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PHAM Anthony 110136264 Assignment 2

03 05
07 08
09 10

15. Summary

Clearing the site usually involves heavy vehicles to
remove any debris on site. All removal of scrubs,
rocks, stumps and also trees will need to be up-
rooted. All site debris will need to be removed up
to a distance of three meters from the building
site to ensure no foreseeable disturbances to the
soil and foundaton in the future.
Flatening and leveling the site ensures a solid
foundaton for constructon of the building. Any
holes or unleveled areas will be compacted with
controlled fll to ensure a solid foundaton. Mult-
ple wooden forms are placed around the site to
serve as a template for the trenches and concrete
Trenches are dug for under foor plumbing and
electrical work before foundatons are layered.
Moisture proof membrane is used to stop mois-
ture from rising up through the soil and damaging
the structure of the concrete. Cast iron rods are
placed in and over the trenches to provide stabil-
ity and structure before the slab is formed.

Stockpiling of spoil
Stockpiling soil is the storage of temporary soil
that has been removed and saved for later reuse.
The spoil is temporarily stored in a fxed positon
on the constructon site during the constructon
phases. The spoil consists of any material that has
been dug up from the trenches to scrubs, rocks,
stumps, trees and debris from the clearing.
Concrete slab
Concrete slabs are the foundaton of a house that
provides a stable and solid working ground. The
concrete slab will take the weight of anything that
is placed on top of the foundaton such as the roof
or tmber framing. The concrete will protect the
tmber or any materials from any moisture expo-
sure that will help the structure retain strength.
Rebates are the lowest point on a concrete slab
and are formed around the outer perimeter of the
foundaton. The rebate provides a ledge for tm-
ber framing or beams to rest on upon construc-
ton. The rebate prevents any surface moisture or
water entering the building by actng as a water-
proof guard.
Wall Framing

Timber wall frames are fxed with multple vertcal and hori-
zontal tmber members that help create a rigid frame that
act as a loading bearing support for the roof. Wall frames
provide support to wall penetratons such as doors and win-
dows, and also provide enclosure to the weather. The wall
structures are usually constructed with either bricks, clad-
ding or structural frame.
Top plate: The top plate is a contnuous tmber beam that
sits on top of the wall to support the roof structure.
Lintel: Lintel bracings are steel, concrete or wooden beams
that are placed on top of a frame to create an opening.
Head trimmer: The head trimmer is a lintel piece of tmber
that forms and opening.
Sill Trimmer: Sill trimmers are a beam that supports one or
most joists for an opening such as a door or window.
Jack stud (over): Jack studs (over) transfer the weight of the
roof or upper story to the foor.
Jack stud (under): Jack studs (under) hold up the sill trim-

Diagonal brace: Diagonal brace is a metal beam that is
placed at a diagonal positon to help the frame to me more
rigid and also to keep stability.
Nogging: Noggings are horizontal beams that are braced in-
between the studs to stop them bending under compressive
loads and also make the portoned wall structurally strong-
Common stud: Common studs transfer the weight vertcally
to the botom plate.
Botom plate: The botom plate distributes loads from the
supportng structures, such as studs and foor joists.
Window Framing
Lintel beams span across the botom and top of
window frames to support the structure and to
create an opening. Multple vertcal and horizon-
tal tmber members such as head trimmers, sill
trimmers and studs are fxed together to make
the frame more rigid and also to increase the sta-
bility of the frame.
Door Framing
A lintel beam spans across the top of doorframes
to support the structure and to create an opening.
Jack studs (over) are placed vertcally above the
head trimmer and extends to the top plate. The
jack stud transfers the concentrated load from the
head trimmer down to the botom plate.
Roof Framing
Roofs are framed with wooden trusses and are
predominantly built with tmber elements be-
cause it allows builders to be more fexible with
the design. The tmber is most commonly jointed
together with lap jointng, tenon joints and
pegged mortse. The roof is structured diagonally
to evenly of load the weight onto the top plate to
help prevent racking.

Lintel Bracing
Lintel bracings are steel, concrete or wooden
beams that are placed on top of a frame to create
an opening.

Wall Bracing
Wall bracing is commonly constructed on the inte-
rior tmber framing to keep the framing structure
together. Metal straps are atached to the foor,
roof and foundaton and placed at a diagonal posi-
ton to pull the frame tghter to make the frame
more rigid and to also keep stability. Timber sheet
bracing are sometmes applied when the space is
too narrow and short.

