Texas Commission ON Human Rights: Strategic Plan For The 2003 - 2007 Period

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for the
2003 2007 Period

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007


Working together, I know we can accomplish our mission and achieve these priority goals for
our fellow Texans:

To assure open access to an educational system that not only guarantees the basic core
knowledge necessary for citizenship, but also emphasizes excellence in all academic and
intellectual undertakings;

To provide for all of Texas transportation needs of the new century;

To meet the basic health care needs of all Texans;

To provide economic opportunities for individual Texans and provide an attractive
economic climate with which to attract and grow businesses; and

To provide for the safety and security of all within our border.


Texas State government will be limited, efficient, and completely accountable. It will foster
opportunity, economic prosperity, and family. The stewards of the public trust will be men and
women who administer state government in a fair, just, and responsible manner. To honor the
public trust, state officials will seek new and innovative ways to meet state government priorities
within its financial means.


The task before all state public servants is to govern in a manner worthy of this great state. We
are a great enterprise, and as an enterprise we will promote the following core principles.

First and foremost, Texas matters most. This is the overarching, guiding principle by
which we will make decisions. Our state, and its future, is more important than party,
politics or individual recognition.

Government should be limited in size and mission, but it must be highly effective in
performing the tasks it undertakes.

Decisions affecting individual Texans are best made by those individuals, their families,
and the local governments closest to their communities.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 2 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Vision Texas

Competition is the greatest incentive for achievement and excellence. It inspires
ingenuity and requires individuals to set their sights high. And just as competition
inspires excellence, a sense of personal responsibility drives individual citizens to do
more for their future, and the future of those they love.

Public administration must be open and honest, pursuing the high road rather than the
expedient course. We must be accountable to taxpayers for our actions.

Finally, state government should be humble, recognizing that all its power and authority
is granted to it by the people of Texas, and those who make decisions wielding the power
of the state should exercise their authority cautiously and fairly.

Priority Goal

To support effective, efficient, and accountable state government operations and to provide
citizens with greater access to government services while reducing service delivery costs.


Total state taxes per capita

Total state spending per capita

Percent change in state spending, adjusted for population and inflation

State and local taxes per capita

Ratio of federal dollars received to federal tax dollars paid

Number of state employees per 10,000 population

Number of state services accessible by Internet

Savings realized in state spending by making reports/documents/processes available on
the Internet

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 3 Strategic Plan 2003-2007


The mission of the Texas Commission on Human Rights is to make Texas an even greater place
to live, work, play, and raise our families by reducing discrimination in employment and housing
through educational and outreach programs, and the enforcement of the Texas Commission on
Human Rights Act and the Texas Fair Housing Act.


This agency exists for the sole purpose of serving the citizens of Texas. In doing so it is this
agencys responsibility to have a proactive approach in providing information through
educational and outreach programs to employees, employers, housing providers, related
industries in the housing arena (i.e. financial, real estate and builders), and those individuals and
families seeking housing in Texas. In addition, the Texas Commission on Human Rights has an
obligation to fairly and effectively exercise its statutory authority when alleged discriminatory
practices arise to ensure all citizens of Texas are protected from discriminatory actions. In
carrying out these tasks the Texas Commission on Human Rights will always be open, honest,
and pursue the high road rather than expedite the course. The administrators of this agency will
always serve as good stewards of the public funds entrusted to them ensuring that all resources,
both monetary and human, are maximized. The end result will be an efficient and effective run
agency that serves the citizens of Texas at minimum costs.


Ratio of state general revenue to federal funds

Cost of investigating complaints of discrimination compared to remedies for complainants
and cost savings to respondents

Cost of EEO compliance training and personnel policy and procedural systems reviews
compared to judgments and settlements paid by the state for employment discrimination

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 4 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

There are certain key external/internal factors which will influence the Texas Commission on
Human Rights successful achievement of its mission, goals, and objectives through the Year
2007. The Texas Commission on Human Rights is authorized under the Texas Government
Code, Chapter 461, to administer the Texas Labor Code, Chapter 21, which prohibits
employment discrimination, and the Texas Property Code, Chapter 301, which prohibits housing

The Texas Commission on Human Rights was created in 1983 during the Special Session of the
Legislature. The Act has been amended in subsequent legislative sessions but the major
amendments to the Act occurred in 1993. The Texas Labor Code, Chapter 21, and the Texas
Property Code, Chapter 301, prohibit discrimination that may affect all Texans as it relates to
employment and housing discrimination. The main functions of the Texas Commission on
Human Rights is to investigate complaints of employment and housing discrimination, provide
training and technical assistance, review personnel policies and procedural systems of state
agencies and institutions of higher education, and issue EEO reports on employee composition of
state agencies and institutions of higher education. The Commission is perceived by the public
as the state agency administering anti-discrimination laws.

Key External Factors

The following are key external factors having a direct impact on the effective and efficient
productivity of the Commission.

Based on Texas population projections there will be a substantial increase in the minority
population and persons over the age of forty between the Years 2003 and 2007.
increase may necessitate the expansion or reallocation of resources from a centrally located
office in Austin to satellite offices throughout Texas to better serve the citizens of our State.
In addition, this growth has a potential impact on the number of complaints of employment
and housing discrimination filed in Texas.

Based on Texas population estimates there will be an increase in the number of females
entering the labor force which will have a potential impact on the number of complaints filed
with the Commission.

Certain federal laws have a direct impact on the Commission because of the deferral
relationship between the Commission, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC), and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Since the

Projected Sources: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; Economic.com, Inc.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 5 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
External-Internal Assessment

Texas Commission on Human Rights Act and the Texas Fair Housing Act are substantially
equivalent to federal anti-discrimination laws, EEOC and HUD must defer federal
jurisdiction to the Texas Commission on Human Rights. Therefore, any complaints of
employment and housing discrimination filed in Texas are deferred to the Commission. The
Commission has insufficient resources to process all deferred employment complaints,
therefore an annual Worksharing Agreement with EEOC determines which deferred
complaints will be processed by the Commission and which complaints will be processed by

Although the Commission receives federal funds from EEOC and HUD through fixed-cost,
production-based contracts, these funds vary from year to year and EEOC funds are not
sufficient to fully cover the cost of processing all complaints deferred by EEOC.

The volume of employment discrimination complaints combined with limited resources can
affect timely investigations and resolutions of complaints.

The amendments to the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act incorporating the U.S.
Civil Rights Act of 1991, have a positive impact on the Commissions effective processing of
complaints and enforcement of the State law prohibiting employment discrimination.

The general revenue appropriated during the 77
Legislative Session for automation
equipment has had a positive impact on the Commissions ability to provide a more
leveraged technology which will enable the Commission to become more effective and
efficient in providing educational and outreach programs as well as complaint resolutions.

The Commission has been negatively impacted by the passing of SB 382, during the 77

Legislative Session, requiring the Commission to review firefighter testing procedures
throughout the state with no additional resources provided.

Limited resources prohibit the Commission from fully serving citizens covered under the
Texas Commission on Human Rights Act, and the Texas Fair Housing Act, in certain critical
areas of Texas, including South Texas, East Texas, West Texas, and the Texas Panhandle.

Key Internal Factors

The following key internal factors have a direct impact on the effective and efficient productivity
of the Commission.

Direct linkage between measurable performance standards, performance monitoring, and
quantified production expectations as implemented by the Commission has had a significant
positive impact on productivity.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 6 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
External-Internal Assessment

The cost and time required to negotiate interagency contracts and payment for the delivery of
training and personnel policy systems reviews required by statute adversely affects the
Commissions available resources and cash flow. The adverse impact of this internal factor
could be resolved by the Commission being funded directly through general revenue.

The implementation of the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process as required under the
Texas Commission on Human Rights Act and the expedited processing procedures
implemented by the Commission has had a positive impact on efficient and effective
processing and early resolution of employment discrimination complaints.

The Commissions ability to provide employment and housing training to private employers
and housing providers is adversely affected by insufficient funding through General
Revenue. Such training has a direct affect on the Commissions efforts to proactively reduce
employment and housing discrimination in the private sector.

The restructuring of the organization and realignment of resources for agency programs has
had a positive impact on the Commissions ability to maximize available resources.

The implementation of standard business policies and procedures throughout the agency is
having a direct impact on more efficient utilization of all financial and human capital

The Commission has and will continue to utilize historically underutilized businesses
(HUBs) as required by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission for each category
the Commission awards contracts.

