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Ray, 1

Sarah Ray
Ashlyn Williams
UWRT 1103-021
11 September 2014

Assignment One
Observations of Figured World
Fall 2014

Figured World: The town of Mystic Falls in the CWs series The Vampire Diaries
Mystic Falls in a very small town in the state of Virginia. The town is rich in historical informa-
tion that is valued to the townspeople who reside here. Elena Gilbert is a typical girl who was
born and raised in Mystic Falls. She and her friends, soon find that for such a small town it sure
does have some abnormal and unique secrets it has been trying to cover up for hundreds of years.
Mystic Falls is a figured world where not only do Vampires and Werewolves exist, they walk
among us and blend in with every day society. Fantasy and reality meet in the middle for a very
interesting combination. After Elena and her brother suffer through a tragic event, a mysterious
new guy shows up to Elenas high school. The social norms for high school is that basically
everyone belongs in a specific group and you have to have the qualifications in order to be in that
group. Stefan Salvatore, however doesnt have any specific qualifications that meet any specific
group or clique at Mystic Falls High School. When Elena becomes interested in Stefan, she is
stepping outside of the boundaries that her friends, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, and Tyler find to be
abnormal. What we would call normal in a broad humanistic way is having an average speed
when it comes to running, or our body taking a while to heal from an injury. This is not the case
for Damon and Stefan Salvator. Their normal is very different because they have super human
abilities. Most people Elenas age hang out at a little restaurant called Mystic Grill. There,
friends hang out, chatter, and play pool. Most of the actors are the age of where they would be in
high school so they must follow the obvious rules that are expected of someone that age. For ex-
ample, going to school, participating in extra curricular activities, or hanging out with friends.

Observation One
Tuesday, September 8, 2014
The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 1

Background Information: Elena Gilbert is going through a transition period in her life. After
struggling through a tragic accident where she and her brother Jeremy lost their parents. Elena
plans to continue her life as a happy and normal teenager but Jeremy decides hes going to drown
his sorrows in drugs and alcohol. As we glimpse into Elena's life, we see how she tackles high
school and a social life while still dealing with the loss of her parents. Though it seems they live
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very normal lives, the people of Mystic Falls are about to have every idea they have ever had of
what is true and false challenged.

Actors: a person that plays to fit a specific cameo. He or she changes their attitude or emo-
tions to fit a specific character. Someone who molds their actions and attitude to conform
into someone else.

- Stefan Salvator: Stefan is the new mysterious guy in town. Hes very good looking and all the
girls are looking at him as new meat. However he has been hiding in the shadows on the Earth
for almost 100 years until finally he came out of hiding. Mystic Falls is his home and has been
since 1864. Stefan would be considered the good guy of his kind. In other words he is the
protagonist in comparison to his brother.
- Elena Gilbert: Elena is an orphan whose parents died in a tragic car wreck. She was in the
back seat of the car and was the only one to make it out alive. With that having a lasting impact
on her she tries to start her Junior year of High School the way any normal 17-year-old girl
should. She wants to overcome the label she has put on herself as a sad little girl who lost her
- Aunt Jenna: Aunt Jenna is Elena moms kid sister. She took Elena and her brother Jeremy in
after their parents died. She struggles with having to suddenly be the sole guardian of two
teenagers. She is trying to learn as she goes but feels like shes not really doing a good job.
- Jeremy Gilbert: Jeremy is Elenas little brother. He is kind of punkish and a pothead. Hes
really lost in the world and doesnt really respect anyone who tries to help him. Especially
when Elena tries to lecture him about smoking pot and drinking excessively.
- Bonnie Bennett: Bonnie is Elenas best friend. She thinks she may be psychic or a witch. Her
grandmother has told her that her ancestors come from salem. She helps Elena get through all
her emotions.
- Damon Salvator: Damon is Stefans older brother. He is the antagonist and goes against
everything Stefan believes in. He and Stefan got in a huge fight in 1864 over a girl who de-
stroyed their relationship for over a 100 years. He is also the guy/creature who attacks the cou-
ple and Vicky in this episode.
- Vicky Donavan: Vicky is very promiscuous and everyone in Mystic Falls knows it. She is a
junkie also and seems to be always looking for something to get high off of. She is secretly
dating her brothers best friend and also messing around with Jeremy. She leads both men on
and always ends up hurting Jeremy. She tends to use Jeremy for her drug cravings because he
has accesses to different drugs.

Artifacts: a tangible entity, sentiment, or concept in a civilization. An item that has a signif-
icance to someone.
- The Crow: The crow always comes out when the fog and Damon are around. Also, the crow
seems to always be where Elena is or when something bad is about to happen. Its almost like
Damon sends the crow to keep an eye on Elena.
- Stefans ring: Stefans ring is first pointed out when he and Elena bump into each other at the
cemetery. She tells him that she likes it and he proceeds to tell her that it has been passed down
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in his family for generations. Then it is very apparent that the ring has some sort of signifi-
cance when Damon and Stefan got in a fight and Stefan started to panic when he didnt know
where his ring was.
- The Diaries: Elena and Stefan both have journals that they write all of their thoughts and
memories in. The show displays many scenes of both of them writing and expressing their
thoughts and worries.

