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L. & L.

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1. My niece and nephew watch cartoons while they eat breakfast. (sometimes)
My nieceandnephewsometimes watchcartoons whilethey eat breakfast.
2. I eat pasta and vegetables for breakfast. (never)
3. We go for a long walk in the morning before school. (usually)
4. The students in my class speak English in the classroom. (always)
5. Peter and Sally go out dancing late at night. (rarely)
6. My entire family goes to the beach during the summer. (often)
7. I remember my manners, like holding the door open for the person behind me. (always)
8. JoBeth raises her hand to answer questions in class. (frequently)
9. My cousin and I get in trouble at school. (never)
10. Jason, Bobby, and Nick play soccer on the school field. (sometimes)
Adverbs of
Some adverbs tell us the frequency with which the action of the
verb in the sentence happens. In other words, they tell us how
often the subject of the sentence does something. Read each sentence. Rewrite the
sentence on the line below, including the adverb found in the parentheses.
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1. Tell about something you always do on Saturday mornings.
I always gotobaseball practiceonSaturday mornings.
2. Tell about something you sometimes do on weekends.
3. Tell about something you never do in the morning.
4. Tell about something you rarely do on a school night.
5. Tell about something you frequently do during the summer.
6. Tell about something you usually do in the evening.
7. Tell about something you often do after school.
8. Tell about something you seldom do with your parents.
9. Tell about something you never do at school.
10. Tell about something you sometimes do in the early morning.
Adverbs of
Frequency II
Some adverbs tell us the frequency with which the action of the
verb in the sentence happens. In other words, they tell us how
often the subject of the sentence does something. Practice using adverbs of
frequency by writing a complete sentence using the given prompt.
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.
Name: ____________________________
Why Do We Need Pronouns?
Pronouns take the place of nouns when we are writing or talking about something.
It would be very tiresome if we had to repeat the same noun over and over again.
Just look at how long it takes to express ideas without using pronouns:
A Day at the Park
Sammy went to the park with Sammys mother and Sammys father. Sammy and Sammys
mother and Sammys father ran on the lawn. Then Sammys father pushed Sammy on the swings
while Sammys mother smiled and watched. Then Sammys mother spread out a blanket on the
lawn and read a book while Sammy and Sammys father played catch with a ball. Sammy threw the
ball too hard, and Sammys father had to chase after the ball. Sammy did some somersaults, rolling
forward on Sammys head and kicking Sammys feet up over Sammys head. Sammy giggled and
lay on the grass until Sammys dad came back. Sammy, Sammys mother, and Sammys father ate
sandwiches together before Sammy, Sammys mother, and Sammys father went back home.
Word Bank:
his it his them his they his his his
they it his she him his his he his
Sammy went to the park with _________________ mother and ________________ father.
________________ ran on the lawn. Then ______________ father pushed _____________
on the swings while __________________ mother smiled and watched. Then ___________
spread out a blanket on the lawn and read a book while Sammy and ______________ father
played catch with a ball. Sammy threw ________ too hard, and ____________ father had to
chase after __________. Sammy did some somersaults, rolling forward on ______________
head and kicking ________________feet up over ________________ head. _____________
giggled and lay on the grass until _____________ dad came back. All three of ____________
ate sandwiches together before ___________________ went back home.
Choose the appropriate
pronouns from the Word
Bank to ll in the blanks and
make the story easier to read.
I washed
We have cleaned
You (`ve) danced
They finished
He been
She has bought
It (`s) begun
I washed?
Have we cleaned?
you danced?
they finished?
he been?
Has she bought?
it begun?
PRESENT PERFECT Present Simple of verb to have (have/has) + the Past
The past participle often ends in ed or d (opened, decided, etc.) but many important
verbs are irregular ( written, done, seen, eaten, etc)
What HAVE/HAVEN`T the people
1. Tim (wash) the car.
2. Sue .(eat) a whole chocolate bar.
3. We . (play) in the garden.
4. You (be) witha cute boy.
5. They (make) a lot of noise.
6. He . ( not buy) the books yet.
7. John (drink) thejuice.
8. He .. (watch) a film onT.V.
9.The girl (not sleep) on the chair.
10. Ann(not clean) the kitchen.
11. Paul . (speak) withhis friends.
12. The girls . .. (write) poems.
13. John . (do) the homework.
14. Kate .(paint) a picture.
15. The boys .(go) to the cinema.
16. Peter .( not phone) his
best friend.
17. Thegirl .. (hear) a songyet.
18. They (not break) the window.
19. We . (choose) our clothes.
20. The boys .(open) thecan.
21. The girls .(listen) to the radio.
22. Ann.. (read) a book.
23. Jack .. (buy) a new car.
24. Jill .. (spill) tea in the sofa.
25. They (not ride) bicycle.
26. Ann (bake) a cake.
27. Jennifer (not cook) dinner.
28. Jason (play) the guitar.
29. They (not wash) the floor.
30. Jack and Burt .(feed) the cat.
I washed
We haven`t cleaned
You (have not) danced
They finished
He been
She hasn`t bought
It (has not) begun
ALREADY is used in
affirmative sentences
before the past
I have already seen
that film.
JUST is used before the
past participle to mean
that something
happened not a long
time ago.
Ive just finished the
YET is used in negative
sentences with the meaning
of still. Its placed at the
end of the sentence.
I havent met Bob yet.
In questions yet has the
same meaning as already
and it is placed at the end
of the question.
Have you met Bob yet?
NEVER is used before the
past participle to mean
you have not experienced
something in your life.
I have never eaten
Indian food.
EVER is used before the
past participle to know if
you have experienced
something in your life.
Have you ever played
Complete the sentences using a suitable verb from the list in the
Present Perfect.
1. Lorna is exercising because she wants to lose weight but she
____________ a single kilo yet.
2. Linda is very sad. She ________ just _________ up with her
3. Paul is sitting in his armchair reading the newspaper. He ______
already ________ half of it.
4. Jim is very happy because he ____________ the football match.
5. This is the first time Alan _______________ hiking. Hes really
6. Its a sunny warm day so Lisa ____________ the baby for a walk.
7. The fireman ____________ just __________ the little boy from the
8. Today its Beths mums birthday. Beth ____________ her a beautiful
bunch of flowers.
9. Peter is hitchhiking because his car ____________ down.
10. John and his mother __________ already __________ to the
11. Henry __________ just ___________ the formula he was looking for.
12. Larry and Catherine are good friends. They _____________ each other
for a long time.
13. Dave is reading the letter he ______________ from his wife.
14. Tom loves his cat. He _______________ it for a long time.
15. George is fishing in the river but he _______________ any fish yet.
16. Mary ______________ Sue a secret about one of her school mates.
17. Look! Poor Ben _____________ just ____________ off his bike.
18. Robert ______________ the bus and now he will have to take a taxi to
go to work.
FOR is used to talk about
the duration of an action.
I have lived here for 20
SINCE is used with a
point in time.
I have lived here since

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