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******* *******

5* ***** ******, New York, NY, 10013

Cell: 413.***.**** - *******.*.*******
Managed poltcal and !trategc pro"ect! n addton to pro#dng con!ultng !er#ce! and market anal$!! %or
de#elopment compane! and t&er pro"ect!. Managed pro"ect to c&oo!e 'e!t propo!al! %or de#elopng land we controlled.
(ro#ded poltcal ) !trategc con!ultng %or a *+00,000,000 re!ort ca!no de#elopment. ,orked drectl$ wt& e-ecut#e
leader!&p %or t&e duraton o% t&e pro"ect - &elped to cra%t ++-$ear land lea!e wt& %rm.
Managed poltcal outreac& ) !trategc con!ultng pro"ect! %or t&e .large, pu'lcl$ traded real e!tate n#e!tment tru!t/
on a *000,000,000 retal de#elopment, workng clo!el$ wt& .large, pu'lcl$ traded real e!tate n#e!tment tru!t/ e-ecut#e
leader!&p. 1elped partner .large, pu'lcl$ traded real e!tate n#e!tment tru!t/ wt& a large gamng de#eloper on a un2ue, mult-
%aceted retal de#elopment.
Project manager 3prl 0010 to 4une 0014 ********* ****** - **** **********, Ma!!ac&u!ett!
5,orked wt& communt$ !take&older! to de#elop a re!ort ca!no propo!al people would !upport: %a#ored '$ a! man$ a!
607 o% town re!dent!.
58an e-ten!#e market and demograp&c !tude! n addton to pro"ect r!k model! 9 !tre!! te!t! mea!urng compane!
!ol#enc$, l2udt$, propo!ed pro"ect ca!& %low! and pro"ect! re!pon!e to &$pot&etcal mcro and macro %actor! &elpng our
compan$ to c&oo!e t&e mo!t ro'u!t and %nancall$ !ound propo!al!.
5,orked clo!el$ wt& ****** *******, a :reenwc& &edge %und, and &elped de#elop a plan to market e2ut$ !&are! o% our
ca!no pro"ect to 2ual%ed n#e!tor!.
5(er%ormed compre&en!#e, 2uanttat#e !tude! on t&e retal ndu!tr$ &elpng u! to determne w&c& propo!ed pro"ect
em'oded t&e large!t num'er o% !ucce!!%ul attr'ute! !uc& a! market !&are and 'rand percepton.
5Coordnated and &eld meetng! wt& o#er 40 !tate poltcan! and o%%cal! to market compan$ plan to de#elop a re!ort
ca!no and &elped mo#e leg!laton %orward t&roug& t&e Ma!!ac&u!ett! 1ou!e and ;enate.
5Managed o#erall !trateg$ ) !$nerg$ 'etween go#ernment relaton!, de#elopment and poltcal campagn group!
en!urng t&e ma!ter plan wa! organ<ed and mnd%ul o% all !trengt&! and weakne!!e! o% t&e pro"ect. Montored and
corrected an$ !lppage or de#ance %rom plan.
Consultant 4anuar$ 000= to 4une 0014 ********* ****** - **** **********, Ma!!ac&u!ett!
5Met %re2uentl$ wt& our gamng partner>! e-ecut#e leader!&p to d!cu!! trend!, pu'lc opnon! and an$ nece!!ar$
c&ange! to t&e de!gn o% t&er pro"ect or t&e !u'!e2uent poltcal campagn.
5,orked wt&*****-******, an ur'an plannng %rm, and created an ur'an re#tal<aton #!on %or a town to &elp encourage
t! plannng 'oard to #ote n %a#or o% new <onng '$law! and ta- 'reak! 'ene%cal to u! and ourpartner!. (re!ented plan!
n %ront o% 000? re!dent! and ultmatel$ got a re<onng pa!!ed.
5(ro#ded poltcal and !trategc con!ultng work %or @****** ***********A, owner! o% a 0.4 mle long pro%e!!onal race
crcutB &elped t&em o#ercome regulator$ and en#ronmental !!ue! w&c& cau!ed a temporar$ !top-work order on t&er
pro"ect, !a#ng t&em C mont&! o% dela$! and *40,000 n %ee! and %ne!.
Bachelors Degree : General Business, 0011
******* ********** ********** - ***********, Ma!!ac&u!ett!
CD3 E1 canddate 5 Dnancal modelng e-perence 5 Mcro!o%t F%%ce .Gncludng (ro"ect, 3cce!!, H!o ) ;&are(ont/5 3rgu!
5 Con!tructed per!onal n#e!tment t&e!! 9 port%olo

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