Communities of Practice is where people with the same interest come together and partici-
pate in the same activities and have discussions to inform each other on their shared inter-
Communities of Practice:
- Mystic Falls High School: This is the name of Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan, and Jeremys
high school. They all go to school together. This is where most of the episode took place.
- Mystic Grill: A bar/pub type place where teenagers hang out and play pool.

In a community of practice the people have the same domain of interest. Which means they
all have some sort of commitment to the domain of interest.
- Gaining Elenas Friendship: Both Damon and Stefan want to gain Elenas friendship and
trust. She looks like a girl they both were in love with at on point in time. Also

The practices is when a group of people work together to accomplish the same goals. It is
the act of doing something that accomplishes that goal.
Practices of the Community:
- Elena Jeremy, Bonnie and Matt trying to figure out what happened to Vicky: When Vicky
was attacked in the woods, Elena and everyone else tries to get her to safety and figure what it
was that attacked her.

Literacy practices are forms of communications and how the actors of the community
communicate with each other. It can be in all forms of communication.
Literacy Practices:
- Damon and Caroline stare down: At the end of the episode Caroline is shown sitting at the
Mystic Grill by herself. She obviously looks lonely and a little sad as she just looks down at her
shoes. She then senses someone looking at her and looks up to see Damon looking at her with
wonder. Damon and Carolina then have an intense stare down. Caroline quickly breaks her looks
and starts to look down and around and back to Damon, all the while Damon never taking his
eyes off Caroline. People sometime engage in interactions like these when they find themselves
attracted to someone they have never met. For Caroline it was almost like she was nervous by the
way she kept looking around and then occasionally back at Damon. For Damon it was that he
was clearly interested and motivated by lust.

The Observation:
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1:03: A couple hits a mysterious figure after driving through very heavy fog. The couple is star-
tled. The woman tries to call for help while the man steps out of the car to check on the person
they hit. The mysterious person plays dead in the road and lays there lifelessly. As soon as the
male from the car bends down to help the man, the guy then attacks the man with super human
speed and strength. The woman then gets out of the car and yells that there is no signal. She
doest realize yet that her husband has been attacked. She then too is attacked by the same guy
who played dead in the road.

2:11: The first main actor is introduced. His name is Stefan Salvator. As he is explaining in his
monolog why he had to come back to Mystic Falls. Hes explaining that he just has to know who
this girl is. He saw her and couldnt resist her beauty. He knows its not right and probably not
safe for him to try to join society again but his curiosity for this girl is just too strong to ignore.
Right off the bat he is shown jumping off the roof of his familys estate, which exploits his super
human abilities.

2:18: Elena Gilbert is now introduced. She is pouring her thoughts and emotions into her diary.
Shes righting of her anxiety and how she wants to make the first day of school a good one. She
carries on about how she will smile regardless of if she is genuine about it or not. She is so sick
and tired of people asking her if she is alright or if she is doing okay.

3:51: Bonnie Bennett is introduced as she drives Elena and herself to school. Bonnie is Elenas
best friend in the whole world. She is telling Elena how her Grams says that she is a witch and
her ancestors are from Salem. Bonnie completely brushes it off and thinks that her grams is just a
crazy drunk. Suddenly someone runs in front of the Bonnies car and she slams on her brakes.
Elena becomes very nervous because she has been scared of vehicles since her parents tragedy.
Bonnie quickly starts to apologize. As the scene is ending our attention is brought back to the
crow that is perched on a stop sign. Elena and Bonnie continue their way to school.

5:50: Elenas other friend Caroline comes into the picture when Elena gets to school. Caroline
runs up to her and ask her a million questions about how she has been doing. She an extrovert
and seems to be hard to handle. When Elena doesnt answer her questions fast enough she starts
to interrogate Bonnie asking questions about Elena right in front of Elenas face.

6:55: Elena and Bonnie see Stefan for the first time. He is talking to the school secretary. He
does some weird hypnotic eye trick to convince her that he has all the paper work he needs to go
to school there. At this same time Elena sees Jeremy go into the mens bathroom. She follows him
in there and catches him trying to put clear eyes eyedrops in and tries to search him for his other
drugs. She then lectures him about smoking pot.

9:03: Elena accidentally bumps into Stefan walking out of the mens restroom. This is when I no-
tice a obvious attraction between Stefan and Elena. She seems to be stuck and a little embar-
rassed for walking out of the mens room and Stefan just finds it amusing and just smiles.

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10:27: Elena walks to the cemetery after school to see her parents graves. Again, the crow ap-
pears on top of one of the head stones. Elena is sitting across from their graves while she writes
into her journal talking about her day. Shortly after that the crow starts to caws more and the fog
starts to slowly creep in. Elena starts to notice and soon becomes very aware that something is
wrong. She gets up abruptly and starts to walk fast to get out of the cemetery. She becomes more
anxious and starts to run. She then falls down and drops her journal. When she stands up Stefan
is standing right in front of her and it startles her.