Sisalaton Bracing
Large wall wrap sisalaton sheets are fted around
the tmber framing to provide a barrier against
rain, dust and wind. Sisalaton sheets are air/
vapor barriers that will protect the tmber framing
and internal walls by preventng any moisture to
enter the tmber framing that causes eroding and

Guters collect and drain water away from the
house. It prevents any water damage to the exte-
rior where water can leak down the face of the
building and into gaps and cause damage to the
walls such as erosion and mold. Also without
guters water can undermine the foundaton of
the house.
Roof tling is generally used on roofs with a slope
between 17 and 25 degrees or greater pitch. The
tles are seen on many houses because they are a
long life lastng material and also low mainte-
nance. The roof is fxed with felt sarking or strap-
ping for the tles to be fxed on with nails.
Corrugated Iron
Corrugated roofng is an inexpensive material for
roofng compared to other roofng structures. Cor-
rugate iron sheets are made up of large and small
metal panels. The sheets are more structurally
stable and rigid because each panel is fxed with a
neoprene washer to ensure no movement of the
During frst fx plumbing a plumber will run pipes
through necessary parts of the building. The pipes
will be capped of to ensure that there are no
leaks before plasterboards are installed. The
plumber is responsible to ft valves on appliances
to prevent any build up of statc pressure.

During frst fx electrical an electrician will begin
electrical rough-ins which consists of placing the
main electrical wires and cables throughout the
house. The ends of the wires and cables will be
sealed of with duct tape to ensure preventng of
any damage.
During frst fx gas and heatng, the gas line will be
installed. The lines will be installed throughout
the house and will be fted on the tmber wall
frames and ceilings. The lines will be directed to
the recessed meter outside and covered to pro-
tect it from any debris entering the line.
Wall Insulaton
Wall insulaton reduces any heat that is lost
through the passing of heat from the inside and
the outside walls. The insulaton slows it down by
flling the empty space in the wall with insulaton
that acts as a barrier which, traps air in the insula-
ton to keep the house warm in winter and cool in

Ceiling Insulaton
Ceiling insulaton decreases energy usage and also
reduces the heat transfer throughout the house.
Bat insulaton sheets are lightweight and are easi-
ly installed by rolling them out. The sheets have a
vapor barrier that prevents any build up of mois-
ture and damaging the ceiling.
Internal Linings
Plasterboard is manufactured in lightweight
sheets that are used for internal wall and internal
ceilings. Plasterboards are atached horizontally
against the structure of the frame and are fxed
with a combinaton of glue and nails to hold in po-

Solid Masonry Constructon
Solid masonry consist of an inner and an outer
layer. The layers are formed predominantly with
bricks because they are one of the most durable
materials but layers of concrete blocks can be ap-
plied too. The constructon of solid masonry
achieves strong structure of the building as bricks/
concrete blocks are primarily used to build the
forms of the walls.
Brick Veneer
Brick veneer is a single layer of brick-work skin
that is applied on the outside of tmber frames.
Veneering is a cheaper and faster method of con-
structon but does not ofer any structure integrity
as the frame is holding the brick skin.

External Cladding
External cladding is a weather resistant light-
weight material that is atached to the exterior of
the home. External cladding is an element in aes-
thetc appeal of a house. The cladding is a durable
waterproof material that provides thermal insula-
ton by trapping air in the panels and restrictng
the passing of heat.

An electrician during second fxing will connect all
the consumer units such as central heatng con-
trol, solar control and boiler. The installaton of
sockets, switch plates, light ftngs and power
points are to be complete too before circuit

A plumber during second fxing will connect all the
appliances such as kitchen units, the boiler, utli-
tes and sanitary systems. The plumber will install
all necessary valves and also the connecton of all
pipes to begin testng of any leaks.

A carpenter during second fx will install casings
on doors, the skirtng's will be fted, window
frames will be fted, kitchen units will be in-
stalled, door locks and handles will be fted,
handrails, bath panels, etc.
Hinged internal doors are atached onto tmber
door frames and are fxed with two or three hing-
es to hold into place. Low profle thresholds are
installed under the door to seal the gap. The
threshold prevents any debris or water to enter
the house.
The carpenter will ft the window with a frame.
The window frame is an element in aesthetc ap-
peal of a house along with doors. Most window
tmber frames are moisture resistance which will
prevent any eroding or molding of the framing in
the future.
Tiles are installed on the foor and walls of bath-
rooms and kitchens. Tiles are moisture resistance
and will prevent any moisture damage to the plas-
ter. Tiles are installed then carefully sealed of
with silicon to ensure no moisture is able to seep
The under coat and frst coat of paintng would
have been completed once the plaster boards
were fnished, this is to ensure enough tme for
the walls to dry before second fxing. During sec-
ond fxing the 2nd and last coat will be done once
most electrical wiring, plumbing and joinery are
complete. The 2nd coat will be done during sec-
ond fxing to fnish any paintng which has not
been complete. The fnal coat will be a touch up
of any walls which have marks from second fxing.
Rendering can be applied to either the interior or
exterior of a house. The rendering is a premix of
cement and sand, it can be rendered as a smooth
wall or have a rough surface. Rendering is an ele-
ment in aesthetc appearance of a house.

