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GoldenTowns Guide Level 1-10

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After you finished the mini tutorial, the result should have an additional q1 market and q2 house.
Just leave it there and only renovate it when its over 25% degradation or depending on your choice.
!"#$ %on&t 'uild any additional production facilities('uildings like vegeta'le ) meat farm
'ecause you won&t 'e needing it at the moment. *esides, your current production 'uildings are
enough to provide all your resources.
1. %on&t operate the iron ) clay 'uilding 'ecause you won&t 'e needing it yet.
2. +tart the production of vegeta'le, meat, wood and stone 'uilding.
,. -ire more workers if your population is 'elow 1..% so you can ma/imim0e your manpower )
1. *uild q2 road starting from city(town hall to vegeta'le farm25 tiles3.
5. 4pgrade vegeta'le to q2.
5. +tart the production of meat, wood ) stone. 6f it&s not availa'le then proceed to ne/t step.
7. *uild q2 road from town hall to meat farm25 tiles3. %on&t do shortcut 'y connecting the q2 road
from vegeta'le farm passing the 8ungle and 'reaking its ground 'ecause it will cost you a lot of
9. 4pgrade meat farm to q2.
:A;$ <hy we prioriti0e the meat farm upgrade when the other , production 'uildings are 8ust
'eside the vegeta'le farm.
A+<#=$ 6t&s 'ecause the meat farm is cheaper to produce compare to wood and stone. 6f you
choose to upgrade the latter then you might e/perience shortage of supply.
>. 4pgrade wood factory to q2. 2cheaper than stone3
1.. 4pgrade stone factory to q2.
11. *uild q2 roads to the far right side of the road27?9 tiles3 from town hall, 8ust in the middle of ,
houses and 'uild a market on the that location. 2refer to the picture a'ove3
!"#$ !n the ne/t day or after a long hours rest from playing @olden"owns, it would 'e advisa'le
to follow this sequence.
6dle timeAAA
BCroduction 2operate sleeping factories3
B-appiness 2look for upgrada'le houses or hire more workers3
BDonstruction 2start 'uilding3
"6C+$ As you noticed during the 1st sequence which is Croduction, almost half of the vegeta'les are
gone due to operating consumption of the factories. All you have to do is e/change your a'undant
resources in EFA=G#"E ta' 'ut never e/change iron ) clay 'ecause it&s too e/pensive to produce
and quiet cheap to sell. Always perform the Croduction first, so it won&t 'e delayed due to supply
! C=!%4D"6! H I#++ @!I%
12. 4pgrade , houses under the influence of market.
1,.*uild q, road from city hall to vegeta'le farm.
11. 4pgrade vegeta'le farm to q,.
15. *uild q, road from city hall to meat farm.
15. 4pgrade meat farm to q,.
17. 4pgrade wood factory to q,.
19 4pgrade stone factory to q,.
1>. 4pgrade iron factory to q2.
2.. 4pgrade clay factory to q2.
21. *uild q, road from city hall up to the , houses in front of market.2right side3
6dle timeAAA
!"#$ 6dle hours depend on your playing schedule so it&s not fi/ where it may occur on this guide.
22. *uild Colice +tation at the left side of the market. 2refer to the picture a'ove3
2,. Colice +tation already 'uilt, then upgrade those houses to q, that under its influence area.
21. 4pgrade market to q2.
25. Farket already upgraded to q2, then upgrade those houses that under its influence area.
25. *uild +chool at the left side of the Colice +tation.
27. +chool already 'uilt, then train a Coliceman at the +chool.
29. -ire Coliceman to the Colice +tation.
<A=6@$ don&t fire(terminate the Coliceman or else it will 'e demoted to ordinary unskilled
worker and you have no choice 'ut train another Coliceman, this may also applied to another
professionals like fireman, doctor, cook priest etc. 6&m not sure if it&s a 'ug 'ut it happened to me so
many times.

6dle timeAAA
2>. *uild q1 road from Dity hall to vegeta'le farm.
,.. 4pgrade Jegeta'le to q1.
,1. *uild q1 road from Dity hall to meat farm.
,2. 4pgrade Feat farm to q1.
,,. 4pgrade <ood to q1.
,1. 4pgrade +tone to q1.
,5. 4pgrade 6ron to q,.
,5. 4pgrade Dlay to q,.