The Commissions disproportionate reliance on federal funds and interagency contracts as
opposed to General Revenue has a negative impact on effective and efficient delivery of the

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 7 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Goal I. Antidiscrimination Laws
{Texas Labor Code, Subchapter B, 21.05121.061}

Goal II. Training and Assistance
{Texas Labor Code, Subchapters I, J & K, 21.45121.556}

Goal III. Conduct Purchasing and Contracting Activities that Result in
Significant Participation by Historically Underutilized
{Government Code, 2161.123}

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 8 Strategic Plan 2003-2007


OBJECTIVE I To ensure by 2007 that 98% of all Commission resolutions of employment
and housing discrimination complaints comply with the requirements of
the Commissions quality control standards, substantial weight review
standards of EEOC and HUD standards.

Outcome Measures 1. Percent of investigations complying with the Commissions
quality control standards and the U.S. EEOCs substantial
weight review standards.
2. Percent of investigations complying with the Commissions
quality control standards and HUDs standards.


OBJECTIVE I To reduce the number of discrimination complaints filed against state
agencies, institutions of higher education, private employers and housing
providers by 5% per year between 2003 and 2007, and to determine if the
administration of tests by fire departments have an adverse impact on fire
department applicants.

Outcome Measures 1. Percent change per year in employment discrimination
complaints filed with the Commission against state agencies
and institutions of higher education receiving training.
2. Percent change per year in employment discrimination
complaints filed against employers receiving training.
3. Percent change in state claims paid.
4. Percent change in cost to state agencies and institutions of
higher education in responding to employment discrimination
5. Percent change per year in housing discrimination complaints
filed against housing providers receiving technical assistance.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 9 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Objectives and Outcome Measures


OBJECTIVE I To meet or exceed the historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) goals
set by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission for each category
the Commission awards contracts in a fiscal year for fiscal years 2003
through 2007.

Outcome Measure 1. Percent of total dollar value for each category of contract that
the Commission engages in with HUBs.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 10 Strategic Plan 2003-2007


STRATEGY 1 Conduct all employment investigations in accordance with the
Commissions quality control standards and the U.S. EEOC substantial
weight review standards, and increase effective utilization of alternative
dispute resolution process.

Output Measures 1. Number of employment complaints resolved.
2. Number of employment complaints resolved through alternative
dispute resolution.

Efficiency Measures 1. Average number of days to resolve employment complaints.
2. Average cost per employment complaint resolved.
3. Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission
for employment cases.
4. Average cost per alternative dispute resolution of an
employment complaint.

Explanatory/Input Measures 1. Number of employment complaints received.
2. Number of employers and complainants participating in
alternative dispute resolution process.
3. Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for
filing employment cases.

STRATEGY 2 Conduct all housing investigations in accordance with the Commissions
quality control standards and HUD standards.

Output Measure 1. Number of housing complaints resolved.

Efficiency Measure 1. Average number of days to resolve housing complaints.
2. Average cost per housing complaint resolved.
3. Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission for
housing cases.

Explanatory/Input Measure 1. Number of housing complaints received.
2. Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for
filing housing cases.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 11 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Strategies and Other Measures


STRATEGY 1 Provide technical assistance and comprehensive training on compliance
with laws prohibiting discrimination.

Output Measures 1. Number of individuals receiving EEO training.
2. Number of employer representatives receiving technical
3. Number of EEO training sessions conducted.
4. Number of housing providers receiving technical assistance.

Efficiency Measures 1. Average cost per EEO training session.
2. Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on EEO
3. Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on
housing discrimination laws.
4. Average number of days from date of request for EEO training
to date of delivery of training.

Explanatory/Input Measures 1. Number of employment complaints filed against state agencies
and institutions of higher education each fiscal year.
2. Number of requests for technical assistance.
3. Number of requests for certifying commission approved

STRATEGY 2 Conduct personnel policy reviews of state agencies and institutions of
higher education and reviews of tests by fire departments to ensure
compliance with the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.

Output Measures 1. Number of on-site personnel policy reviews conducted.
2. Number of agencies reviewed.
3. Number of agencies receiving technical assistance.
4. Number of fire department tests reviewed.
5. Number of fire departments receiving technical assistance.

Efficiency Measures 1. Average cost per review of agency personnel policies.
2. Average cost per review of fire department tests.
3. Average cost to deliver technical assistance to fire departments.

Explanatory/Input Measures 1. Number of agency personnel policies approved by TCHR.

TX Commission on Human Rights Page 12 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

STRATEGY 1 Develop and implement a plan for increasing the use of historically
underutilized businesses for each category of contracts that the
Commission engages in with HUBs.

Output Measures 1. Number of HUB contractors and subcontractors contacted for
bid proposals.
2. Number of HUB contracts and subcontracts awarded.
3. Dollar value of HUB contracts and subcontracts awarded.

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix A

TX Commission on Human Rights A-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

The Texas Commission on Human Rights Strategic Planning Process consists of five (5) distinct

This process was influenced this biennium by several events:

(1) SAO Audit of Fiscal Management of the Agency,

(2) Retirement of Executive Director and hiring of new executive staff,

(3) Fifty percent of Commissioners terms expired during a current biennium, and

(4) First survey of Organizational Excellence conducted since the inception of the
agency seventeen years ago.

Each of the items noted above have been instrumental in the strategic planning process, by
providing documentation and invaluable insight as to where the agency has been, where we are,
and where the agency wants to go in the future.

Phase One of the strategic planning process began when the new Executive Director was hired in
August 2001, which at the time two of the three top management positions were vacant. The
new Executive Director developed a revised vision and mission statement for the agency with the
approval of the Commissioners that sets the direction for the agency for the next five years. An
assessment was then made of the current organization and business practices based upon
historical data and interviews with supervisors and employees within the agency.

Phase Two began after the initial assessment was completed and the vision was put into practice
by developing an internal training plan that would raise the level of competency and
professionalism of all the staff. In addition the organizational structure was completely
revamped to more clearly align goals and objectives of the agency to performance measures and
funding strategies. Also, external applicants were hired as well as internal promotions were
made in the organization to replace vacancies in management and to provide for a more efficient
organization by realigning resources. Lastly, in this phase the agency procured new automation
equipment, established a LAN, and provided training to leverage technology thereby making
each individual more productive in the organization.

Phase Three started simultaneously with the hiring of new managers and the phased
implementation of the new organizational structure as well as with the release of the SAO Audit
of Fiscal Management, which identified many shortcomings in the fiscal operations of the
agency. An action plan was developed, which addressed each one of the shortcomings, that will
not only improve fiscal operations of the agency but will result in a more efficiently run
organization at all levels.

TX Commission on Human Rights A-2 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Phase Four involved comparing the existing strategic planning and budgeting structure with the
agencys direction. With the new vision and changes brought about by restructuring and the
SAO Fiscal Management Audit, the budget structure was reworked and many of the definitions
were changed to provide a more clear picture of the agencys performance and funding needs for
the next biennium. The changes were briefed to the Commissions representatives at the
Governors Office of Budget and Planning (GOBP) and the Legislative Budget Board (LBB). In
addition, direct guidance was sought from the GOBP and LBB budget analysts for improvements
in preparing our plan and ensuring our plan accurately identifies data required by decision
makers. Our efforts in phase four consisted of collating, evaluating and composing the plan from
input obtained throughout the agency including:

1) Strengthening performance measure definitions after a re-evaluation of all measures to
ensure they were straightforward and presented a true picture of the performance,

2) Revising objectives and providing updated outcome targets,

3) Submitting strategic plan structure changes to GOBP and LBB for review, comment,
and approval, and

4) Reviewing all customer surveys for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Phase Five consisted of submitting the Strategic Plan for final review by the agencys executive
staff and then final review by the Commissioners prior to submission by June 17, 2002.

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix B

TX Commission on Human Rights B-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Organizational Structure






Purchasing &

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix C

TX Commission on Human Rights C-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Outcome 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Percent of investigations
complying with the
Commissions quality control
standards and EEOCs
substantial weight review





Percent of investigations
complying with the
Commissions quality control
standards and HUDs standards.





Percent change per year in
employment complaints filed
with the Commission against
state agencies and institutions of
higher education receiving





Percent change per year in
employment discrimination
complaints filed against
employers receiving training.





Percent change in state claims





Percent change in cost to state
agencies and institutions of
higher education in responding
to employment discrimination





Percent change per year in
housing discrimination
complaints filed against housing
providers receiving technical





Percent of total dollar value for
each category of contract that
the Commission engages in
with HUBs.






TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix D

TX Commission on Human Rights D-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Goal 1: Develop/Administer Policies/Laws to Prohibit/Reduce Discrimination

Objective 1: To ensure by 2007 that 98% of all Commission resolutions of employment
and housing discrimination complaints comply with the requirements of the
Commissions quality control standards and substantial weight review
standards of EEOC and HUD.

