The Setup - A Short Story

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SD Hatfield

The book signing ended later than it should have. Even after seven books I still
wasnt used to this kind of attention and as always I had used the wine to take the edge
off. After the last round of goodbyes to my many fans my agent met me over at the
steakhouse to celebrate. A few more drinks and another round of goodbyes I found my
way into a cab and headed home. The lights of the city moved in a slow ballet,
choreographed by the slow moving traffic and the throbbing in my head. The ride took
longer than usual, the cabbie was new but I didnt mind. Thanks to my wonderful
doorman the trip from the lobby to my front door was uneventful. You want I should
help you in, Mr. Vaughn? Mikey, the doorman, helped me to the door. I fumbled for my
Thanks, Mikey. I got it from here. I slapped him on the shoulder. He stood
waiting. Can I tip you tomorrow? I dont have any cash. Mikey looked shocked and
confused, then the expression changed to amusement.
Sure thing, Mr. Vaughn. Call downstairs if you need anything. Mikey turned
and got back on the elevator. My keys finally found their way into my hand and then to
the door. The door swung open and darkness loomed like an opening to a cave. I knew
where the light switch was, finding it was another story. Leaving the door open for light
gave up my hunt for the switch and walked over to the kitchen that switch was much
easier to find. I flipped the switch and closed my eyes against the onrush of light.

My eyes opened to a grisly sight. Lying on my couch was a woman with long
blonde hair, red dress, very pretty face and a long red line across her throat from one ear
to the other. Blood had flowed from the wound, onto the couch and pooled on the floor.
Rushing across the room I reached for her wrist to feel for a pulse. She was cold, no
pulse, and no breath. I reached up to the wound, looking for the arterial pulse, no luck.
She was dead, on my couch, in my apartment and I had no idea who she was.
The buzz was gone and panic was setting in. The telephone stood on the table
behind the couch, I reached over the body and started dialing. Instinct told me to dial 911,
but I stopped at nine. Something wasnt right. A million thoughts collided into each other
inside my head. A dead girl lay in front of me, one I remained confident I didnt put there.
That would mean someone else did. My finger hovered over the number pad again and
almost as if it had a will of its own erased the nine and hit the speed dial. Eternity passed
before the other end connected. Do you have any idea what time is? The voice
chastised me from a groggy haze.
Danny, I have a problem. Dannys breathing erupted through the phone; I could
imagine the look of consternation on his face. As a cop you would figure hes received
many of these types of phone calls, just never from me.
The book signing not go well? His tone belayed the late hour with a bit of
Worse. I need you to come over. Now. I stared at the body while the words
crossed the distance. Danny and I had been best friends for years, I knew I could count on
You dont sound drunk. Its a girl isnt it? He chuckled.

Damn it, Danny! This is serious! The calmness I had been willing on myself
broke down. There is a dead woman on my couch and its freaking me out!
What the hell? Are you serious?
Did you call the police?
You are the police.
Jesus, Rob why didnt you call 911?
Not now, just get here.
Im on the way. You know I have to call the duty officer?
I figured.
Dont touch anything, dont do anything. In fact leave the apartment and go
down to the lobby. Ill be there soon.
Ok. I can do that. Danny, I didnt do this.
I know. Im on the way. The line disconnected and the silence pounded like a
base drum in my head. Suddenly I could feel my shrimp cocktail from earlier start
working its way up. I didnt bother putting the phone back; instead I left the apartment
and barely made it to the elevator before throwing up. The strength left my legs and I
collapsed into the sick, unable to move, waiting for Danny and the police. What in the
world is going on?
Rob? Robert, cmon buddy, let me help you up. The voice belonged to Danny,
but it took a few seconds for my eyes to focus on him. Looks like you passed out buddy.
Officer Gibbons, would you get him a glass of water? My eyes finally focused and I