13:45: While Elena and Stefan are talk his face becomes distorted and he ask if she had hurt her-
self when she had fell. When she bent down to look she was surprised to see that she had cut her
ankle. As soon as Stefan sees the blood he turns away and I caught a glimpse of his face and how
it turns into something monster like. While she is talking saying that everything is alright she
rolls her pants leg down. When she looks up Stefan was gone and had completely disappeared.

14:28: Stefan is writing in his diary and talking about how he lost control around Elena today,
but he just simply can resist her. He expressing his feelings as he thinks back on his prior en-
counters with Elena.

16:04: Elena is going to the Mystic grill to hang out with Bonnie and Caroline. When she goes to
open the front door Stefan is on her front steps. He had came by to apologize for disappearing in
the woods earlier because he assumed Elena would think that that was weird and strange. He also
returns her journal to her that she had dropped and failed to realize was missing. She then invites
him to go to the Mystic Grill with her.

18:10: Elena and Stefan walk into Mystic Grill together and everyone is starring at them includ-
ing her two best friends one of which has a crush on Stefan. Also Elenas ex-boyfriend, Matt, is
starring at them too.

19:18: Stefans uncle that he lives with comes into his room with a news paper with the faces
of the couple from the beginning of the episode and accused him of having something to with it.
Stefan claims he has his problem under control and doesnt know who is responsible for the
disappearances of the couple.

20:21: Stefan pulls out an old book that has been dated from 1864. Inside the book is a picture of
a women who looks exactly like Elena. The name under the picture was Katherine. This obvious-
ly has some kind of significance but we are just still uncertain as to why.

23:34: Elena and Bonnie are at a party and Bonnie ask Elena where Stefan is at. They were kid-
ding around and Elena says Youre the psychic, why dont you tell me? Then she proceeds to
hand Bonnie a empty glass bottle to use as her crystal ball. While Elena was handing her the bot-
tle they brushed hands and Bonnie caught a vision of a crow and fog. Bonnie tells Elena and
Elena becomes startled. Bonnie then blames it on the alcohol and that she was drunk.

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25:48: Elena and Stefan walk away from everyone at the party. They soon are involved in a deep
conversation and Stefan ask why she was so unhappy. She was surprised by this question be-
cause she though that she hid her unhappiness well but he saw right through it. She tells him
about her parents dying and how they wrecked into a lake and she was in the backseat and sur-
vived. Stefan then tells her that she wont be sad forever.

28:11: A girl from the party is walking alone in the woods and the fog once again starts to creep
in. She sons becomes aware that something or someone is following her and she feels like what-
ever it was or who it was was watching her. All of a sudden a male figure who is dressed in all
black appears over the shoulders of this girl. Then she is quickly attacked.

30:32: Jeremy stumbles off into the woods and Elena is behind him trying to give him a lecture
about drinking excessively and smoking pot. Suddenly he trips and falls. He tripped over
Vickys, the girl who stumbled into the woods, body. Vicky is also the girl that Jeremy that has
been fooling around with.

31:55: The screen flashes to Stefan and he runs home and tells his uncle that another person
was attacked and it wasnt him then he runs up to his room and realizes that his balcony doors
are open and that same crow flies into his room and lands on a beam up in his ceiling. The same
male figure appears in the door way and Stefan looks at the man and says Damon. Damon then
gives Stefan a really intense look and say Hello brother.

32:53: Stefan ask Damon why he is in Mystic falls and the Damn then ask Stefan the same ques-
tion. Before Stefan could answer Damon answers for him and points out that it was because of

40:01: It flashes back and forth between Elena and Stefan who are both writing in their journals.
Elena talks about her encounters with Stefan and how things are finally starting to change and
feel normal. Stefan continues to be his dramatic self and talks about his encounters with Elena.

40:29: Damon and Caroline have an intense stare down in Mystic Grill.

Observation Two
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 2

Background Information: At this point in the season the attraction between Elena and Stefan is
very obvious by the way they look at each other. The looks are almost a half a second too long
and filled with burning desire. Damon, Stefans brother, has now come into the picture. He has a
goal of becoming close to Caroline for an unknown reason. In the first episode Vicky was at-
tacked by an unknown person and the questions about her attack were never answered. Bonnie
has also been experiencing weird things such as being able to see visions when she touches
someone or something.
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- Matt: Matt is Elenas childhood friend who grew up with her. He is also her ex-boyfriend
whom she broke up with after her parents died. He still has a lot of feelings for Elena and doesnt
want to see her get hurt. He makes this very clear to Stefan once Matt realizes that Elena is inter-
ested in Stefan. Matt is also Vickys younger brother. He tries to look out for Vicky because their
mother doesnt really care for them. So he is the parental figure for their family.
- Tyler: Tyler is Matts best friend and plays football with him. He is alsos Vickys boyfriend.
He is a player though and while Vicky is in the hospital he never goes and visits her or worries
about her well being. Him and Jeremy get into it a little bit because Tyler knows that Jeremy
likes Vicky but doesnt realize that Vicky has been going behind his back to be with Jeremy.
- Mr. Tanner: Mr. Tanner is Elenas and Jeremys history teacher. He calls Aunt Jenna in to have
a parent teacher conference about Jeremy. He basically tells her that she is an unfit care giver to
Elena and Jeremy.

