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I am honored to be re-elected
President of the Duluth Curl-
ing Club (DCC) by the Board
of Directors. This will be my
last year as President. I would
like to thank all our managers
and employees that helped
make last season a success:
Sue Jordon, Dick Wicklund,
Barb Payette, Ann Crowl, Jack
Kurshoff, Jim Parmeter, John
Parmeter, Joe Adamczak, Jeff
Heikkila , Stacey Spaeth, Evan
Economos, and all the food &
beverage staff. I would like to
thank Arlette DeGrio and
Renee Meyers for providing
leadership with our junior pro-
gram, Nancy Odden & Doug
Britton for overseeing Hockey
nights, Kerry & Regis Hadiaris
for running the website, the
members who chaired
bonspiels last season, and the
members that serve on the
DCC Board of Directors, the
Ladies Board and as league
We had a very successful sea-
son last year. We were able to
apply $20,000 toward the re-
payment of the trustee account
for the remodel of the kitchen/
bar area from the general op-
eration account. We also in-
vested $11,000 for our stones
to have the strikebands re-
profiled and the bottom surface
of the rocks to be cleaned. You
can expect more active rocks
in the house. We have also
purchased a point of sale sys-
tem for the bar and kitchen and
two sets of removable hacks
for the ice. These are all inde-
pendent of the individual dona-
tions and fund-raising effort to
the Legacy Account.
Sue Jordon has decided not to
return to the curling club this
season. I would like to thank
her for all the hard work she
has done for the club. I will
miss her very much. Paul
Madsen has been hired to man-
age the bar and kitchen. Paul
has worked at the club in the
past and is very excited to get
the season started. Please plan
on attending the Fall Banquet
and Meeting to get a taste of
what Paul has in store for the
season. Will, Nick, Lea, Noah,
Caleb, Erica, Stacey and Evan
will be returning this season.

I would like to thank Jack Kur-
shoff for the countless hours
he has worked with the ice
crew the past three years. Jack
will be helping put the ice in
this season but is retiring to
enjoy warmer weather. Bob
Johnson will be joining the ice

Congratulations to John Land-
steiner (lead of the US Mens
Olympic Team) for being
named Male Athlete of the
year and Norma OLeary (third
on the US Senior Womens
Team) for being named Team
of the Year by the USCA.
Norma and her team where
bronze medalists at the World

The dues structure will stay the
same as last season. Parking
fee will increase from $35 to

As always, please support the
Copasetic Lounge for support-
ing our club by allowing us to
sell pulltabs at their location
on Central Entrance.

I hope everyone is excited for
the curling season!

Linda Christensen

Whats Inside
this Issue:

Report: Page 3
Director of
Curling Report:
Page 4
Senior Curling:
Page 3
Junior Curling:
Page 5
League Signup:
Page 9-10
Dues: Page 11
League Sign-up October 1-13, See Page 6
Duluth Curling Club
327 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
218-727-6326 Fax
Fall 2014

About our Advertising Program
The Duluth Curling Club invites you to put your advertising dollar to work in our club
at the DECC. We have over 600 members, fill the club on UMD hockey nights with hockey
fans, offer six week-end bonspiels involving hundreds of out of town curlers, host one state
tournament and provide a window of opportunity for thousands who walk the skywalk daily
and stop to look at the ice and club advertising. Advertising will be in place from November 1
through the end of March 2015.
Again this year, we will offer in-ice advertising along with posters, banners and of
course our website. Overhead monitors in the clubroom will show the house and in-ice adver-
tising on both ends for all sheets. We will again web stream curling on a regular basis. Last
year our web streaming had over 80,000 hits. All of our advertisers, regardless of which option
you select, will be mentioned on each of our webcasts. All advertisers will be shown on our
website for no additional charge. At this time, in-ice advertising is available on sheets 1 3
which are readily visible to our bar and club room.
Our advertising rates are as follows and are unchanged from last year.
Website Only $100
3 x 4 sign back wall $300
Half Banner 4 x 10 side wall $600
Full Banner 4 x 20 side wall $1,000
3 x 5 Ad (placed on both ends of a sheet)
Sheets 1 7 $600
Sheet 8 $750
Discount to Members $100 on banners & in-ice, $50 on back wall, and $25 on website
If you have questions about advertising or would like to suggest someone you think
might be interested in advertising with us, please contact Doug Britton at 724-8115 or boreal-
I have often said I curl to keep my sanity during harsh Minnesota winters. It hasnt worked. Only a crazy person
would slide polished boulders across a frozen, man-made pond. Not only that, I hope to place it into a precise lo-
cation about 140 feet away. I frantically sweep the ice surface, believing I can will the rock to behave in certain
ways. I take direction from a like-minded, albeit slightly more experienced, madman who screams at me to
sweep, sweep harder, hurry up and sweep harder! I praise the e granite when it does what I want and I curse it
when it doesnt. I long for a perfect hit and roll and am addicted to a perfectly swept stone. More than I crave the
perfect draw shot, I value the other crazed fanatics of this game who have become lifelong friends.
Please join in the camaraderie at the womens fall meeting at 5pm Friday, October 17
at Blackwoods on Lon-
don Rd. We have a room reserved and feel free to order from the menu. There will be a silent auction and brief
meeting. RSVP Fall Meeting to: Also, the first night of womens league is October