Outcome Measures:
01-01.01 Percentage of EEO investigations complying with TCHR/EEOC Review Standards

Short definition: Percent of investigations complying with the Commissions quality
control standards and the U.S. EEOCs substantial weight review
standards means the percent of employment discrimination
complaints resolved during the administrative process that are
accepted by the Executive Director and EEOC based on the
Commissions quality control standards as determined by the
Commissions procedural rules and administrative directives, and
EEOCs substantial weight review standards.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure that by 2007 that 98% of all Commission investigations
of employment discrimination complaints comply with the
requirements of the Commissions quality control standards and
substantial weight review standards of EEOC.

Source/Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data CDS system.

Method of Calculation: Number of employment complaints resolved and accepted by
EEOC based on EEOCs substantial weight review standards
divided by the number of employment complaints resolved through
the administrative process that are accepted by the Executive
Director based on the Commissions quality control standards.
Quality control standards are determined by the Commissions
procedural rules and administrative directives.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for the number of complaints accepted by EEOC
based on EEOCs substantial weight review standards.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-2 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

01-01.02 Percentage of housing investigations complying with TCHR/HUD Review Standards

Short Definition: Percent of investigations complying with the Commissions quality
control standards and HUDs standard means the percent of
housing discrimination complaints resolved during the
administrative process that are accepted by the Executive Director
and HUD based on the Commissions quality control standards as
determined by the Commissions procedural rules and
administrative directives, and HUDs standards.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure that by 2007 that 98% of all Commission investigations
of housing discrimination complaints comply with the
requirements of the Commissions quality control standards and
HUDs standards.

Source/Collection: HUD and TCHR national case processing and tracking automated

Method of Calculation: Number of housing complaints resolved and accepted by HUD
based on HUDs standards divided by the number of housing
complaints resolved through the administrative process that are
accepted by the Executive Director based on the Commissions
quality control standards. Quality control standards are determined
by the Commissions procedural rules and administrative

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. HUD for complaints accepted by HUD because of the
Commissions deferral relationship with HUD.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Strategy 1: Conduct all employment investigations in accordance with the
Commissions quality control standards and the U.S. EEOC substantial
weight review standards, and increase effective utilization of the
alternative dispute resolution process.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-3 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Output Measures:
01-01-01. 01 Number of employment complaints resolved.

Short Definition: Number of employment complaints resolved means the total
number of employment discrimination complaints resolved during
the administrative process.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure by 2007 that 98% of all commission investigations of
employment discrimination comply with the requirements of the
Commissions quality control standards and EEOCs substantial
weight review standards.

Source Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: Total number of employment discrimination complaints resolved
during the administrative process. The administrative process
includes the investigative process and alternative dispute

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for the number of complaints filed.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

01-01-01.02 Number of employment complaints resolved through alternative dispute resolution.

Short Definition: Number of complaints resolved through alternative dispute
resolution means the total number of employment complaints
resolved during the administrative process through alternative
dispute resolution methods such as mediation.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure by 2007 that 20% of all employment complaints are
resolved through the Commissions alternative dispute resolution

Source/Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of employment discrimination complaints
resolved during the administrative process through alternative
dispute resolution methods such as mediation.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-4 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights mediates only the complaints
where both parties complainant and respondent agree to the
mediation process. Resolution is dependent on the good faith
efforts of both parties to resolve the issues.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Efficiency Measures:
01-01-01.01 Average number of days to resolve employment complaints

Short Definition: Average number of days to resolve employment complaints means
the average processing time in calendar days from the date a
complaint is filed until the administrative processing of the
complaint is complete.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure timely resolution of employment complaints.

Source/Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: The average processing time in calendar days from the date a
complaint is filed until the administrative processing of the
complaint is complete. The administrative process includes the
investigative process and alternative dispute resolution.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for complaints filed against employers because of
the Commissions deferral relationship with EEOC.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-5 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
01-01-01.02 Average cost per employment complaint resolved.

Short Definition: Average cost per employment complaint resolved means the total
cost of this strategy divided by the total number of employment
complaints resolved.

Purpose/Importance: To cost effectively conduct employment investigations in
accordance with the Commissions quality control standards and
the U.S. EEOC substantial weight review standards.

Source/Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: Average cost per employment complaint resolved means the total
amount expended in this strategy divided by the total number of
employment complaints resolved.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for the number of complaints filed and accepted as
resolved based on EEOCs substantial weight review standards.

Calculation Type: Non-Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

01-01-01.03 Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission for employment cases.

Short Definition: Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission for
employment cases means the average cost to the Commission to
authorize the filing of a civil action by the Attorney General to
enforce the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.

Purpose/Importance: To accurately reflect quality and efficiency of the Commissions
authorization of civil actions for employment cases to enforce the
Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR civil actions filed for employment cases and recommended
to the Attorney General.

Method of Calculation: The cost of filing a civil action for employment cases is the total
cost of TCHRs Executive Director and legal staff (as a percent of
the total cost of this strategy) and court costs (including filing fees,
depositions, and witness fees) and travel expenses divided by the

TX Commission on Human Rights D-6 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
total number of civil actions recommended for filing for
employment cases.

Data Limitations: Under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act it is at the
discretion of the Attorney Generals Office to file the civil action.
Therefore, the number filed is impacted by the determinations of
the Attorney Generals Office.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

01-01-01.04: Average Cost Per Alternative Dispute Resolution of an employment complaint.

Short Definition: Average cost per alternative dispute resolution of an employment
complaint means the cost of resolving an employment complaint as
a percent of the total cost of this strategy divided by the total
number of employment complaints processed through the
alternative dispute resolution unit.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently resolve employment complaints
through the Commissions alternative dispute resolution process.

Source/Collection: U.S. EEOC and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: The cost of resolving an employment discrimination complaint as a
percent of the total cost of this strategy divided by the total number
of employment discrimination complaints processed through the
alternative dispute resolution process.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights mediates only the complaints
where both parties complainant and respondent agree to the
mediation process. Resolution is dependent on the good faith
effort of both parties to resolve the issues.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-7 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Explanatory/Input Measures:
01-01-01.01 Number of employment complaints received.

Short Definition: Number of complaints received means the total number of
employment complaints filed plus the number of potential

Purpose/Importance: To conduct employment investigations in accordance with the
Commissions quality control standards and the U.S. EEOC
substantial weight review standards.

Source/Collection: Number of employment complaints filed against employers. The
U.S. EEOC worksharing agreement.

Method of Calculation: The total number of employment complaints filed plus the number
of potential complaints which are rejected during the complaint
intake process because they are non-jurisdictional or identify facts
that do not support allegations of discrimination.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for complaints filed against employers because of
the Commissions deferral relationship with EEOC.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

01-01-01.02 Number of Employers and Complainants Participating in Alternative Dispute

Short Definition: Number of employers and complainants participating in alternative
dispute resolution process means the total number of complainants
and respondents participating in the ADR process.

Purpose/Importance: To increase by 20% the number of complainants and respondents
participating in the Commissions alternative dispute resolution

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-8 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Method of Calculation: The total number of complainants and respondents participating in
the ADR process.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights mediates only the complaints
where both parties complainant and respondent agree to the
mediation process. Resolution is dependent on the good faith
effort of both parties to resolve the issues.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

01-01-01.03 Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for filing employment cases.

Short Definition: Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for filing
employment cases means the total number of civil actions
authorized to be filed by the Attorney General to enforce the Texas
Commission on Human Rights Act.

Purpose/Importance: Civil action procedures are governed by the Texas Commission on
Human Rights Act, the complaint processing procedures and the
State of Texas Administrative Procedures Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR employment complaints filed and recommended by the
Commission for civil actions.

Method of Calculation: The total number of civil actions authorized to be filed by the
Attorney General.

Data Limitations: Under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act it is at the
discretion of the Office of the Attorney General to file civil

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-9 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Strategy 2: Conduct all housing investigations in accordance with the Commissions
quality control standards and HUD standards.

Output Measure:
01-01-02.01 Number of housing complaints resolved.

Short Definition: Number of housing complaints resolved means the total number of
housing discrimination complaints resolved during the
administrative process.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure by 2007 that 98% of all Commission investigations of
housing discrimination comply with the requirements of the
Commissions quality control standards and HUD standards.

Source/Collection: HUD and TCHR national case processing and tracking automated

Method of Calculation: The total number of housing discrimination complaints resolved
during the administrative process.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
HUD for the number of complaints filed and accepted as resolved
based on HUDs standards.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Efficiency Measures:
01-01-02.01 Average number of days to resolve housing complaints.

Short Definition: Average number of days to resolve housing complaints means the
average processing time in calendar days from the date a complaint
is filed until the administrative processing of the complaint is

Purpose/Importance: To ensure timely resolution of housing discrimination complaints.

Source/Collection: HUD and TCHR national case processing and tracking automated

TX Commission on Human Rights D-10 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Method of Calculation: The average processing time in calendar days from the date a
housing complaint is filed until the administrative processing of
the housing complaint is complete.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
HUD for complaints filed against housing providers because of the
Commissions deferral relationship with HUD.

