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Observational Analysis

Saturday, September 6, 2014

White Collar

Note: The observation was over the first 30 minutes of an episode of the show White Collar
and the vocabulary examples are based on the entire episode not just the time frame of 30
minutes. The times listed in the observations is according to when the events took place in the
show. For example 23:00 means 23 minutes into the show.
Background Information:
At the time of my observation the show takes place in a New York prison house, as well as many
other locations as the show progresses to the thirty minute mark. The show also takes place at a
bank, Junes residence, Peters residence, the National Archives building, and the airport, as well
as many other locations that are important to the cases being investigated and solved by the FBI.
Figured World:
It is a society which consists of many communities that contain rules and regulations. For
example the figured world of the show White Collar will be the New York White Collar Crime
The TV show I plan on doing is White Collar and the figured world in that show is the
New York White Collar Crime department. This figured world is where mostly all of the
characters of the show fall under. The New York white collar crime department works to catch
criminals and solve cases. I have chosen this figure world because shows that involve crime and
law interest me and I feel like the figured world is related to what happens in our society today.
The communities in the New York white collar crime department are to catch criminals and
solve cases. There are many artifacts that can be found in the figured world. The ideas that are
significant to catching criminals and solving cases are being subtle in your actions, being careful,
being honest, being courageous, and never trusting anyone completely. The physical objects that
are significant are the FBI badges and other IDs used by the actors, the guns, the cars, and the
gadgets used to detect the criminals plans and positions. The actors in the figured world are
Neal Caffrey, a con-artist, forger, and thief, helps the FBI in finding information about other
criminals and also help the FBI determine how the criminal thinks; Peter Burke, an FBI agent, is
in charge of Neal Caffrey and investigates the cases to catch criminals; Mozzie, a friend of Neal
and a con-artist, occasionally helps Neal and the FBI in investigations. The rules in this figured
world are to focus on the investigation, show badges when investigating, and introduce yourself.
In this community there is minimum outside noise and the only noise that would be heard is of
arguments/discussions or of audio evidence. Activities associated with investigations are
acceptable and unnecessary activities are not acceptable. For example researching for the
investigation is acceptable, while playing music and games is not acceptable. The forms of
communication that are acceptable are verbal or face to face communication, hand gestures, and
communication through cell phones.

Commented [AV1]: Although the Iayout of your
observational analysis is appealing, it is looks a lot like
Ashlyns. I think she wanted us to be more creative with
it. You could change it by having different fonts for
something or adding another relevant section about the
Commented [AV2]: Overall you observation analysis
was detailed and to the point. It was very articulate;
reader who never watched show now have good
understanding of what the show is about. I would
definitely change up the style of document, so that it
does not resemble Ashlyns.
Commented [AV3]: I believe it is useful to have an
note section about how you timed your observation.
However if you paste that section above your
observation; it would be more helpful. So that the
reader can retain that info before reading your
Commented [AV4]: You have a summary and a
definition of the figured world, in which the same
description is quoted from one to the next. I think
perhaps you will be able to benefit from stating New
York City White Collar Crime department in slightly
different ways because it is said quite often (and is
honestly a mouthful). Change it up just to add some
Actors: the roles of the members of the community
I have chosen these people because they are present for the majority of the observation and they
are vital characters to the plot of the TV series.
Neal Caffrey: He is the skilled con-artist that was imprisoned after being captured by Peter
Burke. He also proposes to Peter that if he can get an early release, he would work under Peter as
a consultant. Neal still craves his old life, even though he is given the opportunity to work as a
honest man.
Peter Burke: He is the FBI agent that captured Neal Caffrey. He is determined to change Neal
and he is a honest special agent that works in the New York White Collar Crime department. He
is the only one that Neal trusts, which makes him capable of handling many cases.
Mozzie: He is the man that helps Neal with solving the cases given by the FBI. He plays a
comical role, but the role is important to the show because without him Neal would not be able
to solve the cases in a short period of time.
Artifacts: the objects discovered or observations conducted from the community.
FBI Badge: It is a part of Peter and he always uses it to question people or conduct meetings. It
is significant because it shows Peters status in the figured world.
Neals Hat: It is a fedora that Neal always wears with his suits and it is typically worn by Neal
when he thinks. The hat basically signifies Neals brain because he wears it everytime he
observes the crime scene, the suspects, or when he is thinking through the case. He also wears it
everytime he goes to work.
Community/ies: a group of people, who make up the members of the community.
The White Collar Crime agents: Peter Burke, Diana, Neal as a consultant, and Peters
colleagues. They all work to solve crimes and have the same problem on their mid, which is the
case at hand. They all believe in thinking outside of the box and can recall many facts to prove
the suspect of the crime.
Domain: the values of the community/communities.
Neals knowledge: Even though the FBI agents are not fond of taking the help from a criminal,
they benefit from Neals knowledge of art and art-related ideas to solve crimes.
Crimes: The different cases that appear before the agents lead the agents into using their time
and effort into solving crimes and researching about the case as well as the suspects and victims
related to the case.
Practices of the Community: the shared routine of the community/communities.
The various cases: The agents all work on solving the cases in each episode. They investigate
the crime scenes and watch the witnesses and the suspects to make sure that nothing is happening
to either one of them. They analyze the information gathered by the investigations to form
conclusions on the suspect and how the crime was committed.
Commented [AV5]: Your artifacts description was
well-worded and put together. I like the way you
describe Neals fedora. Its an interesting observation
that it symbolizes his brain. I wouldnt have thought of
that; good work!
Commented [AV6]: Your definitions and description
were good and understandable. However, I would add
another community to your communities of practice
because New York White Collar Crime Department is
what the show revolves around. For example: adding
criminals to your communities will show other who are
also part of the show.

