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Normal Reference Value

(Conventional units) (SI units)
Blood, Plasma or Serum
Ammonia (NH3) diffusion 20-120 mcg/dl 12-70 mcmol/L
Ammonia Nitrogen 15-45 g/dl 11-32 mol/L
Amylase 35-118 IU/L 0.58-1.97 mckat/L
Anion gap (Na
+ HCO3
]) (P) 7-16 mEq/L 7-16 mmol/L
Antithrombin III (AT III) 80120 U/dl 8001200 U/L
Conjugated (direct) Total
s 0.2 mg/dl &
0.11 mg/dl
s 4 mcmol/L
218 mcmol/L
Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L
Total 8.610.3 mg/dl 2.22.74 mmol/L
Ionized 4.45.1 mg/dl 11.3 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 2132 mmol/L 2132 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L
Chloride 95110 mEq/L 95110 mmol/L
Coagulation screen
Bleeding time 39.5 min 180570 sec
Prothrombin time 1013 sec 1013 sec
Partial thromboplastin time (activated) 2237 sec 2237 sec
Protein C 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Protein S 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Copper, total 70160 mcg/dl 1125 mcmol/L
Corticotropin (ACTH adrenocorticotropic
hormone) 0800 hr
< 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L
0800 hr 530 mcg/dl 138810 nmol/L
1800 hr 215 mcg/dl 50410 nmol/L
2000 hr s 50% of 0800 hr s 50% of 0800 hr
Creatine kinase
Female 20170 IU/L 0.332.83 mckat/L
Male 30220 IU/L 0.53.67 mckat/L
Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 012 IU/L 00.2 mckat/L
Creatinine 0.51.7 mg/dl 44150 mcmol/L
Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150360 mg/dl 1.53.6 g/L
Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral)
(mg/dl) (mmol/L)
Normal Diabetic Normal Diabetic
Fasting 70105 > 140 3.95.8 > 7.8
60 min 120170
> 200 6.79.4 > 11.1
90 min 100140
> 200 5.67.8 > 11.1
120 min 70120
> 140 3.96.7 > 7.8

Classification of Blood Pressure *
Category Reference value
Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)
Optimal < 120 and < 80
Normal < 130 and < 85
High-normal 130139 or 8589
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

> 180


> 110

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