Observation One

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Madison Riley, 2014 1

Observation One
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Showtimes Dexter

Relevant background: Dexter is about a man named Dexter Morgan and his life as
a forensic scientist for Miami metro police depart and oh yeah as a serial killer.
When Dexter was three years old he lost his mother in a tragic accident that change
him forever. Dexter became messed up in the head after his mothers death and
enjoyed killing. The only person who knew about Dexters condition was his
adopted father, Harry. Harry was a former police officer who found Dexter at the
scene of the accident and took him in to raise him. After a couple years he found out
that Dexter has darkness in him that cant be taken away. Harry helped Dexter by
making a certain code that he must follow in order not to get caught. Some of the
rules in the code are: Dont get caught; dont tell anyone your secret, and only kill
someone who deserves it and more. While growing up Dexter had a sister named
Debra. After their fathers death they both joined the Miami metro police
department, Deb as a detective and Dexter as a blood spatter analysis. By day
Dexter lives a normal day. He gets up brushes his teeth, eats breakfast and goes to
work like any other citizen. But by night he stalks criminals who were failed to be
locked up and kills them to fulfill his dark passenger, which is really just Dexters
urge to kill. Dexter only kills high-class criminals who get away with murder, which
is ironic cause Dexter himself gets away with murder everyday. He doesnt kill for
anyone but himself, if anything it hurts the Police Department by lowing their solved
crime rate due to the sudden disappearance of the suspect. No one knows about his
dark passenger, Dexter is very to himself and has a very difficult time showing
emotions towards others. This becomes a problem when trying to interact with
other people but helps him not become emotionally attached to any type of case. In
this show there are a lot of communities of practice. One for example is the police

Figures World- A social place where social norms and rules are enforced to
cause acceptable behavior.

The figured world within the Showtime series Dexter would be the Miami Metro
Police Department homicide section. Everyone who works in a police department
has a common interest of catching the murderer. The main purpose of the police
department is to catch the bad guy and with out these rules and conventions they
would not be able to do their job correctly. One-way to do the job correctly is to
listen to the lieutenant or sergeant that is in charge. Listening to the superiors will
help catch the person who committed the crime. In this figured world there are a lot
of rules and conventions that help the police department run correctly. One of the
major rules that the police department has is to catch the murderer, not kill them. It
would be very ironic to kill someone when your job is to stop others from killing.
You also have to be honest and work hard at the job you have. If you work hard and
stay an honest cop you will usually get promoted into a higher paying position.
Stealing evidences or purposely messing up evidence is frowned upon, also very
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illegal, in a police department. If you get caught tempering with evidence you can be
locked up as accessory of the crime. Whenever there are rules there are also a rule
breaker. In the particular figured world the rule breaker would be the blood splatter
analysis, Dexter Morgan. Dexter breaks every rule that a police department could
have. He hides evidence to help himself out or lies about it. He keeps secrets about
the cases that the department works on by not telling them everything they need to
know to help solve it. The biggest rule that he breaks is that he is a serial killer. As he
helps solve murders he commits one almost every night.

Actors- The people that make up the different parts of the community or figured
Dexter Morgan- Dexter serves as the main character of the show. He works at Miami
Metro Police Department as the blood splatter analysis. By day he goes to crime
scenes that deal with blood and tells how the person dies. Dexter may seem like a
normal person but he has a very dark secret. By night Dexter stalks criminals that
get away with crimes and plans away to kill them. Dexter is a serial killer.
Debra Morgan- Debra serves as Dexters little sister and detective at the Miami
Metro Police Department. Technically Dexter and Debra arent blood related;
Debras dad adopted Dexter when he was three. Her and Dexter are extremely close,
after their fathers death they relied on each other for everything. The only thing
that she doesnt know about Dexter is his dark passenger, which was the main
reason why their dad paid more attention to him instead of her. Through out her life
she always tired to get her dads attention and approval. Debra joined the police
department and does her best to prove to her dad that she is worthy, even though
her dad is deceased but she still does everything that she thinks will make him
proud of her. She also does her best to prove to everyone in the department that she
can be a women and a great detective. Debra is a very loud, foul-mouthed woman
but cares with all her heart.
Detective Dokes- Dokes is a detective in the homicide department who works
closely with Debra and Dexter. He is the only one is the department that believes
that Dexter is a weird person and that something is a little off. Him and Dexter
always get into heated argument at work. Through out the observation we find out
that Dokes is hiding a few things also.
Lieutenant LaGuerta- LaGuerta is in charge of everyone inside the precinct. She over
sees what Dexter, Dokes, Angel, and Debra does. She secretly has it out for Debra
and wont listen to anything she has to say even is she is right. She abuses her power
and is really only a lieutenant due to politics.
Detective Angel- Both a good friend to Dexter and Debra along with their work
college. He is extremely good at his job and tries his best to stay neutral in every