Investigating: To solve the crime the agents tend to investigate various areas and have to track
down the movements of their suspect. They also have to keep in contact with the victims for any
information related to the case.
Literacy Practices: the practice of participating in social events.
Cell phones: The cell phones are used to keep in contact with the other agents that are
investigating the case to update themselves on any new information that may have been found.
Tracking anklet: It is used to keep track of Neal and make sure that he does not escape from
Peter. It is also to make sure that Neal is not a part of the crime that they are investigating.
Meetings: The meetings are used to keep track of new information and come up with a strategy
to solve the crime as well as to pin down the suspect with the crime. It is also used to relate the
information found through investigation from the scene.
Observation 1 (Episode 1 Pilot):
3:00 minutes:
A man trims and shaves his beard that he has let grown, then changes from a prison
orange jumpsuit to a police officer uniform. Once he's done getting ready, he leaves the "STAFF
ONLY" restroom and walks past many guards and prisoners. A guard opens the building exit
gate for him, thus helping him escape. He is then introduced as Neal Caffrey, who was convicted
of bond forgery and suspected of counterfeiting, securities fraud, art theft and racketeering. He
hot-wires a truck, puts in a cassette tape, and then discovers three dollars in the ash tray. He
drives to the city and stops to purchase a yellow windbreaker on the sidewalk. He then travels to
the airport, where several airport valet workers are also wearing identical yellow windbreakers,
and pretends to be a valet to take one of the cars. The car owner asks him to take care of his car
and hands Neal a hundred dollar bill. Neal thanks him, then drives the car over the bridge to
5:00 minutes:
Meanwhile, at a bank, agents are working on an operation. The technician slowly cracks
open a safety deposit box. The agent leading the operation realizes something and yells at the
technician to wait, just as a soft explosion occurs, sending dust everywhere. The agent rushes
into the vault and returns with an unharmed technician, who asks what happened. One of the
other agents asked how he knew what would happen, and he tells them to look at their phones
and spell out 3-2-4. The other agent reports that it spells F-B-I, and voices his realization that the
Dutchman knew they were coming. The lead agent discovers a red fiber on his shoulder and asks
if anyone of them knew what it was. When no one offered an answer, he rhetorically asks how
many of them went to Harvard, to which many raise their hands. Ashamed, he tells them to put
their hands down and is clearly relieved when a woman approaches. He calls her Diana and she
reports that Neal Caffrey has escaped. She hands him a file and tells him that the US Marshals
are asking for his help. When he asks why, she points out that he was the only one who has ever
Commented [AV7]: I think that although your
definitions successfully describe their subject, (which in
hindsight is the definition of a definition, so, thats kind
of cool) I would add some more meat to them. They
seem vaguely skeletal, and, although that function is
necessary anatomically, the true beauty lies in the form
surrounding the structure. Perhaps elaborate a little
more, to achieve greatness.
caught him. The agent is then introduced as Peter Burke, an FBI agent under the White Collar
Crime Unit in New York City.

