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1. Who are covered by the provisions of RA 9173?

a.) All nurses c.) Nursing students
b.) Filipino nurses d.) All persons affected

2. The qualifications for the taking of Nurse Licensure

Examinations are the following:
1. Citizen of the Philippines4. Of good moral character
2. Of good health 5. Graduate of BSN
3. Of legal age

a.) All of the above c.) 1, 3, 4 & 5

b.) 1, 4 & 5 d.) 1 & 5

3. As provided for by the present nursing act, nursing education

program is designed to provide:
a.) Quality education accessible to all
b.) Sound general and professional foundation for the
practice of nursing
c.) Globally competitive nursing education
d.) Community-based approaches

4. Kobe is deemed to be a conditional passer if he gets:

a.) 59% in one subject and 75% in all other subjects
b.) 60% in one subject and 75% in all other subjects
c.) 74% in one subject and 75% in all other subjects
d.) 59% in one subject and 81% in all other subjects

5. Before Nurse Yao left for Houston, he took and passed the
NCLEX, substantially the same with our local board
examination. Nurse Yao availed of what provision of nursing
a.) Registration by reciprocity under Sec. 20
b.) Special contract under Sec. 21
c.) Automatic registration under Sec. 19
d.) None of the above
6. The present nursing act also provides for the revocation and
suspension of certificate of registration. Its grounds are the
following, except:
a.) Malpractice
b.) Gross incompetence and serious ignorance
c.) Practicing nursing without license
d.) Violation of BP 22 or the Bouncing Check Law

7. The term “inactive nurse” is defined under the current nursing

act. Who among the following is deemed as inactive nurse?
a.) Nurses who did not practice their profession for 3 years
b.) Nurses who did not practice their profession for 4 years
c.) Nurses who did not practice their profession for 5 years
d.) Nurses who did not practice their profession for 10
consecutive years

8. Mr. Lopez passed the board exams and had taken the oath of
professional. However the board and the commission withheld
the issuance of his license on the ground that, per certification of
a psychiatrist, he is of unsound mind. Do they have ground to
withhold the said issuance?
a.) No, because unsoundness of mind is not a ground for
its non-issuance
b.) Yes, because to consider unsoundness of mind as a
ground for non-issuance, a psychiatrist certification is required
c.) No, because to consider unsoundness of mind as a
ground for non-issuance, the court must declare it as such
d.) Yes, because law provides for it

9. Relationship, level of instruction or education and

intoxication affect criminal liability. These circumstances are
known as:
a.) Justifying c.) Aggravating
b.) Exempting d.) Alternative

10. The following are exempting circumstances, except:

a.) Lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong
b.) Accident
c.) Insane unless he acted with discernment
d.) Person who failed to perform lawful act due to lawful
and insuperable causes

11. The following are classifications of membership in the PNA,

a.) Associate c.) Permanent
b.) Honorary d.) Life

12. The fundamental purposes of the PNA are the following,

a.) Attain optimal level of professional standards and work
for the welfare of nurses
b.) Respond to the changing needs of the Philippine
c.) Establish linkages with the government, non-
government, local/national/international agencies in the
attainment of health goals
d.) Encourage global competitiveness

13. A nurse entered into a contract without authority from his

employer-hospital. What kind of contract did the nurse enter
a.) Unenforceable c.) Voidable
b.) Void d.) Implied

14. A will, which is entirely written, dated and signed by the

testator himself, is called:
a.) Codicil c.) Holographic
b.) Notarial d.) Nuncupative

15. Environmental sanitation is an important aspect of health.

Solid waste management therefore must be in placed in every
locality. What law provides for ecological and solid waste
a.) RA 9003 c.) RA 6969
b.) RA 8749 d.) RA 9275
16. A nurse is guided by a mentor in discharging his functions.
What is his level of clinical competence according to Benner?

a.)Novice c.) Proficient

b.)Advance beginner d.) Expert

17. Which among the following is not a characteristic of a

a.) Altruism c.) Authority
b.) Existence of regulatory law d.) None of the above

18. PD 442 and RA 7305 are applicable only to

a.) Employees of private institutions and public health
workers respectively
b.) Health workers in private institution and public health
workers respectively
c.) Employees of private institutions and public health
d.) All of the above