Artifacts- Objects that have a significant value inside a community of practice or
figured world
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Dexters Knives- These knives are just not regular knives; they are the tools that
Dexter uses to kill his victims. They are significant because the represent how
Dexter goes against the social norms in the figured world. These knives are Dexters
world. They help him commit the perfect kill and if he miss places them or gets
caught with them they could end him for good. The knives represent going against
the social norm cause they arent used for what they intended for, like cutting up
meat, instead they are used to cut up and murder other human beings.
Dexters kill trunk- Dexters has a huge trunk in his closet that included everything
he needs to perform a perfect kill. The trunk includes the knives, plastic wrap to
wrap his victims to the table and animal tranquillizer to subdue his victims. This
trunk has three sections and a hidden section with two locks that all the supplies are
Blood- As a blood splatter analysis Dexter is in love with blood. He can tell how
someone was murdered by just looking at the blood; he is extremely good at his job.
As a serial killer he looks at blood in a totally different way. When he murders
someone he cuts into their cheek, collects a little bit of blood and saves it on a slide
as a trophy of the kill. Dexter keeps his trophies in a little box in the AC unit; the box
contains around a hundred plus slides.
Debras Badge- In the figure world Debra worked her butt off and became a
detective for the police department. With being a detective it comes with a badge.
The badge represents Debras authority in the police department. This badge also
represents her dedication to her job and something that her dad could be proud of
her for.

Community of Practice- a group of people that share a common interest or goal
and share the same idea of achieving that goal
Miami Metro Police Department- Everyone who works within the department all
work together to reach the same exact goal. They work together by investigating
and looking at evidence. The goal that everyone is trying to reach is to catch the
Dexter Victims- Even though they may not know each other every victim Dexter kills
has the same interest and goal. They all are either murderer or serial killers that
beat the system and got away with it. Their common goal they share is to continue
to get away with it and not get caught.

Domain- A commitment to the community of practice that helps reach the goals.
Solving murders- All the detectives, lab techs, cops and other employees of the
Miami Metro Police Department all have a commitment to solve the murders that
occur in Miami. They all come in everyday and work their very best to find new
evidence to help convict the correct person. The department will receive a murder
that happened in the Miami, some of just a single murder while other could be a
serial. These are not the murders that Dexter commits they are completely separate,
Dexter murders murderers who wont be missed and get rid of their body
completely so if the police do need them they just suspect they fled the city. Dexter
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is smarter than the rest of the department and is usually two steps ahead and
investigates illegally, breaking into suspects house to find proof, and will sometimes
kill the suspect before the police can arrest him.
Locking up murderers- Once the police department solves the murder and find out
who committed it they have a commitment to lock away the suspect. They do this by
making sure they have all the right evidence and interview the suspect correctly.
After they can hundred percent sure they have the right man they arrest the suspect
and send him to jail.
Practices of the community- ways or habits that the community share to help
reach the common goal.
Investigations- When a murder has been committed the police department sets up a
team to investigate the crime. They go to the scene, collect evidence, interview
witnesses and hope that they find something that will help them find the murderer.
Analyzing evidence- After investigating the crime scene they take back everything
they collected and analyze it in the lab. Analyzing the evidence helps reach the
common goal by hopefully finding a trace to the killer.

Literacy Practice- a type of practice that relates to the way communication
within the community
Lab Reports- A way of communication within the police department is through lab
reports. They use lab reports to tell a lot of things about the crime scene. They can
tell whos finger prints are at the scene, whos blood is there, if there is any odd
substances and they way the victim died. Without the lab reports the department
would have no leads or knowledge of the crime.
Press Conferences- One way that the department communicates with the public is
through press conferences. This is were the lieutenant on the case goes out to the
press and gives them an overview of the case and what they believe they are dealing
with. On certain cases they dont have press conference cause they dont want to
scare the public.

