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Issue 14 Oct 2014

Upcoming Competitions
Featured Class
Meet Coach Steve
Strongman & Mobility info
Important Reminders
Lurong Challenge

12 med apples, peeled, cored & cut
3 T coconut oil, melted
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
Place coconut oil in slow cooker. Spread around to coat the inside. Place apples in & cover with lemon juice. Sprinkle with cinnamon
& salt. Cover & cook on high for 2 hours. Stir with wooden spoon halfway through. Reduce to low for 1 more hour. Remove from
base & let cool for another hour before serving. Store in refrigerator.

Lurong Challenge 2014

Congrats to all who are
Keep up the good work!
The hardest part
is behind you

Congrats to ALL of our
awesome competitors, including
Kent, Corinna, Carolanne,
Steve, LaReya, Aaron &
Justin. Forward was well
represented during the month of
Please note Mobility Class will meet
Saturdays, Oct. 4 & 18
at 9:15 & 10:15
Crossfit Strongman WODs will be posted
weekly on Facebook & on the Barbell side
for those who want to incorporate them.
Please ask Coach Rob Chedester if you'd like
to meet during open gym for a training
session. He will also post additiinal days &
times on the FB page.
Upcoming Competitions

M&M Masters & Minors Only
Competition-Oct.4, Outer
RVA Open-Oct. 4, Richmond
Team SF DC- Oct 4,
FESTIVUS- Oct. 18th, Lorton,

Meet Our Newest Coach: Steve Rombado
Born and raised in Houston, Texas. I now call Spotsylvania home. From 2004-2014, I worked in
Iraq, Afghanistan and Djibouti, Africa as a MWR Manager with a passion for fitness and working
with our deployed service members, ensuring they stayed "battle ready".
I began experimenting with Crossfit in 2006 while in Iraq, without a full understanding of the
methodology. Due to personal pursuit to compete in bodybuilding, I put Crossfit on hold and In
2010, while still in Iraq, I was tasked with building Spitfire Crossfit on Joint Base Balad and in
April 2011, we brought CFHQ in during the worst sandstorm I had ever seen. It was a miracle the
team made it and two days later, I was a Lvl 1 along with 17 others. I began teaching 2 of the 7
daily classes. I immediately saw the benefits my students were getting and I guess that's when I
finally drank the "Kool aid". Needless to say, I have not gone back to bodybuilding.
In October 2011 I accepted a position in Bagram, Afghanistan, where I started Vulture Crossfit.
When I left two years later, we had successfully built a place for deployed coaches to hone their skills,
introduce 100's of new comers who may never have tried it and sent three athletes to the 2013 Asia
division regionals where our male placed 2nd overall.
Most recently I worked in Djibouti Africa and worked with other military coaches, programming
and training for CF11P.
As you can tell fitness is my passion and Crossfit is at the center, so when I moved here, finding a
box and community to call home was at the top of my priorities. Crossfit Forward was the first box I
visited. Kent was the first person I met and I knew I had found my place; it was solidified after
meeting Lindsay. This coaching staff is the best I have ever worked with and I am so grateful for the
opportunity to work with and learn from each one of you.

Featured Class of the Month: The 7:30pm Class
By: Chris Petrie
Nominate YOUR class next month by sending a picture & a paragraph (or more) to Carrie at

As the sun begins to set and most people are winding down for dinner and they're favorite sitcom, at Crossfit
Forward, the 7:30pm class is just finishing their strength training and prepping for the day's workout. Here you
will find a group of athletes who are pushing their limits to get better, to work harder, all in the name of fitness
and health. There is never a lack of effort due to a long day at work or the late night workout, you will hear the
beautiful sound of barbells hitting the floor, or bodies hitting the floor, should we be so blessed to have burpees
programmed for the day! Thanks Kent! Regardless of age or fitness level, you will find every athlete giving their
very best effort every single evening and many staying after to do accessory work or focus on weaknesses.
Without a doubt, the most inspiring aspect of the 7:30pm class is the consistency that the athletes display as
most of them come to all four classes throughout the week. They show up early to get themselves warmed up.
They take coaching cues and put them into practice immediately. They cultivate what the true purpose of
CrossFit is, a community of athletes competing with themselves every single day in an effort to become more fit,
and by default become healthier overall. They are an inspirational group of men and women that bring their best
day in and day out and it's an honor to be a part of.

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