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CBL Peer Review Form 2014- CONFIDENTIAL

Jannifer Yew
Group E
CBL Group:..
Junior 1

Please read the Instructions below before filling in this form.

We look for Honesty (5 marks).
Please assess your group members by complete the following form, according to how you have
viewed their contribution to the project. You must be honest. This will help all members of the
group to improve as we would know how to get everyone to perform better the next time. All Peer
Reviews are confidential: they will never be seen by other students RATING SYSTEM: C: The
group member was often off-task, did not complete assignment or duties, or had attendance
problems that significantly impeded progress on project. If they had worked hard, it was on
relatively unimportant parts of the project. B: Group member was prepared to work each day, met
due dates by completing assignments/duties, and worked hard on the project most of the time. If
absent, the group member made EXTRAORDINARY effort to make up for absence, and progress
was not significantly impeded. (Anyone absent for more than a day, if not ill, cannot be
considered a B). A: Group member was prepared to work each day, met due dates by completing
assignments/duties, and worked hard on the project most of the time. If absent, the group
member made EXTRAORDINARY effort to make up for absence, and progress was not
significantly impeded AND the Group Member led the team well, was willing to make up for work
left undone by others in the team (if any) and demonstrated willingness to spend significant
amount of time outside school hours to complete the project. Please fill in information about your
group members - one in each of the boxes below. This can be in any order. It should look like
this. Name, Rating, Further details, if any. eg. Lee Jen Pink B. Although she worked hard
throughout and managed to complete her tasks on time, on the day she was leader, she was not
assertive enough and we fell behind a little. She had let Lara and Gene tweet each other all
morning long when they should have been working on their assigned GQs. When she was Asst
Leader, she couldn't draw Timothy into most of the discussions as she was quiet herself. Gene
Lim C. He was not really into the project and wasted a lot of time on facebook, twitter, etc. As a
result we had to pick up the slack and this kept us struggling to meet our daily milestones.

Group Member 1
Name, Rating, Further details (if any)

Elaine Chua,She dont really speak English and quite a lot of her work based on chinese news.
However,she still did translate and show us what she want to tell,and also shes hardworking
to find the pictured we need in our videos and airdrop to us.Ill give her a B.

Group Member 2
Name, Rating, Further details (if any)

Sophia Maryam.Shes good on the first day of the project because shes leader of the day.


But from the next day onwards,she seem like she didnt sleep well every night because she
always sleep in the class during everyone is putting effort and doing research for the topic.


Also,she always out from class even our instructor are not in the class.Ill give her a C.

Group Member 3
Name, Rating, Further details (if any)

Mandy Lim,a good artist in our group.She draw our group poster during the weekend.Also,she

is really hardworking to search and draw the graph of our topic from her research and all the

information for the topic.Ill give her an A.


Group Member 4
Name, Rating, Further details (if any)

Samantha Chong, shes good in English and also Imovie,which is an app to do the movie for


our CBL.Shes hardworking too.She good in helping us to think the idea when we choosing


the topic.However,she sometime watch movie in the class,but still she put effort on the work.


So Ill give her a B.


Group Member 5
Name, Rating, Further details (if any)

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