Calculation Type: Non-Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

01-01-02.02 Average cost per housing complaint resolved.

Short Definition: Average cost per housing complaint resolved means the total cost
of this strategy divided by the total number of housing complaints

Purpose/Importance: To cost effectively conduct housing investigations in accordance
with the Commissions quality control standards and the U.S.
HUDs standards.

Source/Collection: U.S. HUD and TCHR national data system.

Method of Calculation: Average cost per housing complaint resolved is the total cost of
this strategy divided by the total number of housing complaints

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. HUD for the number of housing complaints filed and
accepted as resolved based on HUDs standards.

Calculation Type: Non-Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-11 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
01-01-02.03 Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission for housing cases.

Short Definition: Average cost per civil action authorized by the Commission for
housing cases means the average cost to the Commission to
authorize the filing of a civil action by the Attorney General to
enforce the Texas Fair Housing Act.

Purpose/Importance: To accurately reflect quality and efficiency of the Commissions
authorization of civil actions for housing cases to enforce the
Texas Fair Housing Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR civil actions filed for housing cases and recommended by
the Attorney General.

Method of Calculation: The cost of filing a civil action for a housing case is the total cost
of TCHR Executive Director and legal staff (as a percent of the
total cost of this strategy) and court costs (including filing fees,
depositions, witness fees, and travel expenses) divided by the total
number of civil actions recommended for filing for housing cases.

Data Limitations: Under the Texas Fair Housing Act it is the discretion of the
Attorney Generals Office to file the civil action. Therefore, the
number filed is impacted by the determinations of the Attorney
Generals Office.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

Explanatory/Input Measures:
01-01-02.01Number of housing complaints received.

Short Definition: Number of housing complaints received means the total number of
housing complaints filed plus the number of potential housing

Purpose/Importance: To conduct housing investigations in accordance with the
Commissions quality control standards and the U.S. HUDs

Source/Collection: Number of complaints filed against housing providers. HUDs
contribution contract.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-12 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Method of Calculation: The total number of housing complaints filed plus the number of
potential complaints which are rejected during the complaint intake
process because they are non-jurisdictional or identify facts that do
not support allegations of discrimination.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
HUD for complaints filed against housing providers because of the
Commissions deferral relationship with HUD.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

01-01-02.02 Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for filing housing cases.

Short Definition: Number of civil actions authorized by the Commission for filing
housing cases means the total number of civil actions authorized to
be filed by the Attorney General to enforce the Texas Fair Housing

Purpose/Importance: Civil action procedures are governed by the Texas Fair Housing
Act complaint processing procedures and the State of Texas
Administrative Procedures Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR housing complaints filed and recommended by the
Commission for civil action.

Method of Calculation: The total number of civil actions authorized to be filed by the
Attorney General.

Data Limitations: Under the Texas Fair Housing Act it is at the discretion of the
complainant or respondent to have the case filed in court after the
Commission finds a violation.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-13 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Goal 2: Reduce Employment/Housing Discrimination/Actively Market Training/Review Fire
Department Tests

Objective 1: To reduce the number of discrimination complaints filed against state
agencies and institutions of higher education private employers and housing
providers by 5% per year between 2003 and 2007, and to determine if the
administration of tests by fire departments has an adverse impact on fire
department applicants.

Outcome Measures:
02-01.01 Percent change in employment complaints against state agencies.

Short Definition: Percent change per year in employment discrimination complaints
filed with the Commission against state agencies and institutions of
higher education receiving training means the percent change
between the current and previous fiscal years in the number of
employment complaints filed with the Commission and EEOC
against state agencies and institutions of higher education that
received Commission training.

Purpose/Importance: Training state agencies and institutions of higher education in EEO
laws to provide practical understanding of the impact of EEO laws
on employment decisions for compliance with EEO laws.

Source/Collection: Number of employment complaints filed against state agencies.
State agencies and institutions of higher education contracting with
the Commission for EEO compliance training.

Method of Calculation: Percent of change between the current and previous fiscal years in
the number of employment complaints filed with the Commission
and EEOC against state agencies and institutions of higher
education that received EEO training.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for employment complaints filed against state
agencies and institutions of higher education because of the
Commissions deferral relationship with EEOC.
Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-14 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
02-01.02 Percent change in employment complaints against employers receiving training.

Short Definition: Percent change per year in employment discrimination complaints
filed against employers receiving training means the percent
change between the current and previous fiscal years in the number
of employment complaints filed with the Commission against
employers receiving training.

Purpose/Importance: Training employers managers and supervisors in EEO laws
provides the employer practical understanding of the impact of
EEO laws on employment decisions and assists managers and
supervisors in complying with EEO laws.

Source/Collection: Number of employment complaints filed against employers. The
U.S. EEOC worksharing agreement. Employers contracting with
the Commission for training.

Method of Calculation: Percent change between the current and previous fiscal years in the
number of employment complaints filed with the Commission
against employers receiving Commission training.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC because of the Commissions deferral relationship
with EEOC.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01.03 Percent change in state claims paid.

Short Definition: Percent change in state claims paid for cases of employment
discrimination means the percent change between the current and
previous fiscal years in liability costs as a result of litigation in
judgments and settlements, paid by the State.

Purpose/Importance: Training employers managers and supervisors in EEO laws
provides the employer practical understanding of the impact of
EEO laws on employment decisions and assists managers and
supervisors in complying with EEO laws.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-15 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Source/Collection: The Office of the Comptroller. U.S. EEOC. TCHR tracking of
interagency contracts for training.

Method of Calculation: Percent change between the current and previous fiscal years in
liability costs, as a result of litigation in judgment and settlements,
paid by the State.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on information
supplied by the Comptrollers Office in the amount of judgments
and settlements paid for employment discrimination. EEOC for
the number of complaints filed. Number of agencies contracting
with the Commission to receive training.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01.04 Percent change in cost to agencies to respond to employment complaints.

Short Definition: Percent change in cost to state agencies and institutions of higher
education in responding to employment discrimination complaints
means the percent change between the current and previous fiscal
years in the cost to state agencies and institutions of higher
education that received training and technical assistance by the

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the cost to state agencies and institutions of higher
education of responding to employment discrimination complaints
and reduce the cost to the State of Texas in responding to
employment discrimination complaints.

Source/Collection: Number of employment complaints filed against state agencies and
institutions of higher education. U.S. EEOC worksharing
agreement. State agencies and institutions of higher education
contracting with the Commission for training.

Method of Calculation: The percent change between the current and previous fiscal year in
total costs per training session (including travel expenses) plus
costs in conference fees (conference registration fee times the
number of registrants) plus total costs for EEO complaint charges
(average cost per EEO complaint times the number of EEO

TX Commission on Human Rights D-16 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
complaints resolved). A training session is defined as four hours
of training.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends upon data received
by the U.S. EEOC for employment complaints filed against state
agencies and institutions of higher education because of the
Commissions deferral relationship with EEOC.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01.05 Percent change in housing discrimination complaints.

Short Definition: Percent change per year in housing discrimination complaints filed
against housing providers receiving technical assistance means a
percent change between the previous and current fiscal years in the
number of housing complaints filed against housing providers
receiving technical assistance from the Commission.

Purpose/Importance: Technical assistance to provide housing providers with a practical
understanding of fair housing laws and to assist in complying with
fair housing laws.

Source/Collection: U.S. HUD and TCHR complaint tracking system and internal
sources to track housing providers receiving technical assistance.

Method of Calculation: Percent of change between the previous and current fiscal years in
the number of housing complaints filed against housing providers
receiving technical assistance from the Commission through
individual contacts (mail-outs and phone), presentations,
consultations, workshops and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: The Commission is dependent on the U.S. HUD deferral
relationship to track housing complaints filed against all housing
providers in Texas compared to those housing providers receiving
technical assistance by the Commission.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-17 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Strategy 1: Provide technical assistance and comprehensive training on compliance
with laws prohibiting discrimination.

Output Measures:
02-01-01.01 Number of individuals receiving EEO training.

Short Definition: Number of individuals receiving EEO training means the number
of attendees during a training session receiving EEO training by
the Commission.

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment discrimination complaints
filed against employers that received training by 5% per year
between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: Employers contracting with the Commission for training. TCHR
training rosters.

Method of Calculation: The total number of individual attendees during a training session
receiving training by the Commission.

Data Limitations: The Commission does not have the authority to require employers
to take EEO compliance training from the Commission. TCHR
depends on the employer to set the number of participants that
receive training from the Commission.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-01.02 Individuals receiving EEO technical assistance.