found myself standing in the hallway, Danny standing next to me in a wrinkled grey suit.
Several uniformed officers were moving back and forth between my apartment and the
elevator. You look like hell, how much did you drink tonight
Hmm, not a lot. An awful smell drew my focus to the puddle Danny rescued me
from. I did have some shrimp, for a while at least. I chuckled to myself. Danny shook
his head and grinned. Can I get a clean shirt?
Sorry. I cant let you do that. The face I stared at belonged to Danny, but the
tone didnt.
What? Why not? If I sounded as confused as I felt it should have been comical.
Rob, youre the big famous author. If this were a book of yours what would
happen next? The question hung in the air for a minute before I could process it.
Uhm, I guess, if I were a suspect you would have to take me to the station. But,
Im not a suspect right? Danny looked at me like I had become a puppy in a pet shop.
Rob, I dont think that will be necessary. Danny smiled, trying to reassure me.
Of course youre a suspect Mr. Vaughn, at the very least a person of interest.
Captain Markhov I hadnt known for very long. He always struck me as a cop who really,
really enjoyed putting people in jail. He stared at me, a wide smile splitting the square,
well worn face. A dead body in your apartment, your first call to a friend? Oh yes,
youre going downtown.
Captain Markhov, really it isnt like that. Danny jumped to my defense. My
head was still clouded from the nights events. Officer Gibbons had brought me a glass of
water and the coolness helped me focus.

No, Danny, I understand it does look bad. Dont worry about it. Danny took a
step back and put his hands in the air.
Your call, Rob.
Captain, would it be all right if I brought change of clothes with me? Your CSIs
can take what Im wearing, but I wont wear the jumpsuit. My voice found strength
again, I felt better. Markhov pursed his lips and grinned wide again.
Sure Mr. Vaughn, a big celebrity like you. I can give you that. Tell Gibbons what
you need. Detective Rand, bring your buddy to the station. I expect you both in
interrogation room12 within half an hour. Markhov turned and stepped toward the
elevator. Almost as if on cue the coroner and his assistants wheeled the lifeless girl past
us on the gurney. Even with the body bag covering her I could make out her form.
I dont even know who she is. It came out loud even though I meant it for my
self. Danny looked at me and shook his head.
Cmon Rob. Lets get you down to the station.
Seven books over the last ten years, two on the Best Sellers list and it came down
to this. All of my books involved a crime, a murder, an arrest, and almost all had at least
one scene in an interrogation room. In fact this very room had been the model for more
than one of those scenes. Danny brought me down and had the technicians take my
clothes. Trace evidence had to be collected. Officer Gibbons had brought the clothes I
asked for and I had the chance to clean up a bit. Danny stayed with me the entire time
until we got to the interrogation room, then he disappeared. I hadnt slept except for the

time passed out waiting for Danny. Almost an hour passed before Danny came in the
room and sat across the table from me. Feeling better, Rob? He had a folder in his
hands and started shuffling though the contents.
Tired, Danny. Can I get some water? Danny nodded and motioned to the mirror
on the wall. I felt the eyes on me and I swear I could hear the electric motors of the
camera whirling behind the glass. Should I call my lawyer?
Do you think you need one? Danny continued flipping through the folder, not
making eye contact with me. We were roommates in college; in fact I had even dated his
sister for a while. He majored in Criminal Justice, I majored in Literature. Ten years ago
after graduation he even crashed on my couch when he started at the academy. Looking at
him across the table, this wasnt a Danny I had ever wanted to know.
No. You know, Danny, it is a little funny.
Whats that Rob?
Do you remember when I started on my first book, you arranged for me to sit
behind the glass during one of these?
I do. Lets get started. I leaned back in the chair as far as I could. The lights
were brighter and I could tell from the shadows that they were tilted toward me, how
clich. An officer came quickly into the room and dropped several bottles of water on the
table and disappeared. Did you know the victim?
No. I had never seen her before.
What time did you first get home? He still didnt raise his eyes to me as he read
the questions from the paper in front of him. I put it out of my mind and thought about
my answer.