- The Comet: Bonnie explains to Caroline and Elena how the comet is a sign that evil is coming
soon. Her grandmother told her that every time that comet has came to Mystic Falls evil has fol-
lowed it.
- Blood: In the first episode Stefans face turned into a monster when he saw the blood on Ele-
nas leg from when she cut it. In this episode The something happens over and over from when
he sees the blood bags in the hospital to when he saw the blood on Vickys neck.

Communities of Practice:
- The Hospital: The hospital is where Vicky is at for a majority of the episode. She was put there
after she was attacked to make sure she was going to be okay. Matt and Jeremy come to visit her
a lot in the hospital. Stefan comes to see her to do the persuasion trick to make her think that she
saw something else than what she really saw when she was attacked.
- The Square in Town: This is where people from the town came together to observe the comet
that comes every 147 years.
- The Salvatore Residence: This is Damon and Stefans home. It has been in their family for
many many years. This is where Elena first meets Damon. Also this is where Elenas and Ste-
fans first kiss takes place.

- Damon getting closer to Caroline: Damon and Caroline have been eyeing each other for a
while now. Towards to end of the episode Damon approaches her and makes a move. She ends
up taking Damon back to her house and becoming really intimate with him. He then bites her and
you hear her scream in pain. This has an alterer motive behind it we just dont know what exact-
- Stefan showing his interest in Elena: Stefan is trying to slowly show Elena his interest in her.
After she bluntly confronts him about his ex he doesnt know what to say and is baffled and left
speechless. Later his tells her that he is living for the moment and in that moment he kissed her.
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Practices of the Community:
- Observing the comet: The Community of Mystic Falls gathered in the Town Square to watch
the comet. They light candles and stand together on the grass and watch is as it passes because it
only comes around every 147 years.

Literacy Practices:
- The Persuasion Trick: The Persuasion Trick is a trick that Stefan and Damon use on people.
Stefan has used in on the school secretary to convince her that he had all the required paperwork
to go to school there. He also used it on Vicky to convince her that what attacked her was an an-
imal. Damon used it on Vicky to convince her that Stefan had attacked her and that he was a vi-
cious vampire. He then told her a different story to keep his and Stefans secret safe.

The Observations:
2:31: A couple is camping out in the woods because they are planning to see a passing comet.
They become very intimate in the tent. The man of the couples tells the lady that he needs to run
back to the car to grab something. The lady thinks that it is about to rain so she tells him to make
sure that he stays dry. He then proceeds to the the tent. A few seconds later the lady hears drips
on the top of the tent and automatically assumes that it is starting to rain. She hops out of the tent
and begins to talk to the man and tease him about the rain. When she gets no response back she
becomes nervous. As she continues to hear the dripping noise she looks back around to the tent
to see where it is coming from. She shines her flashlight onto the tent and sees a pool of blood.
Then she flashes the light up to follow where the blood is coming from and she sees her signifi-
cant other hanging from the tree draining of blood. She becomes frightened and starts to scream
and run away. She makes back to the car but the car door is unlocked. She begins to cry and try
to become aware of her surroundings. Then the same person that attacked her lover attacks her as

4:41: Jeremy is visiting Vicky in the hospital. A nurse walks in tells Jeremy that he cant be there
and needs to come back during visiting hours. Jeremy asks the nurse has Vicky is doing. She
nurse says that Vicky has lost a lot of blood. She also says that she needs her rest and that he
should come back later and walks him out of the room.

5:02: Stefan and Elena are in history class and continue to pass each other smiles and flirtatious
looks. They both look very smitten with each other. Meanwhile the history teacher is talking
about a comet that passes through every 100 years or so. He notices the connection between Ste-
fan and Elena and calls Stefan out for it.

6:01: Bonnie and Caroline are walking through the halls. Caroline tells Bonnie that she is con-
fused and doesnt know if Bonnie is psychic or clairvoyant. Bonnie tells her that technically she
is a witch, at least that is what her Grams tells her. Caroline mentions the guy she saw in the bar
which we know as Damon. Bonnie ask her why she didnt talk to him and Caroline just shrugs it
off and tells her that she was just drunk.
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7:39: Stefan is using super human hearing abilities to eaves drop on Elena and Matts conversa-
tion about Vickys well-being. Elena asks Matt what if Vicky knew what attacked her. Matt tells
Elena that Vicky keeps saying that it was a vampire. Matt just kinda laughs it off and blames it
on the trauma that has happened. Elena becomes confused and uneasy.