19. The following are the salient features of RA 9165

a.) Heads, supervisors and teachers are deemed persons in
b.) Instruction on drug prevention and control shall be
integrated in the curriculum
c.) Created the Dangerous Drugs Board and the PDEA
d.) All of the above

20. The anti-violence against women and their children act

provides for the roles of health care providers. The following are
roles of nurses except:
a.) Document injuries
b.) Record any victim’s suspicions, observations and
circumstances of the examination or visit
c.) Provide or issue medical certificate
d.) Safeguard the record of the victims
21. The night shift differential is equivalent to what percent of
the salary per hour?
a.) 10% b.) 20% c.) 30% d.) 40%

22. When the law attaches the capital punishment, the felony is
a.) grave b.) Less grave c.) Light d.) None of them

23. What is the primary basis of Primary Health care?

a.) RA 7160 b.) PD 996 c.) LOI 949 d.) RA 7846

24. Which of the following is a formal continuing education

a.) Teleconferences c.) Attendance in seminars
b.) Enrolment in graduate studies d.) Refresher course

25. This Act prohibits the use of incinerators, burning of

garbage, and pollution caused by combustion of carbon-based
and other fuel:
A.) RA 9275 c.) RA 8749
b.) RA 9257 d.) RA 9211

26. The act of donating blood is governed by:

a.) RA 7719 c.) RA 7877
b.) RA 7170 d.) RA 4073

27. A basic structure against which competent nursing care is

objectively measured is which of the following?
a.) Principle b.) Standard c.) Law d.) Code

28. When a patient fell from bed, which of the following is your
most immediate action?
a.) Report the incident to the head nurse
b.) Refer to the ROD
c.) Determine any injury or harm
d.) Put back patient to bed
29. Doing nursing intervention without consent from the patient
a.) Assault b.) battery c.) Negligence d.) Tort

30. Who among the following appoints nurses in the

a.) Mayor b.) Governor c.) Congressmand.) Senator

31. Murder is oftentimes accompanied by what circumstances?

a.) Justifying
b.) Exempting
c.) Aggravating
d.) Alternative

32. This law prohibits requirement of advance deposit in

a.) RA 9439 b.) RA 8344 c.) 7875 d.) RA 9255

33. The law providing for the devolution of basic services to the
a.) RA 7160 b.) RA 7305 c.) RA 1082 d.) RA 7883

34. Garbage segregation is advocated by this law:

a.) RA 9003 b.) PD 856 c.) PD 852 d.) RA 6969

35. The implementing rule of RA 7600 is

a.) EO 51 b.) EO 22 c.) E) 69 d.) None of the above

1. Armando Solis aired grievance to Betty that since he started

working with Ecomeda Health Center, his professional
competence deteriorated. According to the provisions of the
Code of Ethics, the following are correct about enhancement of
professional competency, except:
a.) Both the employer and professional are responsible
b.) It is the responsibility of employer to provide
competency enhancement programs for nurses
c.) Professional nurse has to enhance his professional
d.) The PNA and the PRBON are the legitimate bodies
primarily responsible of providing avenue for competence
enhancement of nurses;

2. Nurses commitment to society and environment is guided by

the following ethical principles except:
a.) Preservation of life c.) Promote healthy
b.) Respect for human rights d.) Safeguard
reputation & dignity of nurses

3. Armando Solis is married to Maricar Raive. One night

Armando expresses his admiration and feeling toward Betty by
saying “ Hindi tayo tao, hindi tayo hayop, bagay tayo”.
Armando really wanted to have an affair with Betty. The code of
ethics on nurses and practice, which is applicable in the case of
Armando and Betty, provides an ethical principle known as:
a.) Nurses must honor and safeguard the reputation and
dignity of the members of nursing and other profession
b.) Nurses must be aware that their actions have
professional, ethical, moral and legal dimensions
c.) Nurses must maintain role identity
d.) All of the above

