Mansfield, TX Gas Drilling Flyer

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Were Out of Step

Other North Texas cities have updated their gas

ordinances to include the new science surrounding
drilling. Theyve increased their buffer zones and
toughened their regulations. We should too.
Mansfeld vs Other Cities
Required Distance Between Wells and Homes
Denton 1200 feet 2014
Dallas 1500 feet 2013
Southlake 1500 feet 2012
Mansfeld 600 feet 2008
Featured Speaker
A Medical Perspective on Gas Drilling
Dr. Anne Epstein, M. D.
7 to 8:30 pm
Mansfeld Holiday Inn Meeting Room
201 U.S. 287 (Broad and 287)
Educate Yourself on What the New Science Says

How Fast
Can Your
Child Run?
Schools should be treated differently primarily because children are very mobile
Letter to Mansfeld Planning and Zoning Commission members by Gas Well Operator during the drafting
of the 2008 Mansfeld Gas Drilling Ordinance justifying minimal buffer zones between schools and wells.
Did you know?
In 2008 the Mansfeld City Council voted
to allow gas well drilling and production
within the same property as day care
facilities, schools and residential areas,
and reduce the distance between homes
and gas wells to as little as 600 feet.

At the time the gas industry said it didnt
see the need to treat schools any
differently from other locations
because children are very mobile.
The Mansfeld City Council agreed.
In 2008 there were no scientifc
studies examining the health impacts
of gas drilling in densely populated
urban and suburban neighborhoods. We
didnt know any better.
But in 2014 there are now studies from
independent scientists showing higher
risks of birth defects and cancer to
families living within a half mile to a
mile of gas wells (see other side).
And yet Mansfeld has not updated its
gas drilling ordinance to refect that
new science. In fact, after a well has
been drilled, new homes and schools
can be built as close as 100 feet to it.
Thats not safe. We need to provide
better protection for our community.
Since 2008, when Mansfeld wrote its gas
ordinance, theres been new studies on the
health effects of living so close to gas wells.
In March of 2012, The School of Public Health at
the University of Colorado at Denver published
a peer-reviewed three-year study concluding
that residents living within a half-mile (2,640
feet) of a fracking well were exposed to air
pollutants fve times above a federal hazard
standard, and were 66% more likely to have
cancer than residents living further away.
Birth Defects
Also in 2012, Cornell University studied seven
years of Pennsylvania birth data and found that
drilling increased the risk of a low-weight
birth by 25% within a mile and a half of a
fracking well.
This year scientists at the University of Colorado
School of Public Health found babies born to
mothers living with more than 125 wells within a
mile of their homes showed a 30 percent
increase in congenital heart defects versus
those with no wells within 10 miles.

Mansfeld Gas Awareness is a grassroots group
founded earlier this year by local homeowners
concerned about the health effects and property
devaluation of living so close to so many gas wells.
Were not opposed to drilling, but it needs to be done
responsibly and away from homes, schools, parks
and other sensitive areas. We think under-regulated
gas drilling in Mansfeld is decreasing the quality of
life in our city. We want to make Mansfeld a more
desirable place to live by updating our ordinance.
Go to our website and fnd more reasons why we need a new Mansfeld gas drilling ordinance.
Saturated: Most Mansfeld Families Already Live
Within a Mile of at Least Two Gas Well Sites
A New Ordinance to
Protect Mansfeld Families
Mansfeld is already saturated with over 200 gas
wells, with 306 more wells that could be drilled in
the future, along with compressors, tanks, and
pipelines. Before new wells are drilled, we need to
update our gas drilling ordinance to include:
- A 1500 Foot Buffer Zone for Homes, Schools,
Daycare Centers, Parks, Hospitals and
Nursing Homes
- All Electric Wells and Compressors
- State-of-the-Art Air Pollution Controls for
Current and Future Wells
- Continuous Air and Water Monitoring
- Better Enforcement and Emergency Response
Were Your Concerned Neighbors
Health Effects of Gas Drilling

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