Hope to see you there!
Jamie Kraus, Womens Board President
Senior Curling to HOLD Two Day December
The Duluth Curling Clubs afternoon recreational curling for seniors includes men and women inter-
ested in learning the sport. Once the season starts senior curlers gather at 1 p.m. every Tuesday and
Thursday for club competition with one-day mini-bonspiels planned, including a home-and-home
rivalry with seniors from the Eveleths Curl Mesabi Club.
The Afternoons on Ice senior curling consists of eight-end matches that follow a recreational rather
than highly competitive format with curlers changing positions every two ends so each team member
can play each position from lead to skip. Teams are formed at each session depending who comes to
play on that day and no league standings or won-loss records are kept.
The mini-bonspiels are held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on dates to be determined. Teams are made up by
random drawing , but curlers then stay in the same positions for each game. The day-long spiels in-
clude two four-end games in the morning rounds, a lunch, and six-end championship and consolation
matches in the afternoon. The tentative exchange with Curl Mesabi seniors include two eight-end
games with lunch in between.
This year we will hold a two day bonspiel on December 16 & 18. We will play two games each day
with all games being 6 ends in the afternoon.
All DCC members 55 and over-- men and women -- are invited to participate in the afternoon curling,
even those who also curl in the evening leagues. The club offers a reduced annual membership fee for
retirees who curl only in the afternoon program. For more information on senior curling, contact Ellis
Johns at 724-3146.
Get your curling gear ready for another season. Open houses are from 6 pm to 8 pm on Oct 20,21,22. The
Thursday leagues will kick off the season on October 23, followed by the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday leagues the following week. Team registration will open on October 1 and close on October
13. Registration and league offerings are part of the newsletter and are also online.
The leagues offerings are the same as past years. The Tuesday 8pm league will have 2 divisions. One for
experienced teams and one for teams 5 years or less in experience. We will offer the Sunday 4 pm Special
league again this season, limited to 13 teams. To join this league, each team will need one club member
(corporate, senior, or junior instructional) and fill the remaining spots on the team for $100. This is a great
opportunity to bring new curlers into the club or have junior curlers play with their parents or other family
members. The Sunday 6 pm league could again have 27 teams and some games will be played at 4 pm and
some at 8 pm. All other leagues will be limited to 18 teams and as in the past, if teams are returning to the
same league they participated in last season, with 3 or more rostered players, they will retain first rights in
that league. The number of teams in last seasons other leagues were as follows:
Mon 5 pm -18 teams, Mon 7 pm mixed -17 teams, Tue 6pm mens -18 teams, Tue 8 pm open -12 teams,
Wed 5 pm open -18 teams, Wed 7 pm womens -12 teams (13 is max), Wed 7 pm beginners - 4 teams
Thu 4 pm open -17 teams, Thu 6 pm open 18 teams, Thu 8 pm mens 16 teams.
If you are a new team, please select a league which has openings or you may be disappointed. If you are
attempting to change leagues, please make sure you also choose your current league or you may find you
have no league to play in.
We are very fortunate to have the ice available for almost unlimited practice; however there are some com-
mon sense rules we need to follow. IF YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON LEAVING THE ICE,
CURLING. We must get better at this or practice time could become restricted. If you bring in guests,
they must complete the liability waiver form and sign in the guest book on the table near the ice entry door.
We are a private club and our insurance carrier requires this.
If you are practicing, please throw a rock or 2 before you use the nipper or rock boat. Many times I have
seen curlers assume the ice needs their special attention. You may be following other practicing curlers
Every season, the same curlers do most of the volunteering in the club. We need the membership to step up
and volunteer to help organize and run the many bonspiels and other events we host. We also need volun-
teers as league commissioners and instructors to teach the many groups coming to the club to learn to curl.
Please contact me if you are interested.
We are all looking forward to a great season at the Duluth Curling Club.
Dick Wicklund
Junior Curlers and Parents:
Hi everyone my name is Lee Leksell and I will be
running the junior curling program at the Duluth Curl-
ing Club this year. This is my first in the program but
I am fortunate enough have Renee Meyers, the Hosts,
Jon Fiskness, Roger Hendrickson and of course Arlette
Degrio among others to help me with this great pro-
gram. I have been a lifelong curler here in Duluth and
both of my children have come through the program so
I know what a wonderful opportunity this is for the
juniors and our club.
As you well know we have had some fine competitive
Junior Curlers through the years who also have gone
on to become State, National and World Champions.
But competitive curling is not the focus of this pro-
gram, our aim is to introduce the juniors to the fabu-
lous sport of curling and then help them achieve their
curling goals however lofty or modest they may be.
Not every Junior Curler who registers and signs up to
learn the game and play have the incentive to play
competitively. Many play in bonspiels throughout the
year or just enjoy the game itself. My goal is to have
all of you learn the sportsmanship, the ethics of the
game, and the skills needed to actually play better each
year. This year our plan is to have several weeks of ice
time devoted to specific drills, some class room time,
use of the video camera to see your own delivery style
and more challenging skills incorporated in the pro-
As always, we are looking for more volunteers to help
with instruction. Every week, I will have a schedule
for each level to work on. It's important the instructor
knows how to curl. You do not have to be a specific
level curling instructor. Parents are welcomed to help
the instructors. Older Junior curlers who have played
are also welcomed to instruct. We will have a pre-
season instructor clinic to help us with our instructor
skills. We do have a little money for instructors for
each week for those who do help.
The weekly program will be on Tuesdays from 4-
5:30pm during the curling season. Early registration
will be October 21st from 4-5 pm, registration and
opening banquet will be October 28th at 4 pm, and on
ice instruction will begin November 4th. So please
stay tuned for further details and contact me with any
questions, suggestions or concerns you might have
with our program. I am excited to start the year and I
am looking forward to meeting and getting to know all
of you.
See you soon.

