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If you asked me if I love him, Id lie

dereksstilinski (greyslittlediaries)
Derek has already typed the entire report out and even got all of the stuff prep
ared for the poster that Stiles and him will have to present. Derek found that h
e actually didnt mind doing all the work when it was Stiles he was doing it for,
but he wasnt going to let Stiles get away completely. He was going to get Stiles
to come over and help with the poster, so help him god.
This work is completely and totally inspired by tumblr user eeames's high school
au that I've been obsessed with for months. I plan on making each chapter be ba
sed off of a different gifset that she made. Chapter 1 will be based off of Part
1 of the high school au, Chapter 2 will be based off of Part 2 of the highschoo
l au, etc.
The title is from the song I'd Lie by Taylor Swift.
This is also my first work that isn't a one shot so go easy on me but also be ho
nest with me. Be gentle but honest, you know? Ja feel? Ja definitely feel?
Chapter 1
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Its Monday and Mr. Harris is going on and on about this upcoming chemistry projec
t and Derek is mostly ignoring him because its first period and hes really fucking
tired. Then, he hears Mr. Harris say Its a partner project; Ill be assigning you t
o the person I think youll work best with.
Derek starts to silently panic because he doesnt do well with partner projects. H
ed rather just work alone he ends up doing most of the work by himself most of th
e time, anyway. Why should someone else get to take credit for a project that th
ey didnt put any work into? The teachers definitely know when certain students do
that too, so Derek doesnt understand why partner and group projects arent simply
banned everywhere.
As Derek is ranting in his mind, Mr. Harris starts announcing the partners. Dere
ks hoping that he gets someone that will at least pretend to put some effort into
Derek is taken from his thoughts when he hears Mr. Harris dry tone of voice say h
is name. Derek Hale, Im going to partner you up with the delinquent of the class,
Stiles Stilinski. Hopefully some of your quiet attentiveness will rub off on him
Dereks heart feels like its going to burst out of his chest. Hes had a crush on Sti
les since the beginning of high school, when Derek first realized that he was at
tracted to guys and not girls. He slowly turns his head around to make eye conta
ct with Stiles. Stiles connects eyes with him and then looks to his left and the
n to his right as if checking that Derek was meaning to be staring at him. Final
ly, Stiles looks back to Derek and gives him a one handed wave. Derek gives him
a slow smile in return before turning back around.
Ill give you five minutes to speak with your partners at the end of the period but
until then, heres a pop quiz. The class groans but Derek is too busy trying to co
me up with something to say to Stiles after the quiz to care.

Derek walks up to Stiles desk after everyone finishes the unsurprisingly easy for
Derek, at least, he loves chemistry quiz to make plans for the project. Stiles
is chewing on his pencil while scrolling through his phone. Derek clears his thr
oat and Stiles finally looks up at him.
Yeah? Stiles is looking at him as though he doesnt understand why Derek is standing
there and it throws Derek off from the eloquent words he had planned to say whe
n he walked over here.
Uh, did you want to talk about what were gonna do for the project? Stiles is still
looking at him like hes crazy and its making Derek squirm. Were partners for the upc
oming chemistry project and I was just wondering if you wanted to discuss what w
ere gonna do for it?
Stiles makes a face like a light bulb just went off in his head. Oh, right! The p
roject that Harris just assigned. You any good at chemistry?
Derek feels a shy smile form on his face. Im not too bad. I like how everything in
the world makes sense, you know? With the periodic table.
Stiles just nods slowly. Right. So, I have lacrosse practice
Derek hears himself blurt, I can type the report. I dont have anything I mean, I d
ont have lacrosse after school or anything.
Im sure you dont. Im sorry, what is your name again?
Derek feels his heart break a little. Hes had a crush on Stiles for a little over
a year and he doesnt even know his name? He just looks at Stiles and quietly ans
wers the question. Derek. Its Derek.


Derek has already typed the entire report out and even got all of the stuff prep
ared for the poster that Stiles and him will have to present. Derek found that h
e actually didnt mind doing all the work when it was Stiles he was doing it for,
but he wasnt going to let Stiles get away completely. He was going to get Stiles
to come over and help with the poster, so help him god.
Derek runs into Stiles in the hallway some time the next week and Stiles tries t
o keep walking.
Wait, Stiles!
Stiles slowly turns around and looks both ways again as if theres actually somebo
dy else named Stiles in this fucking high school. Uh, yeah?
I already typed out the report for our project so we just have to do the poster n
Well, uh, I have lacrosse
You can come over after practice. Ill see you then. Stiles looks dumbstruck. Derek
turns around and continues on his way to class. He prides himself in the fact th
at he didnt stammer nervously once during the conversation. Now, he just has to g
et through the rest of this day without freaking out.


Derek has planned everything out pretty perfectly. Lacrosse practice is from 3:0
0 to 5:00 and if Stiles goes home to shower or drop off his stuff, he should be
to Dereks by approximately 6:00. Derek figures that they could work on the poster
hes already set it out on the floor of his room with all of the things that need
to go on it then he could mention being hungry and offer to order a pizza so th
ey can hangout for a bit.
Its currently 6:30 and Derek is beginning to get discouraged. What if Stiles just
doesnt show up? Derek knows that on the surface Stiles seems like a total jerk b
ut every once in a while Derek thinks he catches a glimpse of something more in
Stiles. Its what drew him to Stiles in the first place. Hes a puzzle that Derek wa
nts to spend time figuring out.
The doorbell rings a few minutes later and Derek runs down the stairs to answer
it. He takes a few breaths to compose himself and then opens the door.
Stiles walks in as soon as the door is opened. Dude, youre so fucking lucky that y
ou dont play any sports. Coach killed us today, I swear to god. I honestly think
that I died for a second and was only brought back to life because Coach used hi
s sheer force of will to make sure that I would be alive to run ten more laps ar
ound the field. Man, you live in the middle of fucking nowhere, by the way. It w
as a bitch finding your house.
Coach ended up not letting us out until 5:30 today because we had to wait for eve
ryone to finish laps and fucking Greenburg was crawling on the ground for the la
st two. The poor dude vomited. I dont even know how he made the team.
That su
Anyway, where we doing this? Lead the way, man. Why are we still standing at the
It could possibly be because you havent shut the fuck up since you walked in, but
thats just a guess. It could be any other reason. Stiles just stares back at Dereks
completely stoic expression before letting out a surprised laugh.
Fuck you, dude. But Stiles is still smiling and shaking his head like he thinks De
rek calling him out was funny and Derek cant fight the slow smile that spreads ac
ross his face.


Theyre sitting on Dereks bed playing Mario Kart and eating pizza and yelling cruel
but unserious words to each other when one of them hits the other with a red sh
ell or slips on a banana peel and the poster is completed and set off to the sid
e and Derek genuinely believes this couldnt have gone any better.
Stiles stretches and his shirt rides up slightly and Derek catches the beginning
of a happy trail and has to quickly force his gaze elsewhere.
Alright, dude, I think Im gonna head home now. Every single one of my bones hurts
from practice today and I just wanna sprawl across my bed and never move again.
Derek smiles and moves to get up when Stiles starts putting his shoes on. Remembe
r, we present our project tomorrow.
Okay, Im sure well do fine. Youre really smart, right? Maybe you can just write up s
ome index cards for us for tomorrow to make it easier.
Derek had already wrote up the index cards for himself but he guesses he can wri
te a few for Stiles too. Sure, yeah, no problem.
Stiles smiles his biggest smile up at Derek and Derek vows that hell do anything
and everything to make Stiles smile like that at him all the time. Youre the best,
dude. See you tomorrow in class.
With that, Stiles leaves and Derek thinks that even though he did do 95% of the
work for the project, it was worth it if it meant Stiles playfully shoving him w
hile Derek laughed and threw a blue shell at him just as Stiles was about to hit
the finish line.


They get an A on their project and Stiles gives Derek a high five and even thoug
h they're not immediately best friends and eating lunch together everyday or sit
ting next to each other in class, theyre smiling at each other in the hallways an
d Derek thinks thats a start.
Its hope that this could eventually turn into something more.
I can pretty much guarantee that the rating will soon enough become "Explicit" b
ecause to be honest, I have no self control. Just letting you know!
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 2
Harris has been steadily giving them projects each week and its gotten to the poi
nt where its simply assumed that Stiles will be Dereks partner. Derek couldnt be ha
ppier about this development because yeah, even though hes still doing most of th
e work, he feels like Stiles and him are actually developing something just shor
t of friendship.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles and Derek have developed a pattern. Harris has been steadily giving them
projects each week and its gotten to the point where its simply assumed that Stile
s will be Dereks partner. Derek couldnt be happier about this development because
yeah, even though hes still doing most of the work, he feels like Stiles and him
are actually developing something just short of friendship.
Stiles even asked Derek to sit with him and his friends at lunch yesterday. Gran
ted, Derek just kind of ate his lunch silently, offering up a smile or a short l
augh when expected of him because he still wasnt completely comfortable with all
of Stiles friends, but thats not the point. The point is that the hope that began
to build within Derek after their first project wasnt a fluke. Stiles is actually
starting to like Derek; at least, thats what Derek thinks. When he makes a joke
Stiles always looks surprised at first but then quickly recovers and shoots some
thing as equally sarcastic right back at him. Stiles appreciates his dry sense o
f humor whereas a lot of people cant tell when hes being serious or joking.
Derek also slowly begins to realize that Stiles is actually really fucking smart
. Maybe chemistry isnt his thing, obviously, but Derek is able to have really fan
tastic conversations with Stiles and Stiles doesnt look at Derek like he has no i
dea what hes talking about, like a lot of people do. He just talks back to Derek
about whatever. He talks and he talks and Derek thinks hell never get tired of he
aring that voice. Hell never get tired of listening to what Stiles has to say bec
ause as long as hes listening, as long as Stiles is talking to him, it means hes l
earning more about Stiles and the more he learns, the harder he falls.
It makes him feel weightless.


Stiles is over at Dereks house and they just finished putting together the final
touches of their project. Derek is currently setting up Mario Kart and hears him
self let something a little too truthful escape him. I like that were staying part
ners even though Harris has started to let us pick again. Hes not looking at Stile
s so he cant see his reaction to that statement but he seems unfazed because he i
mmediately answers.
Yeah, dude. This partnership is perfect. Youre really fucking good at chemistry an
d I suck major balls at it, but Im happy you find this to be a mutually beneficia
l relationship.
Derek tenses. What exactly do you mean by mutually beneficial?
Well, obviously you dont continue to be partners with me because Im a chemistry gen
ius. You're partners with me because its helping with your popularity.
Derek spins to look at Stiles so fast he thinks he hears his back crack. Does th
is mean that Stiles only invites Derek to sit with him at lunch because he feels
like he has to? Is Stiles seriously only looking at this thing between them as
some weird type of unspoken deal? Of course he is. Stiles is perfect, he's tall
and toned and sarcastic and funny and that fucking laugh and Derek is, well, he'
s Derek. He was stupid to think for even a second that this was anything close t
o a budding friendship. Derek can feel this ripping him apart.
What? Its not a big deal, dude. The fact that youre actually getting something out
of this makes me feel less shitty about not helping with all of the work.
Right, yeah. The popularity boost has been great. Derek is forcing himself to keep
his cool but he doesnt know how much longer hell last. He wants to scream. Uh, you
know what? Im actually not feeling too good. Maybe we can hold off on the Mario
Kart until next time. Ill see you tomorrow in chemistry.
Stiles doesnt even look fazed. Alright, see you tomorrow.
Derek waits until he hears the front door close to bury his face in his pillow a
nd yell and scream and shout until he feels his throat go dry.


Erica meets Derek at his locker before homeroom and tilts her head like shes anal
yzing him.
Whats wrong with you?
Why must Erica know him so well? Nothings wrong, Erica. I just didnt get a lot of s
leep last night. He tries to walk around her but she grabs his arm.
Derek Hale, we have been best friends since the second grade and if you think you
can lie to me then youre even dumber than I thought.
Derek doesnt feel like fighting the inevitable. Stiles and me are partners for our
chemistry project and
Derek, you realize you got to choose your partners this time, right? Derek?
Derek ignores her interruption. And He looks at her pointedly. I actually thought we
were becoming friends or something, I dont know, its stupid. But last night he de
scribed our partnership or whatever as mutually beneficial like I was agreeing to
do all of the work for our projects for a fucking popularity boost. Its dumb.
Erica looks like she wants to punch through the metal lockers.
I guess its better for him to think that than for him to be mocking my feelings, w
hich would be far worse. Erica's the only one that he's ever told about his crush
Erica looks like shes stopped listening and her eyes are roaming the hallway. Her
stare seems to land on whatever she was looking for because she starts stalking
in the opposite direction with purpose.
Erica? Where are you He stops when he sees that shes headed straight for Stiles who
is currently completely unaware of his impending doom courtesy of Erica Reyes.
Derek walks a little faster in an attempt to catch up with her and as he gets cl
oser he hears Erica say, Well, it wouldnt be the first time someone took advantage
of Derek.
Stiles looks at Erica and the poor guy looks so fucking confused. Whats that suppo
sed to mean?
Derek takes pity on him and also doesnt want this conversation to lead to Stiles
finding out the real reason Derek continues to be his partner. Erica, let it go.
Apparently thats not the right thing to say though because Stiles looks annoyed n
ow. Let what go?
Derek is beginning to realize that theres no escaping this conversation so he jus
t says, Theres a reason why you keep picking me to be your partner, right? And mayb
e he lets himself be a little angry because you know what, he really did think t
hat Stiles was starting to actually like Derek. Was him playing Mario Kart and s
haring sarcastic jokes just part of him doing what he thought he had to do in or
der for Derek to do all the work for their projects?
Stiles must be able to tell that Dereks angry because he looks desperate when he
blurts out, But
Derek knows that whatever excuse that Stiles is about to make up is moot, though
. Dont worry about it. I dont care. He walks away and tries to not let himself think
about the fact that he may be completely saying goodbye to what Derek genuinely
thought was at the very least, a tentative friendship.


Stiles sees Derek walk away and hes so fucking confused. Hes trying to figure out
what the hell just happened when Erica begins walking away too. He rushes to cat
ch up with her so he could attempt to figure out why Derek seemed so angry with
him. Derek thinks Im an asshole. What did you say? Stiles figures that Erica must h
ave had something to do with it considering shes the one that ran over to him in
the first place.
Erica stops short and looks at him with a look that says Are you really as dumb
as youre acting? Which, rude. You told him it was a mutually beneficial relationshi
p. Your exact words.
Stiles raises an eyebrow at her. It is mutually beneficial, isnt it? Stiles has n
ever done better in chemistry and Derek has started to sit with the popular crow
d at lunch.
Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me. Stiles, Derek doesnt make friends easil
y. Hes quiet and reluctant to talk to people because people dont fucking get his p
ersonality sometimes and then the few people that he does let himself open up to
, half the time are only using him to convince him to do their homework for them
or some dumb shit. The fact that Derek was inviting you over, even if it was to
just work on a fucking project, it means that he actually thought that you guys
might be friends. Then you fucking go ahead and say straight to his face Im using
you to get an A.
Stiles is taken aback a bit. Erica obviously cares a lot about Derek and what sh
es saying is making Stiles feel like shit. But, wait. I didnt say I was using him.
You might as well have. Derek doesnt give a shit about being popular. So, the fact
that you hinted that the only thing he was getting out of it was a popularity b
oost was a slap in the face.
Stiles stares at her and she just shakes her head and walks away. Stiles is left
alone to think about what the fuck just happened. Hes not a fucking jerk, okay?
At least, not on purpose. Yeah, at the beginning maybe he was taking advantage o
f the fact that Derek was smart and nerdy enough to be willing to do all the wor
k rather than risk splitting the work up, knowing that Stiles wouldnt do the othe
r half because he never really does. He just half asses pretty much all his clas
ses, gets by with Cs and makes up for his lack of smarts on the lacrosse field. B
ut, hes started to like Derek. The dude is actually kind of funny once he lets hi
mself loosen up a bit.
Stiles hadnt meant what he said to be taken so seriously. He just figured that if
Derek was willing to continue being his partner even though he continued to do
minimal to no work, that Derek must have an ulterior motive. That motive, Stiles
assumed, was the fact that he was getting more popular, the more he hung out wi
th Stiles.
But, apparently Stiles is just fucking stupid as hell and Derek was happy enough
with just making one friend. He doesn't give a shit whether or not people thoug
ht he was popular and honestly, Stiles is surprised he was able to convince hims
elf that Derek would. Because Derek just seems like the type of person that does
nt really care what other people think of him. Except apparently he cares what St
iles thinks. Because apparently Derek doesnt let a lot of people see his humor be
cause hes shy and Stiles guesses he should have known that with the fact that he
hardly knew who Derek was before they got partnered together, if hes being honest
with himself.
But Stiles likes Derek and he isnt going to let Derek think that Stiles is taking
advantage of him. So help him god, he will make Derek realize that hes worth mor
e than just being used for homework answers. Hes going to salvage what small frie
ndship theyve managed to form if its the last thing he does.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 3
Dereks now pretty sure that Stiles is asking him to come to the party because hes
interested in Erica. Its better than being invited because Stiles pities him. Hey
, at least hes invited, right? An involuntary smile starts to pull across one sid
e of his face as he looks down at the invitation in his hand. Erica will come, i
f Derek makes her. She owes him one, anyway.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles doesnt have lacrosse practice after school because Coach has some type of
doctors appointment having to do with the testicle he lost to exposure. Stiles ma
kes sure to get his stuff ready quickly and wait outside the school doors so he
can offer Derek a ride home. Derek walks outside pretty soon after the bell ring
s and Stiles is so fucking happy he didnt decide to take a piss before waiting ou
t here because he definitely wouldve missed Derek.
Derek stops and turns to look at him with a raised eyebrow and damn, that kid ha
s some crazy fucking eyebrows. Derek is still looking at him with a raised eyebr
ow and Stiles has to remember thats Dereks way of saying, What?
Stiles jogs the distance between them and begins to ramble. Listen, dude. I know
you think Im just using you or whatever to get good grades on projects. Derek flin
ches and Stiles powers through. Thats not true though. I just figured the only rea
son you continued to be partners with me was for popularity but I forgot about t
he fact that you dont give a shit about that stuff and clearly Im just a dumbass t
hat knows nothing about anything and so I just wanted to make sure that you knew
that I wasnt just using you, dude.
Okay Derek looks simultaneously confused at Stiles outburst and happy about it.
Stiles points over his shoulder to his Jeep. Want a ride home?
Well, uh, didnt you say that driving that driving to my house was a bitch?
That was because I didnt know how to get there that time. Every time since then ha
s been no problem. Just let me give you a ride home, dude.
Derek shrugs and begins walking to the Jeep and Stiles counts this as a victory.


Stiles pulls up in front of Dereks house and starts digging through his backpack
in the backseat for the invitation to his birthday party. His dad insisted on ha
nding out actual store bought invitations Come on, son. Why not? Your mom used to
love finding the most ridiculous invitations for your birthday parties as a kid
. It became a game from one year to the next. She always tried to find a more ri
diculous invitation than the preceding year. and since Stiles could never resist
anything when his dad actually brought up his mom, which was so rare since her d
eath that Stiles can probably count the times shes been mentioned in a happy, mem
orable way on two hands, he went and bought the most insane invitations he could
He finally grabs a hold of it and hands it to Derek. Here, this is an invitation
to my party on Saturday.
Derek looks so fucking surprised that it honestly makes Stiles heart clench. This
is forme?
And because Stiles can never have a nice moment with anyone he says, Its a birthda
y invite, not a promise ring.
Derek turns away from Stiles and furrows his eyebrows and Stiles feels a little
bit like shit. Um, I never said
Dude, its not like you had plans. Why is Stiles being a jerk? Why does he always re
sort to jerk status when hes attempting to do something nice? Hes not a fucking je
rk, he swears. Why does he always act like one?
I dont I havent. You dont have to pity invite me.
Oh, god. Now Stiles just needs this conversation to be over because he just got
done explaining to Derek that he wasnt using him and now Derek thinks hes getting
invited to Stiles party out of fucking pity. Dont have an aneurysm. Just come. Brin
g Erica, if you want. There, thatll do it. By Stiles telling Derek to bring his gi
rlfriend, its showing that Stiles isnt only inviting him out of pity. It shows tha
t he wants Derek to feel comfortable there, right? Right.
Derek just looks sad and Stiles is wondering where the fuck he went wrong. Ill ask
if shes free.
Derek gets out of the car and Stiles drives away wondering what he can do differ
ently next time he talks to Derek to show that he actually wants to be friends w
ith him.


Dereks now pretty sure that Stiles is asking him to come to the party because hes
interested in Erica. Its better than being invited because Stiles pities him. Hey
, at least hes invited, right? An involuntary smile starts to pull across one sid
e of his face as he looks down at the invitation in his hand. Erica will come, i
f Derek makes her. She owes him one, anyway.


Laura is driving them to the party and shes being incredibly annoying, as per usu
al. Obnoxious is Lauras default personality trait. Sadly, it isnt Dereks favorite.
Laura looks over at him and laughs. Little bro, you dont have anything stuck in yo
ur teeth! Another laugh escapes her as if shes so amused she cant even attempt to r
ein it in. Youve looked in the car mirror at least three times since weve left the
house. Youve eaten nothing since the first time you looked in the mirror. Its logi
stically impossible for you to have gotten anything in your teeth between then a
nd now. She shakes her head and laughs at him again.
Shut up, Laura. Its weak, and it just makes Laura laugh harder. What did Derek do i
n a past life to deserve Laura as a sister? Get his entire family burned alive?
Kill his uncle? It mustve been something awful.
As Dereks mind wanders into what other terrible things he couldve done in his past
life, they pull up to Ericas house. Laura honks the horn and Erica struts to the
car. Ericas default walk is a strut. She claims that she cant help it. Derek, Im j
ust so fierce that my body wont let me walk in any other way than a strut.
When she closes the car door behind her she throws her head back and laughs. Dere
k, you did not buy him a present. Please tell me thats not a present for Stiles S
Derek whips his head around to look her in the eye. People dont bring gifts to the
se things anymore? Why didnt you say anything!
Erica and Laura both start laughing at him and Derek would punch them both in th
e face if he wasnt a gentleman and knew that punching girls was a bad thing. Also
, Derek is reluctant to admit that they can both probably take him in a fight. H
owever, hes going to continue to blame his hesitance on the fact that hes a gentle
man. He needs it for his ego.
Der, maybe youll get locked up with Stiles in a closet. They still play that at bi
rthday parties, right? Laura quips.
Derek feels himself turning red and tries his hardest to keep his cool but cant h
elp his immediate retort. I dont want an excuse to make out with Stiles!
Oh, Derek. Erica and Laura say at the same time as they both shoot him simpering f
ond looks. Which, not fair. Erica knows how Derek feels and she knows that Derek
doesnt really want that broadcasted so why is she acting as though Laura is in t
he know? Also, Laura knows nothing! (Except for how she somehow knows everything
Derek decides to ignore their looks and resorts to staring out the window until
they get to the party.


