wc live. Several of thorn
asked for classes, and as soon as we got the car wo began. Eight students attend
regularly on Tuesday evenings, V/c study Acts and Kobrcws, Since classes began,
ono of the young men attending from the Outeiro Road church has begun to preach
several times a month. As this is written ho is on a preaching trip to a little
town about thirty milos away, which can be roachod only by boat.
Payment of the loan for the Jeep has boon a little slower than we hoped, because
WG have been helping the Outoiro Road church in building a now house of worship.
We arc putting about ,$700 into it, part of which the church will repay. The
building is brick, plastered, with concrete floor and tile roof, 50 x 60 ft,, and
has four classrooms besides the auditorium,
V/hen wo arc at home life is not too much different from what it would be in the
U.S. Food is nearly the same, but somotthings arc unavailable, Beverly notices
the most difforcnco. It trJcos two or three times a.s long to prepare meals. We
can't buy cjiything prepared or frozen^ V/c spend hours buying what would ta,ko 15
minutes In the states, We have good waterfrom well, pump, and water tower
Part of the day wc have electricity, V/ater is heated on the stove.
It is a joy to bo working and living hero, Wo would like
some' of you. At least write. Postage is 10/ by airmail,
that wo will do what should be done, that the church will
Yours in Christ,
MR. AND MRS. DA VID M. BA YLESS, Missionaries
Beverly and David Bayless in Brazil
Dear Friends in Christ:
Because you care and share in this woric of the Lord, *e are starting our second year of
missionary work in the Amazon Valley of Brazil. We thank you for all yoiur help and interest
and encouragement and prayers in our year here, and the year of preparation before we could
come to Brazil. How we would like to report many victories for Christ! Visible results come
slowly in a country like Brazil. Tou will be happy to know that we are nwklTig progress in
teaching and preaching the Gospel to these needy people. Rejoice with us in this!
As this is being prepared for printing and mailing, I am in Brasilia, the new capital
city of Brazil, helping in an Evangelistic Meeting. On October 27, Dick Robison of Macapa
and 1 flew from Belem to Brasilia, via Navegacai Aerea Brasileira, where Bill Loft met us
and with whom we will work in this Gospel Campaign. Our trust and prayer is that much good
may be accomplished for the Lord in this effort.
After we return from this effort in Brasilia, we will continue our work of preaching and
teaching and translating, and helping with other things in the Churches and Bible Seminary.
For some time we have been helping in construction of the Outeiro Road church building, which
is now completed except for finishing touches. Your gifts to the Service Link help in this.
We expect the local Christians to do all they can and ^^e encourage their doing this.
During the Thanksgiving-Christmas time we appeal to you for extra gifts to help pay off
the loan at the bank In amount of SIOOO.OO still owing on our Willys Station Wagon. If you
cannot help us regularly, won*t you send a gift now to help on this (before end of the year)?
We do need a few more regular, monthly gifts to assure our Living Link of $300.00 and our
Service Link of $200.00 each month. You can be missionaries thru us in sending your gifts
each month to this Mission, Please send all gifts to our Forwarding Agent in Albuquerque.
Early in 1961 we will prepare and send a Financial Report to all our supporters, and to
any others who u:e interested and will write for a copy. You who help in this work of the
Lord should know what we receive and how we spend it. We pray that we will be faithful in
all things, including our use of the Lord*s money you send to us. Please send help now!
Please pray for us daily! Jesus demonstrated the power of prayer! We feel the need!
Faithfully yours in Christ,

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