Short Definition: Number of employer representatives receiving technical assistance
means the number of individual employer representatives receiving
technical information on laws prohibiting employment
discrimination from the Commission.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-18 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment discrimination complaints
filed against employers that requested and/or received technical
assistance by 5% per year between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The number of individual employer representatives requesting
and/or receiving technical information on laws prohibiting
employment discrimination from the Commission through
individual contact (mail outs and phone) presentations,
consultation, workshops and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: The Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on individuals
to request technical assistance.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-01.03 Number of EEO training sessions conducted

Short Definition: Number of EEO training sessions conducted means the number of
training sessions conducted for state agencies, institutions of
higher education and private employers on compliance with EEO
laws delivered by the Commission.

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment discrimination complaints
filed against employers that received training by 5% per year
between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: Employers contracting with the Commission for training.

Method of Calculation: The number of training sessions conducted for state agencies,
institutions of higher education and private employers (private
industry or non-profit organizations) on compliance with EEO
laws delivered by the Commission. A training session is defined
as four hours of training.

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on the employer to set the number of training

Calculation Type: Cumulative

TX Commission on Human Rights D-19 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-01.04 Number of housing providers receiving technical assistance.

Short Definition: Number of housing providers receiving technical assistance means
the number of individuals representing housing providers receiving
technical assistance on laws prohibiting housing discrimination
from the Commission.

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of housing discrimination complaints filed
against housing providers that received technical assistance by 5%
per year between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The number of individuals representing housing providers
receiving technical assistance on fair housing laws through
individual contact (mail-out and phone), presentations,
consultation, workshops and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on individuals to
request technical assistance.

Calculation Type: Cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Efficiency Measures:
02-01-01.01 Average cost per EEO training session.

Short Definition: Average cost to TCHR per EEO training session means the total
dollar amount of EEO training contracts divided by the number of
training sessions.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently conduct training sessions.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-20 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Source/Collection: Number of interagency contracts (including state agencies and
institutions of higher education) and private contracts (including
corporate, non-profit and other government) for training. Actual
expenditures to complete the training.

Method of Calculation: The total cost of training personnel and support costs (as a percent
of the Training Strategy) divided by the total number of training
sessions conducted. A training session is defined as four hours of

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on the SAO for cooperation in cost recovery

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No. This measure has been modified to delete unnecessary

Desired Performance: Lower than target

02-01-01-02 Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on EEO laws.

Short Definition: Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on EEO laws
and means the total cost of personnel providing direct technical
assistance services and other costs divided by the total delivery
time of technical assistance.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently provide technical assistance in the
area of EEO discrimination.

Source/Collection: Salaries of personnel providing technical assistance. Number of
technical assistance requests provided. TCHR internal tracking

Method of Calculation: The total cost of personnel providing direct technical assistance
services and other costs (including postage and supplies) divided
by the total delivery time of technical assistance through individual
contact (mail-outs and phone), consultation, workshops,
presentations and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: The Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on individuals
to request technical assistance.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-21 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

02-01-01.03 Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on housing discrimination

Short Definition: Average cost per hour to deliver technical assistance on housing
discrimination laws means the average cost of personnel providing
direct technical assistance services on housing discrimination laws
divided by the total delivery time for such technical assistance.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently provide technical assistance in the
area of housing discrimination.

Source/Collection: Salaries of personnel providing technical assistance in the area of
housing. Number of technical assistance requests provided.
TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total cost of personnel providing direct technical assistance
services and other costs (including postage and supplies) divided
by the total delivery time of technical assistance through individual
contact (mail-outs and phone), consultation, workshops,
presentations and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on individuals to
request technical assistance.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes. This measure has been added to identify housing
discrimination laws as part of technical assistance.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

02-01-01.04 Average number of days to deliver EEO training to requesting agency.

Short Definition: Average number of days to deliver EEO training to requesting
agency means the average number of days for the agency to deliver
EEO training since the date of the executed contract signed by a
state agency or institution of higher education.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-22 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment discrimination complaints
against state agencies and institutions of higher education by 5%
per year between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: Number of contracts. Date of initial contract date. Schedule of
training sessions conducted.

Method of Calculation: The sum of the total number of days from the date of the executed
contract signed by the state agency or institution of higher
education to the date of delivery of training divided by the number
of contracts.

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on the schedule of
the state agency or institution of higher education requesting the

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target

Explanatory/Input Measures:
02-01-01.01 Number of employment complaints against state agencies/institutions of higher

Short Definition: Number of employment complaints filed against state agencies and
institutions of higher education means the total number of
employment complaints filed against state agencies and institutions
of higher education including complaints processed by the
Commission and EEOC each fiscal year.

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment discrimination complaints
filed against state agencies and institutions of higher education that
received training by 5% per year between 2003 and 2007.

Source/Collection: Number of employment complaints against state agencies and
institutions of higher education. The U.S. EEOC worksharing

Method of Calculation: The total number of employment complaints filed against state
agencies and institutions of higher education including complaints
processed by the Commission and EEOC.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-23 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Data Limitations: Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on data received by
the U.S. EEOC for employment complaints filed against state
agencies and institutions of higher education.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

02-01-01.02 Number of requests for technical assistance and training.

Short Definition: Number of requests for technical assistance and training means the
number of requests for EEO and HUD technical assistance and
training information.

Purpose/Importance: To reduce the number of employment and housing discrimination
complaints filed against employers and housing providers that
received technical assistance by 5% per year between 2003 and

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The number of requests for EEO and HUD technical assistance
(individual contacts (mail-outs and phone), consultation,
presentations, workshops and/or conferences).

Data Limitations: The Texas Commission on Human Rights depends on individuals
to request technical assistance.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Explanatory/Input Measures:
02-01-01.03 Number of requests for certifying commission approved training.

Short Definition: Number of requests for certifying commission approved training
means the number of state agencies, institutions of higher

TX Commission on Human Rights D-24 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
education, other entities or person requesting approval by TCHR
for certification f compliance training.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure that state agencies and institutions of higher education
are complying with the required compliance training in the TCHR

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: Total number of state agencies, institutions of higher education,
other entities of person requesting TCHR approval for certification
of required curriculum and certified trainers.

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on individual requests for certification.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Strategy 2: Conduct personnel policy reviews of state agencies and institutions of
higher education and reviews of tests by fire departments to ensure
compliance with the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.

Output Measures:
02-01-02.01 Number of on-site personnel policy reviews conducted.

Short Definition: Number of on-site personnel policy reviews conducted means the
total number of on-site reviews conducted on state agencies and
institutions of higher education.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure that the personnel policies of state agencies and
institutions of higher education are in compliance with the Texas
Commission on Human Rights Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of on-site reviews conducted on personnel
policies of state agencies and institutions of higher education for
compliance with the TCHR Act.

Data Limitations: Number of agencies and institutions of higher education that
submit personnel policies for review.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-25 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-02.032 Number of agencies reviewed.

Short Definition: Number of agencies reviewed per year means the number of state
agencies and institutions of higher education that are reviewed by
TCHR for compliance with the TCHR Act.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure state agencies and institutions of higher education
implement personnel policies in compliance with the Texas
Commission on Human Rights Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of state agencies and institutions of higher
education that are reviewed each year for compliance with the

Data Limitations: Number of state agencies and institutions of higher education
submitting personnel policies.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-02.04 Number of agencies receiving technical assistance.

Short Definition: Number of agencies receiving technical assistance (individual
contact (mail-outs and phone), consultation, presentations,
workshops and or conferences) per year means the number of state
agencies and institutions of higher education receiving technical
assistance with their personnel policies to ensure compliance with
the TCHR Act.

Purpose/Importance: Review personnel policies of state agencies and institutions of
higher education through technical assistance to ensure such

TX Commission on Human Rights D-26 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
policies are in compliance with the Texas Commission on Human
Rights Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The number of state agencies and institutions of higher education
receiving technical assistance with their personnel policies to
ensure compliance with the TCHR Act.

Data Limitations: Number of state agencies and institutions of higher education that
request assistance with their personnel policies.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-02.04 Number of fire department tests reviewed.

Short Definition: Number of fire department tests administered by fire departments
and reviewed by TCHR for compliance with the TCHR Act.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure that tests administered by fire departments are in
compliance with the TCHR Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of fire department tests reviewed each fiscal

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on fire departments to submit their tests to TCHR
for review.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: Yes.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

02-01-02.05 Number of fire departments receiving technical assistance.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-27 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Short Definition: Number of fire departments receiving technical assistance per year
means the total number of fire departments receiving technical
assistance with their tests for compliance with the TCHR Act.

Purpose/Importance: To ensure tests administered by fire departments are in compliance
with the TCHR Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of fire departments receiving technical assistance
through individual contact (mail outs and phone), consultation,
workshops, presentations and/or conferences.

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on fire departments to request technical assistance
from TCHR.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

Efficiency Measure:
02-01-02.01 Average cost per review of agency personnel policies.