As soon as Derek gets to the party, he gives Stiles the present he got him. Fuck
Erica, he already bought the damn thing and he owns it already. Stiles opens up
the Mario Kart video game and smiles hugely. He says, "Thanks, dude!" and gives
Derek a cup of beer.
Later on, Derek is sitting on the couch sipping warm beer from a red cup and bob
bing his head to the not too loud music My dads the sheriff, guys. Old lady Mildre
d will definitely have something to say when he gets back from his trip if were t
oo loud. and admits to himself that he probably wont see Erica until they leave. E
rica found Boyd as soon as they got here and pretty much threw herself at him. D
erek wonders if Boyd knows what hes in for but is also equally as happy that Eric
a finally found someone that shes willing to have an actual relationship with.
Scott McCall, Stiles best friend, comes up to Derek and asks him if he wants to b
e his partner for beer pong. Apparently, Stiles needed a break. Derek decided to
throw caution to the wind and said yes. Him and Scott ended up winning the game
against Jackson and Danny. Jackson looked murderous but Danny just looked him o
ver with a smirk that said, Im impressed. When Dannys eyes lingered, he couldnt help
the heat rising in his cheeks. Is Derek a twelve-year-old girl? Why the fuck doe
s he keep blushing? Hes blaming this one on the alcohol. He shakes his head to tr
y and clear it and walks back to the couch.
As hes sipping the beer from his solo cup, he lets his eyes roam around the room
and once they finally find their target, his stare doesnt waver. He watches as St
iles goes over to Lydia and puts his hand on the counter next to where shes leani
ng. Lydia looks up at him and as soon as he opens his mouth to talk, Jackson the
Jackass is there, taking Lydias hand and dragging her away. Lydia doesnt even spa
re Stiles an apologetic look. Stiles shrugs and pretends it doesnt faze him as he
walks to the area where everyone is dancing.
Stiles is definitely feeling good on the alcohol, Derek thinks, because he throw
s his arms above his head and starts moving his hips in rhythm with the music. S
tiles is dancing alone but he doesnt seem to care and Derek doesnt either. Derek c
ontinues watching as Stiles bends over and lets his ass shake back and forth bef
ore Scott runs over and slaps it. Stiles jumps up and Derek wants to rip Scotts t
hroat outwith his teeth for forcing Stiles to stop dancing. Scott just cracks up
and walks away to go find Allison, Derek guesses. Stiles shakes his head and the
n turns around. His eyes connect with Derek and a big grin breaks across his fac
e as he starts to walk over.
He plops onto the couch next to Derek and points toward where everyones dancing. D
ude, you realize your girl is all over Boyd, right?
Derek looks to exactly where Stiles is pointing and sees Erica shoving her ass a
gainst Boyds crotch. He feels himself smile at how Erica literally doesnt give a s
hit what anyone thinks. His head is slow from the alcohol and suddenly he rememb
ers that hes having a conversation. What? Erica? Erica has been my best friend sin
ce second grade! Were not together. Shes like a sister to me. Well, except for that
one time in seventh grade when they kissed. They just wanted to see what all th
e fuss was about. Derek forces himself back to the real issue at hand. Also, Im ga
y. Derek isnt in the closet, not really. His family knows and Erica knows. Anybody
that he actually talks to, knows. He just doesnt talk to a lot of people.
Stiles looks genuinely shocked and Derek is terrified that Stiles is going to sa
y something dumb enough to make Derek hate him. Please dont be homophobic, please
dont be homophobic.
Oh shit, dude. I had no fucking idea. Thats cool, though. I just figured you and h
er were together because she seems to care about you a lot, I dont know. But yeah
, gay. Youre gay. Huh. Stiles looks away from Derek for a second and looks like hes
giving himself a pep talk.
After about thirty seconds of Stiles whispering to himself, Derek relents. He pu
ts his hand on Stiles shoulder and says, Stiles?
Stiles looks over at Dereks hand on his shoulder then at Derek, before seeming to
come to a decision. He leans in a little closer to Derek and says really quietl
y, so quietly that no one at the party would have any chance of hearing him, I th
ink Im bisexual. Like, into dudes as well as girls. Like bisexual, you know? But,
Im, uh, Im not, you know, out. So, yeah. Youre the first person Ive told. It just s
eems like such a weird conversation to have with people.
Derek has about a thousand emotions running through him once Stiles backs away a
fter hes finished talking. Hope is the strongest but before he can think about th
e fact that his chances with Stiles have just skyrocketed, he needs to actually
respond to Stiles. If Derek is really the first person hes told, hes probably feel
ing somewhat vulnerable right now.
Derek opens his mouth to speak and Stiles cuts him off. Do you find me attractive
I what?
Its just Ive asked Danny before and he he never answers so
Stiles is waiting for an answer to his question. He wants to know if Derek finds
him attractive. He wants to know if the person that uses Stiles as his go to pi
cture in his mind when masturbating finds him attractive. Derek starts thinking
about last week when he masturbated to Stiles pounding him into the mattress and
feels his dick begin to get interested. Derek forces his voice to stay steady b
ecause while hes having these thoughts, a nervous Stiles is waiting for an answer
. Yeah, Stiles. I find you attractive.
And then theres that fucking smile. That smile that makes Derek melt into goo. Th
at smile that Derek promised himself hed do anything to see over and over again.
That smile that always makes Dereks face break into a grin in return. Stiles look
s at Derek like Derek just gave him the courage to go to the fucking moon. Cool, h
e says.
They spend the rest of Stiles birthday party talking and drunkenly sharing secret
s and Derek tells Stiles out loud about the time that he and Erica had kissed an
d Stiles responds with the story of how he and Scott were each others first kiss
and Derek bursts out laughing and Stiles just pauses his story and stares at Der
ek with a small, almost secret smile on his face, that Derek likes to think is j
ust for him, a smile that Stiles wont share with anyone else.
Not until Dereks phone vibrates in his pocket with a text from Laura to come the
fuck outside does Derek realize that his hand never left Stiles shoulder.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 4
Its Sunday and Beacon Hills High is having a fundraiser. Lydias party was on Frida
y so most of the hives have cleared up from Dereks skin and hes incredibly excited
to go to the fundraiser. Stiles is working at a Kissing Booth and Derek is noth
ing if not supportive.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Ever since Stiles birthday party everything has been going great between him and
Derek. Stiles is as happy as a clam (what does that even mean?) because hes prett
y sure that hes finally convinced Derek that he isnt just using him to get good gr
ades on projects. Stiles begins wondering why the fuck he finds it so important
for Derek to know that he actually wants to be friends with him. Maybe its just b
ecause Derek doesnt have that many friends and the fact that he sought Stiles out
even though hes so fucking shy makes Stiles feel obligated to let Derek know tha
t choosing Stiles as a friend wasnt a mistake? Stiles isnt going to think too much
into it.
The fact that Derek was the first person that Stiles came out to must have seale
d that deal of the friendship in Dereks mind because hes been nothing but relaxed
around Stiles this past week. Usually when they hang out Derek starts off nervou
s and stammers over his words before finally settling into something close to co
mfort where he could shoot sarcastic jokes back and forth with Stiles. Stiles ca
nt remember the last time he heard Derek stumble his words in front of him and hes
so fucking glad.
Stiles walks into chemistry and sits next to Derek. As soon as he sits down, Der
ek looks over to him and smiles. God, Derek has a really fucking great smile. St
iles remembers at his birthday after he told Derek the story about him and Scott
kissing that Derek laughed harder than Stiles had ever seen. It stopped Stiles
short because Derek just has a fucking face that is made to be constantly smilin
g or laughing. When Dereks smiling, anyone around him is guaranteed to be smiling
Dude, Lydias birthday party is this weekend. Even though the strawberry blonde god
dess didnt invite me personally, its pretty much known that the entire lacrosse te
am is invited so Ill be there. I already bought a bunch of things from Macys to gi
ve her because I didnt know which one was best. Ill have to ask Allison what she t
hinks. Anyway, yeah. You in?
Derek starts rolling his pen back and forth between his hands and its the first t
ime Stiles has seen him nervous in the past week and its making him angry. Well, u
h. I wasnt invited, you know? Im not on the lacrosse team and Ive never spoken a wo
rd to her, so
Stiles shakes his head because Derek being nervous about this is incredibly unne
cessary. Derek, Im inviting you. Youre invited by association since youre friends wi
th someone on the lacrosse team. Its cool, I swear.
Derek still looks like he isnt sure about the whole idea, but he ends up saying, Y
eah, okay. Ill be there.
Stiles pats him on the shoulder and turns to face Harris who just started babbli
ng about something that probably only Derek understands.


Stiles is swimming in Lydias pool and having a fantastic time playing chicken wit
h Scott, Allison, and Isaac. Yes, Stiles is on Isaacs shoulders. Yes, Allison and
Scott beat them three times in a row. Moving on. As his head surfaces the water
he sees Derek walk in through the back gate. He tells his friends that hell be r
ight back and hops out of the pool to go meet Derek.
Derek, hey! You made it!
Dereks head snaps up to his face and Stiles thinks he sees him blushing but its pr
obably just the lights Lydia put up. Uh, yeah. Hi, Stiles. I didnt I didnt realize
this was a pool party.
Eh, it isnt really. Not everyones swimming and I think that Ive had enough of the po
ol. My fingers are turning wrinkly. Here, come on. Lets get you a drink.
Derek follows Stiles over to the pool before they go get drinks. Hey, assholes! Y
ou want anything to drink?
Get me a beer! Isaac and Scott shout out at the same time Allison says, Just a wate
r, Stiles. Im driving these kids home. Scott and Isaac dunk her into the water and
she surfaces giggling.
Stiles steps in front of Derek whos standing by the edge of the pool and starts t
o say, What do you want to when hes cut off by a body pushing into him. He puts his
arms up to try and balance himself but accidently ends up pushing Derek. Derek
has a look of pure fear in his eyes and Stiles tries to grab his arm but is too
late because Derek has fallen into the pool. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Stiles starts mutte
ring to himself as he reaches in the pool to pull Derek out. Once he grabs a hol
d of Dereks arm he tugs him up and out of the pool.
Dude, I am so fucking sorry. Some dumbass just bumped into me. Here, let me get y
ou a towel. Derek doesnt even look like he can hear him though because he seems to
be panicking. Stiles runs over to get his towel from the chair its draped over a
nd sees Jackson and a few other dumbasses laughing at Derek. Shut the fuck up, Ja
ckson. Jackson just glares at Stiles as he runs back over to Derek. Dereks face se
ems to have red blotches all over it and Stiles is about to ask whats wrong when
Derek says, Im Im allergic. Im allergic to chlorine.
Stiles starts to panic as he wraps his towel around Dereks shoulders. Fuck, dude.
Do I need to call an ambulance?
Derek immediately starts shaking his head and begins walking to an area where no
t as many people are staring at him. Stiles follows him. He pulls his phone out
of his pocket and curses. My phone wont turn on. Listen, its not that bad. I just b
reak out into hives. Can you do me a favor and call my sister for me? I need to
go home and take care of this.
Stiles goes over and gets his phone before returning to Derek. Whats the number?
Derek hesitates before saying, On second thought, Ill just call her. He takes Stile
s phone and has a quick conversation before handing it back. She hasnt even gotten
home yet from when she dropped me off, so shes turning around to get me now. Im g
oing to go wait out front.
Im so fucking sorry, dude. I had no idea you were allergic. Even if he knew, he cou
ldnt have stopped that person from bumping into him, but thats beside the point. Ill
wait with you.
You dont have to.
No, I want to.
Derek gives him a lopsided smile but the hives that are forming up his neck look
pretty fucking bad, if Stiles is being honest. Within three minutes Dereks siste
r is in front of Lydias house and staring at Stiles as if she could murder him fr
om a glare alone. With that glare, Stiles wouldnt be surprised if he keeled over
and died right on the spot. He apologizes to Derek again before saying goodbye a
nd Derek just says, Its fine, really. You didnt know, before getting into the car.
Stiles doesnt feel much like partying anymore.


What. The. Fuck. Der? Laura looks murderous as she starts driving faster than Dere
ks comfortable with after picking him up from Lydias.
Derek tries to figure out how to word this so Laura doesnt end up killing Stiles.
Overprotective is an understatement when it comes to Laura. Stiles didnt know I w
as allergic to chlorine. We were standing by the pool and he probably he probabl
y just thought it would be, I dont know, funny? To push me into the pool. Laura wh
ips her head around at Derek and stares at him in disbelief.
You cannot be defending him, Der. No way. What if you werent just mildly allergic?
What if, I dont know, you couldnt fucking swim? You wouldve died!
Derek rolls his eyes because this is overdramatic, even for Laura. Its not a big d
eal, Laura. He didnt know.
Laura seems to calm down some and starts to speak too gently for Dereks taste. Lis
ten, Der. Stiles is hes on the lacrosse team, right? Derek nods. Guys like that are
nt always the nicest people. Its possible that he pushed you in the pool to to emb
arrass you. She says the last words so quietly that Derek has to strain his ears
to hear her and hes pissed.
Stiles did not push me into the pool to embarrass me, Laura! Were friends, okay? H
e did it because he was messing around and thought it would be funny. He even ga
ve me his towel to dry off with! And he looked so fucking concerned too, a look t
hat Derek never thought would be directed at him coming from Stiles. Even with t
he hives breaking out all over him, he felt on top of the goddamn world when Sti
les looked at him like that.
Drop it, Laur. Derek turns to look out the window and for once in his life, Laura
actually listens to Dereks demand.


Its Sunday and Beacon Hills High is having a fundraiser. Lydias party was on Frida
y so most of the hives have cleared up from Dereks skin and hes incredibly excited
to go to the fundraiser. Stiles is working at a Kissing Booth and Derek is noth
ing if not supportive.
Derek brushes his teeth three times and then starts for his front door. He figur
es he can take the bus to the fundraiser. Anything beats asking Laura for a ride
she was being annoyingly protective these past couple days, telling him to stop
talking to Stiles and a bunch of other bullshit that Derek was choosing to igno
re. Also, Laura isnt home which is perfect.
When Derek arrives at the fundraiser he looks around until he spots the Kissing
Booth. It doesnt look too crowded, so he figures now is as good a time as any. Wh
en he takes a step towards it, he hears in a voice eerily similar to his older s
isters, Where do you think youre going?
Derek curses himself for forgetting that Laura was going to be running a self-de
fense booth at the fundraiser today and goes for a reassuring smile. I told Stile
s Id support him.
How noble. She says it in a voice that screams, I can see right through you, baby
bro and Derek cringes.
Its not like that. Laura scoffs and Derek forces himself to continue. Hes not very po
pular so I was thinking
Laura cuts him off and says, that youd save him with your lips? Derek rolls his eye
s even as that godforsaken blush starts rising in his cheeks. This blush is almo
st as bad as when he saw Stiles all wet from the pool and couldnt help but let hi
s eyes linger. Stiles isnt above public humiliation, a $20 donation wont save you f
rom that. Laura just looks at him when Derek starts to argue and Derek decides to
let the words die in his throat. Come on, lets go. You can buy your favorite sist
er a turkey leg and funnel cake.
Youre the one with an actual job. Derek follows her to the food table, anyway. He f
igures he can catch Stiles later on, when Laura goes back to the self-defense bo
oth. Derek just wants to help the lacrosse team out, he swears. BHHS pride, supp
ort the fundraisers and all that.


When Laura has no choice but to go back to her booth, Derek makes a beeline for
the bathroom to check his teeth before going over to the Kissing Booth. He deems
his teeth clean and his breath smells a bit like turkey but its acceptable. He l
eaves that bathroom and steels himself as he walks over to the Kissing Booth.
Once he gets there, Stiles catches his eye and waves at him. Derek smiles and th
en wonders how Stiles simply waving at him can make him so happy. He doesnt smile
around anyone as much as he smiles around Stiles.
Derek! How are you feeling after Friday? I was really worried about you, dude. I
tried to track down the dude that pushed me so I could kill him but I have no id
ea who it was.
Im fine, most of the hives are gone. Then Derek backtracks to what Stiles just said
. Wait, someone pushed you?
Stiles looks confused. Yeah, someone pushed into me when I was talking to you and
when I tried to get my balance I accidently pushed you in. Stiles pauses and a l
ook of pure hurt crosses his features. Wait, did you did you think I pushed you i
nto the pool?
Derek shrugs and says, Yeah, but not like in a malicious way or whatever. I just
figured you thought itd be funny. I didnt think you were trying to be mean or anyt
Dude, pushing a fully clothed person into the pool isnt funny. No fucking wonder y
our sister looked like she wanted to kill me. God, she probably thinks Im a total
Derek tries to put on a convincing face. No, she doesnt.
Stiles just raises his eyebrows at him and Derek laughs. Anyway, Ive been kissing
people all damn day. A surprising amount of people got into my line. I figured e
veryone would get in Jacksons line but it was actually pretty even. Jackson looke
d constipated when at one point there was no one in his line and Scott and I bot
h had people in ours. Danny got all the dudes though. They probably went to him
because they knew he wouldnt mind kissing guys. Considering hes gay, which makes s
ense. Also, who can resist those dimples? Stiles looks wistfully over at Danny. Wer
e probably going to be closing up soon though. I didnt think Id ever say this, but
Im sick of kissing people. Stiles laughs and Derek tries to cover his look of dis
You dont have time for one more kiss? Derek holds up the bill in his hand. Its for a
good cause. Derek is trying really fucking hard to keep his voice steady even tho
ugh hes so nervous, he thinks hes about to burst.
Stiles eyes widen. You sure you dont, uh, want to go over to Danny?
Oh, no. This was a bad idea. Derek does his best to cover his embarrassment. Uh,
no. I mean, if youre uncomfortable kissing a guy, thats, uh, thats fine. Im sorry. I
didnt mean to put you in an awkward position. I didnt think. Dereks avoiding eye co
Stiles grabs the arm thats putting the money back in his pocket. He looks resolve
d. No, wait. Yeah, Ive got time for one more kiss.
Derek fights to keep his smile at bay. You sure?
Yeah, dude. Of course, now fork over the cash.
Derek hands him the money and Stiles puts it in the jar. So
Stiles laughs nervously and licks his lips. Dereks eyes track the movement. He de
cides to just go for it. He grabs the back of Stiles neck and their lips smash t
ogether. Stiles lets out a noise of surprise but quickly recovers and begins kis
sing back. He lets his mouth fall open slightly and Derek takes the chance to le
t his tongue slide over Stiles bottom lip. Stiles squeezes Dereks forearm and Dere
k questions if maybe this isnt exactly what a Kissing Booth kiss entails but he d
oesnt spend long on that thought because hes kissing Stiles. Stiles mouth is on his
mouth and Stiles just let his teeth sink into his lip and Derek fights hard aga
inst a moan because he fucking knew Stiles would be a biter. Dereks absolutely ok
ay with that though because hes a biter too. Dereks hand finds purchase in Stiles h
air and he tugs it a little as he angles Stiles head differently so his tongue ca
n go slightly deeper in Stiles open mouth.
Suddenly, someone clears their throat. Stiles and Derek both ignore it and Stile
s tongue starts drawing patterns on his own. Derek! Stiles and Derek break apart ha
stily and Derek turns to see Laura staring at him with her arms folded across he
r chest. Were leaving.
Derek turns back to Stiles and Stiles has a blush running all the way down his n
eck. Derek wants to see just how far that blush travels. Laura grabs his shoulde
r and pushes him ahead of her.
See you at school tomorrow, Derek! Thanks for supporting Beacon Hills High Schools
lacrosse team! Derek waves goodbye to him.
In the car, Laura is ranting about how Derek needs to listen to her and how Dere
k is dumb or something. Derek has no idea because he's too busy letting his fing
ers brush across his mouth. He feels the ghost of Stiles lips on his and he cant h
elp the feeling of pure happiness coursing through him. He wonders when he'll ge
t to kiss Stiles again.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 5
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
So, that happened. Stiles is still trying to clear his head. Derek was the first
guy that hes ever kissed and it definitely cleared up any doubt that he may have
had about being bisexual. Is Derek just an incredibly good kisser or do all guy
s have an innate kissing ability that theyre simply born with? Because hes kissed
a lot of girls today and not one of them kissed him like that. Stiles is almost
grateful for Laura showing up because he had begun to feel his dick harden in hi
s jeans and he wasnt exactly looking to get arrested for public indecency.
Stiles turns his head to see Scott, Jackson, and Danny gaping at him. The rest o
f the lacrosse team (including Isaac and Boyd) had all begun packing up the stuf
f they had since they were actually closing the Kissing Booth.
What? Stiles asks as if this is just a normal moment that theyre having. Its just a
normal day. Stiles makes out with guys in public all the time. No big deal, noth
ing to see here.
Scott sputters. Did I What?!
Youre going to have to be clearer with whatever question youre trying to ask there,
Scotty boy. I know you pretty well but even I cant read your mind.
I think hes trying to ask what the hell that was? You sucking face with Derek Hale
? Jackson has schooled his expression into the default I care about nothing and n
o one and I dont deserve to have a strawberry blonde goddess in love with me beca
use Im an asshole. Okay, maybe Stiles is a little bitter and possibly got a littl
e carried away with that description of Jacksons facial expression. It was more I
have better things to do than listen to Stiles talk.
Stiles deflects, hes good at that. Hmm, Jackson. I dont know if you realize this, b
ut were running a Kissing Booth. Derek donated money to the cause, so I kissed hi
m. Just like weve all been doing this entire day. Do you remember or are you just
Jacksons eyes flare angrily but Danny cuts off whatever empty threats he was abou
t to spew out and raises an eyebrow at Stiles. Stilinski, you were kissing him li
ke you were starved and he was the only plate of food for miles.
Stiles forces himself to stay calm, cool, and collected three adjectives that ha
ve never been used to describe him in his life. I have no idea what youre talking
Danny raises his other eyebrow.
Okay, fine. He was a really good kisser. Definitely the best kisser of the day an
d it was a nice change from the thirteen-year-olds that were licking my face.
Jackson looks bored but says, You realize you were kissing a dude, right?
Stiles lets himself get a bit angry and just blurts out, Yeah, Jackson. I have fu
cking eyes. Also, Im bisexual.
Jacksons indifferent mask cracks slightly, Danny smirks at him, and Scott looks l
ike his eyes are about to bug out of his head.
Stiles thinks that reveal went pretty well.


Stiles gets home later that night and decides to come out to his dad because Jac
kson being Jackson, its bound to be common knowledge soon enough and Stiles would
prefer if his dad heard it from him. Hes 99.9% sure his dad will be cool with it
and hes not disappointed.
Theyre sitting at dinner and Stiles puts down his fork before saying, Uh, dad? The
res something I need to tell you.
His dad slowly raises his eyes to meet Stiles and he looks scared. What did you d
o, son?
No, no. I didnt do anything! I just wanted to let you know that Im, you know Stiles v
oice trails off. Why cant he just spit it out? He spares a thought to wonder how
Derek came out to his parents and if he felt as awkward as Stiles does.
Stiles straightens his back and tilts his chin up in a show of confidence. Im bise
His dad exhales and shakes his head with a smile. You scared me there for a secon
d. You should know that Ill love you no matter what, son. Whether youre with a gir
l or a guy. It doesnt matter to me. As long as youre a decent person, thats all I c
are about.
Stiles beams. He loves his dad.