7:00 minutes:
He heads to the maximum security prison where Neal was held and meets
Director Thompson from the US Marshals. Thompson, confirming that Peter was the agent
assigned to Neal's case, asks if Neal escaping is an unusual situation. Peter asks back, "Why
would Neal run with only three months left on a four-year sentence?" Thompson tells him that
they're wondering the same thing, and introduces Warden Haskley. Peter reminds him that he
spent three years chasing Neal down, and that the time was wasted after Neal slipped out under
Haskley's watch. Thompson cuts off their argument and reminds them that Neal has had a four-
hour head start, reducing the time they had of catching up to him. Peter and Haskley follow
Thompson into the prison, and Peter asks where Neal got the uniform he used. Thompson tells
him that he got it from a uniform supply company on the internet, to which Peter asks if he used
a credit card. Thompson shoots Haskley a dirty look, and Haskley explains that Neal used his
wife's American Express. Thompson assures Peter that they're tracking the number, but Peter is
sure that he won't use it again. They arrive at Neal's cell. Inside are a few sketches and paintings
on the wall, piles of books on the bed, and a wall full of tally marks. Peter studies the items
around, peering at the wall of tally marks Neal has made as a countdown for his freedom, and
asks how Neal got the key cards to the gate. Thompson says that they think he restriped a utility
card using the record head on the cassette player on the table, then walked out the front door and
hotwired a maintenance truck in the parking lot. As Thompson continued to speak, Peter finds
clues as to what Neal's plan of escape was, until he picks up the razor on the bed and Haskley
notes that Neal shaved his beard just before he escaped. Peter, finding that odd, says that Neal
never had a beard.
10:00 minutes:
At an apartment complex, Neal is sitting on the floor with a wine bottle of 1891
Bordeaux in his hands. Peter asks if Neal is carrying a gun, and Neal reminds him that he knows
Neal doesn't like guns. Peter shares that a lot of people are asking why Neal escaped with only
three months left on his sentence, and Neal reflects that Peter is the only one who figured it out.
He also tells Peter that he only missed Kate by two days, to which Peter points out that it only
took him a month and a half to break out of a super-max prison, and that it was impressive. Peter
then calls into his radio and tells the others that he's found Neal, unarmed. Neal asks how many
were there looking for him, and Peter tells him that counting NYPD, FBI, and US Marshals,
everyone's there. Peter then asks what Kate's message was to him, and Neal says that it's,
goodbye. Peter informs Neal that he'll have to spend another four years for escaping, but Neal is
too sad and says he doesn't care. Neal suddenly spies something on Peter's shoulder and plucks a
strand off of Peter's jacket, asking him if he knew what it was. Neal offers to tell him what it is in
exchange for a meeting with him in a week's time back at the prison. Peter agrees, and Neal
informs him that it's a security fiber for the new Canadian hundred dollar bill, and hands it back
to Peter as the police enter the room and handcuff him.
12:00 minutes:
Later, Peter sees many people in the banks lobby he was previously at and asks Diana
why. Diana tells him it's his doing, and that Neal was right about the security fibers. Since the
formulation is still classified, the Canadian Secret Service were curious to know how Peter
figured it out. Diana teases him about possibly starting an international incident. A week later,
Peter meets Neal in prison and asks how he knew what the fiber was. Neal is slightly insulted
and reminds Peter that it's what he does, then asks how upset the Canadians were. Peter laughs
and tells him they were as upset as Canadians can get, then asks what their meeting is for. Neal
tells him he knows about Peter's current case, and Peter asks how he knows about it. Neal tells
him that if Peter knows a lot about him, then he knows a lot about Peter too, asking if he got the
birthday cards he'd sent. Peter tells him they were a nice touch, then Neal tells Peter that he'll
help him catch The Dutchman. Peter asks how he could help, and Neal presents him with a
work-release brochure where he can be released into Peter's custody, to which Peter responds
that he knows Neal, and that the second he's out, he'd go after Kate. Neal promises not to run and
offers a solution: a tamper-proof GPS tracking anklet that has never been skipped on. Peter
points out that there's always a first time. When Neal asks him to think about it, Peter apologizes
and leaves. Neal is once more despondent at seeing his ticket out of prison walk out the door.
15:00 minutes:
Peter is sitting at his dining table, piles of papers spread out in front of him. He picks up a
card with a picture of cupcake and the words "Happy Birthday" on it, presumably one that Neal
had sent before. He sets it back down as a woman comes down the stairs and asks if he's 'coming
to bed' as she comes up and hugs him from behind. Peter, preoccupied, absently answers yes, and
she asks him what was wrong. Even as Peter answers, nothing, she sees the papers spread out on
the table and recognizes them, commenting that she has 'been competing with Neal for three
