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Worksheet Writing a Reflection

1. What is a reflection?
Thinking about what you have learned and then writing about it.

2. What do I include in a reflection?
Situation Name the class and the topic that you have been
Task Explain or retell the specific task. (assignment, project,
fieldtrip, reading)
Result /Learning
What did you learn that was new or different?
If you were asked to do something what were your results?
Was there a part of the task that was difficult to do or to understand?
Do you have questions about the task that still need to be answered
what are they?
Action Plan How might you use what you have learned from
this situation or task? How does what you have learned
connect with other topics you are studying?

3. Prewrite Take notes on the different parts of a reflection.

Class -
Topic -



Action Plan

4. Drafting (Take your notes and make them into sentences.)

5. Revising
Be sure you have a topic sentence and conclusion that work together.
Add more specific detail if necessary.
Use a variety of sentence starters. Some starters should be transitions so
the reader can follow the organization of your thoughts.

6. Editing check your spelling and sentence structure. Make sure your
sentences make sense and are easy to read.

7. Evaluating read your paragraph aloud to a partner or parent. Revise as

8. Publishing - be sure paragraph is double spaced, TNR or Arial 12 point font,
titled, and first line indented.

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