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International School of Law and Business

Laisvės pr. 58, 05120




Information that you will find in this document:

a) Final exam of Business Economics, contents

b) In-class presentation: 10 December dead-line
c) Essays and sets of problems: 10 December dead-line
d) Participation at the “Conference Business from Students Point of view”
e) Consultations and coffee season : 22 & 24 December 2010. Room 205
f) Erasmus students: some changes.

a) Final exam: 17 December 2009

17 DECEMBER 2009: Final exam. Will contain two parts or blocks of
questions. The students who get a 5 in the Mid-term exam are exempts of
the first block of questions. And they only have to do the second part of the

First part (for those who didn’t pass the MID-TERM EXAM and for
those students who want to improve their marks)

1. Ten principles of Economics (Chapter 1 GM)

2. Thinking like an economist (Chapter 2 GM)
3 .Interdependence and gains from trade (Chapter 3 GM)
4. The market forces of supply and demand (Chapter 4 GM)
5. Elasticity and its applications (Chapter 5 GM)
6. Supply and Demand and Government Policies (Chapter 6 GM)
7. Measuring a nation income (Chapter 22 GM)
8. Measuring the cost of living (Chapter 23 GM)
9. Production and growth (Chapter 24 GM)
10. Saving, Investment and the financial system (Chapter 25 GM)

Second part (for all the students) (for all the students).

1. The basic tools of finance (only the slides that you will find in my
2. The cost of taxation (Chapter 8 GM book)
3 . Monetary system (Chapter 27 GM)
4. The short-run trade off between inflation & unemployment (chapter
33 GM)
5. International trade (Chapter 9 GM)
6. Money growth and inflation (Chapter 28 GM)
7. The cost of production (Chapter 13 GM book, and the special slides
you will find in the lecturer’s blog . Click

International School of Law and Business
Laisvės pr. 58, 05120

the label cost the production, economies of scale, and marginal


b) In-class presentation: Dead line 10 December

10 DECEMBER 2009: In-class presentation. The delegate of this group
Simonas Banzius has the folder with about 50 papers. Choose one of the
papers and prepare a in-class presentation. Together with the in-class
presentation you will deliver a small essay (not less that 5 pages and
no more than 15 pages). If you dont like any of the papers included in the
folder check the following website. You will
find thousands of papers. I ask you kindly that you inform me previously if
you decide to work with other paper that is not included in my folder.

c) Essays and set of problems: Dead line 11 January

January 11th 2010 (Monday) is the dead-line for the delivering of essays
and the homework (the two set of problems included in the blog ). Hand in
them to the Lecturer of to the International Relations Office (that is in the
10th floor)

You have the following 3 readings (with the label VTVK_Business2009)

a) Hal Varian paper: “What use is economic theory?” by Hal R. Varian.

b) Paul Krugman article: “How did economist get it wroing?” by Paul
c) Gregory Mankiw paper: “Real Business cycles: a new Keynesian
perspective” by G. Mankiw.

Content of your essays : You have to stress the main three or four ideas of
those papers. I will appreciate if your answer is not “ minimalistic”. Try to
include a personal reflection. Parts of the paper you like and parts of the
paper you don’t like. Why? The essays should be longer than 2 pages.
Times new roman 12 points.

Also you have to deliver 2 set of problems (that you will find in my blog).

Special set of problems “MATHS and STATISTICS FOR

BUSINESS ECONOMICS” : Dead line 11 January

The students optionally can improve their marks. They will find in my blog
some slides under the label “Maths and statistics for BE”. In these slides
you will find didactic material with statistics and other tools useful for
developing research in Business Economics and Social Sciences in general.
Last lectures will be focused on this topic.

International School of Law and Business
Laisvės pr. 58, 05120

I will not include any question about this topic in the exam. But the students
who want to improve their mark will have the chance of do it. They will find
a THIRD SET OF PROBLEMS based of the contents of the slides. You have to
deliver the third set of problems by 11th January 2010. I would prefer you
deliver it in hard-copy. Hand in the homework at the International Office of
the School (ten floor).

d) Participation at the conference:

The students that contribute with a paper for the Conference Business from
Students Point of view (the call for papers is downloadble from my blog) are
exempt of the following :

a) They will be exempt of the third essay based of the paper “Real Business
cycles” by G. Mankiw.

b) The will be exempt of the second set of problems

But you have to tell me that you that you have participated at the
conference with a paper or presentation. And you have to prove it!!

e) Consultations and coffee season : 22 and 24 of

December 2010. Room 205
Last days 22 and 24 of December 2009 I will be at the Room 205 for
consultations and helping the students in the homework. And for taking a
coup of coffee and wishing you Marry Xmas and a happy New Year.

f) Erasmus students some changes:

The group is diverse, and after our meeting, we agreed to introduce

some modifications for the Erasmus students:


In the final exam they are exempts of the following topics:

1-The cost of production (Chapter 13 GM book, and the special slides
you will find in the lecturer’s blog . Click
the label cost the production, economies of scale, and marginal
2- The short-run trade off between inflation & unemployment
(chapter 33 GM)
3- Money growth and inflation (Chapter 28 GM)
4- The basic tools of finance (only the slides that you will find in my

The rest (homework, essays and in class presentation ) the same that
for the other students

International School of Law and Business
Laisvės pr. 58, 05120


They are exempt of the final exam

They have to hand in the three essays in hard-copy by the end of the
dead-line that is January 11th.

And also the first and second set of problems and the THIRD SET OF
PROBLEMS “Math and Statistics for Business Economics.

You have to hand it to the Lecturer or at the International Office of

the School (10 floor).


He is exempt at the final exam of the following topics

1. Ten principles of Economics (Chapter 1 GM)
2. Thinking like an economist (Chapter 2 GM)
3 .Interdependence and gains from trade (Chapter 3 GM)
4. The market forces of supply and demand (Chapter 4 GM)
5. Elasticity and its applications (Chapter 5 GM)
6. Supply and Demand and Government Policies (Chapter 6 GM)
7. Measuring a nation income (Chapter 22 GM)
8. Measuring the cost of living (Chapter 23 GM)
9. Production and growth (Chapter 24 GM)
10. Saving, Investment and the financial system (Chapter 25 GM)

The rest (essays, set of problems, in class presentation): the same

that the Lithuanian students.

I remind you that you have to hand in your essays,

homework , etc… by hard-copy!!! Only exceptionally I
will accept you send your work by mail to!!!!!

I remind you that I am at the teachers room (room 406) for

consultations on TUESDAY (from 11:45 am till 12:45 pm ) and on
Thursday (from 11:15 am to 12).

Finally I remind you again that alll the slides of G. Mankiw book can be
downloaded from the following website:

International School of Law and Business
Laisvės pr. 58, 05120
html and also some of them from my blog


J Miquel Puertas, Lecturer

Savanorių pr. 225-44, LT- 50199 Kaunas, LITHUANIA


http:// Skype: miquelpuertas


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