1308 Workplan Template Guidance

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1308 Workplan Template Guidance

Applicants must submit a detailed work plan for Year 1 of the award and provide a general summary of work plan
activities for Years 2-5 in narrative form. The work plan should describe how the applicant plans to implement all
of the reuired activities for the strategy for which they are applying and achieve !"A outcomes. #efer to Year 1
#euired Activities and $ork %lan &lements for additional information.
$ork plans also need to include the additional components and planning activities listed within the !"A guidance.
This sample work plan template is available for use' and is not reuired to use( however' you are reuired to
include all of the elements listed within the template as detailed in the !"A guidance. )*) will provide feedback
and technical assistance to awardees to +nali,e the work plan activities post-award.
$ork %lan should be single spaced' )alibri 12 point' 1-inch margins' number all pages' content beyond the page
limits listed below will not be reviewed. -T. agency applicants should name the +le /$%--t0120-ite23and 45"
applicants should name the +le 6$%--t012-0Approach20-ite26 and upload it as a %*! to http788www.grants.gov
under /"ther Attachments3.
-trategy 1 9 up to : pages
-trategy 2 9 up to 1: pages
-trategy ; 9 up to 1: pages
-trategy < 9 up to 1= pages
1> ?nclude 5-year pro@ect period outcomes with a timeline or 5antt chart to support achievement of outcomes.
2> ?nclude 5-year goals and -AA#T ob@ectives related to reuired strategies including measures and data sources
for accomplishing ob@ectives.
;> ?nclude concise program activities in support of the ob@ectives that align with the logic model and include
appropriate process measures or milestones for accomplishing tasks and identify the person8agency
responsible for accomplishing the program activities.
<> *escribe administrative roles and functions to support implementation of the award' and assessment
processes to ensure successful implementation and uality assurance.
1308 Work Plan Title: -T. /$%--t0120-ite23 45" 6$%--t012-0Approach20-ite26
0-ite2 9 the state' city' tribe or territory in which your pro@ect takes place.
0-trategy 12 9 -B#C1' -D2' )DA;' or YA-A<( provide a separate $ork %lan for each -trategy.
Strategy: a broad approach by which a program will be funded to achieve speci+c outcomes. This !"A will fund
agencies and organi,ations to implement four key strategies7
-trategy 17 -chool-Dased -urveillance E-B#C>
-trategy 27 -chool-Dased F?C8-T* %revention E-D>
-trategy ;7 )apacity Duilding Assistance for -chool-Dased F?C8-T* %revention E)DA>
-trategy <7 -chool-)entered F?C8-T* %revention for Young Aen $ho Fave -eG with Aen EYA-A>
5-Year Project Period Outcomes: outcomeEs> that will result by the end of the !"A period of funding.
Goal: broad statementEs> of program purpose which describes the eGpected long-term eHects of a program.
5oals should remain constant for the entire 5-year funding cycle and address the programIs eHect in reducing a
health problem.
Objective: statementEs> describing the results to be achieved and the manner in which these results will be
achieved. "b@ectives should be -AA#T' that is' -peci+c' Aeasurable' Achievable' #ealistic' and Time-phased.
-peci+c ob@ectives include who will be targeted and what will be accomplished( measurable ob@ectives include
how much change is eGpected with enough speci+city that the achievement of the ob@ective can be measured
through counting or through documentation of change or completion( achievable ob@ectives can be accomplished
given eGisting resources and constraints( realistic ob@ectives address the scope of the problem and reasonable
programmatic steps( and time-phased ob@ectives provide a time line indicating when the ob@ective will be
measured or a time by which the ob@ective will be met. Although the $orkplan Template shows four ob@ectives for
each goal' your workplan may have more or fewer ob@ectives that support each goal in your workplan.
Rationale for the objectie: clearly describes why and how the ob@ective will contribute to accomplishing
the goal. The ob@ective should be clearly @usti+ed' relate to the program strategy and goal' and link to
outcomes on the pro@ect period outcomeEs> and 5-year goalsEs>. ?n addition' you may provide conteGt that
shows why this ob@ective is necessary given your programIs resources or constraints( how and why the work
is being done.
Measures for accompli!hing objectie!: measures that are uanti+able criteria that describe whether or
not the ob@ective was accomplished. Aeasures might include target numbers Ee.g.' 1== middle school health
education teachers trained>' or uanti+able changes Esuch as middle school teachers reporting increased
con+dence in teaching a health education curriculum after attending a professional development event>' or
completion of an activity.
Data Sources to mea!ure the objectie: sources may include rosters' phone logs' agendas' surveys'
observations' interviews' or focus groups in addition to Y#D-' %ro+les' and other data. *ata sources are
used to assess whether an ob@ective has been achieved. The data sources themselves are not provided to
*A-F' but instead a summary of the data is reported to *A-F. E!or eGample' you do not need to submit
meeting or training rosters to *A-F. *ata sources should be kept' however' and should be available on the
reuest of your pro@ect oJcer during site visits.> *ata sources should be summari,ed to report complete'
partial' or unmet ob@ectives in progress reports Efor eGample7 only 2=' not <= people attended meetings(
participants were school principals as intended' not other school staH( the intended outcomes of the
meetings were achieved>.
Program "ctiitie! in !upport of the objectie: describe anticipated events that take place as part of a
program in support of the ob@ective. Although we include only four spaces for activities in the $ork %lan Template
for each ob@ective' you should list all activities reuired to achieve each ob@ective.
Person/agency re!pon!ible for accompli!hing the actiity: clearly identify the person/agency that is
most responsible for accomplishing the program activity.
"ctiity om!letion Date: the date the activity is anticipated to be completed.
#"gency$ #Strategy$ 1308 Workplan
E"ptional Template>
%&'ear Project Period Outcomes:
Goal ":
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
D. D. D.
Goal ":
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
D. D. D.
Goal ":
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
Goal ":
Rationale for the objectie:
D. D. D.
Goal %:
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
D. D. D.
Goal %:
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
Goal %:
Rationale for the objectie:
D. D. D.
Goal %:
Rationale for the objectie:
Measures for accomplishing the ob@ective7
Data sources to measure the
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
Program $ctivities in !upport of the objectie:
re!pon!ible for
accompli!hing the
A. A. A.
B. B. B.
C. C. C.
D. D. D.

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