Initial Test 7th Grade

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grade, L2 Date
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct orm o Present Sim!"e or Present #ontinuous$
% &'(2!)2'!*
It is winter and the snow ............................ ( fall). It usually............................ ( snow) in
January here. Betty and James ...................... (play) in the garden. They............................. ( build) a
snowman and they .............................. ( throw) snowballs. They ................................( like) the
snow very much Their mother and father ................................... ( not! like) it. They always
....................( stay) in the house when it is cold. "other usually ..................... ( watch) T# and
$ather.....................( listen) to the radio.
II. +se the verbs given in the Past tense$believe, be, not live, live, think, behave, make, not act, say,
"any years ago people %)........................... that some women &).............................. witches.
These women ') .................................... in big cities. They ()................................. in small villages.
)eople *) ............................................... they +)............................................... strangely because they
,) ................................. unusual medicines from plants and they -) .............................
like other people. They .)....................... that they %/)........................................... but that they flew on
brooms. 0o you believe in witches1 %&'(2!)2'!*
III. Ask ,uestions to -hich the under"ined -ords are the ans-ers$
2 woman was murdered at the )ark 3otel last night. 2 maid discovered her body. 4he found it in the
laundry room. The police are looking for the woman5s husband. They think he did it. 3e left the hotel at
%.'* in the morning. 3e took all his wife5s 6ewellery and 7 %8/// form their hotel safety9 deposit bo:.
The woman5s name was ;arol <ebster. 4he was only '& years old and had two small children
I.. #hoose the correct ad/ective$
%. 4he is very at0 thin. 4he must be ill
&.This homework was terribly diicu"t0 eas1. It took me & hours to do it
'. Janice is very hea"th10 i"". 4he runs & miles a day.
(. =ee is very sad0 ha!!1 because his cat died.
*. >ur daughter is very riend"10 antisocia". 4he makes friends easily.
+. I earned 7 %8///. I was very "uck10 unortunate.
,. 3e greets all the people he meets 3e is so !o"ite0 rude2
-. 4he is so cautios0 conident because she5s had her heart broken many times.
.. This towel is dam!0 dr1 because many people used it after washing their hands.
%/. 4he is careu"0 unattentive when she talks to small children.
% &'(&!)&'!*
.. 3orm adverbs rom the given ad/ectives$ wide,dangerous, simple, quick, easy, careful, perfect,
slow, recent,nice. (&'(2)2'!* &'!.oiciu

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