Prejudice and Discrimination

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Prejudice and

H o n i l x A l e x
How are Prejudice and Discrimination different??
Prejudice is a negative attitude that a person
holds about the members of a particular social
Discrimination occurs when members of a
social group are treated differently because of
prejudice toward that group.
1. ageism
2. sexism
3. racism
4. weightism/sizeism
5. Elitism
6. Prejudice against culture/religion
Forms of Prejudice:
: Prejudice and discrimination against people based on
their age
e.g: People who are in their 40s are less likely to find
jobs compared to younger people
Discrimination and Opression based on Gender and Sex, stereotypical
belief in the superiority/inferiority of a certain gender, strict to reinforced
gender roles
Kitchen Jokes
Victim Blaming
Unequal in the work place
Objectification of women in media
Discrimination against gender: Based on a persons sexual orientation
Homophabia: Prejudice against homosexual people
Transphobia: Prejudice against people who are transgender (woman/man
Systematic opression of people based on race and ethnicity
Casual mockery of people based off their race and stereotypical beliefs
Blackface/Minstrel shows
Racist Jokes
Ethnic Slurs; Half Breed,Negro, The N Word ( no, its not another word for brother),
Paki, etc
Cultural Appropriation
Hate Crimes( Lynch Mobs, Genocide)
Segragation and Harrasment
Colorism (White is beautiful mindset)
Lookism and Sizeism
Discrimination based on peoples physical qualities
such as Size/Weight, Height, and Looks
Fat Shaming/Thin Shaming
Extreme Standards of Beauty
Overprocessed photos for mass consumption
Employment and Favouritism Based on Looks
Ableism: Prejudice against disabled people especially ones with physical
Belief in the superiority and exclusivity of a certain social, economic, intellectual,or ethnic classes and
the inferiority of the rabble
Believing that the personal taste of people for music/movies are inferior compared to yours
Trash talking Non UAAP/Big 4 schools for being substandard
Believing that luxury and exclusive privileges are your rights
Berating underprivileged people
White Supremacy
In-groups-people with whom a person identifies
outgroups-everyone else at whom prejudice tends to
be directed
Conflict between groups increases prejudice and
discrimination according to realistic conflict theory.
*conflict over resources between ethnic groups
Scapegoating - tendency to direct prejudice and
discrimination at out-group members who have little
social power.
Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes
Schoolteacher divided her class into brown-eyed children
and blue eyed children to teach them a lesson about
The children quickly began to discriminate toward
whichever group was the outgroup during a certain time
Why are people prejudiced?
Social cognitive theory-prejudice as an attitude acquired through direct
instruction,modeling,and other social influences.
Social identity theory-a persons formation of a social sense of self within a
particular group as being due to three things:social categorization, social
identity and social comparison
Stereotype vulnerability-effect that a persons knowledge of the stereotypes
that exist against his or her social group can have on that persons behavior.
People who are aware of stereotypes may unintentionally come to behave in a
way that makes the stereotype real in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Intergroup contact is more effective in reducing prejudice if the groups
have equal status.
Prejudice and discrimination can also be reduced when a superordinate
goal that is large enough to override all other goals needs to be
achieved by all groups.
Prejudice and discrimination are reduced when people must work
together to solve a problem because each person has an important key
to solving the problem,creating a mutual interdependence.This technique
used in education is called the jigsaw classroom.
Interpersonal attraction refers to liking or having the desire for a
relationship with another person.
How can prejudice be stopped?
the end

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