Observations one: I observed the first 30 minutes of episode one season one.
5minutes: The observation starts out with a man driving around the city of Miami
in a grey Ford Escape. After driving for a while he stops at a boys choir recital, at
this point we dont fully understand what is happening or who the man in the car is.
Then the man in the car mentions that he is stalking another man names, Mike
Denavan who was accused of crimes against little boys but never locked up. This
comment leaves us wondering, is this man an undercover cop, secret agent or
possible a hit man? Once Mike, the man accused of touching and killing little boys,
enters his car the man who was stalking him somehow got into his back seat and
starts to choke him with a wire. With the wire around Mikes neck the stranger
makes him drive to a private location. Inside the building the stranger threatens
Mike until he admits to the crimes he committed. After the awful confession Mike is
injected and knocked out with animal tranquilizers provided by the stranger. Once
he wakes up he is wrapped up naked on a table with the stranger cutting his cheek
open with a scalpel. The stranger take a sample of his blood and puts it on a blood
slides to save as a kill trophy.
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10minutes: After collecting the blood slide trophy the stranger stabs Mike in the
chest and chops up Mikes body and then the scene goes to the stranger on his boat
like nothing had happened. On the boat ride the stranger finally introduces himself
as Dexter Morgan, a blood splatter analysis and oh cant forget a serial killer. Dexter
takes us back to his childhood to where him and his adopted father are having a chat
about Dexter brutally killing animals. Dexter doesnt just kill wild animals but family
pets and neighbor hood animals. They are sitting on the boat on the bay where he
buried his first kill, a dog, and where he ironically buries the rest of his kills, human
beings. After the flashback we are taken to Dexters apartment where he hides the
blood slide in his air conditioning unit along with about a hundred more trophies.
Its clear to see that Dexter, who looks like he is in his upper twenties, has been
killing for quite sometime now. Then Dexter gets a call from his sister, Debra, to get
to a crime scene. He explains how his sister is the only one that loves him and if he
could have feelings, which normal psychopaths dont, she would be the only one that
he would love also. Dexter finally arrives at the crime scene where there is a
prostitute that has been brutally murdered.

15minutes: Dexter meets up with his sister and she catches him up on the crime
scene. Currently Debra is undercover as a prostitute to try to catch a big time pimp.
She is only on vice right now; she has not earned her detective badge in homicide
yet. She believes that there is a serial killer on the loose killing only prostitutes and
that the last murdered prostitute is part of the serial killers work. They start to
gossip about how their boss isnt the fairest and that Debra wants to transferred to
homicide because of her father. Dexter finally goes to the body and to his surprise,
as a blood splatters analysis, that there is absolutely no blood at the scene or in the
body. All the detectives and lab tech do not understand how there is no blood and
how the crime scene has no mistakes or trace evidence that will help solve the
murder. After realizing that Dexter is not needed at the crime scene due to the lack
of blood he goes and gets doughnuts to bring to the office to seem normal and

20minutes: While Dexter is at his desk another detective comes up to him, Dokes,
and tells him to finish blood on a crack head murder. Dokes is not a fan of Dexter, he
believes that Dexter is messed up in the head. They always butt heads in the office
and get underneath each others skin. Out of the entire policeman in the department
Dokes is the only one that gets the creeps from Dexter while everyone else believes
him to be normal. Dexter goes out to the house where the crack head was murdered
and analysis the blood splatter. After a long, exhausting day of work he stalks his
next victim. Dexter breaks into the victims house to prove that the victim truly
committed a crime.

25minutes: While in the house the victims dog tries to attack Dexter as he collects
evidence proving that a crime has been committed. Dexter has another flashback to
where he was talking to his father about he gets the urge to kill sometimes and
doesnt know how to control it. This is where Harry, Dexters Father, get the idea to
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save his son he must invent a code for Dexter to live by. The code states that Dexter
cannot kill an innocent; it has to be someone who committed a murder and got away
with it. After the flashback it was nighttime and Dexter is out walking on around the
town to his girlfriend of six months house, Rita Bennett. While he waits for her to get
ready he plays with the two kids Aster and Cody. Rita and Dexter go out on a hot

30 minutes: During the date Dexter spots police lights off in the distances and goes
to check what is happening. When he approaches the crime scene he realizes that it
is the same type of murder as the other prostitute. The body was drained of blood,
chopped up and a piece of the body was missing. They only difference was the type
of cuts made and a different section of the body was taken. This time the killer took
the head instead of the fingers. Both bodies still have the police department
confused and with out a lead. They have no forensic evidence that proves who did
this or any trace of the killer at all. At the point the police department has to wish
that on the next murder the killer messes up. They did concluded by examining the
body that it was kept in a freezer and that the killer has to be contently on the move.
They gave the killer the name The Ice Truck Killer for those reasons. After
examining the scene Dexter takes Rita home and tries to kiss her but she denies him
and runs off. After that Dexter just went home and went to bed to be rested for the
next day.