Short Definition: Average cost per review means the average cost to TCHR for
conducting a review of the personnel policies of state agencies and
institutions of higher education.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently conduct reviews.

Source/Collection: The SAOs report of actual expenses. TCHR internal review
tracking system.

Method of Calculation: Total number of hours dedicated to each review times the hourly
rate (as determined by the SAO) plus travel expenses (if
applicable) divided by the total number of reviews conducted.

Data Limitations: The Commission depends on the SAO for determining actual

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: No.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-28 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

02-01-02.02 Average cost per review of fire department tests.

Short Definition: Average cost to the agency for conducting a review of fire
department tests.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently conduct reviews.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal review tracking system.

Method of Calculation: Total cost per review including personnel, operating and travel
costs divided by the total number of tests reviewed.

Data Limitations: The Commission has no historical data regarding reviews of fire
department tests since the legislative mandate was implemented
during the 77
Legislative Session.

Calculation Type: Non-cumulative

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

02-01-02.03 Average cost to deliver technical assistance to fire departments.

Short Definition: Average cost to the agency for providing technical assistance to
fire departments to ensure compliance with the TCHR Act.

Purpose/Importance: To effectively and efficiently provide fire departments with
technical assistance regarding the TCHR Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total cost of providing technical assistance through individual
contact (mail outs and phone), consultation, workshops,
presentations and/or conferences including personnel, operating
and travel costs divided by the total number of fire departments
receiving technical assistance.

Data Limitations: TCHR depends on fire departments to request technical assistance.

TX Commission on Human Rights D-29 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: Yes.

Desired Performance: Lower than target.

Explanatory/Input Measures:
02-01-02.01 Number of agency personnel policies approved by TCHR.

Short Definition: Agencies with TCHR approved personnel policies means the
number of state agencies and institutions of higher education using
personnel policies in compliance with the TCHR Act as verified by

Purpose/Importance: Review personnel policies of state agencies and institutions of
higher education through technical assistance to ensure that such
personnel policies are in compliance with the TCHR Act.

Source/Collection: TCHR internal tracking system.

Method of Calculation: The total number of state agencies and institutions of higher
education using personnel policies in compliance with the TCHR
Act as verified by reviews.

Data Limitations: Timeframe it takes state agencies and institutions of higher
education to implement TCHRs recommended revisions to be in
compliance with the TCHR Act.

Calculation Type: Cumulative.

Key Measure: No.

New Measure: No.

Desired Performance: Higher than target.

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix E

TX Commission on Human Rights E-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007

I. Agency Overview.

The Texas Commission on Human Rights was created in 1983. The charter of the agency
has expanded greatly over the years. The Commission is currently responsible for
providing training and technical assistance to public and private employers and persons or
entities involved in residential transactions. In addition, the Commission is responsible for
reviewing personnel policies and procedural systems for all state agencies and institutions
of higher education. Finally, the Commissions investigative charter has expanded to not
only cover investigations of allegations of discrimination in employment but also in
housing. As part of employment investigations, the Commission includes an alternative
dispute resolution process for resolving allegations.

The Commission is currently authorized 49 FTEs to carry out this charter. Of the funding
needed to support the Texas Commission on Human Rights approximately 35% of the
funds come from General Revenue, 8% from appropriated receipts and interagency
contracts and the remaining 57% comes from federal funding derived from performance
based contracts.

Gender Age Tenure

Under 30 yrs
50 - 59 yrs
40 - 49 yrs
30 - 39 yrs
60 yrs & over

15 yrs & up
10 - 14 yrs
5 - 9 yrs
2 - 4 yrs
Less than 2

II. Anticipated Changes in Strategy

TCHR anticipates several changes that will significantly impact the agencys business and
workforce. The changes are outlined below.

Business Trends

1,461 investigations were completed in FY 2001. Conservative estimates based upon
historical data predict a ten percent (10%) increase annually in investigations required
over the next three to five years.

TX Commission on Human Rights E-2 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
With the continued slow recovery of the economy we expect this to have a substantial
impact on the number of employment and housing complaints received for

Legislative Changes

With the passing of SB 382 during the 77
Legislative Session, TCHR is now required
to perform reviews of testing procedures for all fire departments that maintain paid

Development of Alternative Training Practices and Investigation Business Processes

The agency must create new internal training and development programs
The agency must capitalize on the training expertise of its federal counterparts, EEOC
and HUD, for external training opportunities
State agencies and private contractors may get their curriculum and trainers certified by
TCHR to deliver EEO compliance training
Investigators must continue to leverage technology to improve the timeliness of the
investigative process
The investigative process must be reviewed from the bottom up to develop efficiencies
and to eliminate redundancy of effort
Investigators must become proficient using web based applications and remote
processing capability to expedite the investigation process

Although there are many important workforce issues facing the agency, it is difficult to
address all concerns immediately. TCHR has decided to focus on the workforce issues that
address the most critical areas in the agency: training/outreach programs, personnel policy
reviews, and investigations.

III. Current Workforce Profile (Supply Analysis)

A. Critical Workforce Skills

Although the agency has strong qualified employees, there a several critical skills that
are important for the agencys ability to operate. Without these skills, TCHR could not
provide basic business functions. The skills are listed below:

Conducting investigations
Interpreting legal statutes
Customer service
Database development and maintenance
Reviewing personnel policies for compliance with EEO law
Training on EEO law

TX Commission on Human Rights E-3 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
B. Workforce Demographics

The following table profiles the agencys workforce as of April 16, 2002, and includes
all full time employees. The Commission has no part-time employees.

Work Force Number Percent Sex Number Percent
African American 13 30% Male 17 40%
Hispanic American 8 19% Female 26 60%
Caucasian American 22 51%
TOTAL 43 100% Veterans 10 23%
Disabled 9 21%

The following table further breaks down the workforce, and compares the percentage of
African Americans, Hispanic Americans and females as April 16, 2002, to the
statewide civilian workforce as reported by the Texas Commission on Human Rights.
The agency believes it should set the standard for all other state agencies to emulate and
has been working diligently to promote a diversified workforce as we are a firm
believer that diversity makes a stronger and more productive agency. While we are
doing very well overall we need to work on further diversifying our workforce in the
para-professional and the administrative support areas.

TCHR Civilian Workforce
# % State
# % State
# % State
2 33% 7% 1 17% 11% 4 66% 31%
Professional 11 37% 9% 6 19% 10% 15 47% 47%
Protective Services
Para-Professional 0 0% 18% 0 0% 31% 3 100% 56%
0 0% 19% 1 25% 27% 4 100% 80%
Skilled Craft
Service and

C. Employee Turnover

Turnover is an important issue in any organization, especially in a small agency.
During the last several years employee turnover has averaged over twenty percent
(20%) exceeding the state average for the majority of the time. Our current turnover
rate for FY 02 is six percent (6%). The occupational class with the highest turnover
rate over the past several years has been professional which encompasses all employees
that perform the investigative function and the training and monitoring functions.

TX Commission on Human Rights E-4 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
The majority of turnover over the past few years has been employees that have been
with the agency between two to four years, and of those the majority was under the age
of 40.

D. Retirement Eligibility

The Texas Commission on Human Rights has been in existence for over 17 years,
however only one separation during the last five years has occurred due to retirement.
We expect this trend to continue over the next five years with less than three percent
(3%) of the workforce retiring each year during this timeframe.

IV. Future Workforce Profile (Demand Analysis)

Based upon the demographic changes of the state over the next five years, the changing
demand for investigators and training and outreach will mean that TCHR will need to
decentralize to meet these demands. As a result, the following changes are anticipated
within the agencys workforce.

A. Critical Functions

Creation of satellite offices to perform investigations and training/outreach
programs to underserved geographical areas of the state
Expansion of the Training and Monitoring Division to be more proactive in the
prevention of discrimination in Texas

B. Expected Workforce Changes

More efficient investigators
More bilingual investigators due to the demographic shift expected in the next five
Leverage technology to make the investigative and training process more effective
Employees cross trained in functional areas

C. Anticipated Increase/Decrease in Number of Employees Needed to do the Work

An overall increase of two FTEs is needed to accomplish the additional work as
mandated in SB 382, passed during the 77
Legislative Session.

D. Future Workforce Skills Needed

To administer effectively and efficiently the variety of investigators and trainers
needed, the agency relies on a competent and knowledgeable staff. In addition to the
critical competencies previously noted, the following lists provides additional skills
essential for future positions:

TX Commission on Human Rights E-5 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Performance management
Business process re-engineering
Negotiation and facilitation
Change management
Advanced PC skills

V. Gap Analysis

Currently we anticipate no surplus or shortage of workers or skills due to the state of the
economy and the projected economic indicators for the next five years. With this said, we
must take the opportunity to enhance our internal training program and capitalize on
training opportunities with our federal counterparts to keep our investigative and training
skills on the cutting edge. At the same time, the Commission needs to ensure that we
develop technology to make our workforce more efficient and effective in carrying out
their duties.