The signing ended around nine, my agent and I went to dinner, finished about
eleven. I was on the front door by 12:30am. I could guess his next question.
It took an hour and a half to get home? Danny did some calculations in his
head. Where did you eat, Jersey City?
No, just on the other side of town, Deanos Steakhouse.
So why the delay?
My agent left before I did, I had a few drinks, didnt think I should drive and
took a cab.
Still? He gestured as if he were expecting more to be said.
The cab driver got lost. At the time it didnt matter or seem that strange. Now,
well it didnt look good.
He got lost? He sounded skeptical and for the first time he raised his eyes to
mine. The look in his eyes struck me to the core. There was nothing in his eyes. No
compassion. No friendship. I must have flinched. Do you remember the cab drivers
The number of the cab?
No. He paused, I jumped in. Danny, my car is still at Deanos and you can call
the cab company.
Which cab company? I sat up straight in the chair. You have to remember

Come on Danny! You know I didnt do anything! My fist slammed the table; it
didnt faze him at all. The coldness started emanating from him and causing the
temperature of the room to drop.
Listen, Robert Vaughn, this isnt one of your books and we arent those buffoons
you pass off for cops! His voice rose, not to a yell but just under. Now unless you have
some little old lady or librarian who is going to solve this case for you, shut up. Sit down
and answer my questions. My jaw dropped open in shock.
Buffoons? He had offended me and my livelihood. The dead girl moved to the
back of my mind for just a moment.
Yeah, Robert, buffoons! They never catch the bad guys; its always your hero,
never the cops! His face turned red and he started sweating.
What are going on about? I always have a detective in the novel that helps out.
Hell, Danny is even his name! The world had gotten very small for this moment and we
were the only ones in it.
Thats what I mean. Ill be back. Danny stood and walked out the door. I knew
they were still watching from behind the glass so I just sat back, grabbed a bottle of water
and started thinking.
Look Robert Im sorry. I got a little worked up. My thoughts were so far out
that I didnt notice Danny come back into the room. He looked calmed down some, but
he also looked different. I called Deanos and your car is still there. No one has been
able to track down the cab company yet. Who was at the door when you got to your
Mikey. You know Mikey.

Yeah, good kid.
He helped me get to my door.
Well bring him in later. Did he go in?
What happened after you went in?
I didnt turn the lights on right away, by the time I did I saw her on the couch. I
still struggled with the idea that Danny could be involved, but it fit. I knew I couldnt
accuse him outright, this interrogation was about to get exciting.
We found your fingerprints on the girl and her blood on your clothes. Danny
stared back at the contents of the folder. With a quick movement he flipped several
photos in front of me.
I dont need to see the photos, Danny. I saw her in person.
The blood and fingerprints?
I told you. Before I could even think about it I checked for a pulse and must have
gotten some blood on me then. Danny looked from the folder up to the mirror. Can I
ask you a question Danny? He shrugged his shoulders.
Why are you on this case?
You dont want me on your case?
Isnt it a little off? Any other time they wouldnt allow you to be involved. I
leaned forward, pushing the photos of the girl back at him.
Youve done it your books. Why is this strange?
My books? What do mean?

Your second book, Timely Trials. The main suspect happened to be the best
friend of a police detective. He pulled some strings to get in on it, just like I did. Danny
smiled, but it wasnt any smile I had ever seen from him, almost crooked.
I know my books, Danny. I paused for a second, running through the entire plot
of the book. After the first few mysteries things tend to run together. Then it hit me.
Danny, dont you remember the story? In the end it was the cop who was the murderer.
Thats what I mean, Rob! Do you think so little of us? The redness started back
into his face. He reached up and loosened his tie. Sorry. Sorry. I know you didnt do this.
I just want to help. Can we go on?
Sure. I relaxed and sat back. The fatigue that had been building was almost to a
breaking point. Lets get this part over with Danny. At least if you arrest me I can go to
sleep. He chuckled.
Ok. Did you call anyone before you called me? His focus went back to his
No. I started to call 911, but stopped. I needed to talk to you first.
Because Im a cop right?
No. Youre my friend.
If I werent a cop would you have called me first?
What? Well, I dont know. I guess not.
So at least on some level you were looking for me to protect you? A wide,
ominous smirk spread into place. I had to look away from him. This wasnt right. Danny
took the pause as an opening. What book of yours does that come from? Your heroes
never come to us for help do they?