4. Armando’s lewd design towards Betty was halted after he

browsed the Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses. He read about
its preamble. He shared with Betty that the primary
responsibility of a Filipino Nurse according to the Code is:
a.) Promotion of health and prevention of diseases
b.) Preservation of health at all cost
c.) Upholding the principles of bioethics
d.) Respect and confidence of clientele

4. Betty, interested in knowing the code of good governance,

asked Maam Marcella Divinegrace, RN about the concepts of its
general principle for professional conduct. The following are the
concepts of its general principle, except:
a.) Ethical awareness c.) Ethical competency
b.) Ethical commitment d.) Ethical Integrity

6. Betty and Maam Marcella organized a fund raising program.

In its promotion, they asked the Baywatch bodies to wear a
seductive uniform of nurses, though they are not RNs. Hugo,
irritated by that act, filed a case against Betty, Maam Marcella
and the members of the Baywatch Bodies for violating the code
of ethics. Who would be liable under the code of ethics?
a.) Betty c.) The Baywatch bodies
b.) Betty and Maam Marcella d.) All of them

7. All nurses are reminded by the PRBON to abide by the Code

of ethics and citizenship. The following are its provisions
a.) Have faith in the divine providence that guides the
destinies of men and nation;
b.) Love your country for it is the home of your people
c.) Pay your taxes
d.) None of the above


8. Consent is necessary in the following, except:
a.) Human being as subject of research
b.) Invasive procedure
c.) Newborn screening pursuant to newborn Screening Act
of 2004
d.) Emergency intervention for a 12 year-old girl
accompanied by her parents

9. The following are correct statements about artificial

insemination, except:
a.) Sperm is implanted in a woman’s uterus
b.) The sperm donor may be the woman’s husband or
another person
c.) Maturing ova are extracted from the ovary and placed
on a Petri dish where it is fertilized by the husbands sperm
d.) Recognized under the family code

10.The following are true about surrogate motherhood, except:

a.) Fertilized ovum is implanted in the woman’s uterus
b.) It is not immoral
c.) It is immoral
c.) Otherwise known as “Womb for Hire”
11. The following are correct statements about plastic surgery,
a.) Licit if the intention is good
b.) Licit if the patient is not exposed to grave medical risks
c.) Licit if the motives are reasonably proportionate to the
extraordinary means employed
d.) It is certainly not moral
12. Confidentiality of records must be observed. Which of these
statements about artificial insemination (AI) is not true?
a.) The fact that a child was born of AI should not appear
in the birth certificate of the child
b.) There must be written instrument executed and signed
by the spouses wherein they authorized or ratified the AI
c.) The said instrument must be recorded in the civil
registry together with the birth certificate of the child for
the protection of the doctor who did the AI
d.) None of the above

13. An example of active voluntary euthanasia is:

a.) Mercy Killing c.) Unplugging life support
after brain death
b.) Suicide d.) Non-interference, which
resulted in death

14. The following are attributes of an act of man, except:

a.) It is performed by a conscious agent who is not aware
of what he is doing
b.) It is performed by an agent who is acting freely and
with intelligence
c.) It is performed by an agent not dependent upon intellect
and freewill
d.) None of the above

15. The following are elements determining morality of an act,

a.) The Act itself c.) The Circumstances
b.) The Purpose d.) The Results

16. Which among the following principles is not true?

a.) The Act is bad if any of the above elements is bad;
b.) Though the Act is bad, it could be justified by its result
c.) If an act is intrinsically evil, the act is not morally
d.) If all of the above elements are good, the act is good

17. Nurse Robin usually takes home excess medicines from his
unit. He does it because he shares these with the people in their
community. The Head Nurse of that Unit noticed that excess
medicines could not be inventoried. Which among the
statements below is not correct?
a.) Nurse Robin’s act is justified by its purpose
b.) The act of Nurse Robin is not morally allowable
c.) The act will be judged not only by the purpose but also
by its circumstances
d.) Circumstances may create, aggravate or mitigate sin

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