Derek is laying awake in bed the Friday night after The Kiss. Hes having trouble
falling asleep because his mind wont stop racing. This past week at school has be
en fine, really. Its just, nothing changed. Derek doesnt know what he expected. Fo
r Stiles to see fireworks when kissing Derek and realize Derek is ten times bett
er for him than Lydia Martin will ever be? He doesnt know but he assumes its bette
r than Stiles acting all cagey and regretful that he let Derek kiss him. Hell tak
e what he can get.
When he walked into History on Monday, Danny was smirking at him knowingly and v
ery obviously letting his eyes travel down Dereks body and back up. Derek squirme
d under the attention and quickly looked away. He had no idea what Dannys sudden
interest in him was about but even though Dannys dimples are objectively irresist
ible, Derek has eyes strictly for Stiles at the moment.
He went and sat next to Erica and told her that he kissed Stiles. She smiled at
him and punched him in the arm Thats great, Der! You finally grew some balls, I kn
ew you had it in you. I dont associate with chickens before hearing that Derek act
ually paid for the kiss. Her smile promptly faded and was replaced by a look of
utter disappointment.
Its just, Derek doesnt want to throw himself at Stiles until he gets some idea of
Stiles maybe, possibly liking him back. Hes happy with where theyre at as friends.
Hopefully the more Stiles gets to know Derek, the more hell like him. Derek isnt
in a rush, even if The Kiss gave him a renewed longing for Stiles that he hadnt h
ad before.
His cell phone ringing interrupts his thoughts. He looks over at the clock to se
e that its 4AM and wonders who the fuck is calling him at this hour. He reaches o
ver and picks it up and when he sees its Stiles he almost drops his phone in his
haste to answer.
Hello? Stiles?
Derek! Whats up, dude?
I dont know Stiles, you tell me. Its 4AM and you just called me.
Oh yeah, uh, about that. Stiles words are slurred and Derek assumes hes been drinki
ng. Im kind of in dire need of a ride, man. Ive been walking around aimlessly for a
while now but yeah its probably time for me to head home and I honestly dont know
if Id make the walk.
Where are you?
Im at the park down the street from school.
Ill be there in ten minutes. Stay where you are. Derek hangs up the phone and has a
lready got his shoes on. Hes tiptoeing down the stairs so he doesnt wake up his pa
rents and quietly grabs the keys to his moms car in the kitchen. Hopefully he get
s back in time before anyone notices that hes gone.


Derek arrives at the park and sees Stiles laying on the grass staring up at the
sky. Theres an empty bottle of Jack Daniels next to him.
Derek! Come on, man. Have a seat! Derek sits down next to Stiles and is immediatel
y greeted with Stiles saying, Youre kind of judge-y sometimes.
Excuse me?!
You have this judgmental beaver face because of your teeth.
Derek feigns offence. Im going to go now.
No, dont! Your teeth are really cute, dude. Derek feels himself smile which quickly
fades when Stiles says, Lydias back with Jackson.
Derek makes the connection that this is obviously why Stiles is drunk out of his
mind. Okay.
But I bought her a flatscreen!"
He sounds so indignant that Derek cant help but laugh. That monster.
Shut up. One day you will find your Lydia Martin and do stupid stuff like
like sneak out at 4AM to bring their drunk ass home?
Stiles just laughs and has no idea how serious Derek is because Derek has found
his Lydia Martin and Stiles definitely doesnt know that its him. Theyre quiet for a m
oment but the silence doesnt last long. With Stiles, it never does.
Its just that Im so fucking sick of it, Derek. Jackson is a total douchebag and Im o
nly ever good to Lydia and yet still she just goes back to him time and time aga
in. I dont get it, dude. It doesnt make any fucking sense.
I guess you just cant help who you love and sadly for Lydia, she loves Satan. You
dont deserve to be rejected like that though, Stiles. Why not just move on from h
Stiles stares up at Derek and says, Like you said, you cant help who you love. Dere
k winces at the implication. Stiles cant possibly love Lydia, right? But I dont kno
w, Im thinking maybe youre right. Its time to move the fuck on.
Derek internally fist pumps but then realizes maybe now isnt the time for that be
cause he shouldnt be happy over Stiles heartbreak, right? Right.
Stiles takes him from his thoughts again. I came out to my dad. And to Scott and
to Danny and to fucking Jackson it was actually kind of his fault I did it, actu
ally. But Im happy that I did it. Its, you know, common knowledge now.
Derek smiles down at Stiles. Thats great.
Yeah, everyones been really cool about it. I guess I mostly expected that but its s
till nice, you know?
Stiles looks back at Derek and Dereks pretty sure his eyes linger on his lips. Your
e a really good kisser. Dereks eyes pop out of their sockets and his heart starts
hammering in his chest. Before he can reply, Stiles is standing up and saying, We
should probably go now.
Derek collects himself and walks over to the car. Stiles drifts to sleep on the
ride to his house and Derek nudges him awake once he pulls in front of the drive
way. Youre home.
Stiles wipes at his eyes and yawns and the word adorable pops into Dereks mind. Than
ks for picking me up, dude. Ill see you at school on Monday.
Derek makes sure Stiles gets in and then heads home. He starts thinking about wh
at Stiles said. He told Derek he was a good kisser Derek smiles at the memory an
d he said he was going to try moving on from Lydia. Its possible Derek wont have t
o wait so long for Stiles, after all. Maybe he should start saving up for a flat
screen. Itd be symbolic.


He gets home and back into his bedroom without waking up anyone and thinks he mi
ght just be the luckiest person ever. He throws himself onto the bed and is asle
ep before his head hits the pillow. Its the first time hes been able to fall right
to sleep in a week.
He dreams of wide, honey brown eyes and cupids bow lips.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 6
Theyre doing peer editing, again. Does the teacher not realize what her job is? K
ates paper lands in front of him and he feels his glare intensify as hes reading i
t. Kate stole his topic. All of the comparisons that Derek used, Kate also used.
Dereks pretty sure she hadnt even written about War of the Worlds.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles is also in Dereks English class, but they dont talk as much in that class b
ecause Scott and Stiles sit next to each other. Mrs. Baxter assigned a final ter
m paper on any book that the students wanted. Derek wasnt really happy about this
because when left with such an open ended assignment, he finds it difficult to
choose. He prefers direction; that way he doesnt spend half the time he could be
writing the actual paper on trying to decide what to choose for a topic.
After she assigned the paper and Derek had complained and complained about how a
nnoyed he was, he heard Stiles talking to Scott about what he was going to write
about. Dereks ears perked up and he heard Stiles say War of the Worlds. Now, the
res three perfectly good reasons for Derek to also conveniently choose that topic
1) Orson Welles is actually really fucking awesome. Oh, and Laura wrote about it
in college! Derek could peak at her bibliography.
2) The most obvious reason, Stiles picked War of the Worlds as well.
3) He and Stiles can watch the movie after and compare the differences between v
isual and auditory experiences. Possibly make fun of Tom Cruise a little?
Dereks pretty sure that his latest plan is nothing short of perfect and hes sudden
ly incredibly excited to write this paper.


The classes first rough draft was due a week from the day Baxter assigned the pa
per. She suggested they do peer editing. Derek is ecstatic. No, really, he is. H
e loves people that are his age and have absolutely no education on how to edit
someone elses essays giving him tips. Its a fantastic idea.
Cutting through his sarcastic thoughts, a smaller part of his brain tells him th
at this really is perfect because he can watch Stiles' face as he reads Dereks pa
per and gauge his reaction. Baxter tells the students to pass around the papers
at random and stop after three papers have passed you. Derek ends up getting som
e random persons paper. She wrote about Harry Potter though, so Derek is hoping i
ts good.
Derek notices that Kate got his paper and hes livid because he really fucking hat
es that bitch. Shes butthurt because Derek denied her when she asked him to the S
adie Hawkins dance last year. Ever since, shes done her best to make Dereks life a
living hell. Derek tries not to let it affect him but sometimes she pushes too
After about five minutes pass, Baxter tells them to pass the papers again. Derek
ends up with Scotts. He wrote his on Call of the Wild, and Dereks pretty impresse
d. He turns to look at Stiles and notices that he has Dereks paper. Derek watches
as Stiles reads it and sees Stiles smile a couple of times, raise his eyebrows
even more, but when its time to pass papers again, Stiles doesnt seem to have writ
ten anything down. Derek frowns; maybe his idea isnt as perfect as he thought.


The next day, the students had to bring in a second rough draft based on the com
ments they got on their paper from the day prior. Kate pretty much butchered his
paper and wrote that he should just pick another topic, dumbass. this is pathet
ic. Luckily, Derek couldnt give two shits what the hell Kate Argent has to say ab
out his paper.
Theyre doing peer editing, again. Does the teacher not realize what her job is? K
ates paper lands in front of him and he feels his glare intensify as hes reading i
t. Kate stole his topic. All of the comparisons that Derek used, Kate also used.
Dereks pretty sure she hadnt even written about War of the Worlds. She completely
changed what book she was doing and mustve written a whole new paper. Derek is l
ivid. Hes so pissed, he feels like he could punch Kate in the goddamn face. As it
is, he looks up to give her his best glower and finds that shes already looking
at him, sneering.
Its time to pass the papers again and Derek sees that Kates lands in front of Stil
es. Derek watched as his expression goes from completely neutral to absolute hor
ror. He looks just as angry as Derek feels. His eyes snap up to Kate, probably t
o glower at her like Derek had planned, but Kates looking down at her desk. Stile
s eyes then find Dereks and he just shakes his head, looking furious. At least Sti
les knows that Kate stole Dereks topic. Now he just has to figure out how hes goin
g to get her to give his idea back, crap.


When the bell rings, Stiles goes over to Derek and tells him to follow him to hi
s locker. He needs to talk to him. Once theyre there, Stiles says, Why did you let
Kate steal your 2000-word masturbatory ode to Orson Welles use of radio conventi
Derek seems taken aback. Its not a mastur I didnt
Stiles just manages to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Yeah it is, and yeah y
ou did. Remember when Baxter made us peer edit our essays? It happened all of fiv
e minutes ago, so Stiles is just being a dick. The point still stands.
You actually read my paper? Derek looks both happy and surprised and Stiles is off
icially annoyed. Hes not actually stupid. Hes pretty good at English. Its his best
No, I stared at it and pretended to understand.
No! Its justyou left the feedback section blank.
Because it was so perfect there was nothing for Stiles to say. Fine, it was a per
fect first draft, work on your punctuation, you done fishing?
Derek just nods and purses his lips as if hes fighting back a smile. Stiles though
ts surprise him when he finds himself thinking that hed do anything to get Derek
to never hold back a smile. Stiles actively ignores this thought and says, So, ar
e we going to go tell Mrs. Baxter or are you just going to let her steal your id
I, uh, I dont know. Is it worth it? It will really piss Kate off. Derek seems reluc
tant and Stiles looks at him incredulously.
Dude, its not fair to just let her steal your topic. And plus, she fucking butcher
ed it, too. It wasnt half as good as your paper.
Derek is fighting a smile again and Stiles wants to put both hands on his face t
o spread his mouth out. Its just, Kate can be crazy when she doesnt get what she wa
nts. Derek hesitates and Stiles makes a come the fuck on motion with his hands. Wh
en I rejected her last year, she she actually threatened to burn my entire famil
y alive.
Stiles thinks he stops breathing. This bitch is seriously insane. Okay, thats enou
gh. Were going to Baxter now and Im telling her Kate stole the idea.
No buts, Derek. No buts, I say!
Stiles starts charging down the hall and after a moments hesitation, Dereks at his


After Stiles tells Baxter what happened, Kate ends up getting detention for a we
ek and has to pick a new idea for her paper. Stiles crows in victory and thinks
he does a dance to shove it in her face. She looks deadly, but Stiles doesnt give
a shit. Bitch is crazy and even though her paper sucked compared to Dereks, she
doesnt deserve to have that cool of an idea.
Derek looks like he wants to hug Stiles in thanks but lets his arms fall back to
his sides before offering Stiles a simple thank you. Stiles rolls his eyes and
throws his arms around Dereks neck. Derek stills for a moment before seeming to h
ug back with a new determination. Stiles laughs and asks Derek if he wants to co
me over and watch War of the Worlds and maybe make fun of Tom Cruise a little.
When Stiles pulls away, Derek is positively beaming. He just says, Yeah, that sou
nds fun but Stiles knows that look. Its the look that Derek gets anytime theyre pla
ying Mario Kart on random when the Maple Row course pops up because its Dereks fav
orite. He says its because its the course hes best at, but Stiles sees how Derek pu
rposefully hits the piles of leaves every time theres one in his way. Hes certain
that Derek just likes the course because its pretty, but he doesnt call him out on
it. Stiles likes it for the same reason.


Dereks in bed the night after everything happened. Stiles risked getting Kates wra
th just to help Derek out. It felt indescribable, having Stiles on his side like
that. Derek knows that Stiles is a loyal friend. Hes seen how Stiles has never l
eft Scotts side since they were just kids. He never thought that he would squeeze
himself into the circle of people that Stiles would fight to the death for. It
makes his heart beat slightly faster and a pleasant bubbling form in his gut. He
means something to Stiles and hed never thought hed be able to say it.
Derek thinks about how him and Stiles argued the merits of the visual and audito
ry experiences of War of the Worlds. He thinks about how they got to the point w
here their voices were so loud that Stiles dad had to tell them to quiet down. He
thinks about how the entire time they were arguing, the smile didnt leave either
of their faces.
He thinks about how when Stiles is heated, color rises in his cheeks. He thinks
about how he wants to make color rise all over Stiles body. He thinks about how w
hen it got too hot in Stiles room, he ripped off his flannel and only had his Bat
man shirt on underneath. How Stiles flailed throughout the argument and it made
his shirt constantly rise up. How Derek had to keep fighting his eyes from linge
ring on the jut of Stiles hipbone, on the happy trail that Derek wanted desperate
ly to follow. How Stiles was talking so much that his lips kept getting dry and
his tongue continued to escape and wet them, over and over again. How Derek didnt
even attempt to fight himself from following the movement.
Dereks hand travels down his torso and sneaks under the waistband of his boxers.
Hes already so hard thinking about Stiles this long does that to him. He lets him
self imagine his and Stiles first kiss. Stiles had let his teeth sink into Dereks
lip and Derek had to fight back a moan. He imagines Stiles using those teeth to
bite teasingly on Dereks thighs. Derek grasps the base of his cock and gives it o
ne dry stroke. He quickly takes the lube out of his bedside drawer and lathers s
ome on himself. He pictures Stiles looking up at Derek through his eyelashes bef
ore letting his tongue swivel around the head of Dereks cock. Derek thrusts up in
to his hand slightly faster and groans.
He sees Stiles opening his mouth wide and swallowing down Dereks thick cock inch
by tentative inch, seeing how much he can take. Derek knows Stiles, knows he wou
ld push his limits and go down as far as he can before getting frustrated. Hed ma
ke up for the inches that he couldn't reach by letting his tongue slide across t
he vein on the underside of Dereks cock. Derek is achingly hard and lets his stro
kes come faster. Some precome starts pouring out and Derek lets his thumb run ac
ross his slit to bring the precome back down his cock.
He pictures himself fucking up into Stiles mouth and Stiles taking it, always on
e for a challenge. He imagines the tip of his cock hitting the back of Stiles thr
oat and Stiles moaning around his dick, which would inevitably send a vibration
up Dereks body. Derek squeezes his eyes shut and vividly sees come shooting down
Stiles throat, Stiles swallowing all of it greedily, Dereks hips lift off the bed
as he shoots his load into his hand, all over the inside of his boxers.
He lays there, sticky with come, and grabs for the tissues he keeps by the side
of his bed. (Hes a teenager, everyone knows he jerks off constantly already, why
make it inconvenient for himself and hide the tissues?) When hes done cleaning up
and resorting to simply throwing his boxers in his hamper and sleeping naked, h
e sighs. He hopes that hell be able to have the real Stiles under him one day, op
en and pliant and begging to be fucked. Derek plays with that image in his head
and falls asleep with a stupid grin on his face.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 7
Derek puts his food on the table, which is a sandwich, a bag of chips, a Coke, a
nd two candy bars. One for him and one for Stiles. Its become a sort of pattern t
hat every time Stiles and Derek have lunch together, Derek gives Stiles a Reeses,
while he prefers Snickers.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
The next morning, Derek wakes up smiling. He feels like someone in an incredibly
annoying mattress commercial, as he jumps out of bed and begins getting ready f
or school. In the shower, he happily rubs one off to the thought of Stiles drape
d over him, fucking into him eagerly.
He finishes getting ready and hops down the steps to the smell of pancakes. This
morning could not be better. His mom is standing in front of the stove and he w
alks over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. She turns and gives him a small
smile, which he cheerfully returns.
He sets down plates, forks, and knives on the kitchen table before sitting down.
Cora walks in, rubbing at her eyes, still in her pajamas, hair piled on top of
her head. What are you so damn happy about?
Language, Cora! Dereks mom says this before turning around and seeing the state tha
t her youngest child is in and gasps. Cora, you turn right around and get ready w
ithin five minutes or you get cereal for breakfast.
Fear strikes Coras eyes. But but pancakes!
Cora marches back upstairs, stomping and mumbling, and Derek lets a small laugh
escape him. His mom turns to look at him with a raised eyebrow, before smiling h
Cora has a point, Derek. You seem very happy this morning. Whats got you smiling s
o big? She turns around and flips a pancake.
I dont know, mom. Just, lifes been good lately. Schools been good. Does something cr
azy need to happen for me to be happy? Derek does his best to avoid saying the re
al thing person thats got him in such a great mood.
Hmm. His mom puts down three pancakes on his plate, which he immediately begins la
thering in butter. Does this have anything to do with the Sherriffs kid? Derek chok
es on the mouthful of pancake he just ate. I thought so. His mom gives him a shit-
eating grin and Derek thinks he might just hate all the women in his family.
His dad comes into the kitchen soon after, hair wet from the shower he just took
. Derek doesnt even understand why he bothers showering in the mornings consideri
ng he gets covered in oil and gas and all other types of car shit all day since
hes a mechanic.
Good morning, beautiful. His dad gives his mom a short kiss on the lips and Derek
feigns disgust, which gets him a smack to the back of the head from his dad. He
actually thinks hes pretty fucking lucky to have parents that love each other so
much its nauseating.
As Laura runs down the stairs, Cora at her heels, shes talking. Come on, little on
es. We have to leave right now or Im going to be late for work. Laura teaches self
-defense at the gym a few blocks down from BHHS. Coras in seventh grade, and the
middle school is a street over so she usually drops them off in the mornings.
But pancakes! Cora looks like she could cry and Derek holds back his laughter. Hes
a good brother, sometimes.
Take a couple for the road no syrup! Laura is very protective of her Camaro. Derek
doesnt blame her. If he had a car that nice, he wouldnt let any food in it at all
Cora huffs, grabs a couple pancakes, and sulks to the door. The rest of the fami
ly gives a collective eye roll. Derek grabs his bag, says goodbye to his parents
, and is out the door in time to swipe the front seat from Cora.


When Derek gets to chemistry class and sits next to Stiles, Stiles immediately t
urns to him and starts talking. Alright, dude. I got crazy fucking plans for toni
ght. Derek braces himself slightly. The last party he went to, he had an allergic
reaction and broke out into hives. He isnt sure hes ready for another party just
yet. Im talking incredibly insane. You ready to hear these awesome plans? I dont kn
ow if youre ready, but Im gonna tell you, anyway. Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Danny, and J
ackson are coming over and were going to order pizza, watch some movies, play som
e video games, you know, all that crap. You in?
Derek just stares at him, unblinking, waiting for the catch. Stiles starts crack
ing up and grabs Dereks shoulder. Dude, you should see your face right now. I swea
r, you look like you just saw a ghost.
Dereks confused. I dont get it, though. Your crazy plans are pizza and movies?
Stiles lets his hand fall from Dereks shoulder and Derek mourns the loss. I was jo
king. Obviously. Were just having a chill night at my house. And before you say a
nything, I know Jackson is the worst person in the entire world, possibly the en
tire universe, but Scott used his stupid puppy eyes on me and asked me to invite
him. Apparently, Allison wants Scott to get along better with Jackson because L
ydias her best friend. I dont know, its all bullshit to me, but itd be awesome if yo
u could come.
Only if we play Mario Kart.
Yeah, dude, of course.
Mr. Stilinski, are you finished? Is it okay with you if I start the class now? Mr.
Harris is standing in front of the class, arms crossed, dead eyes staring strai
ght at Stiles.
Let me see. Stiles turns to look at Derek. Derek, do you think Harris should start
class now? Derek nods, wordlessly, as some other kids in their class fail to hold
back their laughter. Yeah, Mr. Harris. The floor is all yours.


Theyre sitting at lunch and its just Stiles and Derek. Scott doesnt have this lunch
and Boyd, Erica, and Isaac are all in line waiting to get their food. Derek put
s his food on the table, which is a sandwich, a bag of chips, a Coke, and two ca
ndy bars. One for him and one for Stiles. Its become a sort of pattern that every
time Stiles and Derek have lunch together, Derek gives Stiles a Reeses, while he
prefers Snickers.
Derek slides the candy over to Stiles and Stiles looks at him gratefully. Thanks,
dude. You know how much I fucking love Reeses. Is there anything better? No, I d
ont think wait, why does it say DTR on the wrapper?
Derek grabs it from him and sees what hes referring to. Damnit, Im going to kill Er
ica. Erica had been badgering him earlier about telling Stiles how he feels and w
hen Derek told her that theyre just barely friends and it was too soon, she start
ed spewing crap about how a lot of scenarios theyve been in dont scream friends and
how they needed to define the relationship.
Stiles looks at him suspiciously. Erica gave this to you? What about Boyd? Also,
doesnt she know you're gay?
Derek chooses to ignore those last questions and just says, No, she knows I hate
Reeses, she didnt give that to me.
Hold up. You hate Reeses? Stiles eyes are bugging out of his head, he looks like a
kid that just heard Santa Claus isnt real.
Its just, the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is all fucked up.
Okay, I cant even begin to tell you how wrong you are. Also, if you hate Reeses, wh
y the hell do you always have one for lunch?
Well, you like them.
You bring Reeses just for me? He brings his hand to his chest and does this weird t
hing with his mouth where he turns half of it down while his eyebrows meet in th
e middle. Its so fucking adorable that Derek just wants to kiss his face. Thats so
sweet, Derek, thank you. That still doesnt explain the DTR thing, though.
I have no idea why thats there. Yes, lying is always the best choice in this situat
ion. Just eat the goddamn candy and be happy. He shoves it back into Stiles chest j
ust as Erica, Boyd, and Isaac sit down at the table.
Erica smirks at him when she sees that Stiles has the Reeses and Derek gives her
his best death glare. She just laughs. Hes going to need to practice his glares;
shes become too accustomed to them. Stiles watches their exchange with a raised e
yebrow, but seems to ignore it as he speedily begins unwrapping the Reeses.