years.' Peter notes that he'd be out that day if he hadn't escaped prison, and she asks if he's
considering. She then asks if Neal can really help Peter find The Dutchman. His wife then asks
what the problem was with Neal helping out. Peter points out that there was more to Neal's
situation than some lost love, revealing that Peter was trying to look for some side angle Neals
playing. Peter decides to let Neal come out of prison into his custody. When Neal exits the
prison, Peter immediately asks to see the anklet to make sure that it's on. Neal shows him that
he's tagged, and Peter asks him if he understands how their deal works. Neal gives him a highly
summarized account of the deal, and Peter reminds him that if he escapes again, he'll catch Neal
and bring him back to the super-max for good. He then addresses the Kate factor, telling Neal
not to look for her. Neal tells him that the bottle meant good-bye, and Peter replies for him to
leave it at that. Peter also tells him that their deal is probationary, and that once they've caught
the Dutchman, they can make the deal last until Neal's sentence is up. Peter brings Neal to the
Empire Motel, a rundown place that Neal is not happy with. Peter tells him that his stipend is
only $700 a month, and that for $700, the motel is what he can afford. He tells Neal that if he can
find something better for the same price, then he can take it. He adds that there's a thrift store
down the block so that Neal can buy clothes. Despite his obvious dismay at his living conditions,
Neal is simply given his 'homework,' informed that Peter will come by to pick him up at 7, and
left to fend for himself. He heads to the thrift store to purchase clothes and meets
a woman donating her late husband's suits. Neal compliments the clothes and learns that suit was
a Devore, and that the woman and her late husband Byron used to play poker with Sy Devore
himself. Byron won the suit by beating Devore in a back-door draw. Intrigued, Neal converses
with the woman and soon discovers that she lives not far from where they were, and that she had
a spare guest room and a closet full of Byron's clothes. Neal either convinces her to put him up
as a boarder, or she offers to do so herself. Either way, he gives up his room at the Empire Motel
and moves in with the woman.
20:00 minutes:
Peter arrives at the motel the next morning to pick Neal up, the receptionist gives him a
note from Neal, telling him that he's moved out and is living 1.6 miles away at 87 Riverside
Drive. When Peter gets to the address, he gapes at the tall manor and seemingly can't believe
how Neal had talked himself into being a boarder at such a beautiful place. He knocks on the
door, and a uniformed maid answers it. There, he meets a lady holding a dog and wonders briefly
if he's got the wrong address before asking for Neal. The lady correctly assumes that he 'must be
Peter' and informs him that Neal is upstairs. Peter opens the door to the roof, where Neal is
lounging in a robe, reading a newspaper. Neal notes that he's early, and Peter tells him they've
got a 'hit on Snow White ' at the airport. Neal recites what it is, showing off that he'd done his
research. Peter addresses the fact that he moved, and Neal points out that it was nicer than the
motel. Peter comments that the motel didn't have a view, and Neal tells him about meeting the
woman, June, to whom Peter refers to as the 'lady with the dog.' Neal reminds Peter that he said
if Neal found a better place for the same price he should take it. Chagrined, Peter confirms that
he said that, and double-checks that the rent is still $700. Neal responds in the positive, but adds
that he has to help out around the house, like washing the car and watching June's granddaughter
from time to time. Peter scoffs at the idea of Neal baby-sitting, but then meets Cindy, who is a
beautiful young woman. Neal explains that she's an art student, which he's clearly pleased by,
and Peter sourly tells him to get dressed before sitting at the table. He asks Cindy if she minded
his presence, to which she tells him to go ahead and eat, so Peter takes a few bites and sips his
coffee as June joins them. He tries to warn June that Neal is a felon, and June reveals that her late
husband was a felon as well, which is perhaps why she had pity on Neal and took him in.
23:00 minutes:
Once Neal is all dressed up, he walks down the stairs and shows his outfit off to a
disbelieving Peter, who tells him he looks like a cartoon after Neal twirls a hat onto his head.
Offended, Neal tells him that the suit is a classic Rat Pac and a Devore original. Peter apologizes
sarcastically and calls him Dino. Neal starts playing with the hat, clearly pleased with himself,
and Peter exasperatedly tells him to stop playing and go to the car. Neal notes that he's upset, but
calls him sour grapes. Peter overhears and snaps at him to repeat himself, and Neal, and tired of
Peter's attitude, asks Peter to tell him what rule he broke and he would return to prison willingly.
Peter silently admits that Neal hasn't broken a rule, but still expresses his opinion that Neal
doesn't deserve to stay at June's. Neal disregards his comment and redirects the topic, claiming
that Peter is jealous of June's coffee and offering to get it for Peter. Irritated, Peter orders Neal to
get in the car, and they drive to the airport. Upon arriving at the airport, Peter introduces Neal to