Junior instructors needed want to
help out junior curling and get paid for your
time? We are looking for curlers to help with
our junior program. We dont care how old you
are, how good a curler you are just that you want
to help the juniors. Youll get paid ($20 per ses-
sion), youll get training and there will be a
weekly agenda. So you dont need to be a great
curler to help out with our fantastic junior curl-
ing program. The Junior Program runs every
Tuesday that school is in session from November
through the end of curling, you should be
available from 3:45 until about 5:45. If you are
interested contact Dick in the office or Lee Lek-
sell (

Junior parents and other inter-
ested individuals The Junior
Curler Advisory Committee
wants you!! The JCAC is currently re-
cruiting interested persons to join our committee
and help shape junior curling. Duluth is known
around the country for its incredible junior pro-
gram - help keep it that way and help it improve.
You dont need to be a curler we are just looking
for interested individuals who want to help out
with junior curling. We meet once a month dur-
ing the curling season and once in the summer.
Its not much of a commitment but youll make a
big difference in this wonderful program. If you
are interested contact Dick in the office or Lee
Leksell (

DCC Bonspiel
Turkey Spiel Nov 22-23, 2014
Duluth Cash Spiel Nov 28-30, 2014
Womens One-Day Spiel Dec 13, 2014
Elizabeth Busche Memorial Jr. Spiel Dec 19-21,2014
Bruce Bennett Mens Over 40 Jan 9-11, 2015
International Feb 13-14,2015
MN State Mixed Feb 20-22,2015
CopaseticOpen Bonspiel Mar 6-8, 2015
47th Dunlop Mixed Bonspiel Mar 13-15, 2015
House of Hearts Charity Spiel Mar 20-21, 2015
Fall Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 16th,
Social 5pm, Dinner 6pm, Meeting 7pm

Cost $12/person
RSVP by Friday, October 10

218-727-1851 or email at

UMD Hockey
Mankato Oct 17, 2014
Denver Oct 24 & 25, 2014
Miami (OH) Oct 31 & Nov 1, 2014
Minnesota Nov 15, 2014
Colorado College Dec 5 & 6, 2014
Western Michigan Jan 16 & 17, 2015
Northern Michigan Feb 6 & 7, 2015
St. Cloud Feb 13 & 14, 2015
Nebraska Feb 27 & 28, 2015
We will again be webstreaming games from the club this year. If anybody has any in-
terest in getting involved, it isn't that difficult. Please contact Jim Luttinen
(, and he can explain what's involved and get you some training
so you can be a web broadcaster.