Stiles is going through his movie shelf, trying to pick out which movies they sh
ould watch tonight, when the doorbell rings. Hes kind of shocked because usually
Scott is the first there and he just walks right on in. Stiles scrambles down th
e stairs and opens the door to find Derek.
He shoves a tupperware container at Stiles and mumbles, My mom made them. When I
complained and said she didnt have to, she insisted I bring something besides my
bad attitude.
Stiles laughs even as his heart clenches slightly at the talk of Derek and his m
om. They look delicious, dude. Come on in, youre the first one here so you get fir
st dibs on what movies to watch.
Derek follows him upstairs after he puts the cookies in the kitchen. He whistles
at Stiles many DVDs. You could open up a Best Buy.
I have a thing for owning the movies I really like, you know? Having the comfort
of knowing that if I ever get the urge to re-watch one of my favorites, itll be r
ight next to me. Stiles shakes his head, Its dumb, I know. Everyone always tells me
what a waste of money it is.
No, it isnt dumb. I feel the same way. Stiles smiles at him. I also love owning book
s. With the amount of books I own, its probably much cheaper to get a Kindle, but
I cant help it. Stiles nods vigorously in agreement and Derek turns back to the s
helf. How about Date Night?
Ah, good choice, man. I love Tina Fey. Her and Steve Carell together are fucking
Stiles hears Scott running up the stairs with two sets of footsteps behind him. I
guess Scott, Jackson, and Danny are here.
When they get in the room, Jackson immediately connects eyes with Derek and says
, Hale. Really, Stilinski? You invited this loser?
Derek visibly tenses and Stiles is about to tell Jackson off when Danny buts in
and says, Shut up, Jackson. I like Derek.
Jackson looks betrayed and Stiles nearly laughs out loud. Hes a loser, Danny! He b
roke into hives at Lydias party!
Maybe, but hes cute. Danny winks at Derek. From the corner of his eye, Stiles can s
ee Derek blushing furiously.
I cant believe you right now, Danny. Jackson still looks personally hurt by the who
le thing but he shuts up about it and doesnt say a mean word to Derek for the res
t of the night.
Isaac gets there right as the pizza arrives and Boyd walks in a little bit later
with a, Sorry, guys. I was with Erica. Derek nods in understanding, assumedly sin
ce he knows Erica and how she can be. Stiles doesnt know Erica that well, but fro
m the last few lunches theyve sat together, Stiles can say that hes reasonably ter
rified of her. Theres a level of fierceness that very few can handle.
What are we watching? Isaac asks as he sits down on the small loveseat. Scott sits
next to him and his arm falls behind Isaacs head. Stiles is 95% sure that Scott
and Allison have let Isaac into their sexual antics, but he isnt completely posit
ive to what degree and if its more than just sex so he doesnt ask Scott about it.
Scott will tell him when he wants to, and Stiles secretly hopes that it will be
in excruciating detail because yeah, he got sick of hearing about Allison and Sc
ott because its Scott. Theyre like brothers. But, Allison, Scott, and Isaac. That
sounds incredibly fucking hot.
Stiles realizes that everyones staring at him, waiting for an answer and recovers
seamlessly, if he does say so, himself. Sorry, I was uh, I was thinking aboutstuf
f. I was thinking about stuff. And were watching Date Night because its hilarious an
d Tina Fey is my queen.
Jackson and Boyd both sit in the two open chairs while Stiles sets up the movie.
Derek puts the pizzas on the coffee table in front of the couch while Danny use
s the bathroom.
Once everythings set up, Stiles sits on one end of the couch and Derek sits next
to him, leaving a good amount of space in between them for comfort. Danny gets b
ack and sees that the only seat left is next to Derek and gets a predatory gleam
in his eye. Stiles finds himself thinking that he doesn't especially like the w
ay Danny's looking at Derek, but he chooses to ignore that thought. Danny sits s
o close to Derek that youd barely be able to fit a book in between them.
Derek looks slightly uncomfortable and seems to attempt to slide away from Danny
a bit. Stiles doesnt understand why Dereks fighting it. Dannys hot, his dimples ar
e to die for, and hes obviously interested in him. Maybe Derek hasnt had a lot of
experience? Stiles doesnt remember him having had any boyfriends but the kiss the
y shared said other wise because he definitely was skillful with that tongue. Un
less hes just a natural? Stiles may question him about this at a later date, if i
t isnt too intrusive.
Stiles turns his attention to the movie when Derek has seemed to relax, given th
e book sized distance hes created between himself and Danny.
The scene with James Franco comes on and Jackson says, God, he looks like a fucki
ng hobo.
Derek and Stiles speak at the same time. Still sexy, they say in unison before tur
ning to each other, matching surprised faces on, and laughing.
Stiles is really fucking happy that him and Derek became friends.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 8
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Its the Wednesday after Derek went to Stiles house for a bro night. It had actually
been really fun. Derek wasnt sure how it would be, considering he never really ha
d that many friends. Him and Erica had been friends for so long that he hardly e
ven remembers how to go about making a friend. Hes hung out with Boyd a few times
, but Erica had always been there as a sort of buffer. He likes Boyd though, and
he was happy that Boyd was at Stiles too. It was a comfort that he didnt know he
After the rough start with Jackson that stopped abruptly when Danny told him off
in the way that only hes able to do without the maniac ripping his head off, eve
rything was smooth sailing. Derek isnt exactly sure what Dannys deal is, though. E
ver since that week after the fundraiser, hes seemed interested in Derek, but he
has no idea why.
He doesnt ever remember Danny and him talking much. Everyone likes Danny, hes a fr
iendly guy and his dimples really are irresistible, but Derek doesnt get whats sud
denly peaked Dannys interest.
The entire night, Danny kept looking at him like he wanted to devour him. Derek
doesnt know what to do with that. Hes going to continue to do his best to ignore i
t. Hes flattered that someone as attractive as Danny would want him, but hes just
so narrowly focused on Stiles right now, that he cant really appreciate that hes g
ot the eyes of the insanely attractive dimpled Hawaiian.
Hey, Derek! Stiles shakes him from his thoughts as he slides into the seat next to
him. Theres about four minutes until chemistry starts and therefore four minutes
until Harris is staring at them with his dead eyes and talking at them with his
monotone voice.
Hi, Stiles.
So, listen. Jackson and Lydia broke up.
I thought that you were going to move the fuck on from Lydia? Derek is trying really
hard to have this conversation as Stiles friend and not as someone that has a he
art-wrenching crush on him. Hes finding it difficult.
I know, I know, okay? Its just one more time. Im going to give it one last real try
and if she doesnt give me the time of day, yet again, well then, its her loss. Sti
les doesnt sound like he actually believes it would be Lydias loss and it makes De
rek want to shove the idiot in front of a mirror and just point out all the beau
tiful things about him the physically beautiful things, at least. The things tha
t truly mattered would take Derek too long to point out.
So, whatre you gonna do? Derek doesnt really care to know, but he wants to keep talk
ing to Stiles and he also thinks it would be a question that a bro would ask.
Yeah, see. Thats where you come in. His wide, honey brown eyes are staring at him h
opefully and even though Derek doesnt want to, he folds.
What do you need me to do? Hey, at least if this is the last time Stiles is going
to try to get Lydia to notice him, Derek will have a real shot at a relationship
with him.
Well, English is my best subject, but my poetry is incredible shit. Like, three-d
ay-old dog shit that a lazy owner doesnt feel like cleaning up. And I know that y
oure amazing at poetry dont even! He says when Derek begins to protest. Baxter fucki
ng loves peer editing and I read that poem you wrote about wolves. It nearly mad
e me shed a manly tear. So, anyway I was thinking about writing a poem for Lydia
but since Im terrible at everything poetry, I was hoping maybe you could help me
Ugh, Derek does not want to do this. He really fucking doesnt but Stiles is pouti
ng and has a pleading look in his eyes and Derek never said he was strong, so he
agrees. Fine, I'll come over after school and help you write your stupid poem.
Stiles honest to god fist pumps, both arms in the air, and jumps out of his chai
r. Derek rolls his eyes hard, but cant help the slight upturn of his lips. Stiles
sits back down when Harris clears his throat loudly and silently thanks Derek w
ith a soft punch to the shoulder.
This better be worth it.


Stiles is sitting in his room with Derek. They played Mario Kart for a half hour
before Derek finally seemed to cave to Stiles side eyeing him with hopeful glan
ces and asked Stiles to read him his first draft of the poem.
Alright man, I told you that I suck at poetry, but here goes nothing. Stiles takes
a deep breath, really just attempting to stall his embarrassment, and Derek loo
ks at him expectantly. Okay, okay. Here I go. Enough with the impatient eyebrows.
That just makes Derek do another confused eyebrow move and Stiles laughs. Perfec
t, now hes slightly more relaxed.
Your strawberry blonde hair is beautiful, I hope my feelings toward you are mutua
l. Youre incredibly smart, you have a tight hold on my heart. Your eyes are green
, some people think youre mean. I think youre strong, I know Im not wrong. Im tellin
g you how I feel, lets start something real. Stiles has been staring down at his p
oem the entire time and he slowly raises his eyes to meet Dereks.
Derek looks like hes trying to hold so much laughter in that hes in actual danger
of popping a blood vessel. Damnit, Derek. I told you I was bad at writing poetry!
Derek finally lets out the laughter hes been holding in and for his part, tries t
o recover quickly. No, no. It was it was a good start. The thing is though, poems
dont need to rhyme. Did you just type into Google words that rhyme with green? Stil
es adverts his eyes and tries his best not to look guilty. Because Stiles, I dont
think that saying a girl is mean in a poem will make her feel very good.
Stiles attempts at defending himself. I didnt say she was mean, I said other peopl
e think that shes mean! Okay, now that Stiles says it like that, maybe that wasnt t
he best word choice.
Derek looks like hes just gotten started and he seems to be on a roll. Also, where
are the similes? A good poem could easily become an amazing poem with the use o
f a few great similes.
You know what, Derek? Show me how its done, then!
Dereks eyebrows look at him disbelievingly. Well, Dereks eyebrows better recognize
! Stiles will not sit here and be criticized. (Yeah, he does remember that hes th
e one that asked for Dereks help, but right now he doesnt care). You want me to jus
t spit out a poem, right this second?
If you think youre so much better, yeah, Derek. I do.
First of all, youre the one that asked me to help you, Stiles. Yeah, but Stiles is
choosing to ignore that. Second of all, I have absolutely zero interest in Lydia.
I wouldnt be able to write a poem for her.
The gayest of men would still be in love with Lydia, given the chance. I dont beli
eve that you cant write one nice word about her. At Dereks stoic stare, Stiles surr
enders. Fine, write a poem about someone else then. It doesnt have to be about Lyd
I cant believe this is happening. Stiles raises both of his eyebrows at him and sit
s back, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting. Hes actually kind of excited t
o hear the poem, Derek wrote a fucking poem about wolves and Stiles wasnt kidding
when he said that he nearly shed a manly tear. He knows Dereks better than him a
t poetry, its the principle of the thing, though. So, Stiles is going to sit back
and make Derek write a poem right here, right now.
Dereks straightened his back and looks resolutely determined right before he begi
ns speaking. Scattered freckles across skin, like stars in the night sky. I yearn
to trace them with my lips, feel the heat of your blush rise beneath me. Your a
mber eyes, bright and shining, as open as the ocean on a hot summer day. I want
to get lost in them, never find my way out. The sound of your laughter, as vibra
nt as an artists canvas. I want to drink it up, bask in your joy for as long as I
can. You make me feel weightless, like I can climb a mountain with no breaks. I
wouldnt want to climb that mountain, though. I wouldnt want to do anything withou
t you by my side. Derek has a far off look in his eyes, he seems to shake himself
out of it after a moment and turns his gaze to Stiles.
Stiles stares at him, speechless. Derek scratches at the back of his neck. I, uh,
I know it isnt perfect or anything. The ending would need some work, probably. I
only thought of it right now. But, yeah, I mean, I used similes and stuff, whic
h I think would make your poem for Lydia better. Just let yourself be honest, yo
u know? If she doesnt respect your honesty, she doesnt deserve it.
Stiles hasnt heard a word that Derek said. Hes still thinking about the poem. Frec
kled skin and amber eyes. Derek, that was that was beautiful.
Derek smiles sheepishly. Thanks, Stiles. The tips of his ears turn pink.
Stiles has become extremely aware of how close theyre sitting. Stiles, who was le
aning back against his headboard, has sat up. Dereks sitting with his legs crosse
d, turned toward Stiles. Their faces are about a foot apart.
Really, though, Derek. I honestly think you should just write the poem for me. Sti
les doesnt know what hes saying but Derek lets out a short laugh. God, that smile.
Stiles has come to really fucking love that smile. He feels himself lean forwar
d slightly.
Their faces are inches apart now and Derek swallows, Stiles watches his Adams app
le bob. Stiles But Dereks moving forward as well and when their lips are so close th
at Stiles has no idea how the hell he got to this moment, theyre interrupted.
Stiles! What do you want for oh, oh uh Im sorry uh. They break apart hastily and St
iles dad is shuffling on his feet, looking for all the world that hed rather be an
ywhere but where he is at this moment. He makes his decision and turns on his he
el, walking down the hall.
Stiles lets his face fall into his hands and hes shaking his head. His dad walkin
g in was like a bucket of cold water being dropped on his head. What was he abou
t to do?
Im, uh, I think Im just going to head out. Stiles head jerks up, completely forgetti
ng that Derek was still sitting next to him. Laura said she was going to be picki
ng me up in about five minutes anyway and she doesnt like to be kept waiting. He r
eleases a nervous laugh. So, yeah. Ill just wait downstairs, I guess. He starts gat
hering his things.
Its fine, Stiles. Good luck with your poem! Ill see you tomorrow at school. Derek pu
ts on the fakest smile hes ever seen, and Stiles would know. He paid a lot more a
ttention than hes ever realized to that smile.
Derek gives a halfhearted wave as hes walking out the bedroom door so Stiles give
s a weak, Bye, Derek.
He hears Derek walk down the stairs and then hears him talking to Stiles dad. God
, thats got to be awkward. Stiles should probably go save him, but itd honestly ju
st end up being more awkward if all three of them were standing down there, so h
e chooses to let Derek suffer alone.
Stiles has no fucking idea what the hell is going on. When did he start thinking
of Derek as more than just one of his bros? Maybe he never really thought of De
rek like that. In his head, he kept telling himself that everything hes been doin
g is just to become better friends with Derek, but hes also been choosing to igno
re a lot of the other thoughts screaming at him. The lingering thoughts about De
reks smile and his adorable fucking bunny teeth. More frequently, the thoughts ab
out Dereks lips. How soft they felt against Stiles. How his tongue caught against
Stiles own.
Maybe Stiles has been choosing to ignore these things, but he can't after hearin
g that fucking poem. The poem that Derek made up right here, in Stiles room. The
poem that felt like it was for Stiles. Felt like Derek had written it just for h
Stiles may not have known before that Derek and him were never really bros, but
he knows now.
He knows that he will do anything to get his lips on Derek Hales again.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 9
Stiles is going to go over to Dereks tonight and hes going to apologize and try an
d sell him on an online version of The Beacon. Hell even create a mock website. H
es pretty good with computers.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Derek doesnt know what to do. He cant fall asleep; his mind is racing a mile a min
ute. Stiles was about to kiss him, right? Derek didnt just dream that up. If the
Sherriff hadnt walked in, Stiles and him were going to kiss. Derek has no clue wh
at to do with that.
After the Sherriff walked away, Derek wouldve been more than happy to continue wi
th the pleasant turn of events, but Stiles looked like he wanted to crawl into a
hole and die. Had he just gotten caught up in the moment, talking about love an
d poetry, and forgotten who it was he was about to kiss? When he remembered it w
as Derek, did he feel repulsed at what he was about to do?
Derek doesnt know, but the look that Stiles gave him after Derek had finished the
poem was something that he could get used to. His eyes were wide open and hones
t and he just looked like he was dumbfounded. Derek thought that maybe Stiles co
nnected the dots and realized that the poem was about him. He hadnt really planne
d on making the poem about Stiles but he was crunched for time and Stiles is the
easiest thing for him to write poetry about.
He could write about the moles that cover his skin, his pink inviting lips, his
fucking eyes god, Derek melts when he looks into those eyes. For Derek, Stiles i
s poetry. When hes thinking about Stiles, the poetry writes itself in his head. L
ines form one after the other and its so easy.
He imagines its like sewing a scarf. Simple, but yet so intricate. The same movem
ent, over and over again, but the end result is something beautiful, something t
hat you would never think could be created from a ball of yarn. Stiles is like t
hat. So many simple things thrown together that make him the most unique person
that Dereks ever met.
Hes an open book, you look into those eyes and you know exactly what hes feeling,
but hes also guarded. Hes been hurt before, he knows loss, and he will do anything
in his power to not feel that way again.
Poetry is meant to be complicated. People are meant to have to read between the
lines and figure out what the writer is truly talking about. Derek has to do tha
t with Stiles and it doesnt feel like a chore. Its interesting, and Derek wouldnt h
ave it any other way.
Derek hopes with everything in him that something else is going through Stiles he
ad other than regret because if Derek has potentially let his feelings ruin thei
r building friendship, he doesnt think hed ever be able to forgive himself. Hes rea
lizing that having Stiles in his life, even if its just as a friend, is enough. S
tiles makes him happy, makes him smile wider than he ever has. He doesnt want to
lose that. He cant bear it.


Stiles sits down next to Derek in chemistry, like any other day, and its awkward.
Stiles doesnt know what to do. As hes silently contemplating what he could say to
make everything better, Derek surprises him by being the first to talk.
Howd the poem go?
Stiles didnt even give Lydia the poem. Never finished writing it. He realized tha
t he hadnt actually felt head over heels for Lydia in quite a while. She was just
a constant that he didnt feel comfortable straying from. He supposed that he was
afraid of what he actually might have been feeling.
He lies. She ripped it up right in front of me, dude. Guess Im finally moving on.
Derek smiles and then seems to catch himself. Sorry to hear that.
Dont be. Its really long overdue. At that, Derek does let himself smile. Its just an
uptick of one side of his face, but its something, and Stiles is quick to return
Harris starts the class and they both turn to face forward. Throughout the hour,
Stiles finds himself glancing at Derek and that small smile that Derek was wear
ing doesnt waver once.


Derek is walking to lunch. Hes had trouble keeping the smile off his face ever si
nce chemistry. It wasnt awkward at all with Stiles and hes officially moving on fr
om Lydia. For good, it seems. The way he was looking at Derek throughout class m
ade Derek swell with hope, it seemed to be coursing through his veins, a tangibl
e thing that he feels is just within his reach.
When he sits down at the lunch table, hes still lost in his own little world. The
only person that he has lunch with today is Erica and hes brought back to realit
y when she reaches across the table and smacks him on the side of his head.
Ow, Erica! What the fuck?
I dont know whats got your eyes turning into little hearts, but it cant be Stiles. N
ot after the campaign hes just started.
Okay, Erica. Youve got my attention. What the hell are you talking about?
You mean you dont know?
Derek rolls his eyes. Why the theatrics all the time? Obviously not. Just spit it
out already.
Erica huffs like Dereks being the unreasonable one here. Stiles has started a camp
aign to cut funding for The Beacon.
Youre lying.
Derek, Im your best friend. Why would I lie to you? I already started up a petitio
n to make sure it doesnt happen. The problem is that it needs 500 signatures.
500 signatures?! Were never going to get that! If everyone knows that Stiles is sp
earheading the campaign against it, they wont sign it. Hes a jock and popular. Thi
s cannot be happening. Derek puts his head in his hands.
Perk up, Der. Ive already managed to get 200 between the Creative Writing Club, th
e English Club, and all the other clubs that have to do with writing. Ive also go
t the signatures of any academic related club. They hate all things jocks, so I
just had to say that Stiles was responsible and they signed. We can still talk t
o the band and maybe Boyd can convince a few of his friends to sign it. Dont lose
hope just yet.
Derek mumbles, Thanks, Erica. Youre a good friend.
Hey, dont sound too genuine there.
No, I mean it.
I know you do, Der. Now, come on. Get yourself ready to convince people that prin
ted newspapers are something that this school needs. Were going door to door afte
r school.
Derek sighs but remembers to be thankful that he has someone like Erica as a bes
t friend.


Derek walks into English class and spots Stiles. The idiot has the nerve to smil
e widely at him and wave Derek over. Derek hates how fucking gorgeous he still f
inds him. Hes not letting that affect him, though. Right now, hes pissed. He stomp
s over and Stiles must catch the angry look on Dereks face because his smile fade
s and his face twists into one of worry.
Derek, whats the
No, Stiles. Dont even pretend to act like you dont know why Im pissed the fuck off r
ight now.
Stiles actually deigns to look confused. Derek, I swear I have no idea
Youre trying to cut funding for The Beacon.
Stiles face turns into one of recognition and he looks relieved thats what Dereks
angry about. Well, its nothing against The Beacon. But, the newspapers budget is th
e photography club and the debate teams budgets combined. Also, the fact that Im c
ampaigning for equal funding for all the clubs will look good on my college appl
ication. Whats the problem here?
Stiles, Im the Editor in Chief of The Beacon. Granted, its because no one else that
works on the newspaper wanted to do it, but still.
Guilt creeps into Stiles' eyes and Derek doesnt feel bad at all. Stiles should fe
el guilty. Derek, I swear, I didnt know. But, you can maybe make a website for The
Beacon? Put all the articles on there. It would be like an online newspaper and
it would save a lot of money.
I dont want an online newspaper. I want The Beacon. Derek knows he sounds like a pe
tulant teen, but give him a break. He's pissed.
Derek, I dont know what you want me to do.
Stop the campaign!
Its already gained so much attention, I dont know if I can.
You know what? Forget it. Ericas already got 200 signatures on her petition. Well g
et the 300 more that we need. We dont need any help from you.
Derek! Stiles calls out to him but Derek ignores him and takes his seat in the fro
nt of the room.
How the hopeful morning he had turned into this, he has no idea.


Stiles honestly had no idea that Derek was the Editor in Chief of The Beacon. Wh
at kind of friend is he that he didnt know the one club that Derek was in? And ob
viously Derek cares a lot about it, too. That just makes this 10x worse. Stiles
doesnt know what to do. Hes already brought the campaign to the principle, so he c
ant back out now.
Maybe he could sign Dereks petition? But that would look bad on Stiles character,
since hes the one that started the campaign. And plus, Stiles does actually think
that there should be equal funding in the clubs. Why is Derek so against puttin
g the newspaper online? If Stiles could get him to see the benefits of that, the
n maybe Derek could look past this whole thing.
Stiles is going to go over to Dereks tonight and hes going to apologize and try an
d sell him on an online version of The Beacon. Hell even create a mock website. H
es pretty good with computers.