Danny! What do my books have to do with any of this? He had an agenda and
there wasnt much in here I could do.
Well find that out. Can you guess the cause of death?
I would assume her throat was cut. What was her time of death? Going on the
offensive in a police interrogation room is not something I recommend, but if Danny was
going to keep referencing people from my book, I was going to start acting like one of
She bled out. On your couch. God, Rob. I never thought we would be having this
discussion. For what seemed like the millionth time tonight his tone changed. Danny
brushed his hair back with both hands. The coroner is still doing the exam, but it looks
like she died between nine and eleven. His expression changed again as he realized what
he had just said. Under his breath he whispered, Too early. I barely heard it and acted
like I didnt.
There you go, Danny. I have witnesses and an alibi. I decided to push it. Can I
leave now? Danny shook his head and buried his face in his hands. As if on cue the door
to the room opened. Captain Markhov stormed in; face red and an almost palpable anger
emanated from him like a cloud.
That will be enough of this. He crossed over to Danny. This was a bad idea,
I know I shouldnt have gotten involved. Danny stood up and looked over at
me. You want a ride?
Hang on did I miss something here? The last few seconds made no sense to me
at all. Markhov glared at me and answered.

Yes, Mr. Vaughn. I had the detective interrogate you. I thought that you may feel
more comfortable with him. I just got the note about the time of death. I apologize, but
a dead victim tends to bring the worst out of us. He pushed his hand out toward me and I
reluctantly took it. We will be in touch with you. I pulled away and walked toward the
door. Oh, we will also pay for your hotel room until the situation at your apartment is
cleared up.
Thank you, Captain. Can I stop by for a few things on the way to the hotel?
Certainly. Detective Rand will give you a hand. I think the two of you have a lot
to talk about.
Cmon Rob. Lets get you home. Danny put his arm around my shoulders and
led me out to his car. My mind swam with the events, but I couldnt help but try to
reprocess what had happened. Something wasnt right about this. I hadnt thought about it
before but the fact that the cab driver had gotten lost didnt seem really odd then, but
now, in light of everything else, it sort of sticks out. Having a dead body show up on your
couch doesnt happen by accident. This is set up. Who would want to do this to me? Im
an author, not even a journalist. Someone I hurt? With one of my books? I write fiction,
not even based on true stories. My agent has been with me from the start and besides,
Ive made her a wealthy woman, no grudge there. All of my ex-girlfriends are accounted
for and I doubt any of them would have done anything like this. No, it had to be someone
else, maybe someone who is looking to copy from one of my books, or maybe a cop. It
would have to be a cop that has been hurt by my books. Oh, damn. Look Rob, I really
am sorry about all this. I looked over at Danny as we drove toward my apartment

I understand. Its your job. I wanted to say more, but couldnt. In the way off
chance that he was involved with the murder I had no proof. I guess its a good thing I
decided to go to dinner after the signing. I set the bait.
Yeah, I thought you were supposed to go right home. I wonder if the cabbie
would have still gotten lost? We were close to the building now. Danny focused intently
on the road in front of us.
Hard to say, Danny. Are you guys going to keep looking for the cabbie? I tried
to phrase it in the most casual way I could.
Probably not now that youre off the hook. Besides, how many Turkish cab
drivers are there in the city? I replayed the interrogation through my head and spoke
without thinking.
I never said he was Turkish.
Oh. That wasnt very P.C. of me. We pulled up to the curb outside my building;
I reached for the handle of the door. Hang on Rob. I have to come up with you, make
sure you dont contaminate the scene.
Yeah, sure. I stepped out onto the sidewalk; Danny closed the gap between us
quickly. The few hundred feet to the front of the building took longer than I could ever
remember. In a brief flash of dj vu I thought of last night, the last time I had come
home. Danny breathed a little heavier as we came to the door. Mikey stood on duty like
he had last night.
Hey, Mr. Vaughn, what was all that about last night? I stopped to talk for a
second, Danny pulled on my arm.
Lets just go Rob.