DongratsK Lour main production 'uildings are upgraded to ;1, it means that you can sit 'ack and
rela/ since its process is 21 hours.
,7. *uild firehall at the right side of the market.
,9. :irehall already 'uilt, then upgrade police station to q2. "his process need an additional
policeman to upgrade, so train another one at the school.
,>. Coliceman already trained, then upgrade your police station to q2.
1.. 4pgrade houses under the influence of q2 police station, then hire fireman at the school.
11. *uild q1 road from city hall up to the police station.
12. 4pgrade houses under the influence of firehall.
1,. 4pgrade firehall to q2. 2need to hire another fireman 3
11. :irehall q2 already 'uilt, then upgrade houses under its influence area.
6dle timeAAA
15. !ptional$ *uild additional q1 warehouseM2 2refer to the picture a'ove3 so you can avoid
destroying e/cess resources since q1 factories can produce 19.?2.. resources.
15. %emolish the 8ungle and 'uild q1 road in preparation for the hospital.
17. *uild hospital.
19. -ospital q2 already 'uilt, then upgrade police station to q,.
1>. Colice station q, already 'uilt, then upgrade houses under its influence area.
5.. *uild Dhurch.
51. 4pgrade firehall to q,.
52. :irehall q, already 'uilt, then upgrade warehouses to q2.
5,. 4pgrade school to q2.
51. "rain(hire doctor.
55. *uild q5 road from city hall to police station.
55. 4pgrade hospital q1 to q2.
57. -ospital q2 already 'uilt, then upgrade houses under its influence area.
59. 4pgrade school to q,.
5>. "rain(hire priest.
5.. *uild q5 road from city hall to vegeta'le farm.
51. 4pgrade vegeta'le to q5.
52. *uild q5 road from city hall to meat farm.
5,. 4pgrade meat to q5.
51. 4pgrade wood to q5.
55. 4pgrade stone to q5.
55. 4pgrade iron to q1.
57. 4pgrade clay to q1.
GoldenTowns Level 11-20+
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ote$ N mark sign is not suita'le spot for production 'uilding. "here should 'e a q1 restaurant
'eside the city(townhall in order to upgrade it to q5.
Dongratulations for reaching Ievel 11, this stage will test your economic skills on how you can
'udget your resources and energy consumption. -ere are the lists of your o'8ectives on this crucial
M1 Ievel 5 or ;5 Croduction *uildings ? the si/ standard production 'uilding must 'e upgraded to
q5 in order to save energy.
M2 -appiness 1..% ? having 1..% happiness can easily earn you gold 'y selling some of your
unskilled workers, then the gold can 'e used to 'uy energy packs if you like. 6t can also make all
your workers lifespan e/tend to 5. days.
M, Donserve #nergy ? save as much as you can since energy packs are quiet e/pensive. <hen
repairing your 'uilding it would 'e wise to wait for 95% degradation to save energy. 6f there is a
dying worker in a factory, don&t operate it 'ecause it can disrupt the process when it dies and you
will not only lose energy 'ut also time.
M1 *uild q5 production 'uilding according to this ratio$

Jegeta'le :arm ,
Feat :arm 2
<ood :actory 1.5
+tone :actory 1.5
6ron :actory 1
Dlay :actory 1
:or every , vegeta'le farms there should 'eO 2 meat farm, 1.5 wood factory, 1.5 stone factory, 1
iron factory and 1 clay factory. "his is to 'alance the production cost since 1 q5 clay factory need
9. meat, 9. wood, 9. stone and 9. iron in order to produce ,5. clay 2ta/ deducted3. "he rest you
can calculate it 'y yourself depending on the num'er of your factories operational cost.
"his is all 6 can share 'ecause all of it are pretty redundant 8ust like the guide in Ievel 1?1.. Just
continue where you left and proceed to upgrading all production 'uildings to q5, acquiring 1..%
happiness, save your energy, and 'uild a 'alance production factories. Always remem'er that this is
8ust only a game so have fun and en8oyK
"hank you for reading my @olden"owns @uide and "utorial.
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