Stiles pulls into Dereks driveway around 8PM. Hes spent the entire time after lacr
osse practice making a test version of the website and is pretty happy with the
result. He can only hope that Derek likes it and forgives him.
He takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. Dereks mom answers. Oh, hello!
Hi, Mrs. Hale. Im Stiles, Dereks friend. For all the times that Stiles has been over
Dereks house, his mom has never been home.
I know who you are! Youre the sheriffs kid and Dereks talked quite fondly of you.
Stiles tries to fight the blush creeping up his neck. Yeah, well I think Derek mi
ght be angry with me. I came over to apologize.
Derek can be a bit short tempered at times, but Im sure hell see it in him to forgi
ve you. Hes a good boy and the fact that youre recognizing that theres something to
apologize for should be enough.
Thank you, Mrs. Hale.
Alright now, come on in. You know where his room is.
Stiles walks slowly up the stairs, trying to avoid this for as long as he can. H
es outside Dereks door and he brings his hand up to knock it. He really fucking ho
pes that Derek can forgive him. He knocks on the door and Derek shouts, Mom, I to
ld you Im doing my homework!
Stiles knocks again, and the door swings open, Mom! I oh, uh, hi. He seems to falt
er when he sees that its Stiles. Hes wearing nothing but boxers and Stiles sees th
at Derek has been working out lately. Theres a slight tone to his abdomen and his
shoulders seem slightly broader, without the layer of his shirt. He forces his
eyes to meet Dereks.
Derek, I wanted to say Im sorry.
Yeah, well. I guess you didnt know.
Hows the petition going?
Derek looks to the floor. We needed 500 signatures by tomorrow. We got 357. I gue
ss the funding for The Beacon is gone. You win. He sounds bitter and Stiles never
wants to hear Derek sound like that again.
Listen, I know youre against the idea of moving The Beacon to an online newspaper.
But, before you make any decisions, I want to show you something. Can I come in
Oh, yeah. Sure.
Stiles walks in and Derek goes to his dresser before pulling a shirt on. Stiles
does his best not to outwardly whine.
Is it okay if I use your laptop?
Yeah, its right there on my desk.
Stiles sits down in the desk chair and brings up the website he made. Derek lean
s over his shoulder and Stiles can feel his breath, hot against Stiles ear. Stile
s tries really hard not to shiver, but he cant help the goose bumps that form.
So, I made a test website. Its obviously not finished yet, but I was hoping that i
t would show you the benefits of moving The Beacon online. Stiles proceeds to sho
w him the different tabs, the navigation page where they could look at past arti
cles, and a gallery section for pictures.
You made this? Stiles feels the words more than hears them.
Uh, yeah, dude. Its nothing. I just felt bad that I didnt know how much The Beacon
meant to you. It was the least I could do.
Stiles turns and theyre so close, so fucking close.
Well, its pretty amazing. Stiles feels the breath of the words against his lips.
Like I said, man, its nothing. Stiles wants to lean in so fucking badly, wants to c
lose the distance between them and let his lips meet Dereks. He doesnt know whats s
topping him.
He starts to lean in and Derek backs up, turns away. Stiles swallows.
Anyway, it really is amazing. Dont try to deny it, it is. Derek smiles weakly at hi
m. Ive got a lot of homework to do, though. So, I should probably get to it. Ill de
finitely consider moving The Beacon online and Ill see you at school tomorrow.
Stiles takes his cue and leaves, muttering a goodbye to Derek.
He spends the drive home trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Stile
s is pretty sure that Derek feels the same way that he does. He just doesnt know
how to get him to admit it and he thinks hes too afraid to say it first. Because
what if hes wrong? Hes spent so many years being rejected by Lydia, he doesnt know
if hes ready to be rejected again.
The fact that Derek turned away from the kiss is confusing the hell out of him.
He always thought that if the other person liked you as much as you liked them,
it would be easy. You just kiss and thats it. Why postpone what you both want? Hes
going to sleep on it and hopefully in the morning everything will seem clearer.
Stiles dreams of iridescent eyes and a bright, bunny-toothed smile.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 10
Derek walks into school the next morning with a new determination. Hes going to t
alk to Stiles today. Actually fucking talk. About what hes feeeeeeling. It sounds
awful in Dereks mind but he knows its what needs to be done.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
What the hell was that? Derek is pacing back and forth in his room because he ba
sically just kicked Stiles out of his house after turning away from what definit
ely was about to be a kiss.
Derek knows he had a reason for turning away, though. As hard as it was for him
to resist leaning in and pressing his lips to Stiles, when he knew thats what Stil
es wanted, he honestly did have a reason. Every time the look of pure rejection
and confusion that Stiles had on his face pops into his mind, he has to refresh
his memory of that reason.
The thing is, Stiles reminds him of the ocean. Waves, constantly moving, sometim
es big and overwhelming and other times so settled and peaceful, you could just
float there and feel alive. Stiles makes him feel alive.
Stiles, with his quick wit and his sarcastic comments, can throw anything at Der
ek and make Derek feel capable of handling it. He doesnt look at Derek like some
nerd that doesnt do anything but sit and study. He looks at Derek like hes smart,
like he appreciates Derek, and he likes when Dereks around.
On the other hand, Derek cant swim. The ocean, something that he knows is beautif
ul, something that he finds beautiful, something he could write poem after poem
about, terrifies him. Stiles terrifies him.
He cant always read Stiles; Dereks always said hes like a fucking puzzle that he lo
ves figuring out the pieces to, but it scares him. He doesnt know for sure what S
tiles wants out of this thing that him and Derek have.
Derek knows what he wants. He wants all in. He knows that theyre only in high sch
ool and that they both have a lot of growing up to do. But, he also knows that w
hen he feels, he feels with his whole goddamn heart. And he feels for Stiles.
So, yeah. Derek kissed Stiles at the Kissing Booth, but that was different. That
was Derek just wanting to know what Stiles lips felt like against his. Now that
he knows what its like, he knows that once hes able to kiss him anytime he wants,
he wont ever want to stop. He needs to know that Stiles is on the same page as hi
m. He needs to know that Stiles isnt just curious about what it would be like to
date a guy, and Dereks the best out gay guy to go for. He needs to know for sure
that Stiles likes him, wants something real with him.
Once he knows that, hell never stop kissing the idiot.


Derek walks into school the next morning with a new determination. Hes going to t
alk to Stiles today. Actually fucking talk. About what hes feeeeeeling. It sounds
awful in Dereks mind but he knows its what needs to be done.
Once he gets to the chemistry classroom, hes surprised to see that Stiles is alre
ady there, sitting at their usual table. The fact that they now have a usual tabl
e shows Derek how far theyve come since the beginning of the semester, when Stiles
didnt even know his fucking name.
Derek sits down and offers Stiles a sheepish smile because he doesnt know whats go
ing through Stiles mind since last night. Hes not sure if Stiles will be mad at hi
m or not. Stiles smiles hugely at him and Derek sighs in relief.
Harris walks in with Finstock at his heels. Derek looks over to Stiles and raise
s an eyebrow in question.
Dude, I have no fucking idea. He didnt mention anything at practice yesterday.
Derek shrugs and turns to the front of the classroom when Harris begins talking
in his droning voice.
The school is making it mandatory for every class to have a safe sex lecture. He r
olls his eyes as if he thinks its ridiculous, as if disgusting shows like 16 and
Pregnant dont exist. (What? Coras obsessed with it and Dereks had to sit through a
few episodes when he couldnt tackle the remote back from her).
Oh, no! Not just a lecture! exclaims Finstock. We also have a couple activities for
you! You kids are gonna LOVE this.
Finstock puts the huge sack he brought on Harris desk while Harris chooses to sim
ply leave the classroom. He begins distributing bananas and condoms to each stud
ent. Derek doesnt like where this is going at all.
Once hes finished, Finstock goes to the front of the room and claps his hands. Alr
ight! One of the most important things about having safe sex is knowing how to p
roperly use a condom. God forbid Greenberg over here accidently puts a hole in h
is and we end up with a mini him running around. The world can only handle so mu
ch pain.
He picks up a banana and a condom and talks everyone through how to properly put
the condom on. There are some giggles and a lot of blushing and Derek is simply
doing his best not to look at Stiles. After a while, he cant help himself and hi
s eyes inadvertently turn in the direction of Stiles.
Stiles doesnt notice that Dereks staring at him, open-mouthed and probably droolin
g. He definitely shouldnt have let himself look because Stiles is currently stari
ng at the banana in his hands with a look of pure concentration. His eyebrows ar
e drawn down and his teeth are sinking into his bottom lip. He adjusts his hands
on the banana and seemingly more comfortable with what hes doing, smiles. It qui
ckly fades back into a look of concentration and he lets his tongue dart out of
his mouth to wet his lips. Dereks eyes drift to the banana and Stiles has finally
got the condom on, hes just running his hands up and down the banana, seemingly
proud of himself.
Stiles looks over to Derek with a smile on his face, only to find Derek gaping a
t him, holding the banana in one hand and the condom in the other. Stiles says, D
ude, did you need help?
Derek feels himself beginning to blush profusely because, seriously Stiles? Dere
k is already barely holding it together as it is. before quickly snapping his ey
es from Stiles gaze.
Uh uh, no. Im fine, just got a little distracted.
He needs to talk to Stiles soon because now his sexual frustration is overlappin
g into his emotional frustration and Derek can only handle so much frustration.
He takes a few deep breaths, puts the damn condom on the banana and turns himsel
f to Stiles, only to find him ogling at Derek. God, theyre idiots. Derek laughs a
nd Stiles jerks like hes being woken up from a daydream. Derek sees the tips of h
is ears turning pink and he knows the feeling all too well.
Stiles, I think that we should talk aboutstuff. Very good, Derek. Eloquent as alway
Stiles looks nervous. Which, what? No, yeah, dude. Uh, my house after school? Ill
Sounds good. Derek smiles shakily and hopes that Stiles cant tell how much hes freak
ing out.


Stiles waits for Derek by his Jeep and desperately tries to get his leg to stop
fucking shaking. He sees Derek in the distance and even though hes nervous as hel
l for this conversation because this is definitely the conversation (about feeee
elings) he cant fight the smile that breaks across his face.
Derek hops into the car after Stiles gets into the drivers seat. Dereks backpack i
s huge; does he bring all of his books home? Stiles is thinking about the back d
amage that would cause and an article he read about it once before Derek pushes
his shoulder a bit and Stiles eyes snap up because hes zoned out.
Sorry, dude. Zoned out there. Stiles laughs awkwardly and Derek just smiles. Stile
s has to turn away quickly and start his Jeep before he gets distracted by Dereks
They drive to Stiles house in a comfortable silence, only talking when Stiles men
tioned that his dad is at work, and that Coach cancelled practice for personal rea
sons that Stiles is pretty sure is about his testicles again. Coach got in troub
le for telling them about that though so he cant mention his testicles anymore. S
tiles really wishes he could find something else to think about besides Coachs te
When they pull into the driveway, Stiles gets out of the car, opens the front do
or, and barrels into the kitchen for some food.
What can I offer you, Derek?
I dont care, really. Chips?
Doritos! Stiles was really hoping Derek would say chips because he was in the mood
for Doritos.
Wait. Is it Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? says Derek and it looks like the answers go
ing to be a deal breaker.
Stiles tenses. Nacho Cheese?
Derek looks so relieved that youd think they were talking about something much mo
re important than chip flavors.
They go upstairs and before procrastinating a bit more, they both sit on Stiles b
ed, and Derek clears his throat.
So, uh, Stiles. Theres something I want to tell you He trails off like he doesnt know
how to say what he wants to and Stiles cuts in.
Listen, dude. I know. Me trying to kiss you last night was really out of line. I
dont know whats going through your head and I shouldnt have assumed that you wanted
me to kiss you. Its just, I cant fucking stop thinking about your lips ever since
the Kissing Booth and I really wanted to kiss you again. Im sorry. Stiles probabl
y shouldnt have said he cant stop thinking about Dereks lips but hey, hes a rambler.
He cant help it.
No, no, dont be sorry. I I, uh, wanted to kiss you. Stiles sees that adorable blush
heat Dereks cheeks and he has to resist from leaning in again.
Hes actually confused though. Then why did you turn away?
Because. Stiles raises his eyebrows at him in a just fucking say it gesture. Becaus
e I wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I, uh, I dont just want to kiss
you once.
No! Definitely not! I want to kiss you a lot, man. I want to kiss you all over. St
iles coughs to try to cover up that last confession.
Derek definitely heard it though because he smiles. But, what Im trying to say is He
straightens his back and he has that adorable determined face again. I like you,
Oh my god, this is happening. Keep cool, Stilinski. I like you too, Derek.
Derek shakes his head. No, but. I really like you. As in, I want to hold hands wi
th you as well as kiss you all over.
Stiles is wondering why Derek isnt grasping that he feels that same. I really like
you too, Derek. Like, Im honestly shocked at how much I like you.
Ouch. Derek says it sarcastically but looks slightly hurt.
Thats not what I meant! Its just, I dont know, Derek. You made me forget about Lydia
, dude. I was obsessed with her for years and Ive been friends with you for a cou
ple months and you made me forget about her. Youre just youre amazing and I find m
yself constantly trying to think of ways to make you smile so I can see your ado
rable teeth or blush because it honestly makes you look fucking gorgeous or or e
ven just fucking roll your eyes at me, man. Because when you roll your eyes you
always have this little fucking smirk like you just cant believe me and I just. I
really fucking like you, dude.
Derek is staring at him with wide eyes and Stiles cant really believe how much he
just revealed but he doesnt fucking care because its true and Dereks here and Dere
k likes him too. Dereks still staring at him though and hes thinking maybe he shou
ld do something.
Derek? Are you
Then suddenly Derek dives toward him and his lips are pushing hard into Stiles'
and it almost hurts because its feels so urgent but its perfect for this moment an
d Stiles kisses him back, just as hard. They part from each other after a too qu
ick moment and Dereks smiling the biggest Stiles has ever seen and Stiles knows h
is smile has to be just as big.
Dereks eyes drift down to Stiles mouth and Stiles leans in again, Derek meets him
and this kiss is so fucking slow and sweet that Stiles doesnt know if he can hand
le it. Dereks hand finds Stiles nape and his thumb is brushing back and forth. Sti
les' hand is running up and down Dereks side and this couldnt be better.
Derek pushes Stiles lips slightly with his tongue, silently asking for entrance,
and Stiles is quick to comply. He parts his lips and Dereks tongue explores his
mouth and Stiles lets out a quiet moan. Derek tugs on Stiles hair to angle his he
ad more to his liking. His teeth bite into Stiles bottom lip and Stiles is trying
really hard not to get, uh, really hard. Derek drags Stiles lip with him as he p
ulls away.
Their hands are still on each other and their faces are still inches apart.
So Stiles says when the silence becomes too long for him.
Derek laughs and Stiles cant help but give him another lingering kiss because tha
t smile that close to Stiles face is just not fucking fair.
When they part again, their hands actually leave each other, they sit back, and
Derek sighs happily. Well, that went better than expected.
Are you fucking kidding me? You had to know I liked you, dude. It was pretty obvi
ous. If not for the fact that I tried to kiss you, for the fact that Im soooo muc
h nicer to you than I am to everyone else.
Derek looks shocked. Youre not nice to me!
Okay, maybe not nice. But, nicer. Also, I always compliment you on your bunny tee
Derek blushes and just wow, Stiles is really fucking lucky.
Wanna watch a movie and make out?
Derek looks taken aback for a second but then says, Definitely.


They sit back in Stiles bed, touching from thigh to shoulder, and its not long be
fore Stiles puts his hand on Dereks face and tilts it toward him. Derek laughs be
cause it hasnt even been two minutes into the movie yet but pushes back eagerly w
hen Stiles lips meet his.
Derek has no fucking idea what movie Stiles put on and he honestly doesnt care be
cause Stiles' lips are on his and that's all that matters.
I just really love Derek's teeth, if you haven't gotten that yet.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 11
Stiles comes up behind him and traps Derek against the counter with an arm on ea
ch side. Theyre so close and when Stiles says, Why the hell did you put our cookie
s in the microwave? Derek feels Stiles' breath against the back of his neck.
I'm sorry it took longer than usual to post this chapter, but it has just been f
ighting with me. Legit, this chapter jumped out of my laptop and gave me a blood
y nose.
One of my lovely readers asked for Derek to finally do something wrong and even
though Derek is my wittle baby bunny in this, I agreed that it was time for him
to have to grovel a bit!
Anyway, yeah. Here it is!
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Theyve been together for two weeks now and Derek could not be any fucking happier
if he tried. Laura and Cora keep giving him looks like they know why Derek cant
wipe the smile off his face but he doesnt even care. He plans on telling his pare
nts soon, anyway. The only reason hes avoiding it is because he knows theyre going
to insist on an awkward meet the boyfriend dinner.
Currently, hes sitting in the passengers seat of his boyfriends car and doing his b
est to keep his smile at bay because every time Stiles catches him smiling from
ear to ear, he calls Derek out for being a dumb adorable bunny and it always makes
heat rise in Dereks cheeks. Derek doesnt mention that he catches Stiles smiling j
ust as often.
Derek is pulled from his thoughts when Stiles hand takes purchase on Dereks thigh.
Derek stares at the incredibly manly hand and long, skinny fingers and rests hi
s hand on top of it. He catches Stiles' eyes and smirks. Stiles squeezes his thi
gh in return and lets his hand drift into dangerous zones. Derek quickly intertw
ines their fingers and Stiles sighs unhappily, which just causes Derek to laugh.
Everyones at work and Coras at her friends house so Derek and Stiles have the house
to themselves. When they get inside, Derek notices a batch of cookies on the co
Yes! My mom made cookies before she left for work. Want one?
Dude, do you know me at all? I never say no to cookies.
Derek rolls his eyes and puts two in the microwave.
Stiles comes up behind him and traps Derek against the counter with an arm on ea
ch side. Theyre so close and when Stiles says, Why the hell did you put our cookie
s in the microwave? Derek feels Stiles' breath against the back of his neck.
Derek ignores the goosebumps forming on his arms in favor of rolling his eyes ag
ain. Everyone knows that cookies are ten times better when theyre warm.
Stiles laughs in his ear. Oh, yeah. Definitely. Cant have a room temperature cooki
e. God forbid.
Derek turns in Stiles' arms as he says, You know what, normal peop but his words d
ie in his throat because Stiles lips are so fucking close to his and within the p
ast two weeks Derek has realized that Stiles can never be this close without Der
ek taking advantage of the situation.
His lips finds Stiles and Stiles licks into Dereks mouth and Dereks hips jerk invol
untarily. Stiles moans and moves so his thigh is in between Dereks legs. Derek is
thankful for the friction and rolls his hips which causes Stiles to roll back.
Theyre developing a beautiful rhythm and Stiles is biting at Dereks lips and sucki
ng Dereks tongue into his mouth and Derek can only handle so much. Hes so close wh
en Stiles pulls away and says, So, how about those cookies? with a shit-eating gri
n on his face, no doubt because Derek looks wrecked. And Stiles has a thing for
grabbing onto Dereks hair so its probably sticking up all over the place at this p
Stiles looks just as wrecked though and his lips are all puffy and red, so Dereks
wondering what the fucking point in delaying mutual orgasms is, but he turns ar
ound and takes the cookies from the microwave.
He throws one at Stiles, which Stiles catches easily.
Ow, dude! This cookie is hot, but ooh the chocolates all melty! Derek takes a bite
of his cookie and abruptly chokes because Stiles has melted chocolate on his thu
mb and is currently sucking it off with a look of pure ecstasy on his face. Seri
ously, Derek thinks Stiles eyes roll to the back of his head.
By the time Derek recovers from his coughing fit, Stiles has figured out whats ca
used it and begins to suck on his other chocolate clad fingers, hollowing out hi
s cheeks and making a show of letting his tongue twist around one of his fingers
. Derek groans and stomps over to Stiles, ripping Stiles fingers from his mouth,
and pushing him against the counter. He kisses Stiles hungrily and can taste th
e chocolate on his tongue.
Stiles wraps his leg around Dereks waist and Derek takes hold of Stiles thigh as t
hey both frantically roll their hips against each other. Stiles is breathing hea
vily into Dereks mouth so Derek moves to his long neck and begins sucking and bit
ing a mark into his skin. When he moves from the mark and runs his tongue from S
tiles' throat to his ear, he takes Stiles lobe between his lips and sucks on it h
Stiles thrusts one more time and then suddenly Derek feels the wetness of Stiles
come through his jeans. Derek grabs Stiles lips for another heated kiss and thrus
ts three more times before he follows suit.
The kiss turns lazy and slow and they both sink to the kitchen floor, matching w
et spots on their jeans.
I guess microwaving cookies really does have its benefits.
Derek punches Stiles in the arm and Stiles laughs and laughs and Derek kisses hi
m until he can do nothing but kiss back.


Stiles woke up this morning and upon looking in the mirror noticed the unmistaka
ble hickey on his throat. He bangs his head against the mirror and makes a promi
se to himself that he will kill Derek when he sees him at school. He lifts his h
ead and watches himself as he pokes the sensitive spot. He twitches and his morn
ing wood begins to stir in his boxers.
Stiles decides its really fucking hot. He jerks off in the shower to the thought
of everyone seeing the mark and knowing that Stiles is accounted for, that the o
nly person that can make marks on him is Derek and to the thought of making sure
to get Derek back and suck a mark into an obvious place on him as well.
He avoids his dad in the morning, not wanting him to see the hickey, and shoutin
g a quick goodbye as he ran out the door.
When he gets to school he goes straight to Dereks locker.
Dude, look what you did. Stiles tries really hard to seem angry and not show how h
ot he actually thinks it is.
Derek looks incredibly guilty. Im Im so sorry. Uh, I can ask Laura if maybe
Oh my god, no. Do not ask your sister anything about this. Holy shit, I was kiddi
ng, Im not really mad. I did have to avoid my dad this morning, but Stiles steps c
loser to Derek and lowers his voice I actually rubbed one off in the shower this
morning to the thought of you doing it again Dereks breath catches and to the thoug
ht of me doing it to you, letting everyone know that Im the only one that can.
Dereks cheeks turn a bright red and Stiles prides himself on a job well done. Sud
denly, Kates at Dereks locker and is glaring at the hickey on Stiles neck.
So, Derek. You get sick of hiding in the closet? You decided to come out with a n
ice, slutty, bang?
Stiles gets furious, but before he can tell the bitch off, Derek begins speaking
. I wasnt hiding the fact that I'm gay, Kate. I just didnt feel the need to get it
tattooed on my forehead.
Well, still doesnt change the fact that youre a slut.
Derek sputters and Stiles cuts in. Hes not a fucking slut, were boyfriends. Also, e
ven if we werent, what the fuck gives you the right to slut shame? Derek has the
right to do anything that he fucking wants, just like anyone else does. Go to he
ll, Kate. Leave us alone.
Stiles thinks he sees smoke shoot out of Kates ears but she spins around and stom
ps off in a different direction so he doesnt really give a shit.
God, shes such a bitch.
Yeah Why does Derek look like hes fighting back a smile?
Dude, why are you smiling right now? That situation, by any definition, was not f
But you you called us boyfriends. The smile goes even wider across his face but St
iles is confused.
Arent we?
Yeah! Yeah, we are. Its just, we havent said it yet. Out loud, like that. In public
Is that okay? Was there some reason you wanted to put it off?
Derek is shaking his head before Stiles finishes. No! I mean, yeah, it was okay.
I just didnt know if youd want it to be known that you were dating me.
Why wouldnt I want it to be known? Everyone already knows Im bi, so why else would
I keep you a secret?
Well, because, you know. Derek looks uncomfortable.
No, I really dont.
Because youre you, and Im well, me.
You thought Id keep us a secret just because youre not popular. Whatever the fuck tha
t even means. How big of a jerk do you think I am?
I I dont. Except he doesnt sound convinced, at all.
Yeah, it seems like you actually do. I cant believe this. Yeah, I get it. That fir
st project we did together, I was a jerk. I made you do all the fucking work. Bu
t what about every project since then? What about the fact that we hang out all
the time? And not just alone, but also with my friends. What about the fact that
Im your fucking boyfriend? When are you going to forgive me for something that Iv
e tried time and time again to make up for?
No, dude. Forget it. Ill see you in chemistry.
Stiles turns around and tries to ignore the look of complete and total worry on
Dereks face. This is not Stiles fault. He really likes Derek and he doesnt know wha
t else he has to fucking do to prove that to him.
Their relationship isnt going to work if Derek cant even trust Stiles to tell him
the truth. If Derek is constantly worried that Stiles is going to turn around an
d be a jerk, how are they ever going to last?
Stiles doesnt know, but hes done trying to prove that hes a good guy. If Derek does
nt know that by now, its on him.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 12
Right before Derek goes to bed that night he thinks hes thought of the perfect id
ea [to apologize to Stiles]. Yearbooks do start getting handed out tomorrow, aft
er all.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Derek watches Stiles walk away and feels like getting his arm sawed off would fe
el better than the total fucking regret hes feeling right now. The thing is, Dere
k is used to looking at Stiles as the popular kid because thats what hes always lo
oked at him as. Hes pined after him since before he even realized he was gay. Hel
l, Stiles was probably one of the main components into helping Derek realize it
(that, and the fact that his porn collection had transformed to be purely guys).
So, Dereks used to Stiles looking over him, like he doesnt really exist. He instin
ctively knows that its not like that anymore, but he still cant fight the little p
art of his brain that keeps poking at him. The part thats whispering, youre dumb t
o think he really likes you.
After Stiles outburst at the simple thought that Derek still thought that way, it
opened Dereks eyes to realize that hes dumb as fuck and he needs to do something
really quick to show Stiles that he realizes just how stupid hes been, thinking t
hat Stiles was embarrassed of him.
The rest of the day he tries to formulate a plan to show Stiles that he knows ho
w much their (albeit new) relationship means to Stiles. That he knows Stiles isnt
just treating it as some type of joke.
Right before Derek goes to bed that night he thinks hes thought of the perfect id
ea. Yearbooks do start getting handed out tomorrow, after all.


