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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could or be able
to and the verbs in brackets.
1 How many languages __________________ (you speak)?
2 __________________ (use) broadband makes my work a lot easier.
3 He __________________ (not use) his arm since the accident.
!o you think you __________________ (answer) the "uestions in the test
# $e __________________ (not remember) which hotel you were staying
% __________________ (log) onto the website & told you about or has it
closed down?
' & didn(t like __________________ (not contact) you by phone while you
were away.
) & __________________ (ne*er use) +nglish tenses correctly.
, &(m a-raid & __________________ (not make) the lecture this e*ening.
1./uckily0 he __________________ (catch) the last train o- the day.
Total: __/10
2 Complete the sentences with that, all or what.
1 _______ he was saying wasn(t really interesting.
2 _______ & want is some peace and "uiet. 1hat(s not asking much2
3 !id you -orget _______ we(d arranged to meet at '.3.?
_______ he regrets his actions is entirely understandable.
# _______ & know is written here in the report.
% _______ you said surprised me a lot.
' _______ encourages me is the -act that you belie*e & ha*e talent.
) &t(s a pity _______ he doesn(t like &talian -ood.
, $riters usually write about _______ they know or ha*e e3perienced.
1.______ my mum needs is a long holiday without all the children2
Total: __/10
1 Choose the correct answers.
1 1he horse is brown but its fur / mane is blond.
2 +lephants( tusks / horns are o-ten sold -or a lot o- money.
3 1he bird(s wing / beak was sharp and le-t a mark on my arm.
1he cat(s whiskers / claws scratched the new so-a.
# 1he horses( paws / hooves le-t marks in the mud.
Total: ___/5
2. Choose the correct answers.
1 1here were dirty marks all o*er the carpet -rom the dog(s _______ .
5 claws 6 paws 7 hoo*es
2 &n 7hina they ha*e a soup made -rom sharks( _______ .
5 -ins 6 wings 7 knuckles
3 6irds eat snails by cracking open their _______ .
5 whiskers 6 -angs 7 shells
Hunters o-ten kill animals -or their _______ .
5 -eathers 6 -ur 7 shells
# & don(t like eating octopus because you can see the _______ on the plate2
5 claws 6 -ins 7 tentacles
% 5-ter the cat tried to catch the bird0 there were _______ all o*er the grass.
5 -eathers 6 -ur 7 whiskers
Total: ___/6
!ead the te"t.
Read about two animal sanctuaries in the south of England.
Monkey World
Just outside Poole in Dorset there is a sanctuary that has become famous
throughout the world. It is called Monkey World and was set up in !"#
by Jim and $lison %ronin to pro&ide rehabilitation and a home for
chimpan'ees that had been badly treated.
(oday this )* acre sanctuary is home to *+ primates from fifteen
different species including )* chimps from ten different countries. (hese
chimps were originally taken from $frica for use in laboratories, circuses
and the tourist trade. (he ma-ority had been used as photographic props
on beaches. (ourists are encouraged to ha&e their photographs taken
with the .cute/ little monkeys on their shoulders, not knowing how badly
these small primates ha&e been treated. (he baby chimps are usually
dressed up in children/s clothes and forced to perform and when they
become adult and start to get more aggressi&e, they are fre0uently kept
calm with drugs. Many of the chimps rescued by Monkey World arri&ed
with a drug dependency.
Monkey World is a sanctuary for these animals but another of its missions
is to increase awareness of the plight of young monkeys like these
worldwide. $t the centre &isitors can see how the monkeys are benefiting
from their life in natural surroundings and also learn about the animals
and the dangers they ha&e been through. It is possible to adopt a
monkey by gi&ing a donation to the sanctuary and gain free access to the
centre for a year.
Donkey Sanctuary
Donkeys are used all round the world to help mankind. (hey transport
hea&y loads and e&en gi&e children rides on the beach. 1owe&er, many of
these animals are neglected and 2,+++ of them ha&e been cared for by
the Donkey 3anctuary since it was started in !)! by Dr Elisabeth D
3&endsen. (here are now ten donkey farms in the 45 and Ireland but the
largest is in 3idmouth in the south6west of England where there are
currently 7++ donkeys being looked after.
(he donkeys that find a good life at the sanctuary ha&e not all been
neglected. 3ome come from caring homes but because of a change in the
owner/s circumstances cannot be kept any longer and are taken in by the
(he Donkey 3anctuary is also in&ol&ed in ma-or pro-ects across the world
to gi&e free medical treatment and ad&ice to those people whose
li&elihood depends on their donkeys so that their animals ha&e a better
and healthier working life. In addition to this, it in&estigates possible
cases of animal abuse in many countries, in the tourist industry, festi&als
and markets.
(he Donkey 3anctuary depends on donations to keep going but its
3idmouth centre does not charge an admission fee and is open e&ery day
of the year. 8isitors can see the donkeys and also en-oy the wonderful
countryside they now li&e in.
# $hich sanctuar%& '$ ('onke% $orld)& *+ (*onke% +anctuar%) or ,
(both) -
1 rescues animals that ha*e been used as tourist attractions? ___
2 sometimes deals with animals in good condition? ___
3 sa*es animals used in medical e3periments? ___
doesn(t cost to *isit? ___
# works with people in di--erent countries? ___
Mark: ___/5

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