Agate Electric
Bagley Jewelers
Barr Engineering
Bent Paddle Brewing Company
Brozic Management
Copasetic Bar
Don Holm Construction
Framer Insurance
Great Lakes Door
Hawk Ridge Art
Lakehead Constructors
Lakeside Curling
Liscomb Hood Mason Insurance
New York Life Insurance
North Shore Analytical
Novak Law
Sammys Pizza
Scalzo Architects, Ltd
US Bank-Community Banking
Vesel Construction, Inc.


Club Clean-up Day!!
October 1st
5:00 to 8:00 pm
Clean the lower level club room.
Wash walls, wash lockers, wash windows, etc.
Bring a pail, sponge and gloves.


Well have One-on-One Curling again this year. Each league is limited to 10 players and we can
have up to four leagues. Curlers arrange their matches - we encourage the use of e-mail to
avoid playing phone tag. The league is set up for one match per week, however, make-up games
can be played as arranged with opponent. There is a $10 fee to join the league that covers prizes
at the end of the year. The $10 is not paid as part of your regular league dues but is paid directly
to me. Sign up in the office with Dick or Ann and leave your $10 with them, or with me ( Nancy
Odden). If you have any questions or comments, please contact me prior to the start of curling.

See You on the Ice!
Nancy Odden
League Commissioner
1. League entries open October 1 and close October 13, 2014. Leagues
will be limited to 18 teams.
2. All dues must be fully paid before you take the ice this curling
season, or set up a visa payment option with Dick in the office.
3. Teams with three players from last season will receive preference in
each league over new teams.
4. Skips complete one entry form for your team. One league entry per
form. If you want to enter two or more leagues, please make a copy of
this form and submit one for each league.
5. Entries must be complete with skip and at least three players. Rosters
may have up to 6 players. Players may be on only one roster per league.
6. All rosters are final on December 1 of each curling season.
7. If you are looking for a player, contact Dick at the club.
8. Register online at, by email, fax or mail
this form to the:
Duluth Curling Club
327 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone 727-1851
Fax 727-6326
Day Format Teams Start Time Select League X
Sunday Special Rate 13 4:00
Sunday Open 27 6:00
Monday Open 18 5:00
Monday Mixed 18 7:00
Tuesday Mens 18 6:00
Tuesday Open 18 8:00
Wednesday Open 18 5:00
Wednesday Womens 13 7:00
Wednesday Beginners Instr 7:00
Thursday Open 18 4:00
Thursday Open 18 6:00
Thursday Mens 18 8:00

Official 2014-2015 Curling Team League Registration Form
SKIP: _________________________________________________________
City, state, zip: _________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________

: __________________________________________________________
: __________________________________________________________
Lead: ________________________________________________________
: __________________________________________________________
: __________________________________________________________
Mail, fax or email this form to the :
Duluth Curling Club
327 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802

Phone 727-1851
Fax 727-6326

League choice Position: Years of Curling Experience

___________________________ ________________ ______________________

___________________________ ________________ ______________________

___________________________ ________________ ______________________

One on One League ________________

Tuesday/Thursday Afternoon Senior ________________

Wednesday 7:00 Womens ________________________________________

Players you would like to curl with _________________________________________
Duluth Curling Club
2014-2015 Individual Registration, One on One, and Seniors

Individual curlers without a team who wish to curl in a league must complete this registration form. All curlers will be assisted in
finding a team. Please indicate which league you would like to play in, the position you would like to play and your years of curl-
ing experience. Dues are to be fully paid before you take the ice this curling season. If you have questions, please call Dick Wick-
lund at the club 727-1851
Name:_________________________ Address:_______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: __________________________ E-mail:________________________________________
Phone: Home____________________Work______________________Cell________________________
2014-2015 Dues Structure:

Membership Level Rate

Junior Instructional $100 no league play
Senior Afternoon $150 no league play
Corporate $290

Senior Corporate $265
Student $100
New curler $200
Team fee, paid by skip $200
Parking Pass $40
Duluth Curling Club
327 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Congratulations to:
Joe Miller
Curler of the Year
Important Dates:
Club Clean-up Date: October 1, 5-8 pm DCC
League Sign-up: October 1-13
Fall Banquet and Meeting: October 16, 5 pm
DCC, call the club to RSVP
Womens Fall Meeting: October 17, 5 pm
Blackwoods on London Rd.
New Curlers Clinics: October 20, 21 & 22
6-8 pm, register online or call the club
Junior Instructional Registration: October 21
Leagues Start: October 23
DCC 727-1851

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