Basis. On The Other Hand, Expert Teachers Are Not Necessarily Able To An Ticipate How New

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Experts teachers know about the types of classrooms vents they deal with on regular
basis. on the other hand, expert teachers are not necessarily able to an ticipate how new
events or strategies will unfold in their classrooms.

4. Novice and experts tachers differ vastly in their knowledge of how to shape and extend
learning opportunities for student .no one should expect beginning teacher to have
instant expertise. Teachers needs experiences, time for reflection, and supportive
environment if they are to become expert

5. .Novice teachers have strong opinions about teaching and how they will act as teacher s.
To improve ,novice teachers need to reflect upon these opinion and judge them againts
primary measure of educational success.
While teachers can be viewed as desicion makers, the terms doesnt seem to fully
indicate how teachers make desicions. As teacher become more experienced, they tend to rely
on sequential planning fact desicion making by experienced teachers during
planning has been described as being cyclical and reflective.
B. Teachers as reflective Practitioners
The second approach to the teacher desicion making views teacher as reflective
practitionner who reflect upon and evaluate the success of past desicions in an effort to make
better desicions in the furure.As compared to viewing teachers as desicions makers Schon
(1987)stated that there is knowledge in actioin which doesnt rel on a series of conscious steps
in desicion making process.
Dewey(1993) contents that teachers should be trained in analyzing and , invodefining
principles behind reflection technigques. Reflection for Dewey, involves active, persistent
,and careful consideration of behavior or practice. He says reflection is the means for meeting
and responding to the problems.for example teachers should constantly consider what made
an activity successful or not.
Teachers therefore need to observe and attemept to make sense of situations by
checking their insight against prior experience. For example teachers migth express a variety
of reflective concerns about issues such as they appearance or mannerism,
techniques,materials,or classroom environment and ethical and moral issues.
D. Desicions Making in the Teaching Environment
First, teacher make desicions to achieve varied academic,social,and behavioral goal.
Second, teachers make desicion in a complex invironment interacting with student
student in variety of ways.

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