Hang on, Danny. I pulled my arm free. Looks like someone had some trouble
in my apartment last night.
Is that why Detective Rand came by?
Yeah, after you helped me upstairs, a little later. Danny shifted real
uncomfortably. Something bothered him.
No, before that. As soon as I got you upstairs I went home. You were here
before that Mr. Rand, remember? The look on Mikeys face is one I will always
remember. Did I say something wrong? Danny grabbed my arm again and squeezed
No Mikey, nothing wrong. Well talk about it later. Lets get upstairs, Rob. I
knew better than to argue.
Dont worry Mikey. Im sure the detective will talk to you later. Mikey nodded.
Sure thing, Mr. Vaughn, let me know if you need anything. He opened the door
for us and waved us in. Danny grunted and pushed me through, guiding us to the elevator.
The doors slid open and he pushed me in.
That Mikey is quite a card. Danny chuckled, a very uncomfortable laugh. I ah,
forgot about the book signing and dropped by to say hello. The floors ticked off the
display as my floor drew closer. The fluorescent light shone brighter than I could ever
You still have my spare set of keys? My stomach sank as the question came out.
Danny responded without a second thought.

What?!? Why! Danny burst. Why would you ask that? I flinched at his words,
it was as if my worst nightmare had come true. Rage filled my mind, but I had to stay
Well at first I just wanted to know because I forget to pick up my set when I was
dragged down to the police station. Now, I think we have other issues. The look of panic
in Dannys face told me what I needed to know and my rage gave way to disbelief.
Yeah, Rob. I still have them. I think we need to talk. On cue the elevator door
opened. Lets go. The hallway seemed much darker in comparison to the elevator and it
took a second for my eyes to adjust. Danny gave a slight nudge and I started toward my
door. The yellow crime scene tape hung on the door frame, a grim reminder of the event.
I patted my pockets to remind Danny I didnt have my keys. Oh, yeah. Hang on. My
spare set of keys appeared and he opened the door.
So who was she, Danny? The apartment smelled different but I couldnt place
it. The blood and gore still stained my couch, a vague outline of her body showing.
Her? Just some prostitute. Ive arrested her before. In fact they should have the
results back from her prints soon. His frankness took me by surprise. I thought nothing
would again. Danny closed the door behind us and I heard the deadbolt turn into place.
What the hell Danny?
Look Robert. I know weve been friends for a long time but man you can be so
Im annoying so you try to frame me for murder? I moved toward the kitchen
sink, Danny hovered close by, too close.

So you figured it out, huh? He kept reaching into his jacket and pulling his hand
out. It took a few times for me to remember he did carry a gun. I just hadnt seen it yet. I
knew I had to keep him talking. I filled a glass with water from the sink and walked
toward the kitchen table
Danny I write these scenarios for a living.
Yeah, I know and look where it got you.
Where am I, Danny?
Right in the middle of plan B.
All right, Ill bite. Whats plan B?
Rob, plan B is where you get so distraught over what you did to this prostitute
you write your confession and shoot yourself. I come back to check on you, find the
body, close the case and put an end to your stupid books. The matter-of-fact tone
confirmed for me that Danny was gone. Over the edge, nuts and he blames me.
What do you have against my books?
Weve been over this. Every one of your books follows the same formula. A
murder, a suspect, an amateur detective, and the police come off looking like fools. Every
time. Youre supposed to be the creative one.
So what does it matter who solves the crimes in my books?
What does it matter? Do you remember the interview you gave when the second
one came out, the one with the Times? I thought back and couldnt.
No, they all run together.
You told everyone that the main cop in your books is modeled after me.