8:50: Aunt Jenna is having a parent teacher conference with Jeremys history teacher. He makes
sly remarks on her ability to take care of Elena and Jeremy. He tells her about his suspicions of
Jeremy being on drugs. He points out all of the characteristics that drug users have that Jeremy
has shown. The teacher says that Jeremy may be using drugs to cope with the lose of his parents.

9:42: Stefan is shown walking through the halls of the hospital. When he sees Matt there too he
goes into the shadows the hide. Matt walks into his sisters room and finds her missing. Then
when he turns around she is standing right behind him kind of in a trance or something. When he
touches her she starts to spas out and scream and try to fight him off. Matt runs out of the room
to look for a nurse to help him. As soon as he does Stefan runs really really fast into the room
and looks Vicky deep in her eyes and tells her that she was attacked by an animal and nothing
else. He sort of put her under hypnosis.

10:45: Matt catches a glimpse of Stefan walking around the corner of the hospital. He tries to
follow him. Stefan tries to lose him by going into a different room. He walks into a room that is
doing a blood drive and he becomes nervous and looking all over the place. His face starts to
turn into a monster like he did in the first episode when Elena cut her ankle. Stefan walks behind
a curtain so Matt wont see him. Matt sees the Stefans figure behind the curtain and goes to push
the curtain back and when he does nobody is there but the window is open.

12:55: Aunt Jenna sits Jeremy down and tries to have a conversation with him about getting
high. She confided in him that when she was a freshman is high school she too also got high.
While she is talking she is moving around the kitchen. She turns her back to get something out of
the refrigerator. Jeremy then walks quietly out of the house without Aunt Jenna realizing it.

13:58: Vicky is up and away. She looks over to see Matt sleeping in the chair beside her bed. She
throws an apple at him to wake him up. He starts to stir and she tells him that she knew he wasnt
really asleep. Matt proceeds to ask Vicky what exactly attacked her in the woods the other night.
Vicky just stares at the ground and says an animal and that after that she blacked out. The Jeremy
walks in. He ask Vicky how she is feeling and she tells him that she is doing okay. Matt excuses
himself from the room to let Vicky and Jeremy talk.

15:26: Elena is at the Salvatore residence. She rings the doorbell and no one answers. So she de-
cides to knock on the door. When she does the door opens. She slowly walks in and calls out to
Stefan. She calls out a couple more times as she makes her way to the living room area. She
looks around the house and takes in its beauty. She then hears the front door creek open. She
takes a step closer back towards the door and the crow comes flying in. It startles her and she
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steps back. She runs into Damon who was right behind her. She starts to apologize for just walk-
ing into the house and she says the door was open. She turns around to point at the door but she
sees that it is closed now. Damon introduces himself to her as Stefans brother. He also invites
her in.

17:36: Stefan appears as Damon is talking to Elena about Stefans ex-girlfriend Katherine. Ste-
fan dismisses Elena and she gets the feeling that she needs to leave. After she does Damon is an-
tagonizing Stefan. Stefan told him that he was trying to clean up the mess that Damon had made.

20:52: Vicky is in the hospital and is having a bad dream. She wakes up in a panic and quickly
looks over to see Matt sitting in a chair sleeping near her bed. She gets out of bed to go to the
bathroom and while she is washing her hands she looks up to see Damon stand behind her in the
mirror. She quickly turns around and doest see him standing there anymore. She then goes to try
to wake Matt up and Damons face pops up and scares her. Then she really wakes up and realizes
it was all a dream.

22:13: Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie are all at a festival that is celebrating the comet that is pass-
ing. Bonnie and Elena are talking about how Stefan never called or texted Elena after the awk-
ward run in with him and Damon. Caroline sees Damon from a far and reaches the courage and
confidence to go speak to him. She is walking across a courtyard and has her eyes on him. Peo-
ple pass in between them and suddenly he vanishes.

23:58: Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Matt are about to watch the comet. They are lighting each
others candles. Elena starts to light someone elses candle when she looks up she realizes its Ste-
fan. It surprises her because of how things were left the last time they saw each other. They start
talking about the comet. Stefan tells Elena that the comet has been traveling through space for
thousands of years. Elena tells Stefan how Bonnie says its a sign that lots of evil is coming to
Mystic Falls. Stefan also apologizes for how he was acting the day before when Elena was at his
house. Elena confronts Stefan about his ex and explains that she understands how it is. She then
blows out her candle and walks away.

27:50: Damon is sitting at the bar at Mystic grill. Vicky sees him and stares for a while then
speaks to him. She says that she knows him from somewhere but doesnt know how. Damon just
tells her that that was unfortunate for her. She then excuses hereof and walks away. Damon fol-
lows her to the bathroom and attacks her again.

28:39: Jeremy and Matt are trying to find Vicky. Jeremy and Tyler have a little bit of a con-
frontation. Then Jeremy proceeds to tell everyone at the table including his sister Bonnie, Caro-
line, Tyler, and Matt that him and Vicky have been sleeping together. After they all break apart to
go look for her Elena tries to talk to Jeremy and take him home.