Diana, who Neal is attracted to. Diana reports that a man named Tony Field was flagged by
Customs as he came in from Spain, in response to the FBI's Snow White BOLO. They discover
that he was carrying three suitcases full of copies of a book entitled Blanco Nieves Y Los Siete
Enanos. Neal translates it to Snow White and Her Seven Little Men as Peter expresses his
disbelief and asks what Tony Field was doing with these books. Diana says he's a rare book
dealer, and that there was nothing wrong with his paperwork. He had also brought in the same
books in the same quantity on three previous trips and declared them each time. Peter turns to
Neal, asking if they're just wasting their time, and Neal points out that since they're not special
editions, then they can't be worth much either, which makes Peter wonder why the man would go
through all the trouble of flying them in. Diana notes that the man was nervous, even though he
had all the right paper work. This makes Peter want to talk to him, and Diana leaves to set it up,
offering to get Peter some coffee. Peter thanks her and tells her to get him anything but decaf.
Neal tells her that he'd take his coffee straight, which is ironic because Peter later tells him that
Diana has a girlfriend. Diana tells Neal the coffee shop is just outside, indicating that she
wouldn't get him his coffee.
26:00 minutes:
When Peter goes to see the book dealer and asks about the Snow White books, the dealer
points out that Snow White had many different versions, not just the widely-known Disney
adaptation. Peter asks if the man means folklore, then shows of his knowledge about the
virginally pure queen, and Alexander Pushkin's Tale of the White Princess and the Seven
Knights. The book dealer is caught off-guard at this, and Peter then asks what the books are for.
Before Tony can answer, the door bursts open, and a man introduces himself as the book dealer's
lawyer (credited as Gaines), who tells him to not talk to his client. Frustrated, Peter goes to find
the Customs Inspector, and Diana reports that Neal was right and the books aren't worth much.
Peter is only half-listening, intent on berating the Customs Inspector as to why he wasn't
informed that the book dealer had called his lawyer. The Customs Inspector tells him that he
hasn't call anybody, and Peter realizes he was duped and rushes back into the room with
everyone on his tail. He bursts through the door and finds the man dead, a hypodermic needle in
his neck. After settling things with the dead body, Neal, Peter and Diana are pouring over the suit
cases of books, looking for clues. Neal eventually figures out that The Dutchman is after the top
sheet of each book. Peter doesn't look impressed until Neal points out that it is a blank piece of
1944 Spanish press parchment. Diana then rationalizes that The Dutchman was going to
counterfeit something that was originally printed on that kind of paper. Peter then searches for
more clues through the dead man's wallet and finds a visitor's pass to The National Archives.
They head there next, leaving Diana in charge of gathering the books and the dead man's things
as evidence.
28:00 minutes:
At the National Archive building, the archivist (credited as Vincent) tells them that he
remembers Tony Field, who had visited twice--once several months before, then again the
previous week. He had come to see the Spanish Victory Bond and took several photographs of it,
claiming he was going to write a book about it. Vincent shares that the bond has a fascinating
history as Neal identifies it as a Goya and Peter pulls out the blank parchment from the book and
lays it over the bond, showing a perfect fit. He then proclaims that Neal is starting to earn his
$700 per month. Neal ignores the jibe and prompts Vincent for the bond's history. As Vincent
tells them the bond's story, Neal discovers that the bond in his hands is a forgery. The ink was an
iron-gal dye mixed to match the period colors that hadn't dried yet, evidenced by the smell of
gum Arabic that was still present on the paper. Vincent and Peter sniff it, and Vincent denies the
forgery claim, stating that the bond has been in the Archives since 1952. Neal disagrees, saying it
had been there for less than a week. Peter confiscates the bond and takes it back to the office.
Observation 2 (Episode 2 Threads):
07:00 minutes:
Neal and Peter are seen walking down a busy street trying to get a cab. Peter seems upset that its
always busy around this time of the year, and Neal points out that it is Fashion Week. Neal gets a
cab, but he lets two ladies take it instead. Peter gets a cab and three ladies get in it, while he is
annoyed. Peter gets really annoyed and tells Neal that they should be interviewing their witness.
Neal hold money out and a cab stops and they get in. Peter tells Neal about the case they are
handling now. Neal praises Ghovat (The Ghost) because he was the first to crack the micro
printing on the Euro. Peter and Neal are seen with a lady, who is the witness. She is asked about
Ghovat and what happened. She tells them that she was at a party because many models were
invited. She tells them she went to get her coat from the closet and hears two men arguing. One
of the men was name Ghovat and she could never forget his voice for as long as she lives. She
reveals that when she came out of the closet she saw the dead man. Neal gets an idea and his idea
