Fifty Examples of Slang

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1. SLANG : I am so lucky because I have a friend like her who is available 24/7.
STANDARD : I am so lucky because I have a friend like her who is available all the time.

2. SLANG : After cleaning the entire house last Saturday, I was out like a light as soon as I
got into bed.
STANDARD : After cleaning the entire house last Saturday, I fell asleep very quickly as soon
as I got into bed.

3. SLANG : Everybody thinks Carlo is a freak because he spends most of his time in his
room doing nothing.
STANDARD : Everybody thinks Carlo is a strange person because he spends most of his time
in his room doing nothing.

4. SLANG : It’s time to change your boyfriend when you think he already has eyes for
another woman.
STANDARD : It’s time to change your boyfriend when you think he already desires another

5. SLANG : What I like in spending my weekend at my father’s house is the idea of pigging
out on a Friday night.
STANDARD : What I like in spending my weekend at my father’s house is the idea of
overeating on a Friday night.

6. SLANG : If you don’t like the boy, tell it to him straight. You don’t want him in your hair.
STANDARD : If you don’t like the boy, tell it to him straight. You don’t want him to be
bothering you again and again.

7. SLANG : I should have never let you borrow my car. You are such a klutz!
STANDARD : I should have never let you borrow my car. You are such a clumsy person!

8. SLANG : I do not tell my wife that she is fat; I always tell her that she is phat.
STANDARD : I do not tell my wife that she is fat; I always tell her that she is the best girl.

9. SLANG : What do you want to do now? Do you want to mosey along over to the canteen
while we are looking for something to eat?
STANDARD : What do you want to do now? Do you want to walk slowly over to the canteen
while we are looking for something to eat?

10. SLANG : They can’t blame me if I don’t like Tiesto. The genre of his music is not my cup
of tea.
STANDARD : They can’t blame me if I don’t like Tiesto. I do not like the genre of his music.

11. SLANG : Do not marry an ambitious person. He will always make you feel that you are
just an excess baggage.
STANDARD : Do not marry an ambitious person. He will always make you feel that you are
getting in his way to success.

12. SLANG : I am successful, many girls like me, I am a zillionaire but still I am lonely.
STANDARD : I am successful, many girls like me, I am a very rich person but still I am lonely.

13. SLANG : Ever since I married the man my parents didn’t like for me, I’ve been walking
on eggshells with them.
STANDARD : Ever since I married the man my parents didn’t like for me, I’ve been in a
delicate situation with them.
14. SLANG : My son doesn’t like tightie whities, he prefers boxer shorts.
STANDARD : My son doesn’t like briefs, he prefers boxer shorts.

15. SLANG : Be careful doing business with your half sister – she has always got something
up her sleeve.
STANDARD : Be careful doing business with your half sister – she has always got a hidden

16. SLANG : The world has always been harsh to me. I wish somebody kind enough would
take me to la la land.
STANDARD : The world has always been harsh to me. I wish somebody kind enough would
take me to a fantastic dreamworld.

17. SLANG : My first months of being a college student were funny. I would just nuke instant
noodles every meal because I didn’t know how to cook.
STANDARD : My first months of being a college student were funny. I would just cook instant
noodles every meal because I didn’t know how to cook.

18. SLANG : I will make sure that you spend your whole life in the slammer for cheating on
STANDARD : I will make sure that you spend your whole life in jail for cheating on me!

19. SLANG : Getting into a fight with a black belter in karate is very dicey.
STANDARD : Getting into a fight with a black belter in karate is very dangerous.

20. SLANG : I will go to the gym tomorrow to pump some iron. Do you want to come with
STANDARD : I will go to the gym tomorrow to lift some weights. Do you want to come with

21. SLANG : It will cost you an arm and a leg to send your child to a good medical school.
STANDARD : It will cost you a large amount of money to send your child to a good medical

22. SLANG : I was once so hooked in playing The Sims 2 that I would never get out of my
chair unless it’s already meal time.
STANDARD : I was once so addicted in playing The Sims 2 that I would never get out of my
chair unless it’s already meal time.

23. SLANG : It will never kill you. For even just once in your life, try going off the deep end!
STANDARD : It will never kill you. For even just once in your life, try doing something crazy!