Paving is an element in aesthetc appearance of a
house. Paving materials can be made up of stone,
tmber, tles or bricks.

For assignment 1 I chose to study Starbucks Cofee at Dazaifu. The main
reason for choosing that certain Starbucks Cofee was because of the tm-
ber framing of the building. Whilst completng assignment 2 I have learnt
how they have built the framing without much complicaton as I originally
thought. Throughout this assignment I have learnt and understood the pro-
cesses involved in building a house. But one of the biggest things I have
learnt is the process of building a house is slightly diferent per builder.
Clearing: pg 03 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p80-83.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Levelling: pg 03 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p83-84.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Trenching: pg 03 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p81-84.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Emile Bitar

Stockpiling of Spoil: pg 04 photo 1
Informaton N/A. (1992). Spoil Piles. Available: htps:// Last accessed 21st September 2014.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Concrete Slab: pg 04 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p102-108.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Rebates: pg 04 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. P102-108.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Wall Framing: pg 05 photo 1/2/3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p110-114.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Window Framing: pg 06 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p140-148.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Door Framing: pg 06 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p149-151.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Roof Framing: pg 06 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p158-166.
Site Alex, 2011, House Constructon, photography, viewed 19 September 2014, <htp://

Lintel Bracing: pg 07 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p155-156.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Wall Bracing: pg 07 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. P109-114.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Sisalaton Bracing: pg 07 photo 3
Informaton Sarking and wall wrap for homes. (n.d.). 1st ed. [ebook] Root Hill, NSW: Fletcher Insulaton, p.2. Available at: htp://
_.../BR06_Sarking_and_Wall_Wrap_For_Hom [Accessed 21 Sep. 2014].
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Gutering: pg 08 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p191-192.
Site Alex, 2011, House Constructon, photography, viewed 21 September 2014, <htp://

Tiles: pg 08 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p81-84.
Site Eager, 2008, Our M3tric0n story, photography, viewed 21 September 2014m <htp://>

Corrugated Iron: pg 08 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p172-175.
Site Alex, 2011, House Constructon, photography, viewed 21 September 2014, <htp://

Plumbing: pg 09 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p189-192.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham


Electrical: pg 09 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p193-195.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Gas: pg 09 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p191-192.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, St Clair, North Adelaide SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Wall Insulaton: pg 10 photo 1
Informaton N/A. (2012). Insulaton. Available: (htp:// Last accessed 23rd September 2014.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Ceiling Insulaton: pg 10 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p176-177.
Site N/A. (N.A). Index of /PHOTOS/INSULATION. Available: htp:// Last accessed 23rd September 2014.

Internal Linings: pg 10 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p138-139.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

External Cladding: pg 11photo 1
Informaton Chris Reardon. (2013). Cladding Systems. Available: htp:// Last accessed 24th Septem-
ber 2014.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Solid Masonry Constructon : pg 11 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p128-137.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Brick Veneer: pg 11photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p117-119.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Peppermint Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Electrical: pg 12 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p193-195.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Peppermint Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Plumbing: pg 12 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p189-192.
Site N/A, N/A, 2
Fix Plumbing, photography, viewed 25

September 2014, < htp://>

Joinery: pg 12 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p199-1200.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Eldrige Drive, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Doors: pg 13 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p149-155.
Site Versace, 2014, Project Gallery, photography, viewed 25 September 2014, < htp://>

Windows: pg 13 photo 2
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p140-148.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Rosemont Court, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Tiling: pg 13 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p204-209.
Site N/A, 2014, Family bathroom tles ready for second fx, photography, viewed 25 September 2014, < htps://

Paintng: pg 14 photo 1
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p235-237.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Rosemont Court, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Rendering: pg 14 photo 2
Informaton Macera, A. Steps to building a house. 19th September 2014.
Site Builder, Unknown. Site, Rosemont Court, Mount Gambier SA. Photo taken by Anthony Pham

Paving: pg 14 photo 3
Informaton Wilkie, A (2011). Building Your Own Home A comprehensive guide for owner-builders. Australia: New Holland Publishers. p223-224.
Site N/A, N/A, Picture Gallery, photography, viewed 26 September 2014, <htp://>

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