Derek walks into chemistry and Stiles is sitting at their table. The relief floo
ds through Derek that Stiles isnt so pissed that he wont actually forgive him. Der
ek also notices the yearbook that Stiles is flipping through. He slides into his
seat and looks at Stiles sheepishly.
Hey, can I sign your yearbook?
Stiles looks as though thats the last words that he expected to come out of Dereks
mouth, but slides the yearbook over anyway.
Derek writes, Stiles Your plaid shirts are always bright, they fill me with deli
ght. Ive liked you since the start of high school, and when I catch myself lookin
g at you I have to rid my face of drool. When I found out you may like me too, m
y heart melted into goo. I never expected my feelings to be returned, and I wasnt
going to take them unearned. So sometimes I act dumb, but I need you to not thi
nk Im some chum. I just really like you, and our relationship is still new. I hav
e to pinch myself to realize its real, but I promise I now know how you feel. Der
Derek slides the yearbook back to Stiles while telling him to read it, under his
breath. He watches as Stiles eyes skim the note and hopes that his idea of writ
ing a stupid apology poem for Stiles would work. Finally, Stiles eyes meet his a
nd Derek holds his breath.
Dude, that poem was total fucking shit. But hes fighting a smile, Derek can see it.
Derek spends enough time staring at his mouth to catch even the slightest movem
Derek feigns offence. Youre telling me that wasnt some of my best work?
I much preferred you waxing poetic about how you wanted to trace the marks on my
skin with your lips. Stiles says this with an uptick of his lips and Derek is so
fucking relieved, but he still has to ask.
So, you accept my apology?
Derek, as long as youve gotten it through your surprisingly tiny brain, considerin
g how smart you are, that I really fucking like you and I dont care who knows it,
then I definitely accept your apology. Hes says the last part very dramatically w
ith a roll of his eyes.
Good, because I really missed not talking to you last night.
Stiles finally lets a real smile cross his face. I did too, man.


Just, please. Dad, I know how much you love to act all intimidating. Dont go too f
ar with it. Im begging you, I really am. Stiles has been pleading with him the ent
ire ride to Dereks house to not act too crazy.
Damnit, Stiles. I dont know what youre talking about. I cant help that Im the sherrif
f and carry a gun so therefore people are naturally intimidated by me.
Well, dont threaten to use that gun on him if he hurts me.
Stiles, you think Im going to threaten this kid in front of his whole family? Stile
s notes that he doesnt say he wont ever threaten Derek and thats what worries Stile
Stiles chooses to let the subject drop for now since theyre nearly at Dereks. Hes n
ervous, him and Derek have officially been dating almost a month and their paren
ts have finally forced them to stop pushing off a meet the parents dinner. Hes met
Dereks mom briefly before and she seemed to like him, which is good. The problem
is Laura, who Stiles knows hates him. Also, hes never really met Cora or Dereks da
He hopes that hes dressed okay. Derek said not to worry about getting too formal
but Stiles still wore his best button down. Its bright red, which apparently comp
liments his skin, Stiles doesnt fucking know. He just knows that the last time he
wore red, Derek looked like he wanted to eat him.


Laura, please be nice. For me?
Why wouldnt I be nice, Der? Laura looks way too innocent for Dereks liking.
Derek decides to cut the bullshit. I know you hated him, you constantly tried to
distance me from him.
Laura huffs. Well, I wont be mean. I just dont trust him, okay? I dont want my littl
e bro getting hurt. She starts to give him a noogie and Derek slaps her away. He
finally got his hair gelled perfectly and hed be damned if she messes it up.
Fine, whatever. Just dont scare him.
Scare him? Who do you think I am, Der? Im not scary at all. Meanwhile, she smiles a
t him with the most wolfish grin Derek has ever seen and contradicts what she ju
st said.
Derek turns away and goes to the kitchen to see how his mom is doing.
Is the food almost ready? Stiles texted and said theyd be here soon.
His mom kisses his cheek. Dont worry, baby. Everything will be fine.
Derek crosses his arms and says indignantly, You cant know that.
The doorbell rings and Dereks heart falls out of his chest.


Dereks dad answers the door and looks at Stiles like hes trying to judge whether o
r not hes good enough for his son. Stiles is still trying to figure that out hims
Nice to finally meet you, Stiles. Stiles doesnt miss the way he draws out the word f
Stiles shakes his hand politely and says, Nice to meet you too, sir.
The sheriff takes over and draws the attention away from Stiles. It looks like ou
r boys finally decided to man up and agree to this dinner.
Mr. Hale laughs. Took them long enough, come on in!
Stiles walks in and quickly searches for Derek. Derek runs out of the kitchen to
greet them with a panicked look on his face.
Slow down there, son. Youll knock over one of your mothers vases.
Derek looks embarrassed and puts his head down. Sorry, dad.
Im going to go see if your mother needs help in the kitchen. Mr. Hale walks away an
d leaves Derek, Stiles, and Stiles dad alone.
So, Derek. Im happy to get to meet you. Stiles doesnt stop talking about you. Ever.
Stiles is happy to notice that the blush on Dereks cheeks is about as bright as h
is own.
Its good to meet you, too, sheriff.
Stiles dad actually smiles at Derek and Stiles is counting his blessings because
this looks like it might go well. Im going to go talk to your parents.
His dad leaves them alone in the hallway and Derek rushes to Stiles side. Stiles
grabs his hand and faces him. We can get through this dinner alive.
Why does it sound more like youre trying to convince yourself of this than me? Dere
k asks with a nervous edge to his voice.
Because I am. Stiles sees Derek getting even more worried, which is not doing anyt
hing to calm Stiles down. He brings his hand to Dereks cheek and touches his fore
head with his own. He presses his lips to Dereks in a soft kiss. We can do this, d
ude. Its one dinner. How bad can it be?


Turns out Stiles was being optimistic because even though the dinner started off
okay, its slowly started to spiral downward. Cora is complaining about how she w
ants to go out with her friends and when their mom finally scolded her, she bega
n eating her food angrily. Chewing loudly and clashing her fork against her plat
e and being all around annoying. Laura has been eerily silent and is just sendin
g off waves of pure hate toward Stiles. Derek can physically feel it.
I just gotta say, Stiles has told me how smart Derek is. I hope some of his work
ethic rubs off on Stiles. Derek thinks that something of his is rubbing off on St
iles but it sure as fuck isnt work ethic. He blushes at the thought and becomes i
ncredibly interested in the food on his plate.
Well, Derek has constantly told us what a great kid Stiles is, so Im sure they wil
l compliment each other nicely. Dereks mom says, politely. Laura snorts.
Have something to add, Laura? Derek wants to kick his dad for pushing it.
Oh, no. Im fine. Ill just quietly eat my dinner over here.
No, please. What did you have to say? The sheriff has no fucking idea what hes aski
ng for.
Laura sets down her fork. I just think its funny how Derek raves about Stiles bein
g a good person when he pushed him into a pool at a party. Also, if you didnt kno
w, Dereks allergic to chlorine.
Dereks mom and dad both gasp and Cora seems to finally show some interest into th
e conversation. Derek is so happy she can be amused by this, really, he is.
The sheriff turns to his son. Stiles, is this true?
No, dad! Of course not!
Laura laughs bitterly. Oh, it isnt? Im sorry but you werent the one that had to help
him get rid of the very real hives that broke out across his skin.
Derek, why didnt we know about this? His dad asks him.
Laura answers before he has a chance. Derek was too afraid to taint the good guy S
tiles reputation he was trying to sell you.
He he didnt know I was allergic to chlorine! Derek spits out quickly, in hopes that
this will end quicker.
His mom looks at him like hes crazy. That does not make it okay!
Why cant Derek ever fucking explain things? No, no! Stiles didnt push me, okay? Som
eone bumped into Stiles and Stiles accidently bumped me when he was trying to ke
ep his balance.
Is this true, Derek? Really?
Yes, sheriff. Stiles felt awful after it happened. He even gave me his towel. He l
ooks over to Stiles and finds Stiles looking at him with a small smile.
Dereks dad cuts through the silence. Okay, then. If it was just a misunderstanding
then I dont see the problem. Laura sighs in defeat and Derek doesnt care. Hes let h
is hand find Stiles under the table and gives it a squeeze. They stay holding han
ds for the rest of the meal even though it forces Stiles into eating awkwardly w
ith his left hand.


When its time to leave, Stiles dad walks to the car after saying his goodbyes and
Derek stays at the door talking to Stiles.
So, that was pretty painless.
Im so fucking sorry about Laura. I know you didnt push me into the stupid pool, shes
just being overprotective.
Stiles puts his hand on Dereks shoulder and starts to massage it gently. Listen, d
ude. I already knew that she was kind of iffy about me. That just means Ill have
to work a little bit harder to show her that I mean business when it comes to yo
u. Youre worth it.
Derek smiles and Stiles being Stiles, obviously has to kiss him. The sheriff hon
ks the horn when the kiss lingers.
Bye, Stiles. Ill call you later.
I look forward to it, babe. Stiles shouts as hes walking away with a wink thrown at
Derek and heat rises to Dereks face as he prays that Cora didnt overhear the pet
Did he just call you babe? Coras snickering. Derek rolls his eyes and ignores her,
all the while thinking how amazing it felt to hear those words come out of Stile
s mouth.
Warning: next chapter is pretty much guaranteed to have some sexytimez in the ex
plicit nature. Hopefully you're all on board with that.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 13
Why would you want to play video games at an arcade when we could just play video
games here? The arcade is heavily populatedwith people.
This chapter is purely sexytimez.
~don't hate, appreciate
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles is currently splayed out on Dereks bed, teeth digging into his bottom lip,
a look of concentration apparent on his face, and fingers working with abandon.
Fuck yeah! I beat you again, dude. Who the fuck chooses Wario as their character
Derek sighs heavily. You only like Luigi because he reminds you of yourself.
Maybe, which is why you should be Daisy since youre my little princess.
A laugh forces itself out of Derek and Stiles smiles at him in return. Shut up, S
tiles. Hand me the Doritos, youve eaten the whole bag.
Stiles reluctantly throws the bag of Doritos at Derek and Derek fumbles with it
but manages to catch it. Wait a second. Der, doesnt your uncle own an arcade?
Derek licks his lips to rid himself of Dorito crumbs and shrugs. Yeah, why?
Stiles jumps up and flails his arms around. Why?! He looks to his left and then to
his right. Why? he says! He looks back to Derek and Derek raises an eyebrow at him.
Because we could totally be getting free tokens and I could be beating you at aw
esome arcade games right this second!
Derek munches on a Dorito and shakes his head. Why would you want to play video g
ames at an arcade when we could just play video games here? The arcade is heavil
y populatedwith people. Derek tries to keep the pure disgust hes feeling towards th
e idea out of his voice, but he doesnt think he manages the task.
Stiles begins laughing and Derek listens to the music that erupts from his boyfr
iend with a smile upon his face, forgetting the arcade. Stiles sobers and wipes
a laugh tear from his eye. Dude, you are just youre ridiculous.
Stiles is shaking his head and looking at him with the small smile that Derek de
emed his since the night of Stiles birthday party.
Derek sets the Doritos down and starts licking the cheese off his fingers, but b
efore he even understands whats going on Stiles has sat back down on the bed and
grabbed his cheese-clad hand.
Let me. Stiles takes Dereks finger into his mouth and wraps his tongue around it, b
efore sucking hungrily, and letting his teeth graze lightly to get the stubborn
cheese that wont come off. The finger falls from Stiles mouth and Derek and Stiles
share a heated look.
Derek swallows and he sees Stiles watch his Adams apple bob. I, uh, I think you go
t it all.
Stiles smirks at Derek then crawls over him, backing him against the headboard.
They havent broke eye contact and Derek thinks hes on fire from the look they're s
haring alone. Fuck, Stiles is better than any porn he could ever watch.
Once Derek is leaning slightly against the headboard and Stiles is bracing his a
rms on either side of Derek, Stiles surges in for a kiss. It starts off slow, cl
ose-mouthed, enjoying the pressure of their lips against each others. Then Stiles
pushes Dereks thighs further apart with his knees and slots firmer between Dereks
legs. He grazes Dereks half hard cock and Dereks mouth falls open in a gasp.
Derek knows Stiles and Stiles is never one for missed opportunity. He immediatel
y takes the chance to push Dereks mouth open further with his own and his tongue
slowly slides across the inside of Dereks bottom lip.
Derek can feel himself getting harder by the second and when Stiles moves his ha
nd to land on Dereks lap, Derek cant keep quiet anymore.
Fuck, Stiles. Derek sounds breathless already and he curses himself. Stiles' hand
stills and Derek automatically scolds himself for not having had the power to ke
ep quiet.
Stiles lips disconnect from Dereks but Derek can feel Stiles breath against his lip
s. Say my name like that again.
Derek, fuck. Just say my name like that again.
I have no idea what the hell you mean. Derek is getting annoyed. He doesnt like not
knowing things.
Stiles gets a firmer grip on Dereks completely hard cock and strokes it through h
is shorts.
Stiles chuckles. Yeah, babe, thats what I was looking for.
Youre such a dick.
Yeah, well. I have one in my hand so it seems I know something about them.
Derek rolls his eyes. Just take your clothes off, already.
Stiles strokes Dereks obviously leaking theres officially a wet spot on Dereks shor
ts cock again. Somebodys getting a little impatient.
Oh, so youre saying you dont want your cock in my ass?
That shuts Stiles up and his mouth opens, then closes, then just hangs open. I, u
h, yeah. You want to?
Yes, Stiles. How much clearer do I have to make it? Derek thinks about how hes not
the only person in this scenario losing their virginity. Well, I mean. Only if yo
u want to, of course.
Fuck yeah, I want to!
Derek smiles and Stiles rushes forward for a heated kiss. Stiles hands slip under
Dereks shirt and scratch lightly at his sides and Derek moans into Stiles mouth.
Stiles hands slowly inch down to grab hold of the waistband on Dereks shorts and p
ull down Dereks shorts, boxer briefs included. Derek helps him out by kicking the
m off.
Stiles breaks the kiss and rips off his own shirt, Derek following his lead. The
y both throw their shirts off to the side and smile goofily at each other.
Youre sure, Der?
Yes, Stiles.
Stiles wastes no time and his hands find purchase on Dereks stomach sliding up an
d down his torso. You are so fucking hot, Der. Shit. Derek pushes up on his elbows
and kisses Stiles, his tongue fucking into Stiles mouth. Stiles slides off his
shorts and Derek backs up so Stiles can more easily get them off.
Stiles is wearing red boxer briefs.
Stiles I swear to god, you did that on purpose.
Stiles looks down at himself then up at Derek, feigning innocence. What? These ol
d things?
You know what wearing red makes me want to do to you. You showed up to my fucking
family dinner wearing red and I had to physically hold back from throwing you o
n to the table and making a trail of marks on your pale skin.
Stiles raises an eyebrow at him. Whats stopping you now?
Stiles is kneeled above Derek and Derek sits up further, gripping either side of
Stiles hips. He licks up Stiles happy trail then stars mouthing and biting at th
e skin right above the waistband of Stiles briefs. Stiles runs his hand through D
ereks hair and Derek looks up from his masterpiece, seeing Stiles has thrown his
head back in pure bliss, breathing slightly labored, biting his bottom lip.
Derek pushes Stiles briefs down his thighs and Stiles cock slips out. Derek's mout
h waters at the sight and he cant help trailing his tongue from the base to the t
ip, just once. Stiles tugs on Dereks hair and Derek and him groan simultaneously.
None of that, okay? I already know I wont last five seconds in your ass before com
ing, so lets just hold off on your beautiful mouth wrapped around my nearly as be
autiful cock.
Derek shakes his head fondly and lays back. Lube and condoms are in the drawer.
Stiles rolls his eyes. You want me to get them?
Derek raises a wordless eyebrow at him.
Stiles leans over to the drawer to get the items, muttering, I really should call
you Daisy.
Stiles sits back and stares at Derek, items in hand. Uh, Stiles? You gonna do som
ething with those?
Its just I really want to look at you, but I know that for the first time its more
comfortable if youre on your hands and knees.
Derek rolls over, onto his knees. Well have plenty of time to stare lovingly into
each others eyes another time. Right now Im just really focused on your cock in my
Suddenly, Derek feels a slap on his ass and surprises himself and Stiles by groa
ning loudly, seeking friction for his cock on his sheets.
That was suppose to be a lesson for you to not sass me, but I think that was actu
ally a surprising reward for the both of us.
Derek feels himself blushing and speaks quietly, embarrassed. Shut up.
Stiles rubs Dereks back soothingly. Dont be embarrassed by that, Der. Thats fucking
hot as hell. Its something we shall explore thoroughly at a later date. For now,
I just want to fuck you before I make a fool of myself.
Derek relaxes and feels Stiles hands rubbing his ass, a slicked finger is linger
ing around his hole and slowly pushes through. Derek has fucked himself on his o
wn fingers plenty of times so hes kind of used to this feeling. Knowing that its a
ctually Stiles finger though, makes it so much hotter.
Stiles finger starts slowly moving in and out and Derek focuses on relaxing even
more as another finger enters his hole. Dereks hands grab hold of his sheets.
You okay?
Yeah, Im fine. I just fuck.
I know. Stiles crooks both his fingers in a certain way and it grazes the sweet sp
ot that Derek never quite managed to reach. Derek lets out a filthy noise and Sti
les takes the chance to add a third finger. It hurts, but Derek loves it. He can
feel the pain inching away as it slowly becomes unadulterated pleasure.
Stiles slowly fucks him with his fingers and Derek pushes back harder, wanting m
ore. Stiles, Im ready.
Derek, I dont
I swear to god if your cock doesnt get in
Okay! Okay, enough with the threats.
Stiles slowly pulls his fingers from Dereks hole and Derek mourns the loss. He he
ars the ripping of the condom package and the sound of Stiles slicking up his di
ck, moaning lightly.
Derek feels Stiles grab hold of his hips and guide his dick to Dereks hole. When
it pushes past the rim, they both gasp. Stiles hands run across Dereks sweat slick
ed back and he relaxes slightly. Stiles pushes in deeper. Stiles slowly bottoms
out and by that time theyre both trying to catch their breath.
Derek, you okay?
Fuck yeah, yeah I am.
Youre just so fucking tight, its unreal.
Derek laughs lightly and the movement makes them both groan. Move, Stiles.
Stiles pulls back slowly and then pushes forward harder, again and again. He dra
pes himself over Dereks back and wraps his arm around to grab hold of Dereks cock.
Derek thrusts back onto Stiles cock and Stiles strokes Derek, in time with the r
hythm theyve created.
Derek feels like hes experiencing euphoria. Stiles, Ive thought about this so damn
much. Thought about you ahh about you fucking me. Had my fingers in me knuckle d
eep and imagined it was you.
Stiles hips stutter and he groans loudly as he comes. Derek helps him ride out hi
s orgasm and adds his own hand to his cock, Stiles and him working together to b
ring Derek release. Derek comes with a goddamn whimper, Stiles name on his lips.
Stiles gently frees his cock from Dereks hole and Derek flinches. He ties the con
dom and puts it in the trash next to Dereks bed, before pushing Derek onto his ba
ck and catching his lips in a lingering, dirty kiss.
They separate and Derek rolls onto his side, facing Stiles. Theyre both staring a
t each other, smiling like idiots.
Stiles breaks the silence. That was fucking amazing.
No, really. Fuck the arcade. You proved your point, man. I am wholeheartedly conv
inced that ever leaving this bedroom and contacting the outside world is an awfu
l, terrible idea.
Derek pushes Stiles lightly, weak from the events that just occurred and readies
himself for what is guaranteed to be the best summer of his life.
Also, I've previously stated - I think, it may have been in a comment - that I a
m generally new at exploring my love for writing so sometimes a chapter may not
be grade A excellence.
On that note, I do think I'm getting more comfortable with my ~writing style~ bu
t I still got a lot to learn and I haven't written a lot of sexytimez in the pas
t so blahblahblah what I'm trying to say is it may not be the most fabulous sexy
timez you've ever read but you know, I tried and all that.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 14
Is Stiles having the best summer of his entire life? If you asked him right now,
in this moment, with Derek octupusing all his limbs over Stiles body, he would r
eply with a resounding yes.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Is Stiles having the best summer of his entire life? If you asked him right now,
in this moment, with Derek octupusing all his limbs over Stiles body, he would r
eply with a resounding yes. Derek came over a little earlier and they pigged out o
n the cookies his mom sent over with him. Stiles left one for his dad because hes
worried for his health, not because he wanted all the cookies to himself. Defin
itely not for that reason at all. Anyway, they swiftly fell into a food coma and
decided to reward their cookie eating with a nap.
Stiles woke up a few minutes ago and cant stop staring at Derek. Dereks head is so
mewhere around Stiles shoulder so its incredibly uncomfortable for Stiles to look
down at him, but he cant stop. Dereks lips are slightly parted and he doesnt exactl
y snore, but he doesnt exactly not snore. The sounds he makes when he sleeps are
adorable and every once in a while hell mumble some indescribable words and push
himself closer to Stiles even though Stiles is pretty positive if they were any
closer they would be Siamese twins. Stiles doesnt want to think about them being
twins. Stiles doesnt want to think about them being related at all. He winces at
that thought and Derek stirs.
Stiles rubs his hand slowly up and down Dereks back in apology and Derek opens hi
s eyes to squint up at Stiles.
Sorry I woke you up.
S fine. Derek lets out a yawn and starfishes his body across the bed as he stretches
. Stiles hears a couple bones crack and is jealous at the relief he must feel. H
is neck is kind of aching from staring down at Derek which reminds him what a bi
g issue that is because tonights the scrimmage for lacrosse.
Hmm? Derek is still rolling around the bed its really not that big of a bed so Stil
es isnt sure how hes managing and stretching. Stiles thinks he falls a little hard
er for sleepy Derek.
Wanna give me a massage?
Derek stops stretching and looks at Stiles with utter disbelief, eyebrows a mile
high on his forehead. Why the hell would I give you a massage?
Because I have the scrimmage tonight At this, Derek groans. Excuse me. I have the s
crimmage tonight and you wouldnt want me to do bad because I cant move my neck, wo
uld you? Which your fault, by the way.
How in the hell would your neck hurting be my fault? Stiles thinks he might blush
from embarrassment which just serves to make Derek even more curious and Stiles
curses his stupid pale skin that turns red at the first sign of trouble. Now you
have to tell me. Why is it my fault your neck hurts?
Stiles decides he could use this confession to his advantage. Im only going to tel
l you if you promise to go all out for the scrimmage tonight.
Youre already getting a neck massage out of telling me. Im not going all out for th
e scrimmage tonight. Youre lucky Im even going.
Everyone goes to this scrimmage, Derek. Everyone. You shouldnt feel forced to watc
h your boyfriend play lacrosse. Thats just hurtful. Do you even care about me at
Shut up. I know what youre doing. Why is it my fault your neck hurts?
Ugh, youre the worst. Derek raises an eyebrow, unrelenting. Because I because I kind
You were staring at me while I slept?!
Wow, Derek has aced understanding the non-breathing language that Stiles has spe
nt so long practicing. Anyway, my neck was on a weird angle, so now it hurts.
Why didnt you, I dont know, stop staring?
Because youre beautiful when you sleep, okay! I literally could not look way. Youre
that captivating.
Derek looks at him, narrows his eyes. Youre lying. I must have been drooling or so
No, Im not lying. I just really like you, if you havent noticed. And I really like
looking at you, obviously. So, would you give me a damn massage and promise to a
t least pretend to have fun at tonights scrimmage?
Derek smiles that big huge smile that melts Stiles insides and just says. Okay, ye
ah. Take off your shirt and roll over.
Im liking the sound of this.
Derek laughs and Stiles smiles in satisfaction. Shut up. You want a massage? Youre
getting a massage. My sisters and mom make me give them massages all the time.
Apparently Im pretty decent at them, so youre in luck.
Stiles settles down, face on his folded arms, and Derek straddles his hips. Do yo
ur worst.
Stiles thinks the sounds he makes during that massage are dirtier than his sex m
oans and, ask Derek, his sex moans are pretty dirty.


