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Marian Anderson- African-American singer, denied by Daughters of American Revolution,

endorsed by Eleanor Roosevelt, sang on Washington Steps

Mary McLoud Bethune- African-American/Women’s groups leader, on Roosevelt’s Black

Cabinet, helped FDR get elected

Father Charles Coughlin- liberal critic of New Deal, had radio show, anti-semite/anti-black,
facist, eliminate federal reserve

Calvin Coolidge- VP for Harding, took over in 1920, elected 1924 won by himself, anti-
immigration acts

Henry Ford- auto factory, mass production, planned obsolescence, recognized workers as
customers, good pay and benefits for workers, model T

Marcus Garvey- wanted return to Africa, inspiration for Nation of Islam

Warren G. Harding- Prez 21-23, Republican dark horse, anti-reform era, against
immigration, resurgence of nativism, isolationism

Herbert Hoover- Prez 1928, thought poverty almost finished, thought outside forces in
Europe responsible for depression, volunteerism, charity, no-strikes, some public works which
lead to new deal

Harry Hopkins- FDR’s advisor, Works Progress Administration, FERA, CWA, focused on
cities in depression

Charles Evans Hughes- Sec. Of State under Harding and Coolidge, then supreme court
justice under hoover, moderate conservative, ruled in schecter case against NRA

Langston Hughes- poet in Harlem renaissance

Charles Lindbergh- anti-semite, flew across Atlantic,

Huey Long- most liberal critic of New Deal, wanted redistribution of wealth

John L. Lewis- Labor leader, prez of united mine workers, Congress of Industrial

Alice Paul- feminist

A. Mitchel Palmer- Palmer raids, attorney general, wanted to get rid of red scare

Eleanor Roosevelt- wife of president, close advisor

Alfred P Sloan- planned obsolescence, prez of general motors, “business of business is


Al Smith- ran against hoover 1928, democrat, identified with immigrants, man of people

Frederick W. Taylor- industrial efficiency

Francis Townsend- 2 percent sales tax for old people

Events worth Knowing

1920 Census- more people urban rural

Palmer Raids-anti communist, immigrants

Red Scare- communism

Sacco and Vanzetti- 2 italians, put to death, seen as anarchists

New KKK- against Jews, immigrants, not just blacks

Immigration Laws of the 20s- cut down significants

Scopes Trial- evolution

Lost Generation-disillusioned by loss of life in WWI

Harlem Rennaisance- harlem, black oppression leads to art and poetry

Prohibtion- no drinking, couldn’t be enforced, rich didn’t follow, lots of home brew

Amendment/ Volsted Act- 18th amendment, prohibition

Buying on Margin- buying with your money, and a brokers to magnify wins’losses

Bonus Amry March -wanted bonus money, half marchers left, others lived in shacks, put down
by hoover/macarthur

Election of 1932- FDR wins democratic nomination, beats hoover

Glass Steagall Banking Act- mint more money, off gold standard, make banking more safe

National Recovery Administration- part of new deal, create codes for fair competition

Agricultural Adjustment Act- subsidize farms, tell farmers to burn part of crops, get prices high

Civilian Conservation Corps- roosevelt’s tree army

Works Progress Administration- largest new deal program, employed artists, built highways,
streets, buildings, bridges, parks, libraries
Social Security Act- designed to give to old people, and people in need

Wagner Act- protect rights of workers to unionize, collective bargaining

Schecter vs.US- ruled NRA unconstitutional

US vs. Butler- ruled AAA tax unconstitutional

Court Packing Bill- power to appoint extra supreme court justice for every old one, in response to
New Deal proposals being overturned

Impact of FDR and New Deal

On government- more involvement in business

On politics – Democratic Party- party of African-Americans

On African Americans- hit worst by depression

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