is to throw a party to catch Ghovat. Neal realizes that Ghovat likes to go to parties with models
and fashion. Peter takes Neal's idea to the head of the White Collar department. The head, after
strict consideration, agrees to authorize five grand for the party. Neal tells the head that Peters
wife Elizabeth will work to organize the party. In the next scene Elizabeth, Neal, and Peter are
seen gathering food and alcohol from a storage house. Back at the office Peter shows Neal
pictures of a cabin with a chalk outline of a person. Peter tells him it is the perfect place for the
party and Neal looks at him confused. Peter, who is annoyed, asks Neal how many models he has
gathered and Neal tells him sixty-five and counting.
13:00 minutes:
Neal gets a message from a friend about a place that they could use for the party. Peter, Neal, and
Elizabeth are seen at the place that Neal got a message about. This place is a terrace surrounded
by many buildings and looks so much better than the cabin Peter showed. Peter is impressed and
admits that this place is so much better than the cabin. Elizabeth praises Peter and Peter blushes.
Peter then orders the agents to put cameras at the entrances and exits of the area. Neal sees a
woman admiring a statue and tells her that she is at the right place but she is way too early. She
tells him that the agency invited her. Peter comes over and tells Neal that her name is Lauren and
she is an agent and will keep an eye on him at the party tonight. At the party Neal is seen with
the witness and many models and men are at the party. Neal is told by Peter that the man in the
red and black suit looks too jumpy at a party. Neal asks him who he is because he knows most of
the people at the party and the man introduces himself as Dmitri. Neal asks Lauren to flirt with
Dmitri, while Neal pick-pockets Dmitris phone. Ghovat sees Neal and tells a lady with him that
they have to leave and drops his phone into another mans jacket pocket. Neal calls the last
number that was dialed from Dmitris phone and he hears the ring and tells Peter they caught
Ghovat. The FBI agents come in and they pin the guy down, but when the guy talks the witness
tells Neal that the voice is not Ghovats. Neal tells Peter that they caught the wrong guy, and
both Peter and Neal look very disappointed. Later Neal is seen talking to Mozzie about his
tracking anklet and whether Mozzie knows how to get the anklet off of him. Mozzie answers
Neal by telling him that he is lucky that the FBI have him on a two mile radius, which is a lot in
New York. Neal talks about Kate and tells Mozzie that he needs to find her. Neal shows Mozzie
an old letter and tells him that when the FBI started to close-up on them they started using codes.
Neal want to see the security tape of his last meeting with Kate in jail and Mozzie tells Neal that
he could ask Peter. The next day they are in the office with Lauren and she tells them that
Ghovats real name is Idil Hazeva. Peter tells them to stick with Ghovat and asks Lauren if they
know anything more about him. Lauren tells him that there are no criminal records and he is not
coming up on the international watch list. Peter, Neal, and Lauren are seen watching a security
tape from the party and see Ghovat place the phone in another mans jacket. Peter asks Lauren if
they know anything about the girl with Ghovat and she replies that the girl is a model and that
they are looking into her. Peter them asks about Dmitri. Lauren replies that Andrea Dmitri is an
Uzbekistan national, who is linked to many enterprises like arms dealing, money laundering, and
prescription-drug fraud. Neal comments that Dmitri is not the guy expected to see at Fashion
Week. Peter asks Lauren if Dmitri thinks he slipped out clean and Lauren tells him Dmitri does
and he slipped out the northwest exit. Lauren also tells Peter that Jones is keeping track of him
and Peter tells her to tell Jones to keep his distance.
16:00 minutes:
Neal asks Peter if he could see the footage of the last time Kate visited him and Peter tells Neal
he will see after this case is solved. PETER AND Elizabeth are seen at a park and Elizabeth gifts
him a watch. Peter gets a call and tells them that he will see them in five minutes. Neal walks
into to the office and sees the witness and tells her that Peter can catch the guy. Peter tells Neal
that Jones called and told him Demetri is at a fashion shoot with the model that was with Ghovat.
Neal tells Peter to look menacing and Neal walks over to Dmitri and they argue till Dmitri tells
them to leave and that he is the only one Ghovat is interested in.
23:00 minutes:
Peter tells Jones to pack the building and put someone at every exit. Jones tells Peter that he put
two agents on every exit. An agent messages Peter and tells him that two men are arguing on the
floor. Jones tells Peter that Dmitri is on the 50
floor. They run in and see Dmitri dead with
a red dress. Jones tells Peter that there is a service elevator in the hall and it was not on the blue
prints. Peter finds the designer of the dress and meets with him. Peter asks the designer about
Ghovat and designer refuses to say anything about him. Peter asks him for the reason of his dress
showing up on his crime scene. The designer tells Peter that if he didnt do it his son would be
dead. Peter analyzes that Ghovat kidnapped the designers son and Ghovat told him he had to
smuggle something into the US and it was in the dress. Peter asks him what it was and the