In addition so that TCHR does not experience a shortage in workers or skills, part of our
internal training must identify employees who show the potential or interest to develop new
competencies or the potential or interest to assume increased responsibilities within the

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Appendix F

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007

This is the first time that the Texas Commission on Human Rights (TCHR) has participated in the Survey of
Organizational Excellence, and plans to continue the survey in years to come. TCHR will use the survey results, in
conjunction with Human Resources, to develop goals and strategies to achieve these goals. The survey
results/bench marks for the 2001-2002 Survey of Organizational Excellence presented areas of strength and areas of
concern for TCHR. The following outline these areas:

Relative Strengths: Relative Weaknesses:
Benefits Fair Pay
Strategic Change Oriented
Availability Team Effectiveness
Quality Internal
Burnout Goal Oriented

The goals for addressing the Relative Weaknesses reported by the survey results have been outlined as follows:

Fair Pay TCHRs Human Resources is currently performing an Internal Classification Desk Audit of all
positions as part of its reorganization. TCHR is continually striving to streamline most processes and
classify all positions accordingly to State Classification Guidelines.

Change Oriented TCHRs Human Resources is currently tasked to provide reasonable suggested forms of
Employee Input through such items as Suggestion Boxes or Selected Employee Committees for employee
involvement in agency changes.

Team Effectiveness TCHRs Human Resources implementation of items such as Suggestion Boxes and/or
Selected Employee Committees are also designed to address team effectiveness by allowing the employee
an avenue to voice suggestions and concerns.

Internal TCHRs Public Relations is currently in the process of preparing the first TCHR Monthly Intranet
News Letter which will outline various departmental issues, concerns and achievements.

Goal Oriented TCHR is currently reviewing all of its processes and utilizing employee committees and feed
back. Utilization of such items as Suggestion Boxes and/or Selected Employee Committees is essential in
addressing this concern.

The Texas Commission on Human Rights views the Survey of Organizational Excellence as an important tool,
allowing its employees to contribute greatly to the assessment of an agencys Strategic Plan.

TX Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan 2003-2007

Appendix G

TX Commission on Human Rights G-1 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Information Resources Strategic Plan
Fiscal Years 2003 2007

Table 1: Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Programs

AGENCY GOAL I. Provide leadership in the development and effective
administration of policies and laws designed to
prohibit and reduce discrimination in Texas.
AGENCY OBJECTIVE I. To ensure by FY 07 that 98% of all Commission
resolutions of employment and housing discrimination
complaints comply with the requirements of the
Commissions quality control standards and substantial
weight review standards of EEOC and HUDs standards.
AGENCY STRATEGIES 1. Conduct all employment investigations in accordance with
the Commissions quality control standards, and the U.S.
EEOC and increase effective utilization of alternative
resolution process.
2. Conduct all housing investigations in accordance with the
Commissions quality control standards and HUD
AGENCY GOAL II. To provide comprehensive training and technical
assistance to reduce employment and housing
discrimination, conduct reviews of personnel policies of
state agencies and institutions of higher education and
review tests administered by fire departments.
AGENCY OBJECTIVE I. To reduce the number of discrimination complaint filed
against state agencies, institutions of higher education,
private employers and housing providers by 5% per year
between FY 03 and FY 07, and to determine if the
administration of tests by fire departments have an adverse
impact on the citizens of Texas.
AGENCY STRATEGIES 1. Provide technical assistance and comprehensive training
on compliance with laws prohibiting discrimination.
2. Conduct personnel policy reviews of state agencies and
institutions of higher education and reviews of tests by fire
departments to ensure compliance with the Texas
Commission on Human Rights Act.

III. We will establish and carry out policies governing
purchasing and public works contracting which foster
meaningful and substantive inclusion of historically
underutilized business.

TX Commission on Human Rights G-2 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
AGENCY OBJECTIVE I. To meet or exceed the historically underutilized businesses
(HUBs) goals set by the Texas Building and Procurement
Commission for each category the Commission awards
contracts in a fiscal year for fiscal years 2003 through
AGENCY STRATEGY 1. Develop and implement a plan for increasing the use of
historically underutilized business for each category of
contracts that the Commission engages with HUBs.
IR GOAL I. Provide new and improved existing services for
internal users. This goal supports the State goal for
access and participation (State Goal 4).
IR OBJECTIVE I. Provide a fully supported and integrated information
resources environment to agency staff.


The agency purchased 45 new PCs to replace the
existing and obsolete system.
The agency purchased WIN 2K for the network.
The agency implemented a high speed LAN System.
All agency offices are equipped with direct phone lines
to handle customer needs.
The agency integrated the UNIX and WIN 2K
environment through networking.
As a result of this integration, the agency eliminated
WYSE 150 terminals.
All agency staff have access to email and the Internet.
All agency staff were trained on the usage of the new
computer systems.
The agency has reduced the amount of clerical support
by 71%, and allocated positions where they can best
support the agencys mission and goals.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Maintain a secure base level of computing and networking
to ensure continued access of IR.
2. Train agency staff in the development, maintenance,
appropriate application and use of IR.
3. Acquire mobile computing equipment (laptops computers)
for IR.
IR OBJECTIVE II. Provide easy access to central repository of agency
information for use in decision making, complaints
tracking, and reporting.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Assemble a task force to assess users and customer IR
2. Implement an Intranet by FY 04 where information can be

TX Commission on Human Rights G-3 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
centrally stored and shared for easy access.
3. Explore and exploit the opportunity to implement and use
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to conduct secure on line
transactions of information exchange between State and
Federal entities.
4. Add a File Server to the agency LAN by FY 04.
IR OBJECTIVE III. Explore the opportunity to implement a Document
Management System (DMS) on the agencys network.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Conduct an assessment of the agency document filing and
archiving methods.
2. Evaluate current technology trend in electronic file
management and archiving methods.
3. Explore the opportunity to add or reassign an FTE who
will operate the agency newly created electronic filing
IR GOAL II. Provide new and improved existing services for both
external and internal users via agency website. With a
projected implementation by FY 05. This goal will
support the States Goal 4, Access and Participation,
and Goal 2, Information Management Practices, by
providing simple comprehensive user interfaces for
state-provided information and services as well as
enhancing the performance of the agency.

I. Provide on-line input of agency complaint intake forms to
the public. Improve public access to forms and reduce
staff resources for performing these actions.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Develop housing and employment complaint forms for on-
line input via the agency website by FY 04.
2. Form a partnership with HUD and EEOC and ask for
technical and financial assistance in developing and
implementing this on-line System.
IR OBJECTIVE II. Survey industry and citizens on their needs to be used for
future development of the agency website. Providing
services via the web will increase customer satisfaction
and maximize the capabilities of agency resources.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Form a task force to create an industry and public survey
on needs and desired additions to the agency website.
Evaluate responses and prioritize needs. Implement
changes by FY 04.
2. The agency will host its own website which will allow for
a greater flexibility, enhancement, and expansion by FY
3. Install and configure a dedicated web Server and
additional Network Software /hardware to provide this

TX Commission on Human Rights G-4 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
service and preserve the security and privacy of the
citizens by FY 05.
4. Create or reassign an IT FTE whose primary function
would be to create, update, and maintain agency website
and assume the role of a webmaster by FY 05.
IR OBJECTIVE III. Create an on-line web based system where citizens can
check the progress and status of complaints.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Post agency case progress reports on the agency web site.
2. Review existing security policies, and implement
safeguards to protect the integrity and privacy of the
agency and public data.
3. Explore the opportunity to add a database Server to
existing agency Network (i.e. Sequal, Oracle)
4. Install a web based case tracking management software on
this Server.
5. Assess existing IT staff training needs.
6. Examine the possibility of adding an evening or night IT
shift to ensure continuous service availability.
IR OBJECTIVE IV. Develop and implement by FY 05 a web based system to
enhance the training and assistance functions of the

1. Explore alternatives and enhancements for training
through teleconferencing, CD, video and multimedia
applications by using the web.
IR GOAL III. Review telecommunications infrastructure and explore
alternatives and enhancements. This goal supports the
State goal for enhancing agency performance through
appropriate application of technology and sharing of
State resources. (State Goal 2, Objectives 2 and 3).
IR OBJECTIVES I. Evaluate existing Networks (i.e. UNIX, and LAN) to
accommodate future satellite offices in Texas.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Evaluate cost of new network configuration requirement
and Equipment.
2. Upgrade current telephone system by FY 06.
IR OBJECTIVES II. Evaluate feasibility of voice over Internet Protocol (IP) by
FY 05. Implement any changes in FY 06.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Identify cost saving measures by evaluating the current
network and phone systems.
2. Evaluate the needs for a voice over IP network.
3. Purchase IP phones by FY 06 if determined feasible.
IR GOAL IV. Review and expand policies addressing current
information resources while improving documentation
and services. This goal will bring the agency in line