29:10: Matt is in the square looking for Vicky when he sees Stefan and ask him if he knows
where Vicky is. He replays and says no. Matt then ask him why he was at the hospital because he
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had seen him there. Stefan tells him that he was there visiting. While this conversation is happen-
ing Stefan hears Vicky pleading for her life and excuses himself from the conversation. He sees
her on a rooftop with Damon and rushes to get up there. Stefan tells Damon to let her go so Da-
mon throws Vicky to the ground new Stefans feet. He then tries to prove a point to Stefan that
his persuasion didnt work on her as well as he though. He ask Vicky what attacked her and who
was it. She says it was a vampire and that it was him. Damon then does the same persuasion trick
to Vicky and convinces her that it was Stefan who attacked her and that hes a vicious vampire.
Damon is trying to convince Stefan that his choice of diet which is feeding on animals is making
him week. He wants Stefan to start feeding on human blood again. Stefan refuses.

34:26: Bonnie gives Stefan Elenas phone number and email. As she hands him the piece of pa-
per she catches a vision. Stefan ask her if she was okay and Bonnie whispers and asks What
happened to you?

37:11: Caroline is walking back to her car from being at Mystic grill with her friends. She starts
to feel like someone is following her and she continuously looks around her to see if she can see
anyone. She quickens her pace to her and scrambles to get her keys out of her purse. When she
does she drops them and then bends down to get them. When she stands back up Damon is
standing in between her and her car and it startles Caroline. Damon and her finally speak to each
other and are being really flirty with one another.

38:49: Elena goes to the Salvatore residence to see Stefan. He invites her in but she actually tells
him to come outside to see the comet again. Elena confesses to Stefan that when she got home
that night she was going to do what she always does. She was going to write in her diary and let
go of everything that happened that day. She said that she came to the realization that everything
she was going to write she should probably be telling him. Stefan asks her what she was going to
write. Elena starts off by saying Dear diary then basically says she is really just hiding from
the truth and the truth is that she is scared to let herself be happy.

41:03: Stefan turns to look at Elena. He stares deeply into her eyes and then leans in for the kiss.
Elena then kisses him back and it becomes a very special moment for them.

41:33: Damon and Caroline are hooking up at Carolines house when Damon bites her. She
screams because his face is morphed into something like a monster. His eyes turn red and his
teeth extend. It frightens Caroline and she screams.

Observation Three
Monday, September 15, 2014
The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 3
Background Information: Damon and Caroline are hooking up and Damon is using Caroline to
feed on. He using the persuasion trick to keep the fact that hes feeding on her a secret. She hides
the bite marks with a scarf. Bonnie is started to discover her powers more and more. Stefan and
Elena are becoming more serious with their relationship.
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- Katherine: Although we havent met her yet she is a big part of this episode. She is mention
periodically by Damon Stefan and Elena. She is Damon and Stefans ex-girlfriend who dies in
a tragic fire. Possibly the girl who Stefan and Damon fought over.

- The Necklace: The necklace was given to Elena by Stefan. He said it was in his family for a
long time and she wanted her to have it. It is laced with vervain which prevents Damon from
doing the persuasion trick on her.

Communities of Practice:
- Elenas House: Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, and Elena all have dinner at Elenas house
to try to get to know each other. Elena has a little bit of an insight on Damon and Stefans rela-
- The Bonfire: The Bonfire is where Mr. Tanner dies and Damon tries to prove to Stefan that he
has lost his humanity for good. Also Tyler and Jeremy get into a fight.

- Damon interest in Elena: Damon tries to convince Elena that she really does want him. He
sneaks into her room at night to watch her sleep.

Practices of the Community:
- The Purpose of the Bonfire: The purpose of the bonfire was to get the school, football players,
and cheerleaders to get pepped up for the game they were about to play. At first that is what it
was doing but because of what took place other things were shown about Stefan and Damon.

Literacy Practices:
- Bonnies Visions: Bonnies visions, though she doesnt understand them at the time, tell her
things like Mr. Tanners death and that Stefan and Damon are bad.

The Observations:
1:56: Caroline wakes up the next morning after her and Damon hook up. She sees herself in the
mirror across from her bed. She is frightened by the bloody bite mark that is on her neck. She
quietly gets out of the bed and tries to tip so out of her room. The floor squeaks and she looks
back to see that Damon is now out of the bed too. When she looks back to the door he is standing
in front of her. She screams and backs up he tells her to calm down and she picks up the lamp
that is on her night stand and hits him with it. When she sees that it doesnt effect him she jumps
onto her bed to get away from him. She yells at him and tells him to stay away from her. She
then throws a pillow at him and he smells the blood that was left on the pillow. That makes him
hungry and attacks her again.

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3:10: Elena and Bonnie are pulling up to school and Bonnie warns Elena to take things slow
with Stefan. This confuses Elena because Bonnie has been the one to tell her to go for it and let
herself be happy. Elena ask her why her opinion has changed. Bonnie tells her about how she
accidentally touched Stefan and she got a really bad feeling.