designer tells him that he can show Peter the real dress. They find an electronic strip and tells
Neal that the technology guys will have the answer to what is on the strip by tomorrow morning.
Peter tells the designer to call Ghovat and the designer tells Ghovat that he sold the real dress to
someone for $50,000. Neal and the witness, who is wearing the red dress, are seen at an
expensive looking bar. Neal is handed a phone by a waiter and Neal picks the phone up and talks
to Ghovat. Ghovat tells Neal that he will have to be careful. At the office the phone is sealed and
Jones comes in and tells Neal, Peter, and Lauren that someone blasted their car and luckily the
agents were wearing vests and someone grabbed the witness and got away clean.
Observation 3 (Episode 3 Book of Hours)
05:00 minutes:
In a van Jones hands coffee to Lauren and a man who are watching a store front. They see a man,
who Lauren calls Barelli and ask what he is doing. A man in all black walks over to the man and
Jones opens the door. The man asks them if they are the FBI, to which the agents nod. The man
tells them that they need their help. At the office Barelli talks to Peter about a stolen Bible, to
which Peter tells him to file a police report. Barelli tells him that the Bible is a five century
history from Naples on which the saints prayed and it is very important. Peter tells him to shut
down the bookmarking operation at Massos, and then they will help. Barelli agrees and walks
out. At Neals apartment he and Mozzie are analyzing the Bordeaux wine bottle and Mozzie tells
Neal that he will analyze the bottle. Neal grabs his hat and walks out. At a church Neal, Peter,
Lauren, and Jones are investigating the crime scene of the Bible and a father from the Church
tells them about the history of the Bible. Lauren point out that it looks like a smash and dash and
Neal asks if there was any unusual activity that night. Peter tells Lauren to have ERT run finger
scans to find any finger prints. Barelli tells him that no one from the Church stole the Bible and
Peter in a sarcastic tone tells him that the people here are all choirboys. Neal asks Mozzie who
would steal a Bible, to which Mozzie says people steal everything. Neal again questions him
why in theory would someone steal a Bible. Mozzie tells him it might be because they are rare,
to which Neal agrees, but tells him that they are not a Picasso.
14:00 minutes:
Mozzie gives Neal the idea that maybe the book was stolen because the thief is a true believer.
Neal, at the office, tells Peter about his theory and they head to the church and talk to the father
of the Church and ask the father about anyone who believed in the healing power of the bible.
Peter and Neal meet a guy named Steve and ask him about the Bible. Steve tells them that he
took the Bible to heal his dog Lucy and also tells them that someone took it from him. Peter asks
if Steve can identify the man who took the Bible. At the office Steve is seen looking at pictures
of criminals and he seems bored. Steve looks nervous and tells Peter that he was in Iraq and that
was where he met Lucy. Jones come in and tells them that Barellis nephew got shot and Steve
looks at the picture and tells Peter that he told Steve to steal the Bible. At the crime scene Peter
gets upset that Ruiz of Organized Crime is taking over the case of the dead body. Peter tells Neal
that they have been asked to step down. Peter indirectly tells Neal that he could do something.
Neal asks Peter if he could borrow the jacket. Mozzie is seen wearing the jacket and goes in to
the crime house. He then opens the back door and lets Neal in. Neal analyzes that Barellis
nephew was researching medieval history. Neal tells Peter that he had a meeting with a professor
who writes about mobs and the black market.
18:00 minutes:
At the professors office Neal and Peter are seen talking to the professor. Peter asks her about the
stolen Bible. They show the professor a book and she tells them that it is not the Bible because it
is too small to be the Bible. Peter points out that it is the Book of Hours. Mozzie tells Neal that
the Bordeaux wine bottle has nothing on it. Peter and Neal tell Elizabeth that they think Maria,
the professor, might have the Bible. They plan out a way to get Maria and Elizabeth tells Neal to
ask her out. Maria and Neal are on a dinner date and they talk about their past. Maria and Neal
talk for a few minutes and drink wine. Peter, Lauren, and Jones plan on searching Marias place
and Neal is supposed to keep Maria busy for a few more minutes. Lauren and Jones put in
microphones and cameras at Marias place before Neal and Maria head over.
26:00 minutes:
Jones, Peter, and Lauren watch what is happening at Marias place. Maria goes into a room and
watches a security tape of Jones and Lauren putting in cameras and microphones. Maria looks
upset and very mad. Maria tells Neal that she doesnt trust Neal. Lauren tells Peter that they have
a technical problem and Maria asks Neal who he works for and Neal shows Maria the
microphones. Lauren and Jones are confused, but Peter knows Neal is up to something. Neal
tries to convince Maria to tell him about the Bible. Neal tries to convince Maria to give the Bible
to him because he can move it and she cant because of the mob and the FBI.
1. Give an example of how the show reflects how you look at the society?