TX Commission on Human Rights G-5 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
with several State goals. Security and records
management issues (State Goal 3) will be addressed as
well as organizational objectives supported in State
Goal 4. In addition, State Goal 2 will be achieved
through the continued adoption and application of IR
standards and guidelines.
I IR R O OB BJ JE EC CT TI IV VE E I. Review security, firewall and network management
policies and implementation. Evaluate existing policies
and review risks. Establish periodic review schedule.
IR STARTEGIES 1. Review router configurations and security software.
2. Explore new network management options.
3. Review risk analysis and make modifications where
4. Configure and install Fire Wall software by FY 04.
5. Review, and implement any necessary changes by FY 04.
IR OBJECTIVE II. Overhaul web site to address ADA needs and apply
uniformity to the agency web site by FY 06.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Apply Bobby software to ensure website adheres to
ADA standards.
2. Review website and make changes to all pages for
uniformity of the web pages.
3. Add Intranet document site to improve access to internal
forms and documentation.

III. Evaluate data retention schedule and management policies
for the agency to be completed in FY 04. Refined policies
should reduce unnecessary data archival and streamline
data availability. Automation of data retention will
increase compliance ratios.

1. Create policy for email retention and include
organizational template.
2. Reduce disk usage by requiring users to adhere to email
retention policy.
3. Standardized retention will facilitate open record requests.

IV. Re-evaluate disaster recovery plan to accommodate
changes in IR needs, user procedures, and database
changes. Implement periodic reviews by an oversight
committee to review procedures.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Review existing disaster recovery plan and update where
2. Complete the review and implement changes by FY 05.
IR OBJECTIVE V. Develop an agency wide security standard to prevent
internal and external security threats by FY 04.
IR STRATEGIES 1. Conduct a network penetration test to assess IR

TX Commission on Human Rights G-6 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
vulnerability and security risks.
2. Evaluate the test results and take appropriate and
corrective measures to close the security gaps.



Charge Data System (CDS)
This database is used for the storage of employment
discrimination complaints. This database was developed by
EEOC and provided to the agency as part of the work sharing
Type FilePro plus application development System
Size 14.6 MB projected growth 4MB by FY 05
Software FilePro Plus
Sharing Shared with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
Future EEOC will migrate to a web based System by FY 05


Automated Intake System
This database is used to store potential employment
discrimination complaints. It is also used to generate intake
complaint forms. This database was developed by the EEOC and
provided to the agency as part of the work sharing agreement.
Type FilePro Plus database development System
Size 9MB. Projected growth 3MB By FY 05
Software FilePro Plus
Sharing This database is shared with EEOC
Future EEOC will migrate to a web based system by FY05.


Title Eight Automated
Paperless Office Tracking
System. (TEAPOTS)
This database stores the agency housing discrimination
complaints. The agency uses this database to input housing
complaints and generate case tracking reports.
Type Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
Size Unknown. The data resides with HUD at the Fort Worth, Texas
Software SQL server 6.5
Netscape Server 3.5
Java SDK
Web Logic JDBC Driver

TX Commission on Human Rights G-7 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Sharing This database is shared with HUD.
Future None

Micro Information Products

Database is used to store agency accounting data. The data is
used to generate financial reports.
Type DOS based Application.
Size 14 MB
Software DOS
Sharing NO
Future Will upgrade to MPS Plus. The agency will upgrade this
database to a Windows Operating System so agency can track
LBB Objects of Expense (OOE) and improve
efficiency/accuracy of quarterly ABEST reconciliation of USAS
expenditure data.

Table 3: Information Resources Policies and Practices


IR Priorities Priorities for support and application development are set as individual
requests for programming and technical support. Due to the small size of
the IT Section, no steering committee exists. The agency executive staff
discusses IR issues that affect the overall performance.

Programming submissions are prioritized based on the following criteria:

High: Program, hardware, or software does not work.
Medium: Resources currently operational but modifications would
improve operations and efficiency.
Low: Changes desirable but not vital to operations.
Data: Data correction only.
Most activities, such as dealing with hardware or software problems or
requests for support or technical assistance are provided as soon as time
and resources permit, usually within 2 hours.
IR Planning
The Information Services Strategic Plan is drafted and implemented by the
supervisor of the IT Section. The plan is developed by analyzing the IR
needs and projected growth of the agency as a whole and by studying
changes in the information industry that could facilitate the increased
productivity and efficiency of the agency and its staff. The Executive
Director of the agency and the Director of Operations review the plans

TX Commission on Human Rights G-8 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
before they are adopted and implemented.
Operating System TCHR is currently standardized on Microsoft WIN 2K server and SCO
UNIX as a Network Operating Systems. WIN 2K server provides file &
print services, e-mail services, and Internet access. The UNIX System, in
addition to providing print services, allows access to the agency CDS
System and the AIS. The desktop PCs have Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional Operating System, Office Suites XP Small Business, and /or
Office Suite Professional editions installed.
The IT Section software development involves only application changes to
the agencys databases. These applications are developed based on user
needs, changes in industry or changes to rules or State policies.
Software Audit and
The IT Section is currently developing a software audit management tool
which will be implemented by FY 04. This auditing tool will provide
detailed on-line software inventory. The system will include user/PC
information, purchase order numbers, version numbers, and software
upgrades. With this inventory system, software licenses will be tracked and
periodically audited.
Due to the small size of the agency the IT Section rarely engages in large
scale projects. Most changes include hardware or software upgrades. A
review of the agency Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) will be scheduled to be
completed by FY 04.
PC replacement
The agency implemented its first LAN in FY 02. In the third anniversary
date of the LAN, TCHR will implement a PC replacement schedule.
Procurement The agency follows DIR guidelines regulating lease versus purchase
options in the acquisition of IR.
E-Government TCHR does not currently accept payments on-line. The agency is currently
exploring options to use on-line transactions of payment for training and
monitoring activities.
Change Control Change controls at TCHR are dictated by two external and one internal
1. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
2. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

These two federal entities control CDS, AIS, and TEAPOTS

Internal :
The agency has internal control over the Automated Accounting System
Security The agency has an IT Security Policies and Procedures Manual which
complies with the State Information Security Standards and will be posted
on the agency Intranet.

TX Commission on Human Rights G-9 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Information Systems
TCHR does not maintain any geographic information systems.
Continuity Planning
The agency DRP was currently revised to include the changing IR
environment. The IRM with input from the Network staff review and
implement the DRP with the approval of the Executive Director. TCHR
conducted a cost/benefits study to use the West Texas Disaster Recovery
Center, and it was determined that it was not cost effective to use the
WTDROC. Subsequently, the agency was granted a waiver and a letter is
on file.

The agency will, however, use the Austin Disaster Recovery Operations
Center (ADROC) located at 1001 West North Loop in Austin as a cold site
for recovery and the Texas State Library as offsite tape storage location.
Resource Use The agencys policy regarding its computing resources is to provide
information to all persons requesting information under the Texas Public
Information Act. The agency also provides and exchanges information with
federal agencies. Agency policy is to provide automation and information
to increase the productivity and efficiency of its staff members.
The agency has the following computing resources:

Voice: Exploring the option of voice over IP is planned for FY 05.
Data: The agency computer systems are used primarily for the
storage and maintenance of data relating to housing and
employment complaints.
Video: The agency does not currently have any video computing
Contract/Consultant The agencys policy regarding contract services and consultants is to
minimize these types of services. The IT Section will limit its use unless
the work load or staffing issues necessitates additional temporary
programmers. The duration of the contract is always kept to minimum.
Information Sharing The agency shares the CDS and the AIS with EEOC and the TEAPOTS
System with HUD.
Training and
Continuing Education
IT staff attends training courses that directly relate to the technologies they
support. After attending major training courses, materials and information
are shared with the staff as a means of educating others within the group to
enhance skills and knowledge.

The agency s policy on training and continuing education is to support the
staffs desire to improve their abilities and increase their versatility and
contributions to the agency as time and budget permits. The agency
particularly embraces this policy as it is especially relevant to the dynamic
nature of the technology industry.
Data Center
TCHR does not own or manage a data center.

TX Commission on Human Rights G-10 Strategic Plan 2003-2007
Standards The agency adopted the IR Statewide standards from DIR.
Agency Programs The agency currently has 3 main operational programs:

1. Operations Division Administration
2. Enforcement Division Employment , Housing, & ADR
3. Training and Monitoring Division

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