4:07: Vicky walks up to Jeremy and tells him that she got two tickets to a concert. She tells him
she wants him to go and Jeremy isnt having it. He wants to be more than just friends with her
but she wants to work on her relationship with Tyler.

5:21: Elena invites Stefan to her house to have dinner with her and Bonnie so Bonnie can get to
know Stefan better. Stefan knows that Bonnie isnt a big fan of him. He is clearly puzzled as too
why she all of a sudden doesnt want to be around him. Elena is puzzled as well because Bonnie
was the one who pushed Elena to go out with Stefan.

7:31: Mr. Tanner is asking the class about dates that happened in history. He sees Elena talking to
Stefan and calls her out. She doesnt know the date and Stefan says the date out loud. He then
tells Mr. Tanner that hes good with dates. Mr. Tanner is curious and then proceeds to ask him a
serious a historic events and Stefan gets every single one of them correct.

9:20: Elena is trying out for the cheerleading squad. Stefan is watching the football team and
ponders joining it. Elena had mention to him that he should join and stop being such a loner. Ele-
na tells Bonnie that she is coming to dinner that night to eat with her and Stefan. Bonnie gives
her an excuse as to why she cant come to dinner.

10:45: Elena and Bonnie see Caroline being dropped off at cheer try outs by Damon. Caroline
approaches Elena and tells her that she has the other Salvator brother. Damon sends Elena a
smirk and drives off.

12:30: Elena is watching Stefan at football practice while she is suppose to be observing the try-
outs. Watching him makes her smile. Stefan shocks Tyler and Matt as he is a really good Football
player. Mr. Tanner is also the coach of the football team. He told Stefan he just wanted to watch
him fail at football which is why he is letting him try out. Mr. Tanner was embarrassed because
Stefan out smarted him in class the day before.

13:37: Tyler tackles Stefan after Matt passes him the ball. When he gets up and takes his glove
off, his finger is broken. He puts it back in place and is instantly healed.

15:47: While Bonnie and Elena are preparing dinner Bonnie explains to Elena about the more
weird things that have been happening to her. She tells her how she can predict the commercials
that are gonna come on TV before they come on and how she has been thinking of specific num-
bers all day and has been seeing them all day. Elena just laughs it off and tells Bonnie she should
talk to her grandmother. Elena starts looking for serving spoons and Bonnie knew exactly where
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they were. Elena just assumed that because Bonnie had been over to her house so much she knew
where the serving spoons were at.

17:02: The dinner is very awkward and quiet. Elena is trying to find small talk so Stefan and
Bonnie can get to know each other. Elena ask Stefan about football and tries to tell Bonnie about
how good he is. Then Elena tells Bonnie to tell Stefan about her family. Elena tells Stefan that
Bonnie comes form a long line of witches. Stefan gets a very intense look on his face. Bonnie
tells him that she is from the Salem Witches. Stefan says that that is interesting and tells Bonnie
as too why he finds that interesting.

18:37: The doorbell rings while Bonnie Elena and Stefan are eating dinner and Elena gets up to
get the door. When she opens it its Caroline and Damon. Caroline explains that Bonnie had told
her that they were all having dinner so she though that she would bring desert. Stefan then comes
to the door and ask Damon why hes there. Elena is about to invite Damon in before Stefan stops
her. Stefan than says that Damon isnt staying and Caroline and Elena are confused.

21:37: Damon comes into the kitchen to help Elena clean up. Earlier during dinner he had men-
tion that Stefans last girlfriend had passed away. Elena asks Damon how she died and he tells
her it was in a tragic fire. Elena ask Damon what Katherine was like and Damon describes her as
beautiful, but selfish and not very kind, sexy and seductive.

23:44: Caroline is explaining the whole Elena and Matt relationship. Shes explaining that Matt
is just having a hard time seeing Elena with someone else. Stefan compliments Caroline on her
scarf. He ask if she will take it off so he can get a better look. She says she cant and when he ask
why she says she doesnt know why she just cant. The Damon walks back in the room and does
the persuasion trick to Caroline to go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen. After she leaves Ste-
fan scolds Damon about treated people like puppets.

26:26: Elena is having a dream about her Stefan. They are being really intimate. When Stefan
goes to take his shirt off his face changes to Damons face. It scares Elena and she wakes up
screaming. She gets up to go get a glass of water and as she passes the window the crow is sitting

28:22: Stefan gives Elena a special necklace that he says has been in his family for a long time. It
has a special type of herb in it that smells like rose. He tells her he wants her to wear it for good
luck. This makes Elena smile and she quickly puts the necklace on in front of Stefan.