It reflects how I look at society by showing me that a lot goes into solving crimes. It also
shows me that no place is safe and you have to be careful with what you say or do in

2. How do you feel about the cast of the show White Collar? Explain why.

I feel that the cast of White Collar are good actors for their characters. This is because
they portray perfect emotions or dialects for certain scenes.

3. Reflect on how the show is compared to other similar crime dramas you have seen?

Commented [AV8]: Your observations are superb.
They are both descriptive and well-written, and I can
ask for nothing more in them, except for to perhaps
explain how the episodes events tie into your
definitions. Maybe add a commentary bar! Let this be
your technological high five of congratulations.
Commented [AV9]: Your observations are very
detailed, and I mean very detailed; especially
observation one. Try and take out unimportant details
to keep the length of the observation below two pages.
You could also combine different scenes into one
sentence or something.

It is similar to other crime/law shows because the show starts with a conflict that gets
resolved by the end. I think this show has more drama and less violence compared to
some of the other crime shows, which is what I like about the show.

4. Tell me about the way the characters relate to people you know?

The characters like the FBI agents relate to some of my friends I know who want to go
into forensics.

5. Give an example of how the show has become a part of your routine?

It has become a part of my routine by being a part of my afternoons. Every day I watch
an episode of the show while I have lunch or if I am just resting before starting my work.

Commented [AV10]: I like your interview. My one real
drawback though is that you never said who you were
interviewing! I think that may be important, as it will
offer insight into the point of view, and the expertise of
your chosen subject.

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