Derek thinks hes maybe falling head over heels in love with Stiles. Waking up aft
er that nap, Stiles hand rubbing his back, and Derek just completely covering Sti
les, it was the happiest Dereks woken up ever. Then, Stiles says things. He says
things like he finds Derek captivating and beautiful and isnt Derek suppose to be
the cheesy romantic in the relationship? Can there even be two cheesy romantics
in one relationship? Oh, and the fucking sounds he makes. Derek had to take bre
aks from the massage to physically pinch himself out of a boner.
Derek thinks hes lucky to have Stiles in his life, really fucking lucky. So, hes g
oing to go all out for this stupid mid-summer scrimmage that everyone goes crazy
Sadly, the only person currently home to help him do this is Laura. Who hates St
iles. Derek looks up to the sky and asks whatever higher powers there are to ple
ase just let her not be a bitch, just this once before he knocks on her door.
Come on in, Der!
Derek hesitantly walks in and finds Laura at her desk, on her laptop. He lingers
, shuffling on his feet. Lauras staring at him and after a minute, she raises her
Was there something you needed?
Uh, yeah. I needed your your help with, uh, something.
Laura makes a gesture to continue.
The lacrosse scrimmage is tonight. How stupid, right? Why would they even have a
scrimmage in the summer, right? Right? Anyway, I was hoping you could help me ma
ke a shirt or poster or something but if you cant its okay. I probably shouldnt hav
e even asked, Im sorry. Ill leave you alone, maybe Erica
Whoa, Derek! Slow down, Ill help you.
Derek looks up in surprise. Youre gonna help me? Laura nods. You know this is for St
iles. Why is he pushing it?
Yeah, I do. And the fact that youre even going to the game shows how much you must
like him. You hate those things. So, Ill help you. He must really make you happy
, huh?
Derek lifts one side of his mouth in a lopsided smile. Yeah, he does. His voice so
unds so faraway and so Molly Ringwald in any 80s movie ever that he almost punch
es himself.
Im happy for you, little bro. Now lets get started.


Derek feels absolutely ridiculous which just makes him realize even more how muc
h Stiles is going to love this. Hes wearing a red shirt, the number 24 airbrushed
in white with Stilinski airbrushed above it on the back. On the front though, Lau
ra airbrushed it to say I ? Stiles. On his left cheek, in white paint, is #24. On hi
s right cheek, in red paint, is a heart, with "Stiles" written in white inside o
f it.
Then, of course, how can Derek forget the poster? He tried to accidently leave it
at home, but once he was on the road with Laura, he caught it in his rearview mi
rror, sitting in the backseat. Hes man enough to say he jumped in horror. Laura l
ooked at him with that terrifying wolfish grin that Derek has come to know and h
ate. The poster reads this: I love a guy that can handle a long stick. In bigger l
etters, underneath, a simple yet classy, GO STILES!
Derek thinks he may get kicked out of the stands and if the sheriff is there, wh
ich he will be, hes most certainly getting shot. Laura doesnt give a single shit a
bout his worries.
They pull into the parking lot, Laura grinning ear to ear and Derek looking more
stoic than he has in months. Laura pushes the poster into Dereks hands and he re
luctantly accepts it, the side with the words facing his body. As they get close
r to the bleachers, he does his best to try and look like hes at least somewhat e
njoying himself because he wants to make Stiles happy.
By the time theyre seated, theres about ten minutes until the game starts. The tea
m is sitting on the bench, taking a break from warmups. Stiles turns around and
meets Dereks eyes, smiles so big that Derek forgets hes at a school function in th
e middle of the summer, then blows Derek a kiss. Derek feels hot all over as eve
ryone seated in front of him turns around to see whom Stiles blew the kiss to. D
erek looks at his feet and hears Stiles laugh.
Theres a bump on Dereks shoulder and he notices that Erica has pushed her way up t
he bleachers to sit next to him.
Derek. Stiles must give one hell of a blowjob if youre willing to not only show up
to this event but to also wear what youre wearing.
Damnit, Erica
Laura cuts him off. Wait till you see the poster.
Oh, I cant wait. Laura and Erica start laughing together and Derek puts his head in
his hands.
You guys are the worst.
Erica just kisses him on the cheek and says, You love us.
Yeah, but sometimes I question why.
The whistle blows and the teams run onto the field. Stiles is starting and hes jo
gging next to Scott to get into their positions. When the game officially begins
and Derek watches Stiles run across the field, hes mesmerized by the way his boy
friend moves. Stiles is so quick, and his reflexes are phenomenal. It almost loo
ks like hes dancing out there. Derek cant take his eyes off of him.
Come on, Der. Throw your poster up before the game gets too crazy. You have to ma
ke sure Stiles can see it and fully appreciate it.
Laur, I really dont know. Its inappropriate.
Erica breaks into the conversation. Inappropriate? Its Stiles, hell love it.
Fine. Derek lifts the poster into the air and doesnt take his eyes off of Stiles. H
e sees Stiles turn and look, distracted for the three seconds it takes him to re
ad the poster and then he trips, arms out to catch his balance so he doesnt fall.
He misses the ball when it's thrown to him but thankfully Scott is able to pick
it up.
Laura and Erica laugh so hard they nearly cry.


Stiles is feeling on top of the world because they won the scrimmage and winning
the mid-summer scrimmage is really good luck for the upcoming season. Hes also o
n top of the world because he has the best boyfriend to ever exist.
He runs off the field to his dad and his dad immediately hugs him.
Ew, dad. Im so sweaty right now.
A game like that deserves a hug, no matter how sweaty. Im proud of you, son.
Stiles smiles sheepishly but accepts the compliment instead of sniping back at h
is dad like he might usually do. Thanks, dad.
Oh, stop. I know you want to go talk to Derek. Go ahead.
His dad claps him on the shoulder and Stiles steps up to Derek. First, he pushes
Derek on the shoulder and says, Are you fucking kidding me, dude? This promptly w
ipes the smile from Dereks face and Stiles almost regrets it.
What did I do wrong? I went all out, just like you wanted.
That poster, Derek. I love a guy that can handle a long stick. I tripped. That coul
dve lost us the game!
Derek looks so sorry and Stiles wants to kiss the frown off his face. I know, Sti
les. I shouldnt have done it, I
Stiles cuts him off by giving into temptation and kissing him hard. He hears Lau
ra and Erica loudly making an exit, inconvenienced by Derek and Stiles kissing. S
tiles doesnt care. He keeps kissing him until theres a little too much tongue for
it to be considered acceptable in public.
He cradles Dereks face in his hands, but doesnt move too far away. I cant believe yo
ure wearing a shirt that says I ? Stiles.
I know, its ridiculous.
I love it.
Derek smiles at him. I knew you would.
I really do, Der. I love that you did all this even though I knew you mustve hated
it. It means a lot.
Derek lifts his right shoulder up in a shrug. Its nothing.
No, stop. Its not nothing, dude. Its amazing and I just I fucking love you, Derek H
Derek smiles so big that he would put any actor in a toothpaste commercial to sh
ame. I never thought youd be the one to say that first. He lets out a small laugh. B
ut, yeah. I, uh, I love you too. A lot.
Stiles knows theyre both wearing matching toothy grins right now but he doesnt car
e. He kisses Derek even though it hardly works because neither of them can stop
smiling and then he takes Dereks hand in his own and walks to the jeep.
Stiles is never going to forget this moment. He was the lead scorer in the game,
his boyfriend told him he loved him, and theres still half the summer left. It d
oesnt get any better than this. He squeezes Dereks hand and Derek squeezes back. S
tiles thinks this will be their little way to tell each other they love each oth
er when their voices begin to hurt from saying it too much out loud.
I'm so bad at ending chapters just - I don't know. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 15
You trying to get people to cheat for you in Candy Crush again? Stiles quickly min
imizes Facebook at the sound of Dereks voice.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
And also, this comment:
"possibly Derek giving Stiles a blow job.. While wearing glasses.. And Stiles co
ming all over his face.."
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles is currently in his room with Danny. Theyre waiting on everyone else to co
me over to hang out, but Stiles asked Danny to arrive a bit earlier.
Danny. I need you more than I need air right now.
Danny looks perplexed. You and Derek are so in love its sickening. Theres no way th
e sex could be so bad that youd come to me for it. Also, Im pretty positive that D
erek would be
No! I dont need you like that, dude. God, I just need your help with a Candy Crush
problem. Stiles cuts Danny off when he sees Danny getting a far off look in his
eye like hes picturing Stiles boyfriend having sex with someone that isnt Stiles.
I dont play Candy Crush.
Danny, you play Candy Crush. Now, help me beat this level. Derek and me are havin
g a contest and hes crushing me. I need your help big time. Oh, and youre going to
need to send me a life.
I dont play. And if I did, I would just hack the game and unlock all the levels th
at way.
Danny. I thought I could count on you. Dereks on level 428 without hacking.
What level are you on?
Uh, ha haha. You know what? Just forget it.
I cant help you if I dont know what level youre on.
Stiles mumbles so lightly that hes pretty sure that Danny actually puts his hand
around his ear in an attempt to hear Stiles. I cant get past level 65.
Youre pathetic.
Stiles nods his assent.
You trying to get people to cheat for you in Candy Crush again? Stiles quickly min
imizes Facebook at the sound of Dereks voice.
No! Stiles shouts as Danny, the traitor, says Yes.
Derek just laughs and shakes his head and Stiles catches Danny staring. He promp
tly kicks Danny in the calf and Danny looks rightfully guilty.
Derek comes over to Stiles, whos sitting in his chair at the desk, and leans over
to give him a peck on the lips. Stiles immediately deepens the kiss, pulling De
rek onto his lap. Dereks hand, like a magnet, goes directly to Stiles head and tug
s on his hair. After a quick moment, Danny clears his throat and Stiles digs his
teeth into Dereks bottom lip as he pulls away.
Stiles notices that Dereks wearing his glasses today and fixes them since theyre s
lightly crooked. Derek turns red and mumbles something about needing to go to hi
s eye doctor for new contacts.
I like you with your glasses on. You look nerdy. And sexy. You look nerdy and sex
y. Stiles kisses Derek on the lips lightly and Derek turns even redder.
Stiles turns to meet Dannys eyes and Danny looks appropriately flustered. Serves
him right. Derek turns in Stiles lap but Stiles doesnt let him stand. Derek is his
boyfriend and no matter how much Danny may want to get all up in that, he has t
o see with his own two eyes that its not going to happen.
Shortly after, everyone else shows up and they move to the living room. Stiles da
d has the night shift again so Stiles freely stocked the house with all the chip
s and he ordered pizza in abundance because he knows theyll eat it all. Isaac and
Scott are snuggling on the loveseat and Scott doesnt even attempt to hide that h
is fingers are running through Isaacs curls.
Scott had shared with him that Isaac is involved in Allison and Scotts sex life b
ut what was suppose to start as a threesome here and there, turned into Allison
and Scott both caring for Isaac deeply and in turn, them three just working toge
ther. Stiles can only imagine how Mr. Argent reacted to that news. As long as hi
s best friend is happy, hes happy, as cheesy as that sounds, so Mr. Argent can su
ck a dick if he doesnt approve.
What the fuck are we watching? Jackson interrupts Stiles thoughts and again, Stiles
has to dig his fingernails into his palms to avoid punching the asshole in the
I brought Man of Steel. Scott chucks it at Stiles face to set up and Stiles catches
it easily.
Why cant we ever watch Hoosiers? Jackson complains quietly and Danny laughs.
We can watch it next time. Now, pass me my Doritos and shut up. Derek passes Boyd
his Doritos and everyone shuts up.


Everyone left about five minutes ago and Stiles and Derek are already upstairs i
n nothing but their boxer briefs. The entire movie Dereks hand would alternate be
tween rubbing up and down Stiles thigh and rubbing up and down the outline of Sti
les cock. Every time Stiles began breathing too loudly, Derek would move back to
his thigh.
It was actual torture.
I fucking hate you, Derek. Stiles is frantically running his hands up and down De
reks chest and stomach. He just needs their skin touching, in some way, right now
No, you dont. What do you want to do?
You can have me in any way you want, fuck, Derek. I just need you right now.
Derek groans and then collects himself, smirking. Just lay down and let me make y
ou come.
Stiles falls back onto the bed and rips off his boxer briefs because that sounds
like one hell of a plan. When he sees Derek going to take off his glasses, Stil
es grabs his wrist, stopping him. No, keep them on.
Derek seems flustered for a second but then calms down, shuffling his knees in b
etween Stiles spread legs.
Derek runs his nails down Stiles stomach and Stiles squirms, feeling himself gett
ing harder and harder as the moments pass. Derek leans down and licks over Stile
s nipple, Stiles moans and thrusts upward, looking for friction. Derek moves his
hands to Stiles hips and holds him down as he drags his teeth over Stiles nipple l
He begins trailing kisses down Stiles stomach and Stiles starts to get excited be
cause he knows where this trail ends. This trail ends with Dereks mouth around St
iles cock, but just when Derek is so close to Stiles cock, he can feel Dereks breat
h on it, Derek backs away and Stiles whines.
I want your mouth on my cock.
Derek looks heavenward and moves his hand from one of Stiles hips to grope himsel
f through his boxer briefs. Be patient.
Stiles grumbles. Hes not known for his patience.
Derek moves his hand and wraps it around the base of Stiles cock, moving the othe
r hand to right below Stiles belly button, holding him down. He twists his hand a
nd strokes the shaft twice. Stiles bites his forearm hard as to not cry out. Hes
been waiting for that friction for what seems like hours.
Derek looks up at Stiles and says in a voice that sounds breathless, I want I nee
d to taste you.
Stiles refrains from saying Why, it would be my pleasure because Derek almost in
stantly puts his mouth around Stiles cock and Stiles rocks his hips upwards, help
less. Derek coughs and backs up for second. Stiles mumbles his apologies, but De
rek ignores him and goes back to it, adding a little more pressure to the hand b
eing used to hold down Stiles.
Derek moves his other hand off of the base of Stiles cock to travel down to Stile
s balls, massaging them. Derek drags his tongue from the base upward to swirl it
around the tip. He begins going up and down the side of Stiles cock leaving wet,
open mouthed kisses in his wake. He pauses, straightens his glasses, and Stiles
nearly comes.
He moves his hand from massaging Stiles balls to grope himself as he moves back u
p to the tip of Stiles cock, sucking him down eagerly, pressing his tongue flat o
n the underside of the shaft.
When Stiles sees how horny this is making Derek, along with the bobbing of his h
ead on Stiles cock, Stiles digs his fingers into Dereks shoulders, saying Derek, Im
gonna and Derek backs off his cock, a trail of spit connecting Dereks bottom lip t
o it, grabs hold of the shaft and directs Stiles to come all over his face.
Derek keeps stroking him through it, licks his lips when Stiles finishes and Sti
les almost feels bad for the come all over Dereks glasses but then Derek takes th
em off, cleans the come off with his finger and puts his finger in his mouth, lo
oking blissed out as his hips give a seemingly involuntary roll forward, his coc
k obviously feeling neglected and searching for release.
Stiles thinks he may be able to help with that, so he leans forward, pulls down
Dereks briefs and sees that Dereks cock is already glistening with precome. Stiles
puts his mouth on Derek and Derek begins rocking forward, hitting the back of S
tiles throat but when Derek goes to apologize, Stiles grips his hips hard, encour
aging him. Stiles never had much of a gag reflex and its useful now that Derek lo
oks so fucking wrecked as he fucks Stiles' mouth. Derek puts his glasses back on
and Stiles looks up and connects eyes with him, moving his hands to dig hard in
to the curve of Dereks ass. Derek comes down Stiles throat with a loud groan and S
tiles swallows it all, proudly.
They separate and Derek collapses next to him. They kiss lazily, tasting their o
wn come on each others lips and its heady and perfect and right.
We need to clean ourselves up. Stiles says, because its true. Derek still has come
all over his face.
Derek cuddles in a little closer and whispers, Carry me to the bathroom?
Dude, theres no way in hell I can carry you but maybe I can drag your lifeless bod
Derek grumbles and rolls out of bed. Stiles follows him and they clean each othe
r up, sharing minty kisses after they brush their teeth.
When they get back to bed, they lay down and Stiles watches Derek yawn hugely, t
hrowing an arm over Stiles.
Youre never gonna beat me at Candy Crush. He snuggles closer and cuts off Stiles wh
en he begins to protest. Gnight. Luh you. Derek says sleepily before falling asleep
instantly and Stiles smiles.
He will never get sick of hearing that.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 16
"I refuse to be the person that messes up and costs us the win. Lydia already cr
eated the ultimate study guide for The Challenge. She referenced all the past se
asons and episodes and I think she may have used psychic powers to guess what th
e questions are going to be? I dont know, apparently shes psychic.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
School starts back up again in a few weeks and Derek has been trying to get his
head back into the studying game. This summer has been so amazing with Stiles bu
t as much as he loves him, hes going to need to cut down a bit on how much time t
hey spend together. Especially since their school is going to be participating i
n The Challenge, which is a game show where schools from all over the world comp
ete. Its basically like a high school version of Jeopardy.
Derek already knows that him and Lydia are going to be a part of the four-person
team and he definitely doesnt want to be the one that ruins it for them. He know
s itll be kind of weird for him to be spending so much time with Lydia in the upc
oming weeks before The Challenge during their practice sessions, but hes going to
try and fight through it.
Lydia may have had hold of Stiles' heart longer, but Derek has hold of it now, w
hich is whats important.
His cellphone rings and Derek puts down his book to take it out of his pocket. T
he picture that shows up on the screen is Stiles with his mouth stuffed to the b
rim with curly fries. They wanted to see just how many fries he could fit in the
re before they begun falling out when he inevitably tried to talk.
Deeerrrreeekkkkk. Stiles is actually whining.
What is it, Stiles?
Will you pretty please with Nacho Cheese Doritos on top come over and hang out wi
th me? I'll let you give me a back massage.
As tempting as that offer is, Im going to have to pass.
But, Deeerrreekkkk. I miiiisss youuu.
We hung out two days ago and we talked on the phone for two hours last night.
I miss you, too.
Derek hears Stiles sigh over the phone. When do I get you all to myself again?
Honestly? Probably winter break.
Derek pictures Stiles flailing his arms around as he hears his indignant squeaks
of protest. But but no, Derek. No!
Sorry. I refuse to be the person that messes up and costs us the win. Lydia alrea
dy created the ultimate study guide for The Challenge. She referenced all the pa
st seasons and episodes and I think she may have used psychic powers to guess wh
at the questions are going to be? I dont know, apparently shes psychic.
Shes definitely something.
Anyway, shes not sharing it with anyone else on the team even though it will undou
btedly better her chances at winning. So, I have to study twice as hard as I usu
ally would.
I think I have an idea.
Derek doesnt know what Stiles is talking about but he does know the sound of his
voice and that sound always leads to trouble. Stiles.
Its nothing, Derek. I swear. All I know is that masturbating just doesnt do it for
me anymore and I really fucking need my hands all over you as often as possible
so Im going to Im going to be patient. Yeah, Der. Im gonna be patient and wait for
you to finish studying, you smarty-pants, you. Alright, I love you! Bye!
I love
The phone goes dead before Derek can even reply. Derek doesnt know what Stiles is
up to, but he knows that Stiles would rather have the Yankees win the World Ser
ies than be patient.