31:00: Everyone is at the bonfire getting pepped up for the upcoming football game. Tyler walks
away upset about Stefan being really good and walks towards Vicky. He spots Jeremy in the dis-
tance and approaches him talking trash about how Jeremy can have Vicky once he is done with
her. Jeremy punches Tyler in the face and Tyler comes back at him. Stefan stops Tyler from
punching Jeremy again and Tyler turns on Stefan and tries to punch him in the stomach. He does
and it doesnt effect Stefan at all. Jeremy reaches for a broken glass bottle and tries to hit Tyler
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and Stefan pushes Tyler down. Jeremy than hit Stefans hand with the glass bottle and cuts him.
Matt tackles Tyler to the ground. Elena runs to Stefan to see if the cut is deep and Stefan tries to
hide his hand. Elena is very persistent so Stefan shows her and the cut is healed. Stefan tells Ele-
na that Jeremy missed his hand and that it was someone elses blood.

32:43: Elena approaches Bonnie and ask her about the bad mojo she got from when Bonnie
touched Stefan. Bonnie described what she saw as something not clear like a picture it was a
feeling that vibrated through her. The feeling was cold and like death.

33:57: Damon scares Elena while she is packing her car up from the bonfire. She confronts him
and tells him that she knows he is trying to make her feel uncomfortable. He tells her that he
knows that she wants him and that he would bet that she even dreams about him. This scares
Elena because she did intact dream about him earlier. He tries to do the persuasion trick on her to
get her to kiss him. He leans in to kiss her and Elena smacks him. She is mad that she is dating
this brother and he tries to kiss her.

35:49: Damon confronts Stefan about the vervain that is in the necklace that keeps him from us-
ing the persuasion trick. Damon threatens Stefan that he could just eat her and Stefan calls his
bluff. Stefan knows that Damon still has his humanity and also reveals his their real age. He says
that after 145 years Damon is still haunting him.

37:28: Damon challenges Stefans statement by killing Mr Tanner after he comes out there to get
Stefan to get ready for the game. Damon drinks Mr. Tanners blood right in front of Stefan and
Stefan tries to get him to stop.

38:24: Matt walks outside to find Mr. Tanners body. He became horrified and started screaming
for help. He was distraught by the time the police and was completely upset and mortified.

39:14: All the numbers that Bonnie has been seeing the past few days are at the crime scene of
Mr. Tanners murder.

The first participate I interviewed was a lady around the age of 43 who has watched all the
season available on Netflix. Her name is Donna White. I interviewed her Sunday, Sep-
tember 14, 2014.
- Me: How were you introduced to the TV show The Vampire Diaries and what exactly about
the show kept you interested?
- Donna: My daughter introduced me to the show. The characters and story line kept me in-
terested. I found myself wanting to know what would happen next.
- Me: Describe a specic scene in which the show kept you on the edge of your seat.
- Donna: The scenes that involved Elena and Damon kept me most on the edge of my seat.
Especially when she gave into his desire for her.
- Me: Compare your likes and dislikes of The Vampire Diaries to a different Vampire saga
such as Twilight or Dracula.
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- Donna: The vampire diaries vs Twilight was more realistic involving the nature of the romantic
relationships. There was also more interaction and relationships with people who were not
- Me: Tell me about the rst time you watched an episode of The Vampire Diaries. What were
some of the emotions you were feeling throughout the episode?
- Donna: I felt excitement and interest. The story line kept my attention and made me want to
watch the next episode. :
- Me: Describe your expectations for future seasons of this show.
- Donna: I would like to see the development of the relationship between Elena and Damon. I
am also curious how Elena copes with either becoming a vampire herself or maintains her
relationships and the effect on her family throughout the future seasons.

The second participant I interviewed was a student from UNC Charlotte. She is a Special
Education Major and is in her senior year of school. Her name is Jenna Price. I inter-
viewed her Monday, September 15, 2014.
- Me: How were you introduced to the TV show The Vampire Diaries and what exactly about
the show kept you interested?
- Jenna: I found out about the show by scrolling through netix searching for a show to watch.
I chose vampire diaries because I loved twilight, so I knew I would be interested in the vam-
pire diaries. The love story along with the intensity kept the show interesting to me.
- Me: Describe a specic scene in which the show kept you on the edge of your seat.
- Jenna: The scenes involving Damon kept me the most interested. He was my favorite and of
course the most attractive!
- Me: Compare your likes and dislikes of The Vampire Diaries to a different Vampire saga
such as Twilight or Dracula.
- Jenna: I loved both twilight and the vampire diaries. I enjoyed how suspenseful the vampire
diaries were compared to twilight. I found the characters more interesting and easier to relate
- Me: Tell me about the rst time you watched an episode of The Vampire Diaries. What were
some of the emotions you were feeling throughout the episode?
- Jenna: The rst time I watched the vampire diaries I was immediately addicted. I was excited
for each episode following the previous one. The vampire diaries always kept me on the edge
of my seat. I was never bored.
- Me: Describe your expectations for future seasons of this show.
- Jenna: I have yet to see season 5 of the vampire diaries. I expect to see Elena and Damon
still together as a couple. I also expect to see a family develop from Elena and Damon.
Hopefully they will have some baby vampires!

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