Right, it was a compliment, a thank you for helping me with the research. I dont
see the problem. Danny got exasperated, huffed and puffed like a twelve year old.
I knew you wouldnt see it! Every mistake they made in the book, every misstep
and botched investigation caused the other cops to make fun of me. EVERYTIME! The
gun finally made its appearance.
Whoa there buddy. Put the gun away.
Then you cant commit suicide with it. The gun stared me straight in the eyes. I
waited for the end and waited. Why did you have to make this so hard? Danny cried.
Wait! You know youre right. I did mess this up. I went to dinner after the
signing. If it wasnt for that you would have been in the clear. The gun moved away
from my face and suddenly I could breathe again. Danny motioned for me to sit at the
table, I half sat half crouched on the edge of the chair.
Do you know how much it cost me to pay the cabbie to sit there and follow you
around all night? Then to have him drive you in circles, good thing you were drunk. It
cost a bundle. Danny paced now, back and forth in the living room. At least the gun
wasnt pointed at me. I surveyed the dining room for anything that could be used as a
weapon. Stalling seemed my only option.
How did you get her here without Mikey seeing her?
That was easy. I came around while you were at the signing. Mikey let me in
and I brought the girl in through the back door and up the stairs. No one saw her. There
it was. I had my leverage.
I have bad news for you, Sparky.
Whats that Rob?

We had security cameras installed on that stairwell last week. I guess I forgot to
tell you. Danny crossed the distance between us in a flash, grabbing me out of the chair
and throwing me to the floor.
Youre lying! He kicked me in the side twice. Im a writer, not fighter. I curled
up into a ball and let him keep kicking me. I cant believe this! It was perfect! Any
second now he would shoot. I knew it. Say something damn it!
Like what? Stop kicking me! He didnt, but that also meant he didnt hear the
pounding on the door. Its over Danny! I yelled at the top of my lungs just as the door
exploded from the frame.
STEP AWAY FROM HIM DETECTIVE RAND! Captain Markhov and several
other officers burst through the door. DROP THE GUN! Danny stopped kicking me
and turned to face the others. I pulled myself up to my knees.
Its over, Danny.
No, not like this. Danny raised the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger.
Suddenly his shoulder jerked and red flower appeared on his suit coat. Captain Markhov
stood admiring the shot that he had put through Dannys shoulder. Danny dropped his
gun as he hit the floor. Not like this, he moaned. I stood up, holding my bruised and
beaten abdomen. Tears of exhaustion and anger flowed freely from my eyes as I stared at
Danny laying there. Our friendship, our history, it was all gone. All I could see was the
man who set me up for murder. I turned to the police and vented some of the emotion.
What the hell took you so long? The officers had Danny cuffed and were
leading him out of the apartment just as Mikey pushed his way past.

You ok, Mr. Vaughn? Mikey pushed past Markhov and grabbed my hand,
pumping it vigorously.
Fine Mikey, fine. I patted his shoulder and pried my hand from his grip. You
did well. Thanks, Mikey. Mikey grinned widely and beamed with pride. Captain
Markhov? I reached my hand out to him and he took it gingerly.
I knew something was wrong during the interrogation. Then it all fell into place.
The girls prints came in and your doorman called. Turns out the trace guys found Rands
hair on the girl but chalked it up to contamination.
Check the security tapes from last night, which should cinch it. I set my chair
back upright and sat down.
I have to ask you to come back down to the station.
I know. Can I take a nap first?
Sure Mr. Vaughn, we can arrange that. Grab some belongings and Officer
Gibbons will meet you downstairs. He turned toward the door and stopped. Curious
isnt it?
Whats that?
All this because of the way you write the police in your books. He paused for a
Your point?
The police just saved your life. Write that into your next book. Markhov turned
and walked out of the apartment leaving me alone. I walked into my bedroom and threw
some clothes into a duffle bag. It would be a few days before I could come back home.
My best friend set me up for murder because of my books. On the way out I grabbed my

laptop. If nothing else this entire episode would be a great start for my next one. If the
judge doesnt issue a gag order.

The End

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