Derek decides to close up his books early and head over to Stiles house to surpri
se him. When he gets there, he doesnt see Stiles Jeep, but he figures that it coul
d just be in the driveway, so he rings the doorbell.
When the sheriff answers the door, he looks surprised to see Derek.
Hey, Stiles isnt here.
Oh, okay. I was just going to surprise him by coming over.
Well, I think he said he was headed over to Lydias.
Both of Dereks eyebrows shoot up. Lydias?
Yeah, you can wait here, if you want to.
No thanks, sheriff. I really should be headed home, anyway. I just wanted to give
him a quick visit.
Alright, Ill let him know you stopped by. Drive safe.
Derek nods and heads back to the car, confused. Why would Stiles be at Lydias hou
se? That makes no sense. Lydia doesnt even like Stiles. Theyre not friends in the
slightest. Stiles wouldnt just go to Lydias house uninvited, though. Hes terrified
of Lydia. Everyone is kind of slightly terrified of Lydia.
As the thoughts that tried to explain the situation ran rampant through Dereks mi
nd, he found himself in front of Lydias house. Stiles Jeep was in the driveway. De
rek pulled over and decided to call Stiles. Whats the harm, right?
The phone rings once and then goes straight to voicemail. Dereks heart clenches b
ut then he remembers that sometimes Stiles accidently hits End after sliding the s
creen to answer. He waits a moment for Stiles to call back. Stiles doesnt. He dec
ides to call again, figuring Stiles is waiting for him to. The phone rings once
and then goes straight to voicemail.
Derek feels unexpected tears spring into his eyes and tries to calm himself down
. Stiles said he was over Lydia. He said that Derek made him forget all about hi
s feelings for Lydia. He told Derek that he loved him. These are the facts that
are running through Dereks jumbled mind, trying to push through the thoughts that
are saying, You were only a temporary fix until Lydia broke up with Jackson agai
n or Stiles really was just curious to see what it would be like to date a guy.
Stiles cares about him, he does. But if thats true than why is his Jeep in Lydia
Martins driveway? Why did he unquestionably ignore Dereks phone calls? Why are the
tears that are caught in Dereks eyes threatening to fall?
Derek looks up and he sees Stiles running back to his Jeep, a huge smile on his
face. Derek thought that was a smile that Stiles saved for only him. But apparen
tly Lydia Martin was able to make him break out that smile and have it last so l
ong that hes still smiling even though hes back at his car.
Stiles connects eyes with Derek and Derek curses, instantly regrets everything.
Stiles is going to think he was stalking him or something. No wonder Dereks only
Stiles Hmm, hell do until I can get Lydia choice. Hes so dumb, what was he thinking?
Stiles looks, in a word, bewildered to see Derek there. Derek starts the car and
tries to get out of there as fast as possible. He puts the car into drive and s
ees that Stiles face has broken out into a smile again and hes headed toward Dere
k. No, Derek cant do this. He cant listen to Stiles tell him how yeah, what they h
ad was fun, but the real deal, what Stiles actually wants, has finally opened he
r eyes and realized that Stiles is the best boyfriend anyone could ever have.
Derek pushes down the tears and speeds away, leaving an even more perplexed Stil
es than the one he saw earlier.
The Challenge is something that my high school participated in. I'm actually pre
tty sure it's only for the New England area, but I'm pretending it's a worldwide
thing. So, sue me.
(Please don't sue me).
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 17
Everything has been perfect with them lately, Stiles is hoping he didnt unknowing
ly do something wrong.
I'm posting earlier than usual because I love Katy lots.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Stiles has no idea what the hell is going on. He had just left Lydias, copy of he
r guide to all things The Challenge in hand, and was going to stop by Dereks to s
urprise him with it when everything went to shit. Admittedly, he was kind of con
fused to see Derek outside Lydias house, but when he got home, his dad told him t
hat Derek had stopped by and his dad told Derek he had went to Lydias. So, Derek
probably just wanted to see Stiles.
What Stiles doesnt understand is why Derek peeled out of their like a bat out of
hell as soon as Stiles saw him. Hes called Derek twice and texted him four times
with no reply. Stiles is officially worried and plans to drive over to Dereks as
soon as he wakes up tomorrow.
Everything has been perfect with them lately, Stiles is hoping he didnt unknowing
ly do something wrong.


Stiles rings the doorbell and seeing that there are no cars in the driveway, hop
es that Derek is home. He hadnt texted Derek that he was on his way, too worried
that Derek would leave before Stiles arrived for reasons that he still hasnt gras
Derek answers the door and he looks tired and just plain sad. Yeah, Stiles is de
finitely fucking worried.
Der, whats wrong?
Derek just looks at him, his face morphed into something like reluctant acceptan
ce, and steps aside so Stiles can walk in. Once they're inside and sitting at th
e kitchen table, the eerie silence is beginning to make Stiles heart rate pick up
. Hes feeling like something's wrong and its out of his control. Stiles doesnt like
not being in control.
He breaks the silence.
Dude, why did you speed off yesterday?
Derek stares back at him, face blank, lifts his right shoulder in something clos
e to a shrug.
Dad told me you stopped by and so I figured you came to Lydias since he told you I
was there so you could say hi.
Something like a short laugh escapes Derek but it doesnt sound amused, it sounds
forced, like laughing is the last thing on his mind. I guess you could say that.
Stiles doesnt know what that means. Anyway, we need to talk. A flicker of sadness i
n Dereks eyes before its wiped away, replaced by a look of determination, like hes
prepared himself for the inevitability of a truly shitty conversation.
Little does he know, Stiles comes bearing great news.
I went by Lydias yesterday. Well, obviously you already knew that. Anyway, dude! I
convinced her to give me a copy of the study guide for you! Granted, I have to
wash Prada for the next month, but so what? I can handle a dirty dog, if this me
ans all of this Challenge preparation will be easier for you.
Derek is silent and he looks shocked, like he cant believe the words coming out o
f Stiles mouth and Stiles is really sick of feeling so fucking confused lately.
This will make it easier for you, right? Well get to spend more time together agai
n. Maybe?
I am so stupid.
Stiles laughs, happy Dereks finally talking. Der, you couldnt have known that Lydia
would accept a bribe. I think I just caught her on a day she was feeling genero
No, no. Not that. I just I thought it doesnt matter. Im stupid and youre amazing.
Youre not stupid.. What did you think? Whats going on in that brilliant mind of you
I thought that you were over at Lydias because you were, I dont know, because you w
ere interested in her again. I thought you were coming over here to break up wit
h me.
Wait, what? You thought what?
I said it was stupid, okay? Im sorry.
Stiles mind is racing and he feels like punching a wall. What the fuck does he ha
ve to do to prove to Derek that he only has eyes for him. That Derek is the one
that he loves. Stiles thought that Derek was finally trusting Stiles, believing
him when he told him he loved him. Stiles thought things were going so fucking w
He takes a deep breath, two. He calms himself down. Because Derek looks shattere
d. He looks like Stiles would if he thought Derek was moving on from him. Even t
hough Stiles is frustrated, he puts himself in Dereks shoes. Yeah, it was stupid
for Derek to think that Stiles would just drop him like a hat, but Dereks maybe a
little insecure and Stiles knows that, does everything he can to make Derek blu
sh redder and redder until maybe one day he finally believes Stiles when he tell
s him Dereks the most beautiful person hes ever seen.
So, Derek is allowed to feel what he feels but what hes not allowed to do is jump
to conclusions. Hes not allowed to assume the worst before talking to Stiles abo
ut it first. Stiles puts his hand on top of Dereks across the table, looks deep i
nto his eyes, tries to bore these words into Dereks very soul so he will never fo
rget them.
How many times am I going to have to tell you, man? I. Love. You. I want you. Your
e the only person in this world that can make me smile so big, I feel like my fa
ce is going to break in half. Youre the one I think about before going to bed at
night and the second thought that shoots into my mind in the morning, first bein
g I really have to pee. Youre the one thats wrapped around my heart like an octopus,
dude. I love you so much its stupid. You need to remember that. You need to talk
to me before you go off thinking the worst, okay?
Derek is nodding and hes smiling and hes squeezing Stiles hand so hard, Stiles thin
ks maybe he hears his bones creak but he doesnt care. Because he loves Derek and
if Derek needs to squeeze Stiles hand to reassure himself that Stiles is there an
d with him and loving him, than Stiles can accept that. As long as Dereks finally
got it through his head that the only person thats got a hold on his heart is De


I was thinking maybe I could invite Derek on our creepy end of summer drunken wal
k through the woods?
Scott looks betrayed. Dude.
Scott, he lives on the preserve. Hes my boyfriend, now. I would feel weird hanging
out in whats basically his backyard without him.
This is suppose to be our Bro Time. Me and you. No significant others allowed.
I had to be the third wheel when you and Allison first started dating too many ti
mes to count, dude. You should have to be the third wheel at least once.
Are you saying Derek is your Allison?
No, dumbass. Im saying hes my Derek. And Im also saying it would be cool if we could
invite him.
Scott rolls his eyes so dramatically Stiles thinks maybe they will actually get
stuck that way. Fine.
Im calling him now so please just shut the fuck up for a minute.
Scott looks hurt at Stiles scolding and Stiles has the strangest urge to pet him
like a newborn puppy. Thankfully, that urge is interrupted by Derek answering th
e phone.
You called me, remember? What did you want?
Boo, Der. Youre no fun. I was wondering if you wanted to join Scott and I in our d
runken escapade through the woods aka your backyard tonight?
As fun as that sounds, I actually have plans to hang out with Erica tonight. Plus
, isnt that something you and Scott always do alone?
Stiles pouts even though Derek cant see him. Yeah, but I wanted you to be there to
Im guessing Scott doesnt want me to be there though, does he?
Thats not
You dont have to lie. You guys havent hung out just you two in forever, I get it. H
ave fun and dont get too close to my house. I dont want my parents to catch you tw
o obliterated.
I wont. Are you sure you dont want to come?
Im good, just be careful.
Im always careful.
He hears Derek chuckle and smiles.
Love you, Der. Scott makes a show of pretending to stick his finger down his throa
Love you too. Ill call you later or see you tomorrow.
They hang up and Stiles looks at Scott, says, He didnt want to intrude on our Bro
Apparently he knows the true meaning of friendship.
Shut up, youre getting what you wanted.
Scott looks so smug and Stiles fails to resist pushing him off the couch.


The next morning Stiles wakes up with a pounding headache and silently thanks Dr
unk Stiles for putting the bottle of pills and water on his nightstand. He opens
his phone to a text message from Derek saying, Youre ridiculous. But yeah, I do.
I always do.
He scrolls up to look at what he sent to make Derek say that and sees a picture
of his hand resting on his clearly hard cock through his boxer briefs with the m
essage, Yuo knoqw you wamt thi s.
Stiles falls back to sleep with a smile on his face, forgetting about the throbb
ing in his head.
I can never have these two idiots mad at each other for long, as you can see.
I was wondering what you guys were thinking about how long I should keep this go
ing for? Currently, there are 18 gifsets by eeames and this is chapter 17. I cou
ld make the next chapter the last one, or I could continue this on as a WIP and
have it in a weird limbo stage. I don't know, I'm kind of thinking that this fic
needs some closure. I can always do bonus works inspired by this work as she po
sts more gifsets?
I honestly have no idea, let me know what you guys think on the matter.
And, as always, thank you guys so much for reading. I love you all.
This is my tumblr if you're, you know, interested.
Chapter 18
This is it guys. This is the last chapter. Much to my chagrin, I think its time f
or this story to be put to rest. I feel like the plot was kind of fulfilled many
moons (or chapters, whichever you prefer) ago, and I was just reluctant to acce
pt that. Im thinking about maybe posting separate works that will be inspired by
this work as eeames posts more gifsets, but well see.
I just want to publicly thank eeames for being amazing and making amazing gifset
s and being so cool about me writing a fic based off of those gifsets. You have
no idea how much I appreciate it.
So, here's your complete and total fluff ending. I hope you enjoy.
This chapter is specifically inspired by this gifset.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Its the summer going into their Junior year of college and Derek has a plan. Theyr
e both twenty years old and admittedly still young, but Derek has a plan.
Hes spent the last two years of college away from Stiles, only seeing each other
on breaks, and all it has done is made Derek appreciate Stiles more, made Derek
love him more.
Derek remembers when he made the final decision to go to college away from Stile
s. Remembers Stiles punching him in the shoulder, yelling and hitting him in the
chest, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make an impact. Enough to make De
rek feel guilty about his decision.
Then the next day, Stiles knocked on his door, all sheepish smiles and red-brimm
ed eyes. Obviously had spent the night crying out his frustration, at the frustr
ation that Derek thought was him. But it turned out Stiles was angry at himself,
pissed off that he would make Derek think he doesnt want the best for him, mad t
hat even for a second he thought of his own wants first.
He reached into his pocket, said I think its about time I returned the favor. Derek
had looked at him, eyebrows slightly furrowed, and then Stiles pulled out two c
andy bars. A Snickers for you, a Reeses for me. Do you accept my pathetic apology
? And Derek had, of course he had, because he saw how apologetic Stiles looked an
d he knew, he knew they would make it work. He knew that the love they had for e
ach other running through both of their bodies was constant, overwhelming. Their
love was fire in their veins, and with that persistent burn, theres no fucking w
ay they wouldnt make it work.
He knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with Stiles, knows now that Stil
es is on the same page, has been on the same page since the night Derek spoke po
etry to him. Stiles is it for him, and he wants something to indicate that. They
both agreed that they wouldnt want to get married until after they finish their
four years at college, but hey, someone has to propose at some time, right?


Stiles is on the lacrosse field, waiting for Derek. Hes just about to text him an
d ask him where the fuck he is, when Derek pulls up in Lauras Camaro (Stiles will
always think of it as Lauras, even if she got a new car and gave the Camaro to D
erek). Derek gets out of the car and starts walking toward him. As he gets close
r, Stiles notices the shirt hes wearing. Sees that its the one from that lacrosse
game five years ago, airbrushed in white I ? Stiles.
Stiles laughs and shouts to him as he's walking, Damn. That shirt looks much bett
er on you now. Because ever since Junior year of high school when Stiles began he
lping Derek train for baseball, Derek has consistently been getting more and mor
e muscular. The shirt looks like its seconds away from ripping down the middle an
d Stiles appreciates this development.
What are we doing here, babe? Why did you ask me to meet you at good ol BHHS?
Derek smiles, but he looks nervous. You dont want to bask in the memories of our g
lory days?
Our glory days have been over for two years, I hardly think its time to bask in me
Stiles. A deep breath. Youre a complicated person.
Stiles scoffs. Tell me how you really feel.
Shut up. Youre a complicated person and I have to read between thousands of lines
to get down to what youre actually thinking. His voice is shaking. I have to do tha
t, but it doesnt feel like a chore. Its interesting youre interesting, the most int
eresting person I have ever met. I wouldnt take a non-puzzle version of you over
who you are now for anything.
Stiles smiles. You are such a sap.
I said shut up. He grabs Stiles hand. Youre the human form of poetry, Stiles. Youre li
terally the living, breathing, embodiment of everything I love about poetry, and
I feel like I should thank you for simply existing. So, thank you, Stiles, I lo
ve you.
Youre welcome, truly, its my pleasure being a constant pain in your ass. Pun intend
God, youre ridiculous. Hes smiling, but its shaky. He gets down on one knee, squeezes
the hand he has hold of. What Im trying to say ask is, will you marry me?
Stiles is speechless, can feel the water welling up in his eyes and he never tho
ught he was the one that would love a cheesy proposal, clad speech of all his wo
nderful qualities, but apparently he is. Or maybe its just the fact that its Derek
and hes here and hes proposing.
He tackles Derek to the ground, shouting Yes, you dumbass! Yes! And Dereks laughing
and Stiles cannot believe that hell get to hear that soundtrack for the rest of
his life.
Stiles looks into his eyes, says I remember the days when I was completely illite
rate in the language of Dereks Eyebrows. Derek, true to form, raises an eyebrow an
d quirks the right side of his mouth up in a half smile. See! Now, I know that me
ans Stiles, youre ridiculous, but I love you.
Maybe thats just what you want it to mean.
Stiles puts on a thinking face, pretending to put that into consideration. Consid
ering you just proposed to me, Im going to go with no. It definitely means you lo
ve me.
Youre right.
And even after five years of being together, butterflies start flapping around i
n his stomach. Ill never get tired of hearing that.
What? That youre right or that I love you?
Stiles pushes up on an elbow, cradles Dereks cheek in his and kisses him tenderly
, slow and languid. He feels Dereks smile against his lips and finds himself mirr
oring that image, both smiling so big that theyve stopped kissing altogether, the
yre just beaming at each other like crazy people, faces inches apart.
Whats got you so happy, Der? You really that excited to spend the rest of your lif
e with me?
Dereks smile doesnt waver, he shakes his head. Whats got me happy is just you. Alway
s you.


I think its time for some celebratory engagement sex, dont you? Stiles runs his fing
ers up Dereks arm, slowly.
Derek fights a full body shiver. Maybe we should just go to bed.
Your mouth says one thing, but the goosebumps on your arms say another. Stiles gra
bs his hand, kisses it softly, begins trailing kisses up his arm, each kiss gett
ing filthier. He pulls back Dereks shirt at the neck, licks over his collar bone,
runs his teeth lightly down Dereks throat.
Derek takes off his shirt with lightning speed.
Stiles bites the lobe of Dereks ear, tugs a little, breathes. Says, I need you ins
ide me.
Derek lifts him up and throws him on the bed. Stiles hastily takes off all his c
lothes and then hes just laying there, sans clothes, dick absolutely throbbing in
between his legs and Derek makes a noise, a noise that he cant describe but make
s Stiles smirk and wiggle a bit, saying, Come and get me, big guy.
Derek takes off his pants and briefs, ridding himself of clothes completely and
Stiles pouts. I like doing that part, Der.
Derek leans over him and kisses the pout off his face. Theyre both hungry for thi
s and their tongues are tangling together as Derek reaches blindly for the lube.
He gets a hold of it, but doesnt stop kissing Stiles. He lingers there for a mom
ent as Stiles grabs his tongue and starts sucking on it fervently. Stiles tugs o
n Dereks hair and Derek groans into Stiles mouth.
He backs up and lifts up Stiles legs, warms lube between his fingers and slowly p
ushes one past the rim. Stiles sighs as his body accepts the first finger easily
. Derek likes to think that Stiles would be an all around happier human being if
he had one of Dereks fingers in his ass at all times.
Derek pushes the finger in and out slowly, but Stiles is impatient and starts pu
shing back, ready for more. When he adds the second finger, Stiles throws his ar
ms back, grips the headboard tightly. Derek scissors his fingers, stretching Sti
les further and Stiles moans, says, Der, more. I I need more.
Derek tsks. Greedy, greedy. Derek slows down the movement of his fingers and Stiles
eyes shoot open.
No, please. Please, Ill die if I youre not in me soon.
Since you said please. Derek adds another finger, fucks Stiles slow, lets him get us
ed to the feeling of all three working in and out of him.
When Stiles is shaking and letting out little broken noises, Derek finally relen
ts, quickly takes a condom from the end table, puts it on, gingerly rubs lube on
himself, and slowly replaces the fingers that were in Stiles' hole with his coc
k. Stiles hooks his ankles around Dereks shoulders and Derek grabs hold of both o
f Stiles thighs as he pushes in deeper.
When Derek finally bottoms out, Stiles relaxes, lets out a slow breath. Babe, you
r cock and my ass are soulmates. Im positive. I dont think I ever feel more conten
t than when youre fucking me.
Derek laughs, Good to hear. He rolls his hips and Stiles moves his hands to grab a
hold of the sheets.
When Derek pauses, Stiles pushes back. Move.
Derek begins pushing in and out of Stiles, intertwines the fingers of one of the
ir hands and holds it over Stiles head on the headboard. Derek leans over and whe
n he circles his hips, Stiles digs the fingernails of his free hand into Dereks s
houlder, biting his bottom lip so hard, he nearly draws blood.
Derek licks Stiles bottom lip, pushes his tongue into Stiles mouth as he rolls his
hips. They kiss, all open mouthed and completely breathless. Its perfect and Der
ek can feel Stiles cock on his abdomen, slick from precome.
I love you so much, Der.
Derek grabs a hold of Stiles cock and starts jacking him off in time with his thr
usts. I lo ahh I love you too.
Derek backs up and fucks Stiles harder, the new angle hits Stiles prostate just r
ight and Stiles comes fast, all over Dereks hand and his stomach.
Stiles clenches around Derek and his hips stutter, three more thrusts and hes com
ing. He rides out his orgasm and then collapses next to Stiles, nuzzles into his
neck, leaves soft kisses in his wake.
Mmm, best fianc ever.
Derek smiles wide, throws his limbs around Stiles and thinks they can worry abou
t cleaning themselves up later.
Hes not ready to leave his fianc in bed just yet.


Its their engagement party and they go back to school in two weeks. Both of them
have refused to think about that tonight. Theyre just going to enjoy themselves.
Laura and Erica put together the whole party and its taking place in the Hale Fam
ily backyard. Derek squeezes Stiles hand and Stiles looks up to him, smiles.
The sound of a fork hitting a glass catches their attention and they turn their
attention to Laura, standing alone. She clears her throat and begins speaking lo
I think its about time I give a speech. Theres shouting and clapping, encouraging he
r. Ah, yes, the crowd loves me already. She throws her hair over her shoulder and
theres laughter.
I hated you, Stiles. I really did.
Stiles shouts back at her, Aw, thanks, Laur!
Shut up. I hated you because I thought you were gonna hurt my baby bro. I didnt th
ink you had good intentions. I thought you were a cocky little shit . Pause for la
ughter. that thought he was better than everyone else just because he was somewha
t decent at lacrosse.
Derek cuts her off, shouts, Uh, Laura? Back to the point?
Im getting there! Sheesh. Laura rolls her eyes, but shes smiling. The point is, I was
wrong. I know, you wont hear me admitting that out loud often, but I was wrong.
Not about the being a little shit part that stands true I was wrong about thinki
ng youd ever hurt Derek. I have never, in my life, seen a couple aside from my pa
rents look at each other the way that you two do. I know that youre young and may
be people think youre too young to even be engaged, but its obvious to anyone that
knows you two that you feel nothing for each other besides pure, unadulterated
Derek walks up to Laura and hugs her tight, tries to convey through that hug how
much that meant to him. Theres a chorus of awww, but Derek doesnt listen. Cora wa
lks up to them and wraps her arms around them both, and its officially a Hale Sib
ling Group Hug. Derek sees out of the corner of his eye, his mom taking a pictur
Suddenly Stiles is by their side and he says, I hate to break up the moment, but
I have a little speech to give, as well. Derek wordlessly backs away, surprised,
and Stiles takes the floor.
Stiles coughs into his shoulder, straightens his jacket, begins speaking. I want
to thank you, Derek, for being the best boyfriend Im sorry, fianc a guy could ask
for. I want to thank both of our families for being so supportive of us, but the
res one person that Id like to thank over everyone else. Pause for dramatic effect.
Him and Laura are so alike sometimes. Id like to thank Mr. Harris, because he may
be the biggest jackass Ive ever met, but hes a big contributing factor as to why
were standing here today. That asshole knew that we would work well together befo
re I did. Now I cant imagine working with anyone else. So, thank you Mr. Harris,
wherever you are today, Im sure ruining more peoples lives. I love you, Derek Hale
. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Derek walks up to Stiles, gives him a quick kiss on the lips. I made a vow to mys
elf a very long time ago to do anything and everything to see you smile that hug
e smile that makes it look like its going to crack your face in half. Im making th
at same vow today, and for everyday for the rest of my life. I will always do ev
erything in my power to make you smile, Stiles. As long as youre Luigi, Ill take t
he role of Daisy in a heartbeat. Stiles laughs, wipes his eyes. What Im saying is,
I love you too.
Stiles grabs both of Dereks hands and looks at him, amber eyes open and honest, a
s always. Smiles at him and says, I know, if I remember correctly, youve always lo
ved a guy that can handle a long stick.
Derek laughs, loud and unrelenting, happier than hes ever been in his entire life

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