24. SLANG : We are running out of time! Just give me a ballpark figure that first comes into
your mind!
STANDARD : We are running out of time! Just give me an estimate that first comes into your

25. SLANG : Sorry, but I do not go out with a man who doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve.

STANDARD : Sorry, but I do not go out with a man who doesn’t know how to express his

26. SLANG : Whenever we take a trip in my Mercedes Benz, my best friend Lily always rides
STANDARD : Whenever we take a trip in my Mercedes Benz, my best friend Lily always sit in
the front passenger seat.
27. SLANG : I got so afraid in injecting the needle in her skin during our practical exam so I
blew it.
28. STANDARD : I got so afraid in injecting the needle in her skin during our practical exam so I
miserably failed it.

29. SLANG : It’s still iffy whether he is going to pay me back tomorrow or not.
STANDARD : It’s still uncertain whether he is going to pay me back tomorrow or not.

30. SLANG : That boy is very annoying. If he’s not going to stop bothering me, I’ll ask my
brother to give him a knuckle sandwich!
STANDARD : That boy is very annoying. If he’s not going to stop bothering me, I’ll ask my
brother to give him a punch in the face!

31. SLANG : You can’t expect her to be indifferent with the amount of money that you give
her. She came from the wrong side of the tracks.
STANDARD : You can’t expect her to be indifferent with the amount of money that you give
her. She came from the poor part of the town.

32. SLANG : If I were to have a boyfriend, I would prefer that we be on the same wavelength
in everything.
STANDARD : If I were to have a boyfriend, I would prefer that we share a common
understanding in everything.

33. SLANG : My restaurant may just be a hole in the wall, but I can guarantee you that we
serve the best Italian food in town!
STANDARD : My restaurant may just be a simple place, but I can guarantee you that we serve
the best Italian food in town!

34. SLANG : We are missing you in the office. We all hope that you will be back on your feet
STANDARD : We are missing you in the office. We all hope that you will recover soon.

35. SLANG : You should watch out for me in the awards night because I am going to be
dressed to kill.
STANDARD : You should watch out for me in the awards night because I am going to be
dressed in my most stylish apparel.

36. SLANG : You don’t have to study for Chemistry. The professor will surely give a no-
brainer exam.
STANDARD : You don’t have to study for Chemistry. The professor will surely give a very
easy exam.

37. SLANG : Her sweet tooth is very unbelievable, she can eat four boxes of chocolates every
after meal.
STANDARD : Her love for sweets is very unbelievable, she can eat for boxes of chocolates
every after meal.

38. SLANG : The company lawyer is acting weirdly lately. Are you not going to hire a
gumshoe to know what’s really happening?
STANDARD : The company lawyer is acting weirdly lately. Are you not going to hire a
detective to know what’s really happening?

39. SLANG : Jenna is always scolded by the teacher for having ants in her pants during
STANDARD : Jenna is always scolded by the teacher for not sitting still during classes.
40. SLANG : His sister cried when she knew that her favourite poodle became a street pizza
last night.
STANDARD : His sister cried when she knew that her favourite poodle was run over and killed
by a car last night.

41. SLANG : I feel bored. Do you want to shoot hoops with me?
STANDARD : I feel bored. Do you want to play basketball with me?

42. SLANG : You should exercise more to keep your love handles from growing.
STANDARD : You should exercise more to keep the fats at the your waist from growing.

43. SLANG : It’s just a small spider. Don’t be such a wuss, Aldo!
STANDARD : It’s just a small spider. Don’t be such a coward, Aldo!

44. SLANG : Justin and Therese had to go back to the drawing board their relationship after
their marriage did not work out.
STANDARD : Justin and Therese had to start again in their relationship after their marriage did
not work out.

45. SLANG : Do you not like Harry? Go to him now and bust his digits!
STANDARD : Do you not like Harry? Go to him now and ask for his number!

46. SLANG : George is an egghead but he is boring because he doesn’t talk too much.
STANDARD : George is a very intellectual person but he is boring because he doesn’t talk too

47. SLANG : Shang is such a downer last night. He kept on telling me about his old sad
STANDARD : Shang is really depressing last night. He kept on telling me about his old sad

48. SLANG : Jack gets kooky when drunk. He can run all the way home naked!
STANDARD : Jack gets crazy when drunk. He can run all the way home naked!

49. SLANG : Heather bought the farm when his brother shot him.
STANDARD : Heather died when his brother shot him.

50. SLANG : When the employees knew that the company was losing money, many of them
jumped ship.
STANDARD : When the employees knew that the company was losing money, many of them
left their job.
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English II Professor

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