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Ridoer*t Chrlatlan Church
5300 Eattarn Avanua S. E.
Atbw<|uafqua, N. M. 8710B
Greetings from Brazil:
APRIL 1975
t ' "
J Frad Bay las*
5300 Eoatarn Avanua S. E.
Albu^uarqua, N. M. 67108
Everything we read says finances are in a mess. This makes us thankful for the
continued faithful support from all of you who keep us going. The work we are
doing has not suffered from financial problems.
At the end of February, into I^rch, Bale Mason and I took a trip to Honduras, to
learn about church growth there, resulting in growth frbrn 3 churches to UO in 3
years. The trip was tremendous. W were stranded between two high rivers for
about 2k hours, had to sleep in awful cold on boards, with no cover, helped push
the car out of the middle of a river in waist-deep water, and had lots of other
interesting experiences.
We expect that the results of this trip will show up in greatly accelerated
church growth, and wish you would pray about this. The possibilities are hardly
limited in any way. We have 6 men to work at it, instead of Just one, as there.
We have a first-class print shop, and two or "Uiree artists among our group. We
are excited about getting started.
The materials we will produce are very siii5>le, which anyone can take when he is
taught, and re-teach to another person. They are designed so the assignments are
in direct obedience to Christ's comniands, "Die student who cOTipletes his assign
ments will see a new church begin, or growth in his own church.
If you would like to have ten pages of observations I made on the trip, and a
3-page diary of our trip, please write, and I will send a copy.
The men in the churches are anxious to get started with the new program. The first
booklet is ready already, ard scane are beginning. It teaches a person, even if he
cannot read, to witness about Christ, We hope that here, as in Honduras, the
results of using it will be many people won to Christ.
While I was gone the men in the church became more active. I haven't taken back my
Bible school class. Instead I teach Jose, and he teaches it. So now the church is
practically going on its own without us. However, I don't think we will leave it
in June, as we planned a year ago, for there is no reason to. No harm is done by
our being present, and we have to be in some church. Also I believe it won't scare
the men into thinking they have been abandoned, I plan to keep teaching them, but
in such a way that they will all be teaching others, and beginning churches, we hope,
Beverly keeps on teaching the women to visit others, and helps in the Sunday School,
Joanne is in the Uth grade. She's 10, John thinks he is big enough to-go to school.
He will study kindergarten at home this year. It's too far miles) to go to get
hiTM at 10:30 every mornizig when kindergarten gets out at the American missionary
school Joanne goes to.
Sure would like to get some letters.
lours in Christ,
David & Beverly Bayless, Missionaries
Christ For The Amazon Valley
Caixa Postal 926 66,000 Belem, Para, Brazil
David and Beverly Bayless, Missionaries in Brazil
since 1959, with children, Joanne (10) & John (4).
The Missionaries Sponsored by
Ridgecrest Christian Church
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 87108
Forwarding Agent
J Fred Bayless
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 87108
A Few Words About The Missionaries
David and Beverly Bayless have been missionaries in Brazil
since 1959, working as "Christ For The Amazon Valley." Bill
Loft began the missionary work in Belem in 1952, the first
person to take New Testament Christianity to this area. Since
that time a number of families have spent from 2 to 15 years
there, but there is still need for more workers to preach, teach,
and then help the people to become self-sufficient in the
Immediately upon graduation from Ozark Bible College in
1959, David and Beverly completed plans to go to Brazil, where
I they plan to spend their lives in His work. Since they had no
\ children, they adopted three Brazilian babies over a period of
six years. Last May (1974) the second child, Paul, developed
a brain tumor that caused the family to return to the States
for medical treatment not available in Brazil. The finest med-
^ ical treatment could not save him, thus he died in Albuquerque
on June 1,1974. Even so, the few years he was with the family,
he was a blessing to them.
It is still the aim of the missionaries in the Belem area to
preach the Gospel of Christ, organize them into local congrega
tions, prepare them to preach, teach, visit to evangelize, and
help them to take over the leadership. The missionaries are not
"local preachers", but help to train the nationals for this work.
There are about 12 congregations with such leadership in the
Belem area.
The Print Shop continues to be a great force of evangelism,
as the missionaries print and send out much material that is
not otherwise available in the Portuguese language. Since the
man who went to Belem as Printer has had to leave the country
because of family illness, there is a great need for a printer to
join the other missionaries right now. Until such a man enters
the work, David and Norman Maddux are sharing the work of
printing. They are much needed for other duties, so hope for
relief soon.
There is always a need for additional financial help, as in
flation continues to take a part of every dollar sent to the Lord's
Work. We know what inflation is doing in the States! It is much
worse in Brazil, where officials have tried to hold this to 14%
per year! David and others in the Lord's Work in Brazil deeply
appreciate the help of many friends over the years. And they
pray for continuance!
Rl<laM Cltrl.tlan Church < b
5300 Bctcm Avenue S. E. > Ectern Av#nue S E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 87108 September Newletter, 1975 qq*#
Dear Christian Friends:
Six men are studying evangelism with me^ using the sioqple teaching material
we brought from Honduras* Several people have been converted^ the beginning
of a church got going^ but most of the people moved away. Two of my six
students are just beginning. The other four are in various stages of evan
gelism, One had some converts over on an island hear here^ who moved away.
Another is to baptize a young man any day now. Another is starting to teabh
an aunt and uncle. Another is teaching a friend.
If a person wauits to repent^ and learn more^ we have a program for him. If
he just wants to learn more^ and not repent^ he is dropped. Two of my stu
dents have begun teaching the same simple material they studied^ to their
converts^ who will be taught to do the same.
With six men evangelizing^ plus me^ we should see steady growth and some new
churches, ^e experience so far has been encouraging. The witnessing guide
we are using is attractive to people^ and they will listen easily to it. It
gives the student^ or his student^ a good opening with a person^ ke^ him on
the subject, and gets the message of Christ and repentance across. It is just
simple drawings frcrni the life of Christ,
We have ten teaching booklets ready. Here are the titles and subjects:
Christ CallB louthe witnessing guide
The Great Commission*-Goincentive to get out and evangelize
John the Baptisthew to teach repentance
The Infallible Key to make lour Church growhow to get converts out witnessing
The 7 Commandmentshow to teach converts and church to obey Christ
l^e Host Powerful Seedstrong incentive to evangelize
Athanasiuschurch history, divinity of Christ, how to combat Jehovah's Witt,
The lawhow to teach about the law, combat Adventist encroachments
Now I'm ^vedhow to combat sin in new ccaivert 'a life
Let's Raise up a New Churchhow to guide student to raise up new church
We have a man learning printing, and a student printer, getting a hot done.
Also we have a secretary now who will leam to set type for us. There are many
more of these booklets we need to have ready when the needs arise,
l^ny of you have started writing to us occasionally. It surely is nice. We
can fill you in even better on what we all, you add we, are getting done here
fay the grace of God who sent us, and supplies tdirough you,
Joanne has begun the 5th grade. The kindergarten material didn't get put off
the ship in ^1^, and has gone 1000 miles up the Amazm River, but when it gets
back John begins kindergarten. We keep healthy. We 're running in the back yard.
That's about it for now. Write, and we will,
s in Christ,

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