Observation two: I observed first 30 minutes of episode two season one
Actors that become important:
Ice Truck Killer: The police department believes the person who is killing all
the prostitutes is a serial killer. They also believe that he is driving around an
ice truck to keep his victim nice and cool after cutting them up and draining
their blood. Right now he is the common interest of the whole department.
Dexters Victim: While the whole team hunting down the ice truck killer,
Dexter hunts down his next victim to kill. He decides that his next victim is a
drunk driver who gets off from killing an eight-teen year old with his car.
Rick Simmon and Wife: Ricky is an under cover cop who was trying to get
dirt on local drug dealer and find out who is the main supplier. He
unfortunately dead on the job and his wife was also hit. She was shot but she
Norberto: A local drug dealer who is being accused of killing the cop, Ricky,
and accused of shooting his wife.

5mins: The observation starts off with Dexter Morgan just floating in the bay. As he
is just floating there two jet skies fly past him and he mentions that he wishes he
could be like them but all that he is, is a monster. Then the scenery changes to
Dexters apartment where his sister Debra brings him breakfast. They started
talking about the current case of a serial killer that the police station is working to
solve. They call the serial killer, the ice truck killer. Later that day Dexter has to go to
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court to show off his expertise in a case dealing with a lot of blood. While Dexter was
at court Debra decided to search for the ice truck that the serial killer uses to
hopefully gets her detective position in homicide.

10mins: Dexter finishes up his part in court but instead of leaving he decides to go
to another court session and just watch. This session is about a man who is getting
accused of hitting and killing an eight-teen year old while drunk driving. Dexter tells
himself if the man gets off with this murder than he will be his next victim. While
Dexter was watching the court he gets a call from work to go to a crime scene. The
victim was found at the bottom of a bridge, they ruled it as a jump suicide. They only
weird thing about this case was that the so-called jumper had a piece of skin in his
mouth. The scene moved to the office where Debra and Dexter are gossiping about
their love lives. Dexter wants Debra to go on a double date with him and Rita. The
lieutenant then enters the precinct and announces the jump victim was an
undercover cop, Ricky Simmon. He was undercover trying to bust local drug dealers.
Both lieutenant and sergeant Dokes go to notify the next kin, his wife.

15mins: When they get to the dead officers house they ring the doorbell but no one
answer. Dokes decided to look through the window and sees that Simmons wife
lying on the ground bleeding out. They break down the door and call it in to send an
ambulance. The wife is rushed to the hospital and went into immediate surgery.
They believe that the local drug dealer that Simmon was watching is involved in
both murders. While looking over the scene detective Angel and Dexter finds the
wifes phone underneath the couch, that Dokes grab quickly and ran off with. After
the crime scene Dexter goes to Ritas house and plays with the kids and finally gets a
little only time with Rita. They are still really awkward with each other so they only
talk about the double date with Debra. Then Dexter gets a call from Debra about
possibly finding the ice truck that the ice truck killer may be using.

20mins: When they get to the truck they notice that the truck is still running and
that no one is in it and abandoned. The only reason they could think of why the
truck was still running is that there was a body in there. Immediately Debra calls the
truck in to receive back up just incase the killer is inside. When they opened the
back of the truck up they find a block of ice. As the approached the block of ice they
realized that inside the ice block there were severed fingers. Each fingernail of the 5
fingers is painted a different color. The removed the ice block and took both it and
the truck back to the lab to run forensics. They started to break down the truck
piece by piece, but they couldnt find a single piece of evidence. After the truck they
started to defrost the fingers out of the ice block.

25mins: The scene then goes to Dokes listening to a voicemail on the Simmons
wifes phone. The voicemail was a recording of when she was shot and dying. They
ran a DNA test on the piece of skin in Ricky Simmons, the cop that supposedly
jumped, mouth and the DNA came back to a guy named Norberto Ceruantes, a local
drug dealer that Simmon was undercover for. The police then found where he was
and raided the scene and arrested Norberto. As they arrested Norberto his friend
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told them that they were making a terrible mistake and will regret it. Dexter finds
himself at another court session about the drunk driving case. The driver was found
not guilty but in Dexter eyes he is guilty and is now his next victim. After the court
the scene goes to Dokes interviewing Norberto about killing the cop and his wife.
The only thing that Norberto said was that the wife was having an affair and
deserved it and in return Dokes punched him in the face. While the interview was
going on Dexter and Angel were back at the house where the wife was shot and
discovered there was a separate blood spot that was a match to Norberto putting
him at the scene. After a long day of work Dexter goes back to his apartment and
researches the drunk driver who got off earlier. He found that he was accused of
killing other people by drunk driving in different states. Once he found all the proof
he needed Dexter sets up his kill room and proceeded to get rid of him.

