Polaroid Case Study

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Bismah Shakeel Ahmed

Roll No. 15
Marketing Research
Bismah Shakeel Ahmed
Roll No. 15
Marketing Research
Case Study: Polaroid I!one
"uestions # Ans$ers
%hat is the marketing conce&t' (oes it a&&ear that Polaroid has ado&ted it'
According to the text, the marketing concept is the most central idea in marketing thinking. It
is threefold and calls on managers to:
1. Be consumer oriented: The customer has utmost importance in marketing. The firm
should create products and services in accordance with consumer needs. The
satisfaction of consumers wants is the justification for a firms existence.
. )ongrun &ro*ita+ility: In order to survive in the long run, the firm must make a
profit. The marketing concept argues against profitless volume or sales volume for the
sake of sales volume alone.
!. A cross*unctional e**ort: "hen a firm lacks organi#ational procedures for
communicating marketing information and coordinating marketing efforts, the
effectiveness of its marketing programs will suffer. $irms must incorporate integration
and coordination of marketing and other corporate functions so as to achieve
consumer orientation and long%term profita&ilit'.
(olaroid has implemented the marketing concept in an effective wa' with integrated
marketing communications )I*+,. The' conducted market research, figured out the right
consumers for their product and marketed it as such.
%hat as&ects o* the I!one marketing mi, might ha-e +een in*luenced +y or +ased on
marketing research'
In m' opinion, (olaroid used marketing research from the &eginning of the development
process of the I%-one camera. +onsumer research was the first step in which the' discovered
their target market i.e. teenage girls. It was produced in different colors and a compact si#e as
per research results, thus ena&ling the marketing division to come up with a fun and trend'
campaign, which suited their consumers. .esearch indicated that teenagers have more
spending power as compared to previous generations, providing a large market and thus the
camera was priced accordingl'. (romotion was completel' &ased upon research results and
cele&rities endorsing the &rand were chosen specificall' due to their position as teen idols.
Bismah Shakeel Ahmed
Roll No. 15
Marketing Research
%hat role should market research &lay in a consumer &roducts organi.ation such as
*arketing research should &e of paramount importance in an' organi#ation, if it wants to
survive in the long run, &ut in a consumer products organi#ation, it should &e the num&er one
priorit', &ecause consumer needs dictate what sells.
As said &' (eter $. /rucker, 0The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer
so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.1
In a market such as this trends develop, with research one can hopefull' anal'#e these trends
and develop a product that would &e successful. It is also helpful to learn a&out the
demographics of 'our target market2 here research also has an important role in price
determination and the correct wa' to advertise so one can attract the most attention from a
target market.

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