Jhala Aanal Divyanshu

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Year Degree / Exam Institute GPA / Marks(%)
---- M.Tech in Computer Technology Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 8.647
2004 Central Board of Secondary Education Prakash Higher Secondary School 82.4%
2002 Central Board of Secondary Education Prakash Higher Secondary School 85.4%


University Examination GPA / Marks(%)
Gujarat University (2004-2008) Bachler of Engineering 82.91%

GATE Rank: 245/644(year 2008) (GE)

Minor Project , Computer Architecture , Operating Systems , System Software , Computer Networks , Embedded
Systems And Applications* , Multimedia Systems , Computer Graphics , Telecommunication Systems* , Mobile
Computing* , Digital System Lab , Software Lab , Computer Networks Lab , Introduction To Programming And Data
Structures .
* Courses currently pursuing


Title - Design and Development of Wireless Sensor Network Based Location Algorithm
Supervisor - Prof. Subrat Kar
Description -Description
The project aim is to design a location algorithm to determine the location of nodes given the position of
some other nodes called anchor nodes in a large sensor network.

Proposed Work
Design of location algorithm.
Optimization of location algorithm in terms of parameters like positional error and mobility.
Design of radio module for location algorithm.

Implementation of Range Compression for Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) using Virtex-II XC2V3000,
Space Application Centre-ISRO, Ahmedabad (Jan, 2008 - May, 2008)
Description -The project involves study of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) technique, various FFT(Fast Fourier
Transform) Algorithms, Simulation of range compression for SAR using MATLAB and implementation
of the same using Xilinx XC2V3000 Virtex-II FPGA

Use of fractals for synthesizing Mountains (Oct, 2008 - Nov, 2008) : Fractals are used for synthesizing complex
and irregular objects. The project uses diamond-square algorithm and iterative subroutine to synthesize mountains.
Design of Voice Recording and Playback circuit (Aug, 2006 - Dec, 2006) : In this project, voice recording and
playback circuit was designed which records an audio message under the control of a user and thereafter plays the
user message. IS1420 chipcorder was used for this design.

Vakhatsinh Medal awarded by Gujarat University for passing in first attempt in First Class and securing highest
number of marks in University Examination at B.E(Electroics and Communication) Degree Examination held in June
Manilal Medal awarded by Gujarat University for passing at first attempt in first class and securing highest
number of marks in University Examination at B.E.(Electronics and Communication) Degree Examination held in
June 2008
Ratilal Medal awarded by Gujarat University for passing in first attempt in first class and securing the highest
number of marks from the candidate who passes at first attempt at B.E(Electrical/EC/IC) Degree Examination held
in June-2008
R.M.Chokshi Merit Medal awarded by IEEE Gujarat chapter for securing highest marks in Electronics and
Communication for the year 2007-2008 from Gujarat University .

Rank Certificate Gujarat University : Certificate for securing 1st rank in Semester VIII Electronics and
Communication held by Gujarat University in June 2008
Rank Certificate for securing 1st position in B.E. college : Certificate for securing 1st rank in class for 1st
year, 2nd ,3rd,4rth,5th,6th and 7th semester in B.E. Government Engineering College,Gandhinagar.
Scholarship certificate : Scholarship certificate of Vadnagara Nagar Mandal,Mumbai

Programming Languages
1. Programming Languages: C,C++,Matlab
2. Libraries used : OpenGL,Standard Template Library(STL)
3. Platforms : Windows, Linux
4. Scripting Language : Python, Tcl/Tk,shell
5. Hardware Description Language : VHDL
6. Microprocessor and Assembly Language: 8086
7. Others: Socket Programming, Lex,Yacc
1. Editors : Eclipse,Vi,Emacs
2. UML tool: Umbrello,Dia,Dia2code
3. Version Control System : RCS,CVS
4. Simulators : ns-2, Castalia, Omnet++,Visualsense
5. Digital Circuit Simulators: Wincupl, GEDA,TkGate
6. Others : Doxygen,Latex


Open House Cermony : Participated in I2Tech'09, Open House Ceremony of IIT Delhi,2009
Talent Festival : Organized talent festival "Evolutions 2006" of Government Engineering College Gandhinagar
Technical Festival : Organized technical festival "Silver Era- The Beginning" of Government Engineering College
Painting Competition : Participated in painting competition organized by Gujarat State Art Teacher's Association
Personality Development workshop : Participated in Summer Workshop 2000(Personality Development
Module) organized by Times of India.
Elementary Drawing Examination : Passed Elementary Drawing Examination

Painting Swimming

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