30mins: The ending scene goes back to the precinct where Dexter announces to
Dokes and lieutenant that the blood drop belongs to Norberto. Instead of arresting
and charging Norberto the lieutenant decides to make a deal where they will lower
the charges if Norberto gives up his leaders name and location. Dokes knows if
Norberto takes this deal he will walk for killing two people and it pisses him off.
During this discussion Dexter gets a flash back to where his dad was practicing a
speech for his dead partner. In the flashback Dexters dad said that to get over the
death of someone you have to honor the death and capture the man who did it. The
scene ends with the detective at he hospital talking to Simmons wife who survived
the surgery.

Observation: I observed the first 30 minutes of episode three season one
Actors that became important:
Jeremy: An eight-teen year old that just recently got released from jail. He
was in jail for brutally killing another but when he was fifth teen. Jeremy
becomes Dexter next victim
Tony Tucci: A local security guard of an ice rink where another body was
found. The police station believes that he is the ice truck killer. Little do they
know he is being set up, the only person who suspects it is Debra.

5mins: The scene starts off at the memorial of the dead cop, Ricky Simmon. They
talked about how great he was and at the end they released his aches into the bay.
After the funeral Dexter tries to find his next victim. He sits outside of the jail release
center and spots an eight-teen year old, Jeremy, who is getting released after 3 years
for brutally killing another boy. Dexter decided to stalk him and hopes that he can
eventually get rid of him for good. The next day Dexter goes to Ritas house to help
her with some work around the yard. While doing yard work one if Ritas ex
husbands drug dealer approached the house. He told her that her ex owned him a lot
of money and now that he is gone she owes him the money. She doesnt have the
money so instead the drug dealer took her car that she needs to get to and from
work and also to pick up her kids.
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10mins: Dexter tries to help Rita by offering to file a report a work but Rita declines
saying she just wants her past gone for good. After trying to comfort Rita, Dexter
goes into work to analysis random crime pictures. He then gets a call from the
lieutenant about another ice truck killing. This time killer left the body on the local
ice hockey rink. The body is the same as all the others. A prostitute cut into several
pieces, and the weirdest part no blood. They did discover that the fingers from the
previous observation is match to the girl they found on the ice rink. They also
believe they may have a suspect.

15mins: The detectives went through the security office and notice that the video
surveillance was missing from the night before. The only person that would have
access to the security would be the guard on duty, Tony Tucci who just happens to
be missing. Dokes decides to check out the security guards house while Debra goes
to the streets to talk to local prostitutes to see if they have any important
information. While the rest of the team is trying to solve the ice truck murders,
Dexter is out stalking his next victim. Dexter finds him at a local flea market buying a
hunting knife. This triggers another flashback to when Dexters dad took him
hunting to help him fight the urge to kill a person.

20mins: After the flash back Dexter stalks his next victim, Jeremy, all the way out to
the swamp where he is taking another boy. While Dexter is stalking so is Dokes.
Dokes attends Norbertos daughters conformation and tells everyone there that he
was the one that killed a police officer and his wife. After Dokes admits that
Norberto threaten him that he should watch his back and better hope they dont
have another run in. While those two are off not doing their job Debra is still talking
to the prostitutes about the murders they are supposed to be solving. The only lead
that Debra gets is that the last prostitute that was murder got into an old station
wagon with wooden doors.

25mins: After talking to the prostitutes Debra went back to the precinct and search
for all old station wagons. She found out that there are over a thousand in Miami but
their suspect, Tony Tucci, does not own on. Once again Dexter is out stalking his
Jeremy instead of helping with the case. He researches everything about him to
make sure that he hundred percent deserves to die. When Dokes searched the
security guards home he finds the missing video and on the video it shows of tony
himself placing the cut up body on the ice. They now believe that Tony is for sure the
ice truck killer but Debra still has her suspicions because some things dont match
up. For one Tony doesnt own a car at all and the real killer has to be extremely
smart due to the use of liquid nitrogen and Tony didnt even pass high school
chemistry. Debra tries to tell the lieutenant all this but she rudely shuts her down
and doesnt listen to Debra. Instead she went off and ordered a manhunt for Tony
even though they may have the wrong man.

30mins: This scene starts off with a flashback of Dexter and his first victim. His dad
is in the hospital and the nurse is giving him medicine that makes him worse. To
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help his dad Dexter decides that he needs to eliminate the nurse for good. After that
the scene goes to the swamp where Dexter followed Jeremy and another boy to,
where Jeremy killed his first victim 3 years ago. Dexter hid in the bushes and notices
that Jeremy is about to kill the innocent boy he brought out there. Right before
Jeremy had the chance Dexter steps out and both the boys run off. When Dexter
returns to his car he notice that his car got broken into and his wallet was stolen.
The scene ends with Debra re-watching the surveillance video. As she is watching it
she notices that when Tony is placing the body on the ice he keeps looking over like
someone is telling him what to do.

Interview: Dexter Morgan
Q: Question (me) A: Answer (Dexter)

1) Q: What do you think caused you to have this dark passenger?
A: The death of my mother. When I was three is witnessed my
mother get murdered and chainsaw in pieces. After I sat in her
blood for 72 hours. I believe being exposed to that type of violence
at such a young age can have a real negative effect on a childs
mind. I was doomed from the start and there was nothing that
could stop me. Im lucky that Harry was there to help me keep it
under control.

2) Q: How do you know you are getting the urge to kill someone?
What type of signs do you get?
A: I dont get the urge all the time but when I see a murder scene
that is over the top or looks like a serial killer that the police wont
catch I step in and help them out by eliminating the problem.

3) Q: Why havent you tried getting help instead of just living by this
code your adopted father created?
A: I have tired my best to get help but nothing can satisfy my urge
to kill so the code helps save the life of innocents by only allowing
me to go after criminals

4) Q: With the life style you live how do you cope with the loneness
with not having anyone to share your true self with?
A: No, I have my sister Debra and Rita, my girlfriend, and her kids.
They dont need to know the dark side of me thats for me and me

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5) Q: How do you balance being a boyfriend and a serial killer?
A: I know it is bad but I keep everything about that a secret. When
I need to go kill someone of stalk my next victim I lie to Rita and
say that Im doing over time at work. Then when I have time to
just do nothing I go and hang out with the kids and Rita like
nothing happened.

6) Q: Would you ever consider telling anyone about your secret? If
so who?
A: The only person I feel really close to is my sister Debra, but she
wouldnt even be able to handle the truth. Only person who
knows the real me is Harry, my dad, but he is dead now.

7) Q: How do you choose your victim, kill room, and dump site?
A: I look for someone who has gotten away with a crime that the
police station cant arrest. After I have captured the victim I take
them to a place that means something to them, for example the
first place they killed or their house. After I killed them I chop
their bodies up, put the different body parts in trash bags with
rocks and dump them in the bay. No one will find them there.

8) Q: Do you feel the slightest regret after killing so many people or
do you truly believe they deserved it?
A: I do truly believe that they deserve it. They are bad people and
Im just providing justice. It would be different if I killed an

9) Q: How does it make you feel knowing that you are not normal?
A: It doesnt affect me much. I get confused on why Rita, my
girlfriend, and Debra get mad at me sometimes when I guess
didnt say or do the right thing but I dont know.

Interview 2: Patrick Emrich, My close friend from back home who I use to
watch Dexter with.
1) Q: What made you want to watch the series Dexter?
A: My dad was watching it and I saw an episode where Dexter was
killing someone and I got interested
2) Q: What kept you watching the show?
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A: The way that the episodes end. They would end with a hook
that made you want to watch the next episode and then the next
and the next. It is a very addicting show
3) Q: What would you say is your favorite part of the show?
A: I really enjoy how in every season is different. In one season
the department is looking for a particular killer that the
department is looking and then Dexter is looking for a whole
different killer than the department. Then in another season
Dexter and the department are looking for the same killer and
have to race each other to find him, but the department doesnt
know that Dexter is investigating on his own.
4) Q: What is your least favorite part of the show?
A: The part that I cant stand is that Dokes is always on Dexter.
Everything that Dexter does Dokes finds it strange or abnormal.
Eventually Dokes starts to follow Dexter and Dexter isnt able to
do what he does best, kill people. Its just aggravates me leave
Dexter alone!
5) Q: How do you feel about Dexter not being able to get close to
A: I think that Dexter works best when he is alone. When he has to
deal with Rita and